
Since HP Stream 7 is a tablet and has many small parts. Be careful when removing/replacing parts. Do not force anything to avoid breaking device material.

  1. Yo3raqaABcuBwMeA
    • Make sure the tablet is powered off before beginning.

    • Gently run the plastic opening tool or your fingernails around the tablet to pry the Back Cover from the tablet.

  2. ZHFvwcWOKcuXJ23P
    • Remove the eight 5 mm Phillips 000 screws.

    • Gently run the plastic opening tool around the seam to pry the mid back cover from the tablet.

  3. 4CvsYcdeeiiEKFrs
    • Using tweezers, gently pull the battery connector towards the battery to remove it from the System Board.

    • Pull the blue tabs (Not Shown) out from the tablet at an angle to remove the tape underneath the Battery.

    • If you broke both tabs, scrape the tape and Battery off.

    • Scraping off the Battery will damage it. If you are replacing another part, leave the Battery on the display panel.

  4. BARXGquWEDvmxjDX
    • Disconnect the battery from the motherboard, but leave the battery on the display panel (unless you have already taken it off).

    • Disconnect the motherboard from the rear-facing camera, the front-facing camera, the antenna, the power button board, the screen, and the display panel using your spudger.

    • The cable connected to the display is adhered to the panel, so be careful when removing the cable (like most things here).

    • If you are inexperienced with disconnecting everything, "Recognizing and Disconnecting Cable Connectors" is a helpful ifixit guide.

  5. vE4o6XKOr1arWONt
    • Remove the two 2 mm Phillips 000 screws from the motherboard.

  6. 6CVrJeXYrwVGlFXJ
    • Once unscrewed, the motherboard separates from the rest of the device.

    • The speaker is soldered to the motherboard, but it comes off easily.

    • Forced separation may result in a damaged motherboard and/or personal injury.

  7. ZqSXU6uSbQnLu3i6
    • After removing the motherboard, unscrew the four 2.5 mm Phillips 000 screws from the display panel.

  8. IiJaSA6nONTweuHk
    • Using your spudger, pry the display panel off the front.

  9. i3hblJKoqosDKbWs
    • The screen should now just come right off. Be sure to catch any broken bits if the screen is damaged.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Justin Schnorf

Member since: 03/10/16

252 Reputation


where can i buy new screen????

eibrims -

Yeah, I want to know where I can buy a screen for my hp stream 7.

Rider Sd -

Where can i buy a new screen for the stream 7 please??

migueajr -

Same question but no answer !

Where can anyone find replacement screen online ??

Ahmed Saleh -

We're I can buy the replacement screen?

Raymond Borrero -