Spam Policy

We want iFixit to be fun for everyone, so let's avoid spammy behavior!

What is spam?

We define spam as irrelevant and promotional content that directs traffic to external commercial sites, while providing little to no value to our community. Spamming is a violation of our community guidelines.

How do I report spam in the community?

You can report spam by selecting the “options” button on any post. Then click on “Moderate” and choose “Remove as spam/offensive” from the list. We want iFixit to be a fun place for everyone, so let us know quickly if you run into spam and we will remove the offending material from our community.

If you believe that the person posting the spam had their account hacked, please email our support team over at support at ifixit dot com.

My post was flagged as spam

If your post was flagged and deleted, it was either automatically removed or determined to be spam by our community. We crack down quickly on posts we suspect are dangerous or useless to our community. You will receive an email with a direct link to the post. Your account may be blocked or banned.

Our spam fighting robot is still learning, and sometimes he makes mistakes and removes legitimate posts. If you would like to appeal a post that was marked as spam, please email our support team over at moderation at ifixit dot com.

How to avoid being flagged as a spammer

To protect our members and maintain the quality of content in our community, the following behaviors are always deleted as spam:

  • Links to external content with insufficient supporting text in the post. Links should not be a substitute for including information in the post itself. If you must link to an outside page, make sure that you contain enough information in your post that link rot won’t render it useless.
  • Self-promotional posts advertising your company / product / website. You are welcome to use your profile page to promote your company and services, but do not promote your own commercial offerings in repair guides, teardowns or answers. You are also welcome to link to sources of parts and tools for companies that you are not employed or associated with. Consult our commercial link policy for more detail.
  • Posts that use excessive capital letters, numbers, and punctuation.
  • Posts that are too short in length.