This guide will demonstrate how to update Kali Linux to the latest version. Updating and Upgrading should be the crucial first step in any workflow when using Kali Lunix. You don't want to start working with an outdated system or with outdated tools.
To update and upgrade Kali enter the following command: sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y
Once the updates and upgrades are complete some of the packages won't be required. You can remove those packages with the command: sudo apt autoremove -y
In the event that you don't have the latest release of Kali Linux, or didn't install it, you're going to want to use the following command
sudo apt update && sudo dist-upgrade -y
Be cautious, as this is the equivalent a major Windows Update and can mess up a system that you have been using for a while.
This did NOT work for me. Came back with certification verification failed and index failed to load . when i updated, it gave me kali linux 6.1 and it doesnt work. 6.0 does work though, but i have to manually log into it instead of autoload now
Hellcast Radio -
What was the exact error that you got? You can also try sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Jacob Mehnert -