
Greetings to fellow fixers and internet denizens! I'm a Product Engineer at iFixit.

About Me

I graduated from Cal Poly in the Spring of 2012 with a degree in General Engineering. Some time before that, I spent a year learning Marine Engineering at Cal Maritime, where I got to work on big diesel engines and visit South America on the Training Ship Golden Bear:

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After transferring to Cal Poly, I quickly got into Mechatronics, a multidisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on the combination of several kinds of engineering to design awesome systems, like this polar plotter, built in about four weeks with a near-zero budget:

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For my senior project, I modified a model sailboat to operate autonomously, using all sorts of exciting electronics and programming:

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I enjoy being a nerd, and I like to think it means being someone who takes their interests seriously. These are some of my interests, in an aesthetically pleasing order:

  • Science fiction, in print and moving pictures
  • Embedded programming and electronics
  • Transformers
  • Engineering
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Fixing things
  • Breaking things
  • Internet memes, media, and comics
  • Traveling, hiking, boating, naturey things