Use this guide to remove or replace the SIM card in your Samsung Galaxy S21.
Insert a SIM eject tool, bit, or straightened paper clip into the SIM card tray hole on the top edge of the phone.
Press the SIM eject tool into the SIM card tray hole to eject the SIM card tray.
Remove the SIM card tray.
To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.
After you've completed the repair, follow this guide to test your repair.
Hi there!
Have you tried using something a little finer, like a pin, to eject the SIM card tray? Sometimes there's a decent amount of resistance before the SIM card tray pops out.
I tried a paper clip in the SIM eject hole. (Galaxy S21+ 5G) I hit a hard stop and nothing happens. (I also mistakenly tried the other (microphone?) hole and popped something.) Do I have to disassemble the phone to get the SIM carrier out? There was something sticky around the SIM carrier on the outside, but I would have at least expected to feel a spring tab move
PAB1130 -