The interconnect board hosts connections to the logic board, IO board, and both GPUs. Use this guide to remove and replace the interconnect board.
While supporting the fan assembly with one hand, loosen the two T8 captive screws in the fan cable bracket.
Disconnect the fan assembly antenna cable from the IO board.
Remove the fan assembly from the Mac Pro.
Use the flat end of a spudger and a twisting motion to gently separate one side of the graphics card data connection.
Gently separate the other side as well.
Flip the connector up and out of the way of the graphics card.
Flip the interconnect board up and over, exposing the IO board data cable.
Use the same sort of twisting and spreading motion with the flat end of a spudger to separate one side of the IO board data cable.
Use the flat end of a spudger to separate the other side of the IO board data cable.
Bend the cable out of the way and remove the interconnect board from the Mac Pro.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Why is it necessary to remove the fan?
Hola necesito comprar esta placa de interconexión, donde puedo encontrarla? Saludos
excellent, thank you very much, I wanted to ask you where I can get this plate, what is the reference?
Asdrubal -