Weapon Specialist (5e Class)

Weapon Specialist

Weapon Specialists

Weapon Specialists are like the name, people who specialize in certain weapons.

Weapon Specialists are true masters of their weapons and use them with more skill than a standard soldier would.

Weapon Specialists have usually trained and therefore used their weapons their entire life and practice has earned them their title.

They have an unique way of fighting that sets them apart from the usual Fighter.

Creating a Weapon Specialist

When deciding on the history of a weapon specialist there are a few key questions for development of the character. 1: How did the character start using their weapon or weapons? 2: How did the character grow skilled with their weapon? 3: For what purpose and/or reason does the character use their weapon/weapons?

Quick Build

You can make a Weapon Specialist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Strength/Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the City Watch/Gladiator/Soldier background. Third, choose the Fighting Specialty which shows what equipment proficiency the character receives.

Class Features

As a Weapon Specialist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Weapon Specialist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Weapon Specialist level after 1st


Armor: Decided by Fighting Specialty
Weapons: Decided by Fighting Specialty
Tools: Smith's Tools
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose 2 from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, Performance, Persuasion, Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

    Table: The Weapon Specialist

    FeaturesWeapon Moves KnownDevastating Maneuvers
    1st+2Fighting Specialty--
    2nd+2Appreciating Maintenance1-
    3rd+2Fighting Specialty Feature1-
    4th+2Ability Score Improvement1-
    5th+3Extra Attack, Weapon Moves2-
    6th+3Proficiency and Expertise2-
    7th+3Fighting Specialty Feature2-
    8th+3Ability Score Improvement3-
    9th+4Weapon Moves3-
    10th+4Devastating Maneuver31
    11th+4Fighting Specialty Feature41
    12th+4Ability Score Improvement41
    13th+5Weapon Moves41
    14th+5Proficiency and Expertise51
    15th+5Fighting Specialty Feature51
    16th+5Ability Score Improvement51
    17th+6Weapon Moves61
    18th+6Devastating Maneuver62
    19th+6Ability Score Improvement62
    20th+6Fighting Specialty Feature72

    Fighting Specialty

    At 1st Level you can take a Fighting Specialty

    A Fighting Specialty determines what kind of equipment a Weapon Specialist uses and their fighting style in combat.

    These Specialties should fit the weapons that a Weapon Specialist uses. As this grants them unique abilities as they gain more experience and practice with their weapons.

    At level 3, 7, 11, 15 and 20 additional Fighting Specialty features are granted.

    Fighting Specialty: Overwhelming Style, Fighting Specialty: Dual Style, Fighting Specialty: Reaching Style, Fighting Specialty: Vengeful Style, Fighting Specialty: Defensive Guarding Style, Fighting Specialty: Dead-Eye Style

    Appreciating Maintenance

    When you reach 2nd level you gain proficiency with 2 artisan's tools, if you are already proficient with them you become an expert with them. When you finish a long rest, you can choose a simple or martial weapon. Until the end of your next long rest you gain a +1 bonus to the attack rolls with that weapon.

    Ability Score Increase

    When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

    Extra Attack

    Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

    Weapon Moves

    Beginning at 5th level, you learn 1 weapon move and have 3 uses of Weapon Moves which grow with level, these uses are regained on a short rest.

    If an attack hits you can choose to perform a Weapon Move.

    The amount of weapon moves you know and how many you can use, every time you gain a level you can change the weapon moves you know.

    The Weapon Moves can be found at the bottom of this page.

    At level 9 you know two moves and have 5 uses of Weapon Moves

    At level 13 you know three moves and have 8 uses of Weapon Moves

    At level 17 you know four moves and have 10 uses of Weapon Moves

    Proficiency and Expertise

    When you reach 6th level and again when you reach 14th level you can choose to gain 2 skill proficiency's of your choice from the Weapon Specialist skills or any Tool proficiency.

    If you are already proficient in something you can choose to gain expertise in it instead of gaining a proficiency.

    Devastating Maneuver

    At level 10 you gain the ability to pull off a devastating maneuver. Before you or an enemy within 10ft. hits, you can proclaim to pull off a devastating maneuver.

    If you pull off a devastating maneuver for your attack it means you will automatically get a critical hit with all benefits that it gives.

    If you pull off a devastating maneuver for an enemy's attack they will critically fumble their first attack with all the negatives it brings.

    You must finish a long rest before you can pull of another devastating maneuver.

    At level 18 you can pull of two devastating maneuvers before you have to finish a long rest, you also have access to one devastating maneuver after finishing a short rest. (This can only give you one devastating maneuver, for two devastating maneuvers in battle you have to finish a long rest.)

    Fighting Specialty: Overwhelming Style

    People that specialize with large weapons, they use weapons that are usually even as big as they are, this gives them an imposing look to any strangers. These weapon specialists usually have strength above an usual soldier and most times go even beyond this.

    This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light and Medium Armor, and gives proficiency with any weapons that have the heavy property. Because their weapons are usually already very large and heavy, heavy armor would limit their movement to much.

    Hard Hitter

    When taking this Fighting Specialty you can use weapons that are one class size above your characters class size. When using heavy weapons the weapon gains another damage die A 1d4 if the weapon's damage die already equals at least 1d10 or 2d6 (Increases to 1d6 at level 5, 1d8 at level 9, 1d10 at level 13 and 1d12 at level 17) as you hit with greater force because of your large weapon. (A greatsword at level 11 would have a 2d6 and + an 1d8 as damage die.)

    Weapon Parry

    Because of the large size of your weapons you can occasionally use them to help you block an attack, as a reaction you can add AC equal to your PB against a single weapon based attack roll of your choice.

    Harder Impact

    At level 3 you know how to really make an impact with your weapons. When you hit with an attack can choose to re-roll 1's and 2's and have to take the new roll for your damage die.(At level 13 this extends to 3's and 4's aswell.)

    Minimal Impact

    At level 7 your attacks are beginning to truly overwhelm your enemies. You do a minimum amount of damage equaling the average on the die of Hard Hitter + your strength mod, and when you hit a target with one of your attacks you can choose to shove them as a bonus action.

    Overwhelming Presence

    At level 11 your presence becomes overwhelming for certain creatures.

    As a bonus action you can try to frighten any large or smaller sized creatures you have hit on your turn until the start of your next turn, the creature/creatures have to make a WIS saving throw in order to not be frightened, the DC equals 8 + your STR score + your PB

    (At level 20 this extends to huge creatures)

    Stunning Impact

    At level 15 your weapon's impact can leave a stunning impact on your targets.

    When you critically strike a target they have to make a CON saving throw where the DC equals 8 + your STR score + your PB, if the target fails the saving throw they will be stunned until the start of your next turn.

    Truly Overwhelming Strength

    At level 20 your incredibly long use of your insanely large weapons has truly boosted your muscles to an insane degree.

    Your strength score increases by 8 and your maximum strength score is now 28.

    Fighting Specialty: Dual Style

    People that specialize with using two weapons in combat at the same time, these weapons are typically of the same kind although some use differing weapons. This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light and Medium Armor, and gives proficiency with any non Two-Handed/Heavy weapon.

    Combined Attack

    When taking this Fighting Specialty your two weapons will use their attack value's combined into one and use them in one attack together.

    (For example you have 3 STR and are using a +2 Shortsword of Lifestealing and a +1 Vicious Warhammer the attack would be 1d20 + 3 + PB + 3 Magical Bonus, this is always rounded up) The damage die would then be 1d8 (Highest damage die counts) + 3 + 3 Magic Bonus. If you get a critical hit with these weapons the critical die would equal 1d8 + 2d6 from Vicious + 3d6 Necrotic from Lifestealing)

    Dual Style Rule

    A Dual Weapon Specialist can use any two weapons together as long as they aren't heavy, their following features only work when they are using two weapons in combat.

    Two Weapons Advantage

    A Dual Weapon Specialist has advantage on all attack rolls during their turn, but if their first roll would miss they do half damage rounded down. (You can use your bonus action to make another attack although this attack can never have advantage.)

    Mean Hitter

    At level 3 you know how to make the best out of your enemy's bad situations. When you attack a target with advantage and both rolls would hit you do extra damage equaling your STR or DEX mod (whichever is higher).(At level 13 this also includes your PB to the extra damage)

    Dual Opportunity Attack

    At level 7 when making an opportunity attack you can make 2 attacks against the target instead of one.

    Dual Hit

    At level 11 you can choose to forego the advantage from Two Weapons Advantage in order to add another weapon die to your damage roll. (You can still gain advantage from other sources)

    Dual Critical

    At level 15 your critical hits are especially vicious, you get add your DEX mod and PB to your critical hit damage rolls.

    Dual Mastery

    At level 20 you have truly mastered the art of fighting with two weapons, you get another weapon die to your damage rolls at all times because of your mastery. (This can stack with Dual Hit for example a 1d8 weapon die will be 2d8 with Dual Mastery and when Dual Hit is also used it will be 3d8)

    Fighting Specialty: Reaching Style

    People that specialize with using Long Weapons specifically weapons with out of the ordinary reach like Pikes, Halberds or Glaives.

    This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light, Medium, Heavy Armor and Shields. and gives proficiency with any weapons that have Reach.

    Two weapons are improved by taking Reaching Style, the whip gains an extra 1d2 to it's damage die and the spear gains the reach property.

    Effective Reach Fighting

    When taking this Fighting Specialty you have an extra +2 Attack Rolls and +1d2 to damage (This damage is rolled seperately) when attacking enemies at the max distance of your Reach weapon (usually 10 feet) this increases at level 5, 11 and 17. (+4 Attack Rolls and +1d4 at level 5, +6 Attack Rolls and +1d6 at level 11 and +8 Attack Rolls and +1d8 at level) However when an enemy is within 5 feet of you, your attacks have a flat -4 Attack Rolls and a -1d4 to damage. (This doesn't change with level)

    Reaching Danger

    Also when an enemy steps into the reach of your weapon the first time, you can use your reaction to try and attack the enemy which does include the extra chance to hit and extra damage die. (If an enemy goes outside of your reach and then on another turn tries to go in again you can use your reaction again to try and attack them with Reaching Danger. Also when you have the Polearm Master feat you can add your proficiency bonus to your Attack Rolls)

    Expert Retreat

    At level 3 you have mastered keeping enemies at bay while retreating. Your first 5ft. of movement in a turn doesn't provoke any opportunity attacks and your speed increases by 5ft. (This increases to 10ft. at level 13)

    Fighting Specialty: Vengeful Style

    People that specialize themselves in a vengeful weapon style, they are risky fighters and can use many weapons.

    This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light/Medium armor and Shields, and gives proficiency with all Simple and Martial Melee Weapons that aren't heavy.

    Risky Parry

    When taking this Fighting Specialty you can use your reaction to try and parry one incoming melee attack, the rules are as follows. You use an 1d8 to roll your success for your parry. You can only block one single attack with it so no trying and parrying multiple attacks of a Multi-attack. This can only be used against melee attacks. You can use this with any melee weapon that you are proficient with.

    Fatal Blunder: on a 1 or 2 your parry attempt fails miserably and the enemy gets an extra +4 Attack Rolls and +2 to the damage roll.

    Below Average: on a 3 or 4 your parry attempt is below average and the enemy gets a normal attack on you.

    Above Average: on a 5 or 6 your parry attempt is above average and you gain +2 to AC against the attack, you can also make a retaliation attack equal to your weapon's damage die and attack roll. (For the damage roll it's only the damage die and magical modifiers but not STR or DEX)

    Perfect Parry: on a 7 or 8 your parry attempt goes perfectly and you gain +4 to AC against the attack and the attack can't crit (no crit damage on a natural 20), you can also make a retaliation attack that uses your entire weapons modifier for the attack and damage roll with a +4 Attack Rolls and a +2 to the damage roll.

    Vengeful Revenge

    After taking damage your next weapon attack has a +2 Attack Rolls and a +2 to it's damage roll. (This bonus increases for both at level 5, 11 and 17 to +4, +6 and +8 in order.) Vengeful Revenge doesn't stack and can be triggered by any damage, it can also work with parry's.

    Patience To React

    At level 3 your patience has grown and you instead have 2 reactions per turn. (Increases to 3 reactions at level 13)

    Fighting Specialty: Defensive Guarding Style

    People that specialize with using shields, being on the defensive and guarding others from danger. This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light, Medium and Heavy Armor, Shields and gives proficiency with all weapons as long as they are wielded in one-hand. (Example: You are proficient with a war-hammer as long as you are wielding it in one hand.)

    Guarding Defense

    When taking this Fighting Specialty as a reaction you can jump in front of an ally within 5 feet of you and take the attack for them using your AC against the attack. You can also use this for an ally that is within 5 and 10 feet of you but you take a -3 to AC if doing this. The rules for this are as follows. Using Defending Back-up moves you next to the target you are trying to defend or in front of the target if the attack has reach or is being fired from a range greater than 5 feet. You can only use Defending Back-up against single-targeted attacks that have travel time. (Example: A sword needs to travel to an enemy just like a fire-bolt and it can be physically blocked however something like toll the dead can't be physically blocked, discuss with your DM what attacks can be physically blocked this way) If trying to block a multi-attack you can choose to try and block all attacks but will take a -2 to AC for all attacks after the first one, this can stack with the -3 to AC for 10 feet blocking.

    Focused Defense

    Instead of using an attack you can choose to use your action to focus on defense which gives you a plus to your AC equal to your Proficiency Bonus, this lasts until the start of your next turn. (Note: You don't need to use a shield to use these techniques but it is very much recommended since you don't have proficiency when using two weapons or two-handed weapons.

    Stalwart Constitution

    At level 3 you gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws and can use your Constitution instead of your Strength or Dexterity for those saving throws.

    Shield Expert

    At level 7 you have mastered the use of shields, you can use shields as a weapon you are proficient with, the damage die is a 1d6 and it gains benefits from being magical. (A +1 shield will act like a +1 weapon when attacking with it.)

    You also don't have disadvantage on attack rolls when using a Tower Shield. (From Xanathar's Extraordinary Vault)

    Fighting Specialty: Dead-Eye Style

    People that specialize with using ranged weaponry, hitting opponents accurately from range is their specialty. This Fighting Specialty gives proficiency with Light and Medium Armor. And gives proficiency with all weapons that have a ranged property and are used this way, either thrown or ammunition based

    Dead-Eye Shot/Throw

    When taking this Fighting Specialty you have the option to prepare a Dead-Eye Shot which means you can't move and can't have moved yourself on your turn. When using Dead-Eye Shot you have advantage on all your ranged or thrown attacks but take a -6Attack Rolls (Decreases at certain levels, -5 at level 5, -4 at level 11, -3 at level 17.) You also gain extra damage on your Dead-Eye attacks, at first level it's +2 damage (This increases to +4 at level 5, +6 at level 11, +8 at level 17.) Dead-Eye Shot/Throw can only be used when Optimal Distance requirements are met.

    Optimal Distance

    As someone who specializes in ranged weaponry you prefer having a certain distance between you and your enemies.

    This optimal distance is 20 feet to half the max distance +40 of your weapon. (Example: Short-bow has 320 max range although from 80 range onward you would have disadvantage, now your optimal range is between 20 to 200 (half of 320 +40) which means you don't have disadvantage between these ranges and you can use Dead-Eye Shot for enemies between this optimal distance. However if there are enemies within 20 feet even if you don't wanna target them you will have disadvantage on all your ranged attacks because they are a threat to you, also if you attack an enemy that exceeds the optimal range you will still have disadvantage which in the short-bow's case is above 200 feet range and of course you can't hit targets more then 320 feet away.)

    Critical Shot/Throw

    At level 3 occasionally your shots/throws are especially nasty. When you critically hit a target you can choose to either blind them, deafen them, or make them fall prone on their next turn.

    The Weapon Moves

    Their are many weapon moves, the type of weapons and the Fighting Specialty that a Weapon Specialist has determines what weapon moves they can learn and use.

    Each weapon property has at least 1 weapon move unique to it. Slashing Moves, Bludgeoning Moves, Piercing Moves, Light Moves, Heavy Moves, Reaching Moves, Ranged Moves, Overwhelming Moves,

    Slashing Moves

    Bleeding Slash

    A bleeding slash tries to make your target bleed.

    The target has to make CON saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR or DEX (whichever is higher) + your PB.

    If they fail the saving throw they will take 2d4 necrotic damage at the start of their turn from bleeding out and at the end of their turn they can attempt the CON save again.

    Cut Tendons

    A nasty move where you attempt to cut the enemy's tendons.

    The target has to make a DEX saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR or DEX (whichever is higher) + your PB.

    If they fail the saving throw they have disadvantage on all attack rolls and their speed is halved, this lasts until the end of your next turn.

    Bludgeoning Moves

    Dislocating Strike

    A strike that attempts to dislocate a part of the target. (Usually a limb which they use to attack or a means of using their movement like legs/fins/wings or something similiar.)

    The target has to make a DEX saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR + your PB.

    If they fail they have permanent disadvantage on all attack rolls using that part of their body, this lasts until they receive magical healing that at least equals the damage done by the strike that inflicted the dislocation.

    If legs/fins/wings were targeted instead, the target will have half their speed corresponding to the body part with the same healing rule.

    Incapacitating Strike

    A strike targeted usually at the heart or head to try and incapacitate the target.

    The target has to make a CON saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR + your PB.

    If they fail the saving throw they will be incapacitated until the start of your next turn.

    Piercing Moves

    Pinning Attack

    An attack that tries to pin the target into their current position.

    The target has to make a DEX saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR or DEX (whichever is higher) + your PB.

    If they fail the saving throw the target's speed is reduced to 0 until the start of your next turn.

    Piercing Attack

    An attack that attempts to pierce deeply through a target.

    The target has to make a CON saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR or DEX (whichever is higher) + your PB.

    If they fail the saving throw the attack will pierce through a medium enemy and you can roll damage for any creature 5ft. behind the target without adding your DEX mod. If the target is Large size or larger you can make an additional damage roll against the target without adding your DEX mod.

    Light Moves

    Speedy Strike

    Thanks to your weapon being so light you can make another weapon attack against the target.

    Heavy Moves

    Tripping Strike

    With your heavy weapon you try to make the target lose their footing.

    The target has to make a DEX or STR saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR + your PB. (A large or larger creature has advantage on the saving throw.)

    If the target fails the saving throw they fall prone.

    Ranged Moves


    You know how to hit your target after hitting them with your last attack.

    Until the end of your next turn you have advantage with all your ranged attacks against the target.

    Overwhelming Moves

    Overwhelming Hit

    You hit a target with an extraordinary amount of your strength, possibly sending them flying.

    The target has to make a STR saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR + your PB.

    If the target fails the saving throw they will be launched a distance equal to 5* your STR modifier, this counts for medium creatures.

    For every size category the target is larger they will be launched half as much feet, for every size category the target is smaller they will be launched twice as much.

    The direction where the target gets launched to depends on where you are attacking from, they will be launched the opposite direction you are attacking from.

    The target will fall prone at the end of the launch, if a target is launched into a solid object like a wall, the target and object will take 1d6 of damage for every 10 feet of movement that the target would have otherwise traveled.

    Stunning Hit

    You attempt to make a truly lasting impact on an enemy.

    The target has to make a CON saving throw where the save DC equals 8 + your STR + your PB.

    If the target fails the saving throw they will be stunned until the start of your next turn.


    Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Weapon Specialist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Strength or Dexterity score must be 16 without any items.

    Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Weapon Specialist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Any proficiences from the Fighting Specialty.

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    gollark: =wolf apple to atomic mass units
    gollark: =wolf AAPL
    gollark: No.
    gollark: Weird.
    gollark: Apparently I have a volume of 1138m³ and am 0.1mm thick.
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