Wizard of Massive Energy Attacks (3.5e Optimized Character Build)


A wizard that causes ridiculous amounts of damage

gollark: !typerace 10
gollark: !typerace 50
gollark: morningward
gollark: morningward?
gollark: Hey, you should make it log historical typing speeds in each race in a SQLite database!


PHB, DMG, complete mage, magic item compendium

Game Rule Components


rods of maximize and empower, belt of battle, headband of intellect +4


Starting Ability Scores (Before Racial Adjustments): str,12 dex,15 con,16 int,17 wis,14 cha,10

Race (Templates):

Starting Racial Traits:

ECL Class/HD/LA Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Feats Class
1stwizard 1+0+0+0+2spell focus evocation, sudden maximizefocused specialist evocation, summon familiar, scribe scrollferret familiar (+2 reflex)
2ndwizard 2+1+0+ 0+3
3rdwizard 3+1+1+1+3sudden empower
4thmaster specialist 1+1+1+1+5skill focus (spellcraft)+1 int
5thmaster specialist 2+2+1+1+6expanded spellbook
6thmaster specialist 3+2+2+2+6greater spell focus, spell penetrationclass features gained
7thmaster specialist 4+3+2+2+7minor school esoterica
8thmaster specialist 5+3+2+2+7expanded spellbook+1 int
9thmaster specialist 6+4+3+3+8energy substitution acidcaster level increase +1
10thmaster specialist 7+4+3+3+8moderate school esoterica

Other Components

take the spells sonic lance, invisibility, fly, invisibility greater, fire ball, and lighting bolt


while exploring have invisibility active to never be suprised. when you see your target cast fly, rise up a couple hundred feet, use buffing potions, cast improved invisibility, and attack. you can use the belt of battle to cast two maximized empowered (acid to overcome resistance) sonic lances/fireballs in one round. fireballs against multiple opponents and fighters, and sonic lance against rogues and single opponents fireball. DC 21 ref half, 99 dg / sonic lance. DC 21 fort half, 132 dg / over-come spell resistance. +13 / your opponents will be utterly crushed by your rediculous firepower and have no chance of striking back, or running

Munchkin-Size Me

take two more levels of master specialist to increase damage output by 50%. take the feats maxamize/empower spell for your high level spell slots because all other evocation spells are useless beyond 3rd level

Side Notes


all of his abilitys are used very quickly, so he is unable to fight as effectivly over multiple battles. is also extreemly weak when suprised or caught in melee.

DM Counters

use creatures with see invisibility, fly, and spell resistance to even the odds. or place him in cramped quarters.


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