Use this guide to back up your PS3’s data to a new drive before installing it.
On a Windows/OS X/Linux machine, format an external USB hard drive (with enough space available to backup your current hard content) into the FAT32 file system.
Connect your formatted hard drive to the Playstation 3 through a USB port and power the console up.
Navigate the XMB to the 'Settings' menu and select 'System Settings'
Select the 'Backup Utility' function to create a backup of your data - this can take up to 2 hours if you have a lot of data on the PS3.
Hi everyone !
As many users I suppose, my PS3's HDD is full, and I tried to change it for a bigger one.
But I'm stuck at the first step :
I've formated an external HDD in FAT32, plugged it in the usb port then turn on the PS3. The HDD lights up, I select the good menu, the PS3 asks me if I want to do it, 'YES', warn me that my XP and trophies won't be saved in this backup, 'YES', then the menu asks me to plug a HDD ...
I've tried to plug in the both usb ports when the PS3 is off, when it's on, formated my external HDD 3 times in FAT32, fast way and long way (when the HDD is re-written with 0) , and nothing changed...
The external HDD works, is new, is bigger than my internal HDD... it's a WD, My Passport Ultra 500 Go...
Any idea what's wrong ?
Thanks for the help !
Hi !
I've found the solution : the external HDD wasn't good for this operation, because it's an USB 3, so I suppose that the PS3 doesn't deliver enough power to run it correctly. It's works fine with a external USB 2.
I'll write later the complete 'arborescence' (or 'tree diagram' ? don't know the correct word to use) who is written in my HDD, it could help someone else.
And after all this, when you want to restore your backup datas on your new internal HDD, I advise you to copy the last PS3 system software (downladed here in a single USB key, it was easier for my PS3 to find and read it.
See you later !
FYI: Using the default Disk Management application, Windows can only make FAT32 partitions up to 32GB in size. If you have more data than that to backup you'll have to use third party software like:
That will allow you to make a partition/drive up to 2TB which is the FAT32 maximum.
Patrick Hoffer -
Also, make sure it's a MBR partition and not GPT!
Arkhane -