Vulskari House Armor (5e Equipment)

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Armor(Medium, Heavy), Rare to Very Rare (Rare no, Very Rare yes)

Finely wrought armor usually worn by either the outrider knights of House Vulskari, or worn by their more prominent house guards. When not attuned to any notable wearer, this armor looks to be an intricately designed set of personal armor matching the different types. It's more akin to an azure blue tone of metallic sheen and can even be of the improper proportions for it's designed bearer. However when the armor is donned/attuned, it takes on a small portion of it's wearers blood and essence. Hence this is where the armor derives it's notable crimson sheen. While also shifting to fit it's owner more comfortably.

Beginning at +1,+2 Calling of the blood. Once per day, the wearer of this armor can choose to activate this property. Gaining temp hp per turn for one minute, based on a 1hd, plus Con modifier roll.

Upgraded at +3 Calling of the blood. Once per day, the wearer of this armor can choose to activate this property. Gaining temp hp per turn for one minute, based on a 2hd, plus Con modifier roll.

Crimson Waltz. Once per day, the wearer of this armor may activate this property. Turning into a fine red mist and instantly moving up to 20ft, while ignoring partial cover and moving through occupied spaces as they do.

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