Wrestler, Variant (5e Class)

The Wrestler

El Zombo - Top Rope Elbow Drop by Anjinanhut

Creating a Wrestler

The wrestler is a charismatic melee fighter who uses his own body as his weapon of choice, executing feats of incredible power and athleticism to wow the crowds that gather to watch his exploits. Shunning the use of most weapons, they are adept with using improvised weapons from their environments...but those are seldom needed by an experienced Wrestler. Often gifted with exceptional strength, speed, and stamina, Wrestlers are capable of dealing out considerable amounts of damage while absorbing just as much, with tactics that tend to revolve around controlling the battlefield. Though notably less suited to fight very large enemies, they are still able to hold their own fairly well if they're smart about it--but clearing out similarly-sized foes is their specialty. They typically enjoy the limelight, thriving on celebrity and creating a real spectacle for their fans--but others prefer to wrestle under a mask or costume as an alter ego, keeping their real identity a relative secret.

Class Features

As a wrestler you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per wrestler level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per wrestler level after 1st


Armor: Light, Title Belts
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Improvised Weapons (tables, chairs, etc.)
Tools: Disguise Kit
Saving Throws: Strength or Dexterity, Constitution
Skills: Choose 2 from: Deception, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion. Gain Expertise in either Acrobatics or Athletics.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • a Disguise Kit with your wrestling outfit
  • (a) an Entertainer's Pack, or or (b) a Dungeoneer's Pack

Table: The wrestler

FeaturesStamina PointsUnarmed Strike Damage
1st+2Unique Training, Unarmored Defense--1d4
2nd+2Number One Contender, Star Status21d4
3rd+2(path feature)31d4
4th+2Ability Score Improvement41d4
5th+3Work the Show, Sell the Show, Title Belt (1)51d6
6th+3(path feature), Pro Status61d6
8th+3Ability Score Improvement81d6
10th+4(path feature), Title Belt (2)101d6
12th+4Ability Score Improvement121d8
13th+5Pump Up, Tap Out131d8
14th+5(path feature)141d8
15th+5Rematch, Title Belt (3)151d8
16th+5Ability Score Improvement161d8
18th+6Caged Animal181d10
19th+6Ability Score Improvement191d10
20th+6Undisputed Champion201d10

Unique Training

With your rigorous training, your base Unarmed Strike damage increases from 1d4 to d10 (scaling with level as shown on the class chart). As a Bonus Action, you can attempt to Pin your target. If conscious, a Pinned target must roll 3 STR checks against you (with disadvantage if following a successful Finisher). If target fails, you regain half your total Stam points or TEMP HP equal to your level + CHA modifier. If target is unconscious, you automatically succeed.

Alongside this, in your training you've learned about KayFabe; the secret language of those in the art of Wrestling. It works similarly to Thieves cant, hidden among another language. It takes three times longer to convey such a Message than it does to speak the same idea plainly, and two times longer when spoken aggressively and antagonizingly. However, unlike Thieves Cant, KayFabe has no secret signs or symbols, so it's only usable for conversation.

Unarmored Defense

While not wearing armor (besides Title Belt), your AC is 10 + your CHA modifier + your CON modifier, as you seem to draw strength from the thrill of the crowd and the support of your fans.

Number One Contender

At 2nd level you gain access to basic wrestling maneuvers when you are not wielding a weapon. In Addition, successfully Grappling or landing a Strike or Wrestling Maneuver allows you to use your Bonus Action to attempt another Strike or Wrestling Maneuver.

  • Strike Damage = [unarmed strike damage] + [STR or DEX modifier]
  • Maneuver Damage= [unarmed strike damage] + [STR modifier]
  • High Risk Damage= [unarmed strike damage] + [DEX modifier] + [fall height damage]

  • "Tick" A "Tick" is the term for the continued, sustained damage-over-time of Submission maneuvers. You can use your Action to continue dealing the Submissions's damage without having to roll an Attack roll or Grapple check. You can keep doing so until either you release the hold, your opponent breaks the hold (Breaking Free), or your opponent "taps" after you gain the "Tap Out" feature.
  • "Breaking Free" your opponents can attempt to break free of your Grapples and Submission Holds on their turn by rolling a contested Grapple Ability check against you--if your opponent's roll is higher, they break free. If their roll is lower than yours, however, the Grapple or Submission Hold remains. Equal rolls reroll.
[Maneuver] damages are calculated by [dice damage] + [ability modifier (STR or DEX)] and are written simply as [dice damage]. [strike] means roll an unarmed strike damage roll based on the chart on a hit to determine damage. You also gain the usage of Stamina Points, which are your class resource to use your Wrestling Maneuvers, and your Stamina Points are equal to your wrestler Level + CON. Stamina is only consumed on a hit. You regain all spent Stamina Points after you take a short or long rest. DC of saving throws from your moves is 8 + CON Mod + Proficiency Bonus. DCs from a Signature move are 10 base, Finishers are 12 base. The Dungeon Master can decide if wrestling Maneuvers require normal attack rolls, or simply require a grapple check to have succeeded first before use.
Mike Haggar piledriving a shark
  • Lifting Techniques- can only be performed while grappling opponent unless otherwise specified.
    • Body Slam - 1 Stam, [2d6, Maneuver] You lift your opponent up and throw it down hard onto any adjacent square. Target must succeed a CON save or fall prone—if thrown onto another creature, both take damage and must roll saving throws.
    • Pile Driver – 1 Stam, [2d6, Maneuver] Hold your opponent upside down and drop down hard to the floor, right on their head. Target must succeed a CON saving throw or be stunned for one round
    • Whip – 0 Stam, [no damage] send target running maximum movement in desired direction.
    • DDT – 0 Stam, [1d6, Maneuver ] Wrap your arm around your opponent's head and drop their face into the ground. Target is laid out prone, you maintain grapple
  • Ground Strikes – performed on a prone opponent, no grapple required.
    • Stomp – 0 Stam, [strike ] if the targeted bodypart has been damaged by a Submission during the encounter, you can re-trigger the Submission's effect for half the rounds it originally lasted for. (ie. if you Stomp the knee of an opponent who you previously locked into a Figure Four, you re-trigger the "halved movement" penalty for the following round.)
    • Mounted Punches – 1 Stam [strike per hit] roll a d6, and you may attempt to make that many Unarmed Strikes directly to opponent's face--Attack rolls required for each.
    • Elbow Drop – 0 Stam, [strike] classic elbow drop, target can be automatically Pinned afterward.
  • Submission Holds– performed on prone opponent, grapple required. Primarily used to immobilize and cause damage to bodyparts.
    • Choke – 0 Stam, [strike per tick] if successful, target is Silenced for as many rounds as succseful ticks following damage.
    • Figure Four – 0 Stam, [strike per tick] for each successful tick, Restrains opponent for duration and halves their movement for as many rounds as succseful ticks following and during damage.
    • Armbar – 0 Stam, [strike per tick] for each successful tick, Restrains opponent for duration and halves their damage as many rounds as succseful ticks following and during damage.
    • Crossface – 0 Stam, [strike per tick] if successful, Restrains the opponent and target is blinded for as many rounds as succseful ticks following and during damage.
    • Sleeper Hold – 1 Stam, [strike per tick] if successful, target falls asleep for as many rounds as successful ticks following damage.
  • Charge Attacks – must be performed after moving a minimum of 10 feet toward opponent. No grapple required.
    • Clothesline – 0 Stam, [1d6, Strike ] target is laid out prone.
    • Dropkick – 0 Stam, [1d6, Strike ] you land prone, but target is knocked back up to 10 feet. If they collide with other creatures, those creatures also take the damage.
  • High Risk – leaping attacks, high damage but 50% chance of “Botching” if attack misses. Botched Maneuvers result in the Wrestler taking raw damage with no DEX or proficiency bonus, and falls prone. No grapple required. Roll a 1d4 if missed, lower numbers causing a botched Maneuver.
    • Flying Clothesline (HR)– 0 Stam, [2d6, High Risk ] target knocked prone
    • Frog Splash (HR)– 0 Stam, [4d6, High Risk] only against prone opponent
  • Unsportsmanlike Conduct – dirty fighting usable from any position, target must target you on next turn. No grapple required.
    • Cheap Shot – 1 Stam, [1d6, Strike] Wrestler uses his Reaction to sucker punch an attacking opponent, causing damage and forcing target to reroll the attack with Disadvantage. If used outside of combat, gain advantage on attack roll, and if it hits will always do critical damage.
    • Eye Poke – 1 Stam, [1d6, Strike] target is Blinded for 1 round. Creatures without eyes just take damage.
    • Low Blow – 1 Stam, [2d6, Strike] direct hit to the groin, target is Stunned for 1 round if male. If target is female, or is “unequipped”, target takes half damage and is not Stunned.
    • Interference – 1 Stam, [1d6, Strike] use your Reaction to slam your body into an adjacent opponent that is targeting another creature for an attack or spell, forcing them to reroll the attack with Disadvantage. Regardless of outcome, that opponent targets you with their next attack.
  • Double Team– if you choose to attack a target that is concentrating on an ally of yours, your ally can choose to use their reaction to assist you in a maneuver. They must roll proper die, with their own stats, for whatever technique you use—the number they roll is added to your damage total for that maneuver.

Star Status

At 2nd level, you begin to shape a persona when in your Wrestling attire, and your persona may or may not have a different alignment to your actual Alignment. This persona can be taken as small as a simple attitude change to an entirely new person. You gain benefits depending on your persona’s Alignment, but can only change Alignment at the end of a long rest. You also can choose to forgo any alignment benefits, but this can only be done at the end of a long rest.

  • FACE(LG,LN,NG,CG) characters are loved by the general public, whether seen as underdogs or righteous dominators, and are often given extras and bonuses wherever they go. Whether it's stuff, information, or attention, people seem to go out of their way to help, and the FACE gains proficiency with Persuasion (if already proficient, gains expertise). However, using Unsportsmanlike Conduct is a no-no, and now drains 2 Stam with each use.
  • HEEL(CE,CN,NE,LE) characters, on the other hand, are hated and feared, but respected. While most understand it is just a villainous persona, many do not, which can always be used to your advantage. HEEL characters gain additional proficiency with Intimidation (if already proficient, gains expertise), and Unsportsmanlike Conduct no longer has a Stam cost.
  • If your character is True Neutral, you may choose which you are.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of you choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Work the Show

If there's anything that Wrestling is about, it's about a good show, and you know uneven fights aren't fun to watch. Beginning at 5th Level, you can reverse a grapple after succeeding in either an athletics or acrobatics check, making you grapple the opponent instead of just breaking the grapple. You can use this 3 times, before requiring a short or long rest.

Sell the Show

Like any other pro wrestler, you know how to sell a hit more then usual. Beginning at 5th level, When an attack is made against you, but before the damage is rolled, you can sell their hit. When you sell their hit, you take half damage but become prone. You can Only sell a hit 6 times before requiring a short or long rest.

Title Belt

At 5th Level, the wrestler can procure their first Title Belt. The Title Belt is a Wrestler-Specific item, but anyone wear it. The Title belt is procured by forging it with blacksmith and leatherworking tools, requiring a leather belt and 5 LBS of a chosen metal, and 24 hours of work. A Wrestler knows of three Title Belts; World Championship (+2 STR), Hardcore Championship (+2 CON), and TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP (+2 CHA). Only a Title Belt made with a Wrestler involved in making or requesting it counts as a real belt, due to the spirit of the art having to be involved. A “Fake” Title belt provides no Ability Score improvement. Anyone who is not proficient with Title Belts do not gain any Ability score increases. However, a Wrestler gains +1 AC while wearing the belt, which does not interfere with “Unarmored Defense” or natural Ability Score maximums. You can surround yourself in an aura of your own pride, adding your CHA modifier to unarmored defense in place of your DEX or CON modifiers. At 10th level, and again at 15th level, you can procure and carry an additional legitimate Title Belt, and the AC bonus of your Title Belts increases by 1. Only one Title Belt can be worn at a time.

Pro Status

At 6th Level, your wrestling experience has been heightened. Your Unarmed Strikes and Wrestling Maneuvers are now magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.


At 7th Level, you can mark an enemy for your wrath. Until the target is incapacitated, you may add your CHA modifier to your Attack and Damage rolls. You must finish a short or long rest to use this feature again.


Upon reaching 9th Level, the wrestler is able to muster his power and turn the tides of battle when combat is at its bleakest. After falling below ½ of your total HP, you can tap into a sudden surge of adrenaline that restores HP equal to [1d10 + Character Level], as well as grants you an extra Action on top of your regular Action and Bonus Action. You must finish a short or long rest before using this again.


At 11th level, the Wrestler is truly at home in the ring. When the Wrestler is in a ring of any kind, whether it be man-made or in the natural world (A ring is defined by having ropes and a minimum of four corners, vines and webs can count as well if strung around a locked in area, arenas do work as rings), their power heavily increases. The bonuses only apply when in the ring and fade away one minute after leaving the ring.

  • Any and all magical or otherwise means of instantly disabling you have a higher chance of failing. If you have to beat a DC, they roll with +3 while if the ability is based on the opponent's ability, they roll with -3.
  • If there are any allies outside the ring cheering for you, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. This stacks with each ally that is cheering for them, however, normal passerbies do not give said buff. NPC allies and bonded NPCs, however, can contribute.

Pump Up

After reaching 13th Level, you have learned to live by the motto: “No pain, no gain.” You can use your Action to forego attacking and regain Stamina Points—for the duration, you take half damage, and regain 2 Stamina Points for every attack made against you. Ability lasts until the wrestler takes another Action. You must finish a short or long rest before using this again.

Tap Out

By 13th Level, you have become a master of submissions. After maintaining a Submission Hold for 5 consecutive ticks, you knock out the enemy. They will remain Unconscious until they are healed, cured of status aliments, or complete a short rest worth's of time.


Having reached 15th Level, you have faced many, many different opponents—and you have learned their strengths and weaknesses. When facing familiar opponents, you gain Advantage on Attack rolls and Saving Throws.


At 17th Level, you are known to put on quite the incredible show for spectators, keeping the crowds coming day after day...but when things get tough, you have learned that nothing stops the show like a spectacular grand finale. Spend all your remaining Stamina (minimum of 4) to make one epic, finale Finisher. For each Stamina Point, add an additional [d6] to the Finisher's total. The result is an unmatched display of power, artistry, and showmanship that inspires all who witness it. All allies within visual range gain Inspiration...but Showstopper takes a toll on you, leaving you stunned for 1 round unless imeediatly followed by a pin, which you are stunned after the pin either succeeds or fails. You must finish a long rest before using this feature again.

Caged Animal

By 18th Level, your raw power and tenacity have made you into a true beast on the battlefield. For every enemy you personally kill or incapacitate, you temporarily gain +2 to your primary damage stat (STR or DEX). Effect dissipates 1 minute after combat ends.

Undisputed Champion

Upon reaching 20th Level, there is no question: you are the greatest champion ever to walk this earth. You gain the title “Undisputed Champion”, and are renowned across the land as a true legend. Rather than having to choose between your title belts, you are able to get a single, glorious, “Undisputed Championship Belt” that gives you the stat benefits of all 3 title belts at once, and carries an AC bonus of +4. To make the belt is the same requirments as any other Title belt.

Style Choices

Upon reaching 3rd Level, you must choose what type of Wrestler you want to become—a High Flyer, who wows the crowds with daring acrobatics and deadly high risk techniques? Or a Grand Slammer, who awes his fans with his inhuman strength and crushing slams? Signature Techniques (3 Stam, only usable after a successful attack) are unlocked at 9th level, and Finishers (4 Stam, only usable after a successful attack, and only on targets below ½ HP) are unlocked at 13th Level.

by Carnet de Nesskain

The Grand Slammer

The “heavy hitter”. The “powerhouse”. The “wrecking ball”. These are just a few of the nicknames you've garnered –and you've earned every last one. You are all that is man—a titan defined by your incredible physical power, leaving spectators awestruck with feats of seemingly inhuman strength. Some foes may laugh at your lack of weapons at first...but they are quick to learn that your hands are far deadlier than anything you might carry. You are unnaturally strong, and gain Advantage on all CON, STR and Athletics Checks. You can grapple, shove, and lift creatures one size larger than yourself as if they were your size, and you have access to the STR-based Power Maneuvers.

  • Lifting Techniques
    • Gorilla Press – 1 Stam [2d6, Maneuver] bench press your opponent over your head, and make up to 3 STR checks against your opponent. For each success, you accumulate 2 TEMP HP. When finished, you receive however much TEMP HP you've accumulated, and you can drop your opponent prone onto any adjacent square. If all 3 STR checks were successful, you can heave the opponent up to 10 feet and add an extra [1d6] to the damage.
    • Powerbomb – 2 Stam [3d6, Maneuver] pull your opponent head-over-heels into the air, and slam them back down to earth. Target is knocked prone and must make a CON saving throw, or be incapacitated for 2 rounds.
    • Suplex – 1 Stam [1d6, Maneuver] hoist your opponent vertically over your head and fall with them to the ground, maintaining your grapple. Roll a STR check against your target—if successful, perform another Suplex. Repeat until you fail the check, to a maximum of 3 Suplexes.
  • Charging Attacks
    • Spear – 2 Stam, [2d6, Strike ] Use your full body-weight to slam into the target in a football-style shoulder tackle. The target is laid out prone, and is instantly considered “grappled”.
  • Ground Strikes
    • Double Axehandle – 0 Stam, [1d6, Strike ] using both hands like a sledgehammer, you slam down hard on the back of your opponent's head. Target must succeed a CON save or be stunned for 1 round.
    • Open Palm Strike – 0 Stam, [1d4, Strike ] You Strike the opponents head with incredibly fast open handed strikes. The Target must make a Wisdom saving throw or allow another palm strike.
  • Submission Holds
    • Hurricane Toss – 0 Stam, [1d6, Maneuver] grab target by the feet, swing them around, and launch them up to 15 feet. If launched into another object, target takes an additional [1d6] damage—if the object is another creature, both creatures take the full damage.
    • Torture Rack – 1 Stam, [1d6, Strike, per tick] Lay the target across your shoulders and pull down on both sides with all your might, bending them in half like a bow. Can be used while standing.
  • Signature Moves – Unlocked at 8th Level. Only usable after a successful attack.
    • Choke Slam (S) – 3 Stam, [6d6, Maneuver] You clamp one hand around your target's throat, lift them off the ground, and slam them back into the dirt. The target must roll a CON save—if successful, they are silenced for 2 rounds. If failed, their vocal chords are critically damaged by the attack, and they are incapable of speech until healed or cured of status ailments.
    • Back Breaker (S) – 3 Stam, [6d6, Maneuver] In a mighty display of strength, you raise your opponent high above your head before cracking their spine over the top of your knee. The target must roll a CON save—if successful, they are Paralyzed for 1 round. If failed, they are Paralyzed for 2 rounds.
    • Rock Bottom (S) – 3 Stam, [6d6, Maneuver] With amazing power and speed, you slam your arm across an opponent's chest and throw their arm over your shoulder—a split second later, they are lifted off their feet and plowed into the ground flat on their back. If immediately followed by an Elbow Drop, the Elbow Drop becomes a “People's Elbow”, dealing critical damage and adding your CHA modifier to the total.
    • Spine Buster (S) – 3 Stam (5d6, Maneuver) In pro wrestling, a spinebuster is a move that involves a wrestler picking up his opponent, spinning, then finally slamming them down onto their back, or spine. The Target is considered prone, and you may make a Pin maneuver for free.

Finishers– Unlocked at 12th Level. Only usable after a successful attack, and if opponent is at or below ½ HP. Attempting while target is above half health has a 50% chance to result in a "Botched Maneuver".

    • Jackhammer (F) – 4 Stam, [10d6, Maneuver] With unbelievable power, you hoist your opponent high into the air, holding them vertically for up to five seconds before twisting your body and slamming them back down onto the ground. Target is Stunned for 1 round, and automatically Pinned.
    • Tombstone (F) – 4 Stam, [10d6, Maneuver] With terrifying ease, you twist your unsuspecting opponent upside-down, their head held just a few feet off the ground—before dropping heavily to your knees and yanking downward, crushing their neck and smashing their face several inches into the earth. Target is Paralyzed for 1 round, and automatically Pinned.
    • Claymore Kick (F) – 4 Stam, (11d6, Strike) You run 15 feet and deliver a double foot jumping dropkick. This attack knocks the target back 10 feet and they must make a CON Save or be knocked prone. You are knocked prone as a result of the attack.
    • RKO (F) - 4 Stam, (10d6, Manuever) With great power and precision you grab the enemies head and drive it into the ground behind your shoulder as you fall to the ground. This Finisher can be performed "Out of Nowhere" by using your reaction to perform this finisher when an adjacent enemy is attacked by a friendly unit. This Finisher can be performed "Out of Nowhere" regardless of if you are prone or not, but otherwise requires both you and the opponent to be standing. This finisher can only be performed "Out of Nowhere" once and you must finish a long rest before performing it "Out of Nowhere" again.

I'm Calling You Out!

It's amazing what a little flexing and a lot of machismo can do—as a Bonus Action at 6th Level, you can call out an opponent on their pathetic weakness, and force them to focus their attention on you during their next turn. They must make a CHA saving throw or focus on you.


By 10th Level, your grip is like a clamped bear trap. You can choose to turn a failed Grapple check into an automatic success twice. You must finish a short or long rest before using this again.

True Champion

At 14th Level, you're officially hulking out—you can now successfully grapple and lift creatures of your size or smaller without a STR check, though doing so still requires the respective actions. In addition, once per short or long rest, you can attempt to grapple and/or shove a creature two sizes larger.

Sin Cara, WWE Raw

The High Flyer

The word "fear" is not in your vocabulary. You've put your body through hell and back, and you keep coming back for more. Though you may not be a colossus on the battlefield, you've learned how to use momentum to drop even the greatest of foes to their knees--and how to use gravity to crush them into the dirt. Whether springing around your enemies or leaping down upon them from terrifying heights, a High Flyer is always a true spectacle to behold for any fortunate enough to watch. Bumps, bruises, and broken bones are all part of your job description. You've become a natural at the death-defying, heart-stopping maneuvers that keep the fans on the edge of their seats. You gain Advantage on all DEX, CON, and Acrobatics Checks, and can now add your Proficiency Bonus to the damage rolls of all High Risk Maneuvers. Additionally, you gain access to the following Agility Maneuvers:

  • Lifting Techniques
    • Hip Toss – 1 Stam [2d6, Maneuver] Grab and control your opponent's arm, using their own momentum to flip them over your hip and slam them onto the ground. Target is considered “grappled”, and you immediately put them into an Armbar, getting one Tick of its damage without requiring an action.
    • Wheelbarrow Bulldog - 1 Stam [2d6, Maneuver] An exaggerated move that puts the wrestler in a wheelbarrow body scissors, which they will bounce up off the ground before flinging themselves back down once they have a enough moment, throwing the opponent with their legs, heaving the opponent 5 feet. You accumulate 6 TEMP HP, but have to make 3 DEX checks against the opponent. For each failure you lose 2 accumulated TEMP HP. After a success, or if all 3 DEX checks are failed, you receive however much TEMP HP you've accumulated. If the first DEX check was successful, you can heave the opponent up to 10 feet and add an extra [1d6] to the damage.
  • Charging Attacks
    • Lariat – 0 Stam, [1d6, Strike ] Leap over the opponent's head and hook them by the neck, dropping them to the ground as you come down. The target is Silenced for one round, and considered “grappled”.
    • Flying Headscissors – 1 Stam, [2d6, Maneuver] You wrap your legs around the target's head and use your momentum to spin around their body, creating so much torque that you literally throw them off their feet. Confused by what just happened to them, your opponent has Disadvantage on their next attack.
  • Ground Strikes
    • Lionsault – 0 Stam, [1d6, Strike] Showing your impressive acrobatic skills, you do a standing backflip and splash with your full force down onto the target, automatically pinning them. If you can catapult yourself off of a wall or sturdy object within 10 feet, Lionsault's damage increases to [2d6 + strike + proficiency bonus].
  • Submission Holds
    • Sharpshooter – 1 Stam, [1d6, Strike, per tick] With a stylish spin, you twist the opponent's legs around your own and turn them onto their stomach, before kneeling on their back and wrenching their legs back over their head. The target's movement speed is reduced by 5 feet per Tick—if Sharpshooter Ticks on an opponent at 0 movement speed, the target is unable to stand for the duration of combat unless healed.
  • High Risk Maneuvers
    • Missile Dropkick (HR)– 1 Stam, [3d6, High Risk] you land prone, but target is knocked back up to 15 feet and must make a CON Saving throw. If they collide with other creatures, those creatures also take the damage.
    • Leg / Knee / Elbow Drop (HR)– 1 Stam, [3d6, High Risk] Leap down with either your leg, knee, or elbow landing on a limb (or face) of your opponent. If the target has suffered damage to the area from a previous Submission Hold during the encounter, the Submission's effect is re-triggered for the following round. If the target has not suffered damage to the area, they must succeed at a Constitution Saving Throw or suffer from whatever effect a Submission to the area would cause (see "Figure Four", "Armbar", or "Crossface").
  • Signature Moves – Unlocked at 8th Level. Only usable after a successful attack unless otherwise specified.
    • Frankensteiner (S) – 3 Stam, [4d6, Maneuver] You leap up and clamp your legs around your opponent's neck before whipping yourself backwards, your momentum throwing the target head-over-heels onto their back. You can choose to either release, flinging the target up to 10 feet and causing equal damage to any creatures he impacts, or to maintain the grapple and land two punches for [strike] damage each.
    • Stunner (S) – 3 Stam [6d6, Maneuver] you kick the target once in the midsection to keel them forward, pull their head against the top of your shoulder, and drop to the ground, crushing their face and rattling their brain. Your opponent must make a CON save—if they succeed, they are only Stunned for 1 round. If they fail, they are Stunned for 2 rounds.
    • Laying the Smackdown (S) – 3 Stam, [6d6, Maneuver] As a Reaction, you can use your catlike reflexes to turn an opponent's attack into an opportunity to let 'em smell exactly what you're cookin'. Roll a DEX check against your target—if successful, you avoid their damage entirely, swinging and juking around them before finally pulling them down face-first into a particularly-painful DDT. If you fail, you take full damage, the Stam points are wasted, and you look like an idiot.
  • Finishers – Unlocked at 12th Level. Only usable after a successful attack, and only if opponent is at or below ½ HP. Attempting to use on a target above half health has a 50% chance to result in a “Botched Maneuver”.
    • Sweet Chin Music (F) – 4 Stam, [10d6, Strike] As your opponent recovers, you begin stomping your leg as you charge up a superkick—roll a d6 to determine how many charge-up stomps you get. As your target turns around, you can make a power shuffle up to 10 feet toward them and drive a devastating side kick deep into the target's jaw. For every stomp you managed, add ½ of your CHA modifier, rounded down, to your total damage.
    • Shooting Star (F, HR) – 4 Stam, [10d6, High Risk] The High Risk Maneuver to end all High Risk Maneuvers, this death-defying stunt is only dared by the most fearless of Wrestlers. Leaping from your perch atop a high object or platform, you throw your head backwards, causing you to flip backwards while diving forwards. The added torsion and the flawless technique make this an exceptional impact—upon landing squarely across your target, you automatically Pin them and succeed at your first Three Count roll.

Running Your Mouth

Upon reaching 6th Level, whatever you may lack in strength, you more than make up for in bravado. As a Bonus Action, you hurl insult after insult at your target, taunting and distracting them to the point of giving your opponent Disadvantage against any other target but you on their next turn.

Sticks, Stones, and Broken Bones

By 10th Level you fear nothing, and are accustomed to the pain that often comes with your impressive aerial stunts—you gain immunity to Fear effects, and now only take half damage from Botched Maneuvers, rounded down, and no longer land prone. In addition, opponents have disadvantage against you with attacks that attempt to knock you prone.

Heartbreak Kid

Having reached 14th Level, you have earned a reputation as the best kind of heartbreaker, and it is certainly well-deserved. You gain Advantage on all CHA Checks and Saves against the opposite sex, and can now acquire “Groupies” and “Fanboys”. Groupies and Fanboys will act as hired help to perform small tasks or services, requiring only an autograph or a kiss for payment. Groupies and Fanboys cannot leave their hometowns, but will remain painfully loyal while you are apart.

In addition you can now use: Autographical Pain (F) - 5 Stam, [16d6, High Risk] Your fame is now so awe inspiring and overpowering that even your opponents want a piece of the action. By using your charm, wit, presence, or whatever it was that made people like/fear you in the first place, you can lure your opponent into asking for an autograph from you. Roll with whatever your highest CHA based skill is when luring in the opponent. Once they get in range, you drop the act and leap upwards with great force. On your way up, you scissor lock the opponent's head between your legs and take them with you. At the peak of your 15 foot leap, you flip the opponent's legs up into you hands, and start falling downwards. The impact as you slam enemy first into the ground sends light tremors through the earth. Because of the amount of energy required for this attack, you must finish a long rest before using it again.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Wrestler class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength 13 or Dexterity 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Wrestler class, you gain the following proficiencies: Light Armor, Title Belts, Improvised Weapons

gollark: It's new forum software and the public instance.
gollark: a.gh0.pw.
gollark: Probably not? They aren't a decorated combat veteran with marketing experience or whatever it is.
gollark: I don't think so?!
gollark: Yes.
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