Z Fighter (3.5e Optimized Character Build)


Ever felt like your character wasn't cheesy enough? That what your character needs is a repetitive, constantly constipated fighter that shouts all of his attacks, yet enemies are still very surprised what they are doing? Ever wanted to shout really, REALLY, loud and have a gigantic aura of energy spout from your body?

Well, have I got a build for you!!

With three easy payments of $12,000 gp, you too can experience what it's like when it takes 10 minutes for a planet to blow up, yet that moment last 4 weeks in real life! Yes, ladies and gents, I bring you, the Z Fighter build!!! *pauses for dramatic music*

gollark: That's a ridiculous sort of claim to make about what I'm saying.
gollark: Also, I think at one point you literally said you were wyäττ.
gollark: also, similar traits generally.
gollark: Who *does* that?
gollark: Well, if you're annoying too…


Books Needed
Non SRD ItemBook Found In
Fiery FistPlayer's Handbook II
Fiery Ki DefensePlayer's Handbook II
Ki BlastPlayers Handbook II
RaptoransRaces of the Wild
Versatile Unarmed StrikePlayers Handbook II
RaptoransRaces of the Wild

Game Rule Components

Race and Templates



Monk, Ki Master (Optional, especially after it gets tweaked...alot)


Fiery Fist, Fiery Ki Defense, Ki Blast, Hover, Flyby Attack, any additional flying attack maneuvers

Spells, Powers, Items

Fast Movement, defiantly aids you with this build. Any other method of increasing your speed makes this build insane.


Flying rules, which is why I love the Raptoran race. By level 10th level, you can fly without effort. Just imagine how cool it is to just be able to fly around throwing energy balls at someone


Wisdom, of course, is the way to go. Strength increases your carrying weight, for when you reach medium load and above, you fall. Everything else is your own decision.

1stMonkStunning Fist, WhateverAs Per Monk
2ndMonkFiery Fist (Bonus Feat)As Per Monk
3rdMonkNoneAs Per Monk
4thMonkNoneAs Per Monk
5thMonkNoneAs Per Monk
6thMonkHoverAs Per Monk
7thMonkNoneAs Per Monk
8thMonkKi BlastAs Per Monk
9thMonkDeflect Arrows, or other fun options...As Per Monk
10thMonkNoneAs Per Monk


Highlights...well, other than being a really cheesy character, you know, flying around shooting blasts of raw ki energy...doing damage left and right (12 max at lvl 10. You get 2 extra stunning fist attacks, which are the costs for the feats) I've decided to add Deflect Arrows to the mix because out of many options, it's a great idea to eliminate one of the main ways of actually attacking your character while in flight. Magic spells and such like that, of course, are still a option, but by 13th level, you're going to have spell resistance and Improved Evasion well before that time so it's gonna be tough for that regard.

Regardless of what level you take it, you will need Flyby Attack for this. You're flying around well beyond normal PC speeds. Plus, you got a nonspecific energy attack that does 3d6 a hit. At 10th level you can do some serious damage to them before you even need to go down and finish the job.

Munchkin-Size Me

Air Heritage would increase the build by making you move 30 feet faster.

Side Notes


Open field helps with this build. However, if you're unable to fly, you got yourself in a big loss.

DM Counters

There are plenty of spells, especially one that actually grounds a flying being. If you pull this, they go down and make them a monk without grappling or other fun stuff. Especially if they focus the rest of their feats on flying stuff.



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