
Adding more RAM to your Mac Pro is easy and requires no tools. Use this guide to soup up your Pro.

  1. UvUDEeuAGOcSyZ6Y
    • Slide the lock switch to the right, to the unlocked position.

  2. 1T6FWnrfHWRH2PIX
    • Lift the outer case straight up off the Mac Pro.

    • It may help to push down on the center of the fan while lifting the case up.

  3. neZR5aWAblEAsNpa
    • Push the RAM release tab up.

    • The RAM slots will pivot outward to allow access to the RAM modules.

  4. OwhBASUUejmJPJhu
    • Using two hands, pull the desired RAM module straight out of its slot.

    • To install new RAM modules, insert a new module into the appropriate slot, in the proper orientation. Press the RAM module into the slot until it is bottomed, then push the RAM tray back into the side of the Mac Pro.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Andrew Optimus Goldheart

Member since: 17/10/09

502341 Reputation


How much RAM can I add? I saw Apple offering 64G, but also saw OCW offering 128G - is the CPU/MMU able to really handle this?

Peter Reif -

Using Intel ARK to compare here is what they can support!

For the 4 Core CPU Supports: 256 GB

For the 6 Core CPU Supports: 256 GB

For the 8 Core CPU Supports: 768 GB

For the 12 Core CPU Supports: 768 GB


sokoal117 -

I would add this to the previous reply : what can you do with 768GB RAM that your 64/128GB mac can't handle ?

Vincent Monteil -

If I am only installing two sticks of ram, does anyone have a suggestion for what slots I should install them into? Thanks for yet another great guide! -George

George Mihaly -

I have the same question and can't find an answer online. Apple doesn't ship them with less than 3 populated.

JRBv3 -

Apple suggests that you insert them in order slots 1 2 3 4 they say (if i remember well) that once you have the mac ports in front of you, the 1st one is the one on the left.

Vincent Monteil -

Having a problem with my Mac Pro, got 2 modules of 16 each to upgrade, after removing the outer case y press the RAM TAB on Slots 1 and 2 and it’s kinda jammed, it won’t open, I tried pressing the TAB for slots 3 and 4 and opens perfectly. I tried everything without forcing to much the tab and the slots won't pivot outward. Has anybody this same issue> any suggestions of how to fix this? Thanks in advance

Daniel Cadena -