This guide will help you replace the LED driver board.
Stick a heavy-duty suction cup near each of the two top corners of the glass panel.
While lightly holding the suction cup against the glass, raise the movable handle until it is parallel with the other handle (as indicated by the third picture).
Gently lift the glass panel perpendicular to the face of the LCD, enough to clear the steel mounting pins attached along the underside of the top edge of the glass panel.
Pull the glass panel away from the lower edge of the iMac and carefully set it aside.
Carefully lay the iMac stand-side down on a flat surface.
Use a thin hooked tool to lift one side of the top edge of the display by its steel outer frame.
Raise and hold the display high enough to access the cables.
Disconnect the vertical sync cable in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the tip of a spudger to push on the connector's side tabs and gently walk it out of its socket.
Disconnect the LED backlight driver cable with your hand by pressing the tab down and sliding it towards the bottom of the display.
Pull the black tab straight up to disconnect the latch on the display data cable ZIF connector.
Continue to pull the black tab up toward the top of the device, to detach the display data cable.
Use the tip of a spudger to disconnect the display power cable next to the display data cable.
Carefully pull the display toward the top edge of your iMac and lift it out of the iMac case.
Lay the display face down on a flat, soft surface.
If there is a wire or cable underneath adhesive tape, always pull the tape off first. Do not pull on the cable directly.
If the cable is glued to the chassis, use a heated iOpener or a hair dryer to soften the adhesive first. You can then slide an opening pick underneath the cable to loosen it. Never pull on the delicate connectors.
Slide an opening pick underneath the foam cushion pieces to separate them from the display, and gently pull them off. You may need some double sided tape to re-attach them to the new display.
Lift the LED driver board out of its recess in the outer case, minding the DC-In cable still attaching it to the power supply.
Disconnect the DC-In cable by depressing the locking mechanism while pulling the connector away from its socket on the LED driver board.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Hello - I have this same issue and tried to complete this repair, but the VSync connector on the new LED Driver Board is different. Has anyone had this issue? Know of a reason why? Any help would be appreciated.
I have found two different inverter boards in the 27” 2011 iMacs. One, like shown here, has a 4 pin connector on the top edge that a small connector with 2 wires coming directly from the LCD panel plugs into. The other has an 8 pin connector with a cable about 16” long that goes from that connector to the 8 pin connector on the logic board labeled BLC_ACDC. I’ve come across this configuration 2 or 3 times, out of 40+ iMacs I’ve refurbished.
The inverter board with 8 pins has a part number of V267-E02HF and they sometimes show up on eBay. The cable has a part number of 593-1435 and they’re impossible to find.
tpluth -
With the V267-E02 inverter installed, I have seen panel LM270WQ1 (SD)(E5) used instead of the normal LM270WQ1 (SD)(E3).
tpluth -
Is there a chance the cable is bad? I just replaced my logic board and now the PC is up and running normal but the screen is dark, I see the desktop if I shine a light on the screen.
How can we test if possibly the cable is broken?
Please note that the part for this EMC number os 604, and not 601
You can easily lift the glass panel off the magnets with only your fingernails (or something thin like a credit card or a guitar pick). No need to buy suction cups you will only use once.
Nick Caron -