
  1. JBGAS5j3YmtETwya
    • On the back panel of the phone, find the slot that is on the top left side next to the flashlight.

    • Insert your fingernail or prying tool into the slot and lift up to slightly open the top left corner of the back panel.

    • Slide your fingernail or prying tool around the outer edge of the back panel to fully release it from the phone.

  2. yVpFsiRnRG1j5F5K
    • Make sure the device is powered down before moving forward.

    • Since the NFC antenna is glued to the battery, make sure the replacement also includes one.

    • Locate the slot at the base of the battery and insert your thumb.

    • Push slightly toward the battery and out, away from the phone to free the battery.

    • To remove the back panel of the device, first find the slot next to the flashlight. Then insert your fingernail or prying tool into the slot and lift gently, around the perimeter, to fully remove the panel.

    • Make sure your device is powered down before proceeding.

    • An NFC antenna is including with the battery, so ensure that the replacement has one.

    • Locate slot at the base of the battery and insert your thumb.

    • Push up/toward the battery while lifting up and away to release from slot.

  3. cuuamWV3qPffVkyg
    • This step is not needed for replacing the screen. Skip this step if you're only replacing the screen. This step is important for accessing other components.

    • Use a JIS #000 screwdriver to remove all twelve 3mm screws that surround the back of the phone.

  4. 4VAjBoXpZrTAHO6h
    • Heat your iOpener in the microwave for 30 seconds.

    • Place the iOpener on the front screen. Move the iOpener so all parts of the screen are heated evenly.

    • After multiple heating cycles, proceed to next step.

    • Make sure screen is thoroughly heated before moving forward. More heat cycles makes removal easier.

    Avvertenza: Il display lcd è attaccato con un biadesivo alla scocca del telefono sia lungo il contorno sia nella parte centrale (per quest'ultimo, che è ben più largo e tenace, vedere la foto n. 3 nel passo n. 8 di questa guida). Se il display lcd funziona è molto difficile, specialmente a causa del biadesivo centrale, distaccarlo senza danneggiarlo, salvo che si usi una piastra separatrice.

    Premesso ciò, a vostro rischio, se non avete iOpener, potete usare anche una hair gun ad una distanza di 15-20 cm dal display. Riscaldarlo ad una temperatura tra 80° e 110° (non >120° per non danneggiare la mainboard) per circa 3' - 5'. Riscaldare senza fermarsi troppo su un punto, facendo movimenti oscillatori. Per controllare la temperatura usate un rilevatore (a contatto e/o ad infrarossi).

    Nicola -

  5. MP1t3oH4hS2WCZxX
    • Ensure you have thoroughly heated the adhesive before attempting to pry the screen off.

    • Do NOT press on the back of the phone while attempting to lift the screen. This will create cracks in the glass.

    • At the bottom of the touch screen, under the menu buttons, there are connections that can be easily broken. When taking the adhesive off the bottom section, work carefully to prevent damage.

    • Slide opening pick around perimeter of the glass. Make sure not to push edge too far under the screen.

    1) Avvertenza: se il display lcd funziona è molto difficile distaccarlo senza danneggiarlo, salvo che si usi una piastra separatrice. 2) Durante la fase del distacco attenzione a non recidere i 2 cavi flat del display (ma se quest'ultimo fosse rotto non importa se vi capitasse di troncarli): uno nella zona dello spigolo in alto a destra e uno nella zona vicino al tasto di spegnimento. 3) Molta attenzione a non recidere i soft key che sono sotto il display ai lati sinistro e destro del tasto Home'. Inoltre, se questi risultino incollati al display, separarli con cura senza danneggiarli. 4) Nota: Se durante la fase del distacco qualche parte risulta ancora tenace, riscaldare di nuovo quella zona per un pò.

    Nicola -

  6. PJ5uCEPR2uNys5KI
    • Gently pry the screen up and lift off.

    • Make sure to lift the top of the screen only, so you don't break the button connections on the bottom of the phone.

    Se dovete sostituire il display lcd potete continuare consultando la guida su ifixit riguardante il Samsung Galaxy S5 Neo, dove ho inserito dei commenti su come procedere. Il link è il seguente:


    Nicola -

  7. mcouoeoR61VwaluB
    • Find the plastic clips on the side of the battery slot.

    • Using a Plastic Opening Tool, release the clips by pulling up inside the crevasse in the plastic walls and separate the two pieces.

    • For this step you will want to use two tools. One to pull up and the other to hold the gap open.

  8. 4iyXMqRRtVOVCvnO
    • Using the Phillips #00 screwdriver remove the two 3mm screws.

  9. AXNCx4a6x4vGJSGm
    • Using your fingers or a Metal Tweezer, apply slight pressure and pry up each of the four pin connectors shown in the picture.

  10. 22dffYCx2qed1KcU
    • Finally, remove the last connector that is attached by a blue cable.

  11. 5yWL5IU6LpaYJLGo
    • Find the end of the blue piece shown in the picture and gently lift the top of the part away from the casing.

  12. hUoonAyathWUsyY2
    • Locate the small camera on the upper part of the piece.

    • Using a tool or your finger, apply slight pressure to pop the front camera out of place.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Jon Brausch

Member since: 21/01/15

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