Vector (5e Class)

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Vectors are beings who are able to absorb the kinetic energy from the world around them, bending it to their will or even using it to boost their own physical capabilities. Usually beings are born with the ability, but some have had it thrust upon them. Such as the story of an apothecary of a potions shop who was stuck by lightning while handling dangerous speed potions, but for the most part it is a god given gift. Vectors typically become con artists and street performers due to their natural wit, quickness and charisma. Some though, choose the solitary life, living in harmony with the literal forces of nature and trying to help those they come into contact with.

Creating a Vector

Quick Build

You can make a Vector quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the Charlatan background. Third, choose light/medium armor, if any at all, and weapons that can easily be thrown.

Class Features

As a Vector you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Vector level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Vector level after 1st


Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Playing card set, Dice set, Three Dragon Ante set, Thieves’ tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Charisma
Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Perception, Deception, Performance, or Persuasion.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) a Whip
  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) a Quarterstaff
  • Leather Armor
  • (a) Explorer’s Pack or (b) Disguise Kit

You also have the option to roll 6d4 x 10 gold and buy your own equipment

Table: The Vector

1st+23Kinetic Absorption, Energy Master
2nd+24Output Technique, Massive, Kinetic Expertise
3rd+25Repulse Reaction, Output Ability
4th+26Ability Score Improvement, Output Ability
5th+38Extra Attack
6th+39Static Interference, Output Ability
7th+310Repulse Reaction(0)
8th+311Ability Score Improvement, Output Ability
9th+413Forceful Charms
10th+414Output Ability, Kinetic Absorption(+2)
11th+415Magic Tolerance
12th+416Ability Score Improvement
13th+518Boost Creature
14th+519Output Ability
15th+520Extra Attack(3)
16th+521Ability Score Improvement
17th+623Energized Body
18th+624Boost Creature(+)
19th+625Ability Score Improvement
20th+626Siphon Power

Kinetic Absorption

You are able to absorb the kinetic energy from the world around you and use it as a resource for unique abilities. Your absorbed kinetic energy is represented by a number of Joules. Your Vector level determines the number of Joule points you have, as shown in the Joule column of the Vector table. You are able to recharge your Joules after a short or long rest. Due to their stored kinetic energy, you have a faster physical potential, gaining +5 to your speed. You also get +1 to your Dexterity score. At level 10, you get another +1 to your Dexterity and your new maximum for Dexterity is 22.

Kinetic Power DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Energy Master

Magic, in your eyes, is just a form of potential energy. Whenever you are hit with a magical attack, you gain 1 Joule and heal for 1d6. Does not work while unconscious.

Output Technique

At 2nd level, you choose an output technique for your absorbed Kinetic energy, such as enhancer. Your choice defines the way your character interacts with the Kinetic energy around them.


Starting at 2nd level, the excess Kinetic energy in your body allows you to stay put when hit with knock-back effects. You have advantage on all saving throws that involve being knocked back or shoved. In addition, when you try to shove a creature, you gain advantage.

Kinetic Expertise

At 2nd level you have mastered the manipulation of kinetic energy. You can choose one skill out of Sleight of Hand, Deception, Performance, Athletics, and Acrobatics to gain expertise with, as well as advantage. At 8th you become even more so attuned to kinetic energy and can choose a 2nd skill from the above list.

Repulse Reaction

Starting at 3rd level, you are able to spend 1 Joule and use your reaction to negate damage from a physical attack by repulsing it from your body. In order to fully negate the damage you must succeed on a dexterity saving throw equal to the attack hit value. If you fail the roll, you take full damage from the attack. At 7th level, the cost is reduced to 0 Joules, and if you fail the roll you take half damage.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 15th level in this class.

Static Interference

Starting at 6th level, your constant use of Kinetic energy has caused a semipermeable aura to cover their entire body. You gain a resistance to force attacks.

Forceful Charms

Starting at 9th level, you are able to charm people with your aura. As long as somebody is within 5 feet of you, you have advantage on any Charisma ability checks against them. Also, you can spend 1 Joule and an action to force a creature within 5 feet to make a Charisma saving throw against your Kinetic Power DC. If they fail the roll, they become friendly with you and your allies for 1 minute.

Magic Tolerance

Starting at 11th level, whenever you heal as a result of your Energy Master, gain resistance to that type of damage until your next turn. While under the effects of Magic Tolerance, if you heal from a different magic type than your current resistance, lose your current Magic Tolerance resistance and gain resistance to the new magic damage until your next turn.

Boost Creature

Starting at 13th level, you can spend 2 Joules and an action to boost a creature's energy for 1 turn. You can not cast this on yourself and must be within touching range of the targeted creature. The targeted creature gains an extra attack action, 30 speed and +2 to their Armor Class until the end of its next turn. Additionally it heals for 1d8 + your Vector Level. At the 18th level you are able to energize creatures as a bonus action.

Energized Body

Starting at 17th level, your body is so well energized by the energy you absorb on a daily basis, that you are able to have two reactions during 1 round of combat. Also you no longer require food or water for sustenance and your body ages 1 year for every 5 that pass. You are also able to stay awake for twice the normal limit before gaining exhaustion.

Siphon Power

Starting at 20th level, If you are at 0 Joules you can use your bonus action to siphon energy from a creature within 120 feet from you. The creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your Kinetic Power DC. If the target fails, the creature loses 2 dexterity, while you gain 2 dexterity, both effects are temporary for 1 hour. In addition, you regain 4 Joules and the target takes 5d10 force damage.


Enhancers use the kinetic energy they absorb and boost their own physical capabilities beyond normal levels.


When you choose this output, your character naturally becomes faster gaining 10ft bonus to speed. This increases by 10ft at 4th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th levels. Also your Strength increases by 1. At level 10 add another bonus 1 point to Strength and increase your maximum to 22.

Additionally, things you are touching are protected by a kinetic energy aura that surrounds your body. They no longer get wear and tear from running at high speeds and do not feel the effects of drag.

Also, for every 150ft you moved on one turn you must spend 1 Joule to keep moving or gain 1 point of exhaustion.

Forceful Strikes

Starting at 2nd level, your unarmed strikes use Dexterity and Strength for Attack and Damage rolls and you are proficient at them. Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 bludgeoning damage and any target hit by one must make a Strength saving throw against your Kinetic Power DC. If the target fails the save, they take an additional 1d4 force damage and are knocked back 5ft. The bonus force damage can be increased by running straight at your target with no change in direction. For every 20ft of space ran, increase the force damage by 1d4 and the knock back by 5ft. If the target succeeds on the save, then they take half of the bonus force damage and do not get knocked back. Your unarmed strike's damage is increased to 1d8 at level 5, 1d12 at level 10, 1d16 at level 15 and 1d20 at level 20. For every size above you the target is, reduce the knock back effect by 10 feet and for every size below you, increase the knock back by 10 feet.

Quick Targets

Starting at the 3rd level, whenever you make a melee attack, you can spend 1 Joule and use a free action, allowing you to do one of two options. Either gain the ability to make 2 more melee attacks on 2 different bonus targets or attack the same target an additional time. This increases to 5 bonus targets or 3 attacks on the same target at level 11. You are also able to move while making attacks if you use this ability.

Naturally Elusive

Starting at 4th level, you become naturally hard to hit, gaining ac equal to your level divided by 3 rounded down as long as you are in light armor or none. Also, whenever you are subject to a Dexterity saving throw as a result of an attack, such as a lighting bolt, you are able to spend 1 Joule and fully negate the damage on a successful roll and only take half damage on a failed roll. At the 8th level, gain resistance to physical attacks.

Need for Speed

Starting at 6th level, you are able to dash as a bonus action. While dashing, you no longer provoke opportunity attacks from creatures. If you dash as a bonus action during your turn, you may spend 1 Joule and use a free action to use dash again. This can be done once per short rest. At level 12 you can use the additional dash 2 times per short rest. At level 18, while out of combat, your total speed is tripled.

Ultimate Friction

Starting at 8th level you are able to run on virtually any surface as if it is normal ground, even difficult terrain. This includes the ability to run vertically as well. At level 15, changing your running direction from horizontal to vertical and vise versa is not considered a change in direction and you are able to run on ceilings.

Armed Tornadoes

Starting at 10th level, you can spend 3 Joules and use your action to spin your arms in a circle at blinding speed. Wind begins to form around your arms, coalescing into a giant Tornado in a 20ft cone. Any large sized or smaller creature that is inside that area must make a dexterity saving throw against your Kinetic Power DC. If they fail the roll, they are sucked into the end of the tornado You can either move your arms toward the ground where they are causing them to take 6d4 force damage and being stunned, aim your arms up in the air above you about 10ft away and extend them up to 60ft then dropping them around you dealing 6d6 force damage and knocking them prone, or whip your arms in a targeted direction throwing the creatures up to 80ft away from you causing them to take 3d6 of force damage. Anyone who succeeds on the saving throw is not sucked into the Tornado and is pushed aside, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage. At 15th level, you are able to control your spinning arms to a greater degree, allowing you to create a smaller tornado and catch objects or creatures as a reaction for 1 Joule. Allowing you to either move them 20ft away from you or pull them into your arms.


Staring at 14th level, if you spend 4 Joules you are able to vibrate your molecules at such a frequency it allows you to phase through inorganic matter at will for 1 minute. While phasing through an object your movement is considered under difficult terrain and is not affected by Ultimate Friction. If you end your movement while phasing then you explode out of the object to the closest open space, taking 1d10 damage and being knocked back 20 feet. If you spend 8 Joules and an action you are able to phase through organic matter as well, only for your turn of combat. Anything organic that you successfully phase through must make a constitution saving throw equal to your Kinetic Power DC. If it fails the roll it takes 6d6 + Your Kinetic Power DC of force damage, or half as much for a successful roll. If the target rolls a natural 1 and has under 150 health or dies as a result of this ability, they explode into a million pieces. A target dying this way can not be resurrected under normal circumstances. If a creature is within 5 feet of the creature that is exploding, they are knocked back 5, 10, 15 or 20 feet. The size of the creature determines the knock back distance starting at 5 feet with a Tiny creature and up to 20 feet for a Gargantuan. At level 20, increase the phase damage by 6d6.


Emitters use the kinetic energy they absorb by applying it into objects. They also have a greater control on where they absorb kinetic energy from. Additionally Emitters can use Dexterity rather than Strength for attacks and damage rolls made with weapons and improvised weapons. They also have proficiency with improvised weapons.

Object Potential

When you choose this output, your character gains the ability to harness an object's potential energy to boost its kinetic energy. Anything you boost the kinetic energy of gains additional damage equal to 1d4 + your Charisma modifier. This has the ability to turn otherwise harmless objects into weapons, such as a deck of cards, a bag of marbles or a stack of coins. Maybe even a quiver of arrows for your bow. The object now deals its original base damage + your potential energy damage and if the object does not have a base damage, then use 1d4. If the object which is thrown does not have a set range, then the range is 20/60. The potential energy damage increases by 1d4 at the 4th, 7th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th levels.

Energy Tear

Starting at 2nd level, if one of your attacks hits a creature which is within 200 feet of you, you can spend a bonus action to rip your kinetic energy out of a creature that was transferred to it by a force attack for 2 Joules. This attack deals damage equal to the amount of the force damage of the original attack.

Kinetic Mastery

Starting at 3rd level, you are able to manipulate kinetic energy around you to cause one of the following effects for 1 Joule. You can cause an object within 30 ft to either quadruple in weight or double its current speed for 1 minute. You can slam a door closed or silently open an unlocked door from up to 30 feet away. You can make a creature or object you are able to pick up fly 60 feet into the air or sink 30 feet in a liquid. Creatures must make a Charisma Saving throw equal to your Kinetic Power DC in order to not be moved.

Force Overload

Starting at 4th level, you can spend 2 Joule and a bonus action to fill an non-living object with immense energy. Attacks made with this specific object deal an additional 2d6 force damage. You can spend up to 2 additional Joules to empower its attacks. After 3 turns have passed, the object explodes dealing 6d6 force damage to everything within a 10 foot radius. For every additional Joule spent, the time it takes for the object to explode is reduced by 1 round. The objects give off a faint light that can be noticed if looked for. At 12th level, you can overload objects from up to 60 feet away, but you must have vision of them when overloading.

Kinetic Paralysis

Starting at 6th level, you are able to spend 3 Joules and their action to focus their energy absorption on one targeted medium creature within 40 feet, and force them to make a wisdom saving throw against the Vector's Kinetic Power DC. If the target fails their roll, their nervous system slows down to the point that they can longer accurately perceive the time passing around them. This inflicts a state of paralysis, blindness and deafness on the creature. Each round of combat the creature must use their action and succeed on a wisdom saving throw equal to your Kinetic Power DC to break this state. This requires concentration by the Vector. Against creatures 2 or more size classes above your own, they are stunned instead of paralyzed. You may target one additional enemy at the 12th level for another 3 Joules and target another creature at the 18th for a total of 9 Joules.

Energy Stream

Starting at 8th level, you can spend 3 Joules and an action to attach a tiny jet stream of force energy to an object or creature. The creature must make a constitution save against your Kinetic Power DC to stop it from being attached. The object or creature flies 320 feet a round in a specified horizontal direction. For every size above tiny, reduce the distance in half. If the object or creature strikes an object or another creature it deals 10d4 force damage to themselves and whatever they collide with, this causes the jet stream to end. The creature must make a strength save on their next turn to stop the jet stream or they go on flying for an additional turn. You can spend an additional 3 joules to add an additional jet stream to whatever you are targeting with this spell, this can be done up to 6 times. At the 15th level, you can attach 2 jets at the base cost and you can target an additional creature or object.

Area Sap

Starting at 10th level, you are able to spend 5 Joules and an action to focus on a 15ft radius sphere around yourself, or another 7 joules to focus on a cone 35 ft out, and absorb as much of the Kinetic Energy in the area as you possibly can for 1 min. This requires the Vector's concentration. Anything caught inside the zone while it is created or who enters the zone has their speed reduced to 0, being considered immobilized and is unable to speak, meaning they can't cast verbal or somatic parts of spells unless they are able to cast while not moving or speaking, yet they are completely aware of their surroundings. The creatures trapped inside must make a Constitution saving throw. If the creatures succeed on their roll, they jump to the closest area outside of this effect. Projectiles and creatures that enter the zone are stopped in place upon entry and after the zone ends the projectiles drop to the ground. Every turn a creature is within the zone, they can make a Constitution saving throw against your Kinetic Power DC to break free of the freeze effect and move outside the zone. (concentration, and can’t move)

Gravity Well

Starting at 14th level, you are able to spend 4 Joules and your action to focus your kinetic energy around a creature within 200 feet and crush it inward dealing excruciating pain. The target must succeed on a constitution saving throw equal to your Kinetic Power DC. If it fails this roll it takes 8d10 + your Kinetic Power DC worth of force damage, or half as much on a successful roll. The Joule cost of Gravity Well doubles for each size above medium the creature was. If the creature dies due to this ability, then they condense into a small sphere of matter approximately 4 inches in diameter. You can pick this up and throw it at an enemy as an attack action, dealing an additional 2d6 worth of damage on top of your Object Potential. The damage increases by 2d6 for each size above medium the condensed creature was. At the 20th level the base damage increases by 4d10.


Manipulators are able to control the energy around them as if it were an extension of their own physical body. Allowing them to seem as if they are moving objects with their minds and even fly!

Forceful Energy


Starting at 2nd level,


Starting at 3rd level,


Starting at 4th level,


Starting at 6th level,


Starting at 8th level,


Starting at 10th level,


Starting at 14th level,


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Vector class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Dexterity and Charisma

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Vector class, you gain the following proficiencies: Sleight of Hand, Acrobatics, and Playing Cards

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gollark: Well, it does, when it crashes with too long without yield.
gollark: Someone else can probably explain better than I. I mostly just muddle my way around coroutines.
gollark: sleep was not messing it up - it expected coroutine.yield to pass it events. The fault is your own.
gollark: Not really.
gollark: Coroutine usage directly is generally best for setups where you need to add/remove coroutines during execution.
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