Commercial Link Policy

Please link responsibly.

Having the right parts and tools for the job is essential to a successful repair. You want to know what you need, and you want to know that they'll work. At iFixit we try to provide the very best parts and tools, but we can't provide them all ourselves.

Parts and tools linked on iFixit-created or member-created guides, Answers posts, and wikis fall into three categories: iFixit, affiliate, and other commercial links.

Where multiple suppliers are available, we link to our parts and those of our affiliate partners first. There are two reasons for this: 1) The funding supports our mission, and 2) We have thoroughly vetted the quality of these parts and stand behind them.

If no iFixit or iFixit-verified affiliate products are available, commercial links may be posted on guides, and recommended elsewhere on the website, on a case-by-case basis.

Removing iFixit or affiliate links, excessive posting of commercial links, and low-quality commercial link promotion are violations of our community guidelines, and are grounds for banning.