
Use this guide to remove or replace the SIM card in your Samsung Galaxy S21.

  1. deNrsT5W6JNiZXXy
    • Insert a SIM eject tool, bit, or straightened paper clip into the SIM card tray hole on the bottom edge of the phone.

    • Press the SIM eject tool into the SIM card tray hole to eject the SIM card tray.

    • Remove the SIM card tray.

    • If you accidentally inserted the SIM eject tool into a microphone hole, don't worry! You most likely didn't damage the microphone.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

After you've completed the repair, follow this guide to test your repair.

Alex Diaz-Kokaisl

Member since: 16/01/22

117875 Reputation

One comment

The phone is not recognising the SIM. What shall I do? Please help.

Moein -