Wordmaster (3.5e Class)

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Gilt Charg Wyd Bang Deth Deth Deth Deth Deth Deth Deth Deth! All shall fear my wrath when the world is controlled by my skeletal army! Muahahahahaha!
—Seliuh Monkoth, Half-Elf Wordmaster
Heh. Only an idiot would combine Charg with Bang.
—Drozus Vlap, Halfling Fighter

The Wordmaster is a dangerous foe, striking fear into the hearts of many and confusing all who oppose them. The Wordmaster is the spontaneous casting equivalent of the Word Wizard.

Making a Wordmaster

The Wordmaster benefits from their unusual ability to create new spells on the fly. However, the rules for how their spells are created is fairly restrictive, meaning that there are many strange things that Wizards and Clerics can do that Wordmasters cannot.

Abilities: Wordmasters use Charisma to boost the power of their spells and Intelligence to learn more words.

Races: Any mentally focused race is sure to have members that would enjoy being Wordmasters, especially those that enjoy linguistics.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 6d8.

Starting Age: Simple.

Table: The Wordmaster

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Words per Day
1st+0+0+0+2 5 words
2nd+1+0+0+3 Countering Words11 words
3rd+1+1+1+3 18 words
4th+2+1+1+4 26 words
5th+2+1+1+4 35 words
6th+3+2+2+5 Nonrepetitive Prefixes45 words
7th+3+2+2+5 56 words
8th+4+2+2+6 68 words
9th+4+3+3+6 81 words
10th+5+3+3+7 Enhancing Adjectives95 words
11th+5+3+3+7 110 words
12th+6/+1+4+4+8 126 words
13th+6/+1+4+4+8 143 words
14th+7/+2+4+4+9 Accelerating Pronouns161 words
15th+7/+2+5+5+9 180 words
16th+8/+3+5+5+10 200 words
17th+8/+3+5+5+10 221 words
18th+9/+4+6+6+11 Hastening Acronyms243 words
19th+9/+4+6+6+11 266 words
20th+10/+5+6+6+12 Imperatives of Power290 words

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Concentration (Con), Craft (Any word-related) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Forgery (Int), Listen (Wis), Speak Language (None), Spellcraft (Int).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the Wordmaster.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Wordmasters are proficient with quarterstaff, dagger, light crossbow and club. They have no proficiency in any kind of armor, and wearing one causes the Wordmaster to suffer from arcane spell failure.

Spells: The Wordmaster uses wordcasting to cast spells.

When the Wordmaster levels up, they learn one new word at random. If their intelligence is at least 11, they roll for two random words and pick one. If it is at least 15, they can choose whether the word will be a Modifier Word, a Spell Shape Word, or an Effect Word. If it is at least 19, they can choose the word.

A first-level Wordmaster knows one Modifier Word of their choice, one Spell Shape Word of their choice, and two Effect words of their choice, plus a number of bonus Effect words equal to their Intelligence modifier. These bonus words are randomized as though they had acquired them on a level up. The save DC of a Wordmaster spell is equal to 10 + one third the spell's word count + the Wordmaster's Charisma modifier.

Optional Modifier Words: These words may be tacked on at the beginning of any spell. Any changes to the DC of the spell replace the normal +1 for adding another word.

Modifier Words
WordDCEffect Summary
Scri+2Watch something
Del+3Give the spell a trigger
Tra+2Make a Del spell trap-like
Long+3/+4/+5Add more range
Wyd+5Affect a larger area
Tungtwist+1Reduce casting time
Gilt-XAdd a spell component
Charg+10Double the spell's power
Vudu+4Cast from scrying
Lob+2Cast over obstacles

Scri: You can see and hear from the viewpoint of the center of the spell's area (if it has an area), or from the position of the target (If it targets a single creature or object), it follows that creature or object for three minutes. For every additional time you add Scri to the spell, increase the duration of your observation by three minutes or add an additional sense. Scri adds 2 to the DC to cast this spell.

Del: When you cast the spell, you specify a trigger condition. The spell does not take affect until the trigger condition occurs. The presence of such a spell can be detected with a DC 10 spot or search check. If the target (if it targets something), or you (if it emanates from you) are more than 30' away from its original position when the spell triggers, the spell fails. For every additional time you add Del to the spell, the distance away the target can be from its original position increases by 30'. Del adds 3 to the DC to cast this spell.

Tra: You can only learn this word if you already know Del, and you may only add this word to a spell with Del in it. The spell can only be detected with a DC 21 Search check (it qualifies as a magical trap). For every additional time you add Tra to the spell, the DC for the Search check increases by 3. Tra adds 2 to the DC to cast this spell.

Long: Increase the spell's range from Medium to Long, from Close to Medium, or from Touch to Close. Long adds 3 to the DC to cast the spell the first time it's applied to that spell, 4 the second time, and 5 the third time.

Wyd (Area of effect spells only): Double the length of any cone or line, and the radius of any spread or burst involved in the spell. Two instances of Wyd triples the length instead, and so on. Wyd adds 5 to the DC to cast this spell.

Tungtwist: The spell now requires a focus of a book of tongue twisters, and the Wordmaster must make a Speak Language check equal to the DC to cast the spell to cast it (in addition to the caster level check.) However, the spell is cast twice as quickly (The time it takes to cast is based on it having half as many words in it). You cannot add more than one instance of Tungtwist to a spell.

Gilt: The spell requires a material component, although only the price of the component matters. The effect of the material component on the DC obeys the following chart:

Component Cost is at least:DC reduction is
1 gold piece1
5 gp2
10 gp3
20 gp4
40 gp5
80 gp6
160 gp7
320 gp8
640 gp9
+2x gp+1
Subtract the largest.

Gilt does not increase the DC of the spell. You cannot add more than one instance of Gilt to a spell.

Charg: When the Wordmaster finishes casting the spell, they are dazed for one round as they cackle maniacally or grin with anticipation. During that time, energy boils up from the ground and down from the sky towards the Wordmaster (A noticeable effect for miles around). The spell only takes affect after this period of time. The save DC of the spell is determined as though there were twice as many words in it. Also, the spell takes effect as though each effect word had been applied twice. Each additional instance of Charg increases the length of being dazed by one round, and triples (quadruples with three instances, etc.) the word length for save DCs and the effect of effect words. Charg increases the DC of the spell by 10.

Vudu: Vudu always increases the casting time of any spell it is applied to by one full-round action. It may now be cast from any position you can see from (not merely any position you can see). Any creature directly effected by the spell gets a clear mental image of your current location, distance, and direction from them. Vudu increases the DC of the spell by 4.

Lob: Lob can only be applied to a spell with an area of effect that is not centered on you. You do not need line of sight or line of effect in order to cast this spell, but you must be able to describe an arc going from you to a targeted square. Lob increases the DC of the spell by 2.

Spell Shape Words: Each spell must have one spell shape word. Any changes to the DC of the spell replace the normal +1 for adding another word.

Spell Shape Words
WordDCEffect Summary
Ayl+1Medium range, Single target
Spyn+3120 foot line
Orb+1Ignores SR but needs a ranged touch attack
Bang+3Medium range, 20 foot spread
Hand-2Melee touch attack
Burs+215 foot burst, only hits targets you want it to
Con+230 foot cone
Chen+2Hit three targets in a Close range chain
Wal+130 foot wall
Cyl+440 foot-radius cylinder
Air+630*30 foot wind

Ayl: A small flying sphere contains the spell. It has Medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/caster level).

Spyn: The spell is beam of energy. It hits everything in a 120 ft line. Spyn adds 3 to the DC to cast this spell.

Orb: The spell is an orb of conjured energies. It has a Medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/caster level). A ranged touch attack is required in order to hit, but Spell Resistance does not apply.

Bang: The spell is a tiny dot, which rapidly explodes when it hits the targeted point. It has a Medium range (100 ft + 10 ft/caster level), and has a 20 foot spread. Bang adds 3 to the DC to cast this spell.

Hand: The spell requires a melee touch attack. Hand reduces the DC of the spell by 2.

Burs: The spell has a 15 foot burst, centered on you. It hits only those targets within this spread that you want it to hit. Burs increases the DC of the spell by 2.

Con: The spell is a 30 foot cone. Con increases the DC of the spell by 2.

Chen: The spell is a bolt that hits three different targets. The first target must be within Close range (25 ft + 5 ft/2 caster levels). The second must be within Close range of the first, and the third must be within Close range of the second. You must have line of sight to all three targets, but line of effect is drawn from each target to the next. Chen increases the DC of the spell by 2.

Air : The spell has the form of a large breath that has the form of a square 30*30 ft. This kind of shape is actually a wind that slowly waves things but it can't move them, and it has a duration of 1 round/per caster level

Wal: The spell is a 30 foot long, 10 foot tall, infinitesimally thin wall that you may summon at up to Close range (25 ft +5 ft/2 caster levels). Anybody in a square where the wall is summoned may make a Reflex save to move 5' to one side of the wall (They choose which side). The wall can be passed through by anything, however anything that passes through the wall is hit by the spell's effects. Anybody who fails their reflex save is also hit by the spell's effects. The wall lasts for one round per caster level.

Cyl : The spell has the form of a 40 ft cylinder that affects everything in the area

Sfir: The spell is a infinitesimally thin sphere that you summon around you with a 10' radius. Anybody in a square where the sphere is summoned may make a Reflex save to move 5' to one side of the sphere (They choose which side). The sphere can be passed through by anything, however anything that passes through the sphere is hit by the spell's effects. Anybody who fails their reflex save is also hit by the spell's effects. The sphere lasts for one round per caster level. The sphere does not move when you move.

Effect Words: Each spell must have at least one effect word. Any changes to the DC of the spell replace the normal +1 for adding another word.

Effect Words
WordDCEffect Summary
Pyr+1Manipulate Fire
Lek+1Manipulate Electricity
Forch+1Manipulate Force
Saun+1Manipulate Sound
Aci+1Manipulate Acid
Kol+1Manipulate Ice
Deth+11d6 negative energy, raise skeletons
Path+1Read minds somewhat
Ilus+1Make illusions
Lyf+11d8 Healing, raise dead
Arm+1+2/+1 per 2 Armor bonus
Inv+1Spell immunity
Excel+1Boost skills, saves, and attack rolls
Sir+1Spell resistance
Port+15/+2Grant targets the opportunity to teleport
Al+1Make Port more precise
Thro+1Throw things around
Tran+5Transforms something into something else
Disp+10/+2Dispel magical effects
Lift+7Levitate Targets
Ant+1Suppress magical effects

Pyr: This spell can be used to burn things and enemies, dealing 1d6 direct fire damage to objects or 1d4 every 2 rounds For each instance of the spell rounds are increased by 1.

Lek: This spell can be used to shock things and enemies dealing 1d6 direct electirc damage to objects or 1d4 every 2 rounds For each instance of this spell rounds are increased by 1.

Forch: The spell deals an additional 1d4+1 points of force damage to each target. It gains the [Force] descriptor.

Saun: The spell deals an additional 1d4 points of sonic damage (Fortitude half) to each target. Victims become deafened for 1 round for every 3 points of sonic damage they took if they failed the Fortitude save. The spell gains the [Sonic] descriptor.

Aci: The spell deals an additional 1d4 points of acid damage (Reflex half) to each target. Anyone who fails their save takes another 1d4 acid damage on their next turn. Additional instances of Aci increase the number of rounds that this 1d4 acid damage repeats for (by one per instance). The spell gains the [Acid] descriptor.

Kol (Area of effect shapes only): The spell covers the ground with ice for 1 round per caster level. Anybody attempting to enter an iced square must make a DC 15 Balance check or fall prone and take 1 cold damage. Additional instances of Kol increase the DC of the balance check by 2 and increase the cold damage dealt by 1. The spell gains the [Cold] descriptor.

Deth: The spell deals an additional 1d6 points of negative energy damage (Fortitude negates) to each target. Creatures killed by this spell who have a number of Hit Dice not greater than twice the number of instances of Deth in the spell are immediately animated into skeletons as though by the Animate Dead spell. You can control a number of HD of skeletons equal to 4 times your caster level. The skeletons are permanent. The spell gains the [Evil] descriptor.

Encha: Trgets are Hypnotized, charmed or Dominated, just like the corresponding spells

Min: Each target is dazzled (Will negates). With four instances of Min, it's dazed instead. With seven instances, it's stunned or confused (your choice as you cast the spell). This lasts for 1 round + 1 round/3 caster levels. The spell gains the [Mind-Affecting] descriptor.

Terr: Each target is shaken (Will negates). With four instances of Terr, it's frightened instead. With seven instances, it's panicked. This lasts for 1 round + 1 round/3 caster levels. The spell gains the [Fear] descriptor.

Tran: Each target transforms into something else, depending on caster's choice. The DC to transform a living creature into another living one is +6, and the same applies for inanimate objects

Path: You can detect the surface thoughts of the target and sense what it senses for 1 minute/caster level while it is within 1 mile (Will negates (harmless)). You must concentrate on a target in order to do either of those things.

Ilus (Area of effect shapes only): You can create images or sounds within the area of effect of the spell (Will disbelief). You must concentrate on the images or sounds to make them move or change. Spot and listen checks to discover that it's an illusion are opposed by your Bluff check. The illusion lasts for 1 round/caster level. With two instances of Ilus, it lasts for 1 minute/caster level. With three, it lasts for 10 minutes/caster level. With four, it lasts for 1 hour/caster level. With five, it lasts for 1 day/caster level. With six, it lasts for 1 week/caster level. With seven, it lasts for 1 year/caster level. With eight, it's permanent. The spell gains the [Figment] descriptor.

Lyf: The spell heals an additional 1d8 points of damage (Damages Undead with a Fortitude save ,to take half damage) to each target. Any corpses that were healed by at least 100 damage are raised as though by the Raise Dead spell, with the exception that it only works on characters who were dead for no more than a number of minutes per caster level instead of days. The spell gains the [Good] descriptor.

Arm: The spell grants each target a +2 Armor Bonus for 1 minute/caster level. Every 1 additional instance of Arm increases the amount of Armor Bonus granted in this way by 1. The spell gains the [Force] descriptor.

Inv: The spell makes each target immune to level 0 spells for 1 minute/caster level. For every three additional instances of Inv, the highest level of spell that the targets become immune to increases by one.

Excel: The spell grants each target a +1 insight bonus to all skills, saves, and attack rolls for 1 round/caster level. Each additional instance of Excel increases the insight bonus to skills by 1, and every three additional instances increases the insight bonus to saves and attack rolls by 1. The spell gains the [Mind-Affecting] descriptor.

Sir: The spell grants each target Spell Resistance equal to your caster level for 1 round per instance of Sir.

Port: Each target may teleport up to Long range (400 feet + 40'/caster level), bringing up to their maximum load with them. The targets choose the direction and distance of their teleport. Mindless objects are not targeted by this effect. All teleportation granted by this spell misses by 1d100% of the distance traveled. If it is possible to miss in such a way that the creature ends up on a suitable surface in an open space, it does so. If the creature still arrives in a place that is already occupied by a solid body, that creature takes 2d6 damage and is shunted to the open space above a suitable surface which is the closest to where it would otherwise teleport. With two instances of Port, the range increases to 1 mile/caster level. With three, the range is 10 miles/caster level. With four, it's 100 miles/caster level. With five, it's anywhere on the same plane. With six, it's anywhere on any plane. The first instance of Port increases the DC of the spell by 15. Each additional instance increases the DC by 2. The spell gains the [Teleportation] descriptor.

Al: You can only learn this word if you already know Port, and you may only add this word to a spell with Port in it. The distance by which the spell misses is reduced to 1d20%. A second instance of Al reduces the distance by which it misses to 1d12%, the third to 1d8%, the fourth to 1d6%, the fifth to 1d4%, the sixth to 1%, and the seventh means it arrives precisely where the creature asks to go.

Thro: Anybody hit by this spell falls prone (Reflex negates). For each additional instance of Thro, you may fling each target hit by this spell 10 feet (Will negates). You cannot throw more than a total of 50 pounds per caster level. You must succeed on attack rolls (one per creature or object thrown) to hit whatever you're trying to hit with the items, using your base attack bonus + your Intelligence modifier (if a word wizard) or Charisma modifier (if a wordmaster). Weapons cause standard damage (with no Strength bonus; note that arrows or bolts deal damage as daggers of their size when used in this manner). Other objects cause damage ranging from 1 point per 25 pounds (for less dangerous objects) to 1d6 points of damage per 25 pounds (for hard, dense objects).

Disp: For every spell effect or item that is on any of the targets or is within this spell's effect might be dispelled or suppressed. Each effect's caster must make a caster level check (In the case of magic items, use the magic item's caster level) opposed by your roll to cast this spell. Any nonpermanent effect that has its caster level check fail is dispelled. Permanent effects and magic items have their properties suppressed for 1d4 rounds. With six instances of Disp, permanent effects and magic items are dispelled if they fail on their caster level checks by 10 or more. The first instance of Disp increases the DC by 10, and each additional instance increases the DC by 2.

Lift: Any target hit by this spell, can be levitated and moved where the caster wants, for a limited duration. Alternatively the targets can be thrown with power and take damage. In a few words that spell functions exactly like the Telekinesis spell.

Ant (Area of effect spells only): The space within the area of effect of this spell is functions much like an Antimagic Field. However,the functioning of spells, magic items, and summoned creatures with a caster level equal to or lower than the number of instances of Ant used in this spell.

Countering Words: Whenever a Wordmaster correctly identifies a spell with a verbal component, they may expend any number of words greater than four. The character casting the spell must then pass a Concentration check with a DC equal to half the number of words expended plus the Wordmaster's Intelligence modifier or the spell is countered.

Nonrepetitive Prefixes: The Wordmaster may reduce the casting time and the number of words of his spells by condensing long chains of the same spell word into a prefix and a spell word. The time it takes to cast the spell is reduced by one fewer than the number of words removed in this way, and the number of words used is reduced by half (Rounding to up). For example, without using Nonrepetitive Prefixes, the spell "Bang Pyr Pyr Pyr Pyr Pyr" would normally take a standard action and 6 words to cast. With Nonrepetitive Prefixes, it could be spoken as "Bang Pentapyr", meaning it would take a swift action , and use 4 words to cast.

Enhancing Adjectives: The Wordmaster may Craft Wondrous Items, Forge Rings, Brew Potions, and Craft Magic Arms and Armor as though they knew all the necessary spells. However, they must pay 1/20th of the item's cost in XP instead of 1/25th. They must still possess the prerequisite feats.

Accelerating Pronouns: The Wordmaster's spells are cast twice as quickly. As such, they take twice as many words to cross each time interval threshold.

Hastening Acronyms: The Wordmaster chooses one spell (combination of spell words) to make into an acronym. They may cast that spell as an Immediate Action if it is fewer than ten words long, a Swift Action if it is fewer than fifteen words long, or a Standard Action otherwise.

Imperatives of Power: Once a week, the Wordmaster can speak with words that contain immense power, breaking the laws of Reality. As a result he can cast the result of the Wish spell.



Epic Wordmaster

Table: The Epic Wordmaster

Hit Die: d4

22ndHastening Acronyms
24thHastening Acronyms
26thHastening Acronyms
28thHastening Acronyms
30thHastening Acronyms

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Spellcasting: The Wordmaster continues learning words as normal (If there are any left)

Playing a Wordmaster

Combat: Wordmasters generally fill the same roles as Sorcerers or Clerics, although they do it less reliably and in a more adaptable fashion.

Advancement: Wordmasters would do well to consider gaining levels in Inanomancer, Scriptwriter, Literate Mage, Word of Life, Word of Undeath, or Wordsman, since all of these are prestige classes designed for Wordmasters.

Wordmasters in the World

Ahh, words. Such power they have, yet so overlooked.
—Seliuh Monkoth, Half-Elf Wordmaster

Daily Life: Seliuh Monkoth, on a good day, wakes up, goes to the library and reads a large book, and then wanders over to some helpless bastion of good and slaughters all living beings within it in a blast of incredible death.

Notables: Seliuh Monkoth is the most notable Wordmaster, but Rejebus Vaweeler, renowned historian, scholar, and slayer of small armies is another one.

Organizations: Bookish Wordmasters often run into each other in libraries and bookstores. The more violent kind, however, is generally more likely to be found wandering between public speeches.

NPC Reactions: NPCs tend not to approve of Wordmasters. Sure, they are mere students of grammar and proper sentence structure. On the other hand, they have a tendency to annihilate small cities.

Wordmaster Lore

Characters with ranks in Knowledge(Local) can research Wordmasters to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.

5Wordmasters can create their own blend of magic. You can expect them to cast a slightly different spell every time.
10Wordmasters are limited to a certain number of words per day before they must rest.
15Wordmasters are skilled at countering spells, and may later become adept at crafting magic items.
20Incredibly powerful Wordmasters can make acronyms of their spells in order to cast them far more efficiently, but they cannot change the spell if it is an acronym.

Wordmasters in the Game

Adaptation: .

Sample Encounter: .

EL : .

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gollark: Potatos.
gollark: Totally Spurious Pact?
gollark: Or I can have the devices take turns or something ridiculous.
gollark: Anyway, Rednot would probably be easier to do with *two* redstone lines, for proper full-duplex or whatever.
gollark: * probably will
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