
This guide will show you how to replace the trigger in a Dyson V11 Torque Drive vacuum cleaner. Since the trigger is made of plastic is it easily breakable. If the trigger on your Dyson V11 Torque Drive is broken then it will not start vacuuming. Even if the battery is fully charged, the Dyson V11 Torque Drive will not start vacuuming. Once you replace the trigger the Dyson V11 Torque Drive vacuum should be operational agin and it will start vacuuming.

Tools you will need to replace the trigger on the Dyson V11 Torque Drive vacuum are a Phillips #1 screw driver, Phillips #0 screw driver, and a spudger.

    • Remove one Phillips #1 screw from the back of the handle

  2. aBoiEmNhQWqmf4dh
    • Remove the two Phillips #1 screws from the underside of the battery.

  3. KXV4BEbj6tsmnUV6
    • Pull down on the battery to slide it out of the handle.

  4. 5cGrfTywnITBmPaV
    • Twist the filter and then slide it off to remove it.

    Buena tarde

    Nesecito la carcasa de la aspiradora

    Hugo Restrepo -

    Nesecito la carcasa de la aspiradora

    Hugo Restrepo -

  5. XJQS6YWQK5GGqpr3
    • Remove the four screws beside the battery indicator with a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

    YOU MUST REMOVE THE BATTERY FIRST!! It is not apparent in this guide, but I almost got electrocuted when I went to remove the power in step 6!

    Ran Xiao -

    done the same once, but yeah always remove the power source before working on any appliance

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

  6. TouXO1jXWOZTqPqW
    • Remove two screws next to the handle using a Phillips #1 screwdriver.

  7. WHZi2pCJvJm5nDuo
    • Separate the handle and the front end of the vacuum cleaner.

  8. bBsXODjs6aX45DCE
    • Remove two screws from the protective case covering the circuit board.

    • On some models these screws are Phillips #0, on others Torx #8.

    These screws were Torx #7 instead on my Dyson V11

    Lenno -

    Same for me.

    Beth Romanelli -

    its a T8 on all of the Dysons V10 and V11 at this stage

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

    Efectivamente son necesarios un destornillador T7 y un T8

    Alberto Vazquez -

  9. QiFRpCChY4cyuRJ2
    • The circuit board casing is very stiff and can be difficult to remove. The key is to use a spudger to pry near the rectangular protrusions, as these cover the plastic clips.

    • It can also help to slide a jimmy under the casing where you just removed the screws from, and pry from there to loosen that side.

    You need to pop the connector through the white cover to enable its removal.

    Chuck -

    unnecessary in my experience, just move out the way, unclip the tiny wire and remove the 2 power lines

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

    The cover is clipped behind the small protrusions at 11 and 1 o'clock. You can see the counter parts in the image on the vacuum's body. I believe it is safe to pry the white protective case off.

    Jouni Reiman -

  10. CCXLKCI2cdKXZyv1
    • The circuit board may be covered with a great deal of translucent glue. We need to access three things under this covering: two power connections, and the switch cable.

    • Carefully scrape or cut the glue away from the screw heads and power cables.

    • In the same way, free the switch cable and its plug.

    • If using a sharp tool, be careful not to damage any wiring during this step.

    • Remove the screws holding down the power cables.

    • On some models these are Phillips #1 screws, on others Torx #8.

    These screws were Torx #7 instead on my Dyson V11 and bth need to be removed and the pins plied back.

    Lenno -

    There are two screws (torx) here connecting both terminals to the motherboard. Also the pins need to be bent back to slow them to pull through. There was also a black wire that had to be disconnected.

    Chuck -

    your spot on there. like most metals bending more than necessary will snap them so be careful.

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

  12. lPSQ1vVyVVlZuTWO
    • Gently disconnect the switch cable plug and lift the cable up from the circuit board so that it doesn't tangle with the black and white wires.

  13. yDa552GTij2diQRU
    • Rotate the ends of the power cables so that they fit through the slot in the lower circuit board casing more easily.

    • Remove the center part from the outer shell. Ideally, gently push the cables out through the slot, but this may be difficult — you may need to use some force to pull the center part away.

  14. qGlZBjLMHsNtECQQ
    • Remove the single screw inside the charging compartment with a Phillips #0 or Torx screwdriver, depending on the screw installed in your model.

    This screw was Torx #7 instead on my Dyson V11

    Lenno -

    What if the housing on that screw is broken? Is it necessary for that screw to be in place?

    BK Estis -

    No, the point of this screw is to fix the trigger assy inside the handle, technically when you refit the battery and screw in, it will all hold in place

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

  15. 3pSvuZNberXpZuvj
    • Remove two screws from the cable casing.

    • These may be Phillips #0 or Torx screws, depending on the model.

    • Pry the cable casing up to free the clips. You may need to push on the clips with a screwdriver or tweezers.

    • Slide the casing off the cables.

    These screws were Torx #7 instead on my Dyson V11 and you need a very short screwdriver/ratchet or a flexible bit attachment.

    Lenno -

    T8 - i use a 100mm long shaft, it is at a bit of an angle but works fine

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -

    • Use a spudger to push the part marked in the image to remove the trigger from the charging compartment.

    • This requires a reasonable amount of force.

    pushing the trigger assy down tho the handle, well large screwdriver and small hammer works well, lol

    Ray Bradshaw (Falconsirrus) -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Beicheng Zhu

Member since: 15/01/22

613 Reputation


Some of the screws in this repair (step 8 and 9) require a T8 Torx bit instead of a Phillips. The Torx screwdriver should be at least 10 cm long and relatively thin to be able to fit into the base of the vacuum. The screwdriver I used from my iFixit essentials kit was too short and too wide to fit into the compartment. That should be added to the guide.

James Leung -

L'assemblage de cet appareil le rend assez compliqué à démonter... surtout la partie avec les câbles de puissance qui vont à la batterie.

Par expérience, en ce qui concerne la gâchette c'est faisable. La gâchette peut se trouver facilement sur internet, ça permet de réparer à pas cher et souvent certaines pièces génériques sont renforcées.

Brendan -

Also applicable to the v10. Some philips are T8 and as one comment already said, they need to be long and thin for some screws - but otherwise a good guide. Step 1 should be remove battery. My dust cover over the circuit board had little retaining clips which made it feel stuck. The small connector attaching the red/white wires lifts out vertically, with a little retaining clip. The final step, I needed a large screw driver to push the trigger part out. I couldn't get the leverage with the shorter spudger.

Ben Mason -

I chose to buy the full body and replace it after 6 years of use. I hadn't realized how the performance had degraded over time. My early release V11 animal with a screw on battery works better than new and now I have the upgraded display. I am going to deep clean the old body and replace the trigger as a backup but I didn't have a T8 long enough and skinny enough to remove all the screws.

Dave -

Missing the punch line! This is a good review all until the last step, which is INCOMPLETE and incorrect. The switch assembly must be removed from the arm, and this is much easier to do with a pliers than by pushing on the top. Once the assembly is removed, you must be careful to note the orientation of the broken switch trigger, remove the old, and replace the new trigger, not forgetting to attach the spring.

Paul Christensen -

I found this very helpful thank you, managed to fit a 3D printed replacement trigger which has a beefed up side to the section that breaks so hopefully will last forever now. Completed job cost $15NZD where as Dyson wanted to sell me a replacement motor body for $269NZD.

Ian Fussell -

Muchas gracias por tu post , acabo de cambiar el gatillo a mi dyson v11 absolute , gracias ati

Manuel Gato -

Just did it. Followed the instructions exactly. Excellent procedure, thanks! Saved me buying a new battery.

Gino -

Gracias. Guia perfecta para reparar el gatillo sin ser tecnico

Jose Manuel Giral -

Gracias por este magnífico tutorial, excelente.

Sin él me habría sido imposible cambiar el gatillo roto.

Me parece increible que sea tan difícil cambiar un simple gatillo, está claro que lo que quieren los de Dyson es que acudamos al servicio técnico ante la más mínima averia.


Antoni Tortella Soler -

Super hat absolut geklappt. Jetzt funktioniert der Staubsauger wieder. Das Auseinanderschrauben ist nicht einfach, da man nicht in jedem Baumarkt einen Torxbit 8 kaufen kann, bzw. einen entsprechend langen dünnen Torx 8. Und die ganze Arbeit nur wegen einem kaputten Drücker, der von Dyson eingebaut wurde. Das Teil ist einfach billig hergestellt....aber die Reparatur ist sehr aufwendig. Nochmals recht herzlichen Dank für diese wirklich tolle Reparaturanleitung !!!!!

KlausBeulerRohbau -