Vampyr (5e Class)

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The creation of a bloodline, a possible cure for yourself, or the strive to survive, all of these things you are inherently drawn to, however they are all far harder than the uninformed could possibly know.

Nobles of the Night

A stalking hunter watching from the eaves of a building. A lavish masquerade with an all liquid feast. A deformed Blood-crazed monster in a rage in the sewers. A cursed night or paladin seeking redemption. A Vampyr, as opposed to a Vampire, is a pure-blooded vampire and from their bloodline who's heart still beats. They hold nobility among other vampire both due to tradition as well as their potential. You are one of few who have been created to be a not only a Vampyr, but eventually a Lord or Lady as well.

Creating a Vampyr

A vampyr is made when a vampyr lord, does not drink, but drains the blood of a virgin, then replaces it in it's entirety with their own, or when a Vampyr lord does the same to anyone else. Though a bite could create a vampyr, one created from the feeding of a vampire will never achieve the same heigt nor ability possibly of a True Vampyr. Did your Character become a Vampyr on purpose or was it forced on them? Do they seek to cure themselves? Do they want to spread their curse? How long have they been a vampire? Were they just revived and regaining strength? Try and make a character that has a goal that has to do with their background or alignment. Work with your Dungeon Master (DM) to include aspects of your background into the story of the campaign.

Quick Build

You can make a Vampyr quickly by following these suggestions. First, Constitution should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or Strength. Second, choose the Noble or Knight background.

Class Features

As a Vampyr you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 2d4 per Vampyr level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 2d4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 2d4 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Vampyr level after 1st


Armor: Choose 1 from Light, Medium, or heavy; Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Raipiers, Scimitars, Whips, Hand Crossbows, Longbows, Double-Bladed Scimitars.
Tools: Cook's Utensils
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose 2 skills from Acrobatics, Arcana, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, and Stealth.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) A longbow with 20 arrows and a quiver. or (b) Hand crossbow with 20 bolts and a bolt case. or (c) A Whip.
  • (a) A Dagger or (b) A Quarterstaff or (c) A Scimitar
  • (a) Fine Clothes or (b) Dark hooded clothing. or (c) A wide brimmed hat with a mask.
  • (a) An Explorer's Pack. or (b) A Diplomat's Pack or (c) A Priest's Pack
  • (a) A Holy Symbol. or (b) An Arcane Focus or (c) Cook's Utensils
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d6 x 10 GP in funds.

Table: The Vampyr

FeaturesCantrips KnownEnvironmental Damage—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2Blood Rite Magic, Soulless Monster, Vampyr Fangs, Undying Thirst, Severe Sunlight Sensitivity, Darkvision220
2nd+2Enhanced Agility, Water Bane, Vitality Infusion2202
3rd+2Bloodsight, Spider Climb2203
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Vampiric Hierarchy, Unholy Forbiddance, Improved Darkvision3153
5th+3Face of Day, Diminished Sunlight Sensitivity, Ability Score Improvement31542
6th+3Vampiric Surge, Immaculate Skin31542
7th+3Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 1, Sharpened Fangs31543
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Desmodontinae Form, Enhanced Bloodsight41043
9th+4Ability Score Improvement, Opaline Skin410432
11th+4Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 245433
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Improved Desmodontinae Form, Accelerated Healing, Pearled Skin55433
13th+5Ability Score Improvement554331
14th+5Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 3554331
15th+5Improved Vampiric Surge, Accursed Immunity, Crystalline Skin504332
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Undying Crypt604332
17th+6Ability Score Improvement, Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 46043331
18th+6Diamond Skin6043331
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Misty Movement, Ultimate Desmodontinae Form6043332
20th+6Vampyr Lord, Fanged Maw6043332

Blood Rite Magic

At 1st level blood becomes a source of power for you in more ways than one. You can cast magic by using your vitality as fuel for your arcane powers. You can prepare a number of Blood Rite spells from the equal to your constitution modifier + your proficiency modifier + 1/2 your vampyr level. In addition to the few spell slots you gain from this class, you may use your vitality to cast spells by lowering your maximum hit points before you cast the spell to fuel it. The number of hit points your hit point maximum is temporarily reduced by is equal to the spell's level times 10. Bloodrite spells are all wizard spells up to level five plus all spells listed in the Bampyr spell list.

You may use an Arcane Focus, a Holy Symbol to a god you worship, or Cook's Utensils as a spell casting focus for your Vampyr spells.

Your spell save DC is 8 + constitution modifier + proficiency modifier.

Your spell attack modifier is equal to your constitution modifier + proficiency modifier.

Soulless Monster

Your heart still beats, yet you are still a vampire and an undead. You count as Undead in addition to your other creature types. Spells that don't effect undead don't effect you (Such as most healing spells like Cure Wounds and Healing word; Healing potions work as normal), and spells that exclusively target humanoids still effect you. (such as Crown of Madness and Hold Person).

Vampyr Fangs

Your canine teeth extend and retract up to 2 inches at will(No action required) once per turn. You have a natural bite attack with your fangs while they are extended. You are proficient with this natural attack and may use strength or dexterity for the ability modifier for this attack. On a hit this attack deals 1d4 + str/dex + prof. If you kill a living humanoid with this attack they have a 1% chance to rise as a vampire spawn, however not under your control. This can be prevented by cutting the head off the corpse, burning the corpse, or plunging a sharpened stake of silver, quick silver, or Black Locust into their heart before the next new moon.

Vampiric Thirst

As an Undead pure-blood, you always thirst for blood and only feel satisfied rarely. To sustain yourself you must drink 1 liter of blood in place of normal rations during long rests. If you cannot (You have none to drink and choose to not drink from your party) or choose not to (You're fasting for a religious holiday, or possibly using half rations.), your hit point maximum does not reset to your base hit point maximum. Instead, at the end of that long rest, you only heal up to your current maximum hit points. Fresh blood is blood that hasn't began to rot. 20-30 minutes after death or straight from the vein is fresh, blood kept in a vial or water skin last for about 3 days in a normal climate, 6 in cold climates and 2 in hot climates. Bottled like wine however can make it last nearly indefinitely if done by a proper vampiric brewer.

Severe Sunlight Sensitivity

While you have exposed body (skin, fur, scales, Etcetera), you have disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight, and you take 20 radiant damage at the end of your turn if your skin is exposed to direct sunlight. As you gain levels in this class, this damage scales lower as shown on the environmental damage section of the vampyr table.


You have the eyes of a nightly red-light stalker, as such you are far better at spotting things in the dark. You gain darkvision out to 30 feet and can see in perfect color in darkness. If you already have darkvision, then it increases by 30 feet and you can see in perfect color in darkness within 30 feet of you.

Enhanced Agility

Starting at 2nd level, you begin to transcend natural living ability as you descend deeper into unlife. You use your body as a pure-blood should, honorably, and with a deadly purpose. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet and your standing and long jump increase by 5 feet as well.

At higher levels: This speed and jump bonus increases by 5 feet at each of these higher levels: 4th(+10 ft.), 8th(+15 ft.), 11th(+20 ft.), 15th(+25 ft.), 18th(+30 ft.), and 20th(+40 ft.).

Water Bane

Starting at 2nd level, you are no longer able to brave the waves, rivers, or even streams as you could before. Whenever you end your turn in running water, swim through running water, or have water suddenly flow around you(I.E. From a spell), you take 20 acid damage. Still water does not cause this damage and movements made in still water don’t constitute running water. As you gain levels this class, this damage scales lower as shown on the environmental damage section of the vampyr table.

Vitality Infusion

Starting at 2nd level, if you hit using your bite attack, your current maximum hit points increase by the amount of damage done up to your base maximum hit points. In addition you heal a number of hit points equal to 1/2 of the amount of damage done.


starting at 3rd level, you gain Bloodsight out to 30 feet. Bloodsight is the ability to sense flowing blood via supernatural means. You can see blood, through walls, illusions, and even invisibility alike. You see the blood flowing through the creatures around you. In order to see a creature in this state that creature has to have flowing blood.

Spider Climb

Starting at 3rd level, you can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.

Vampiric Hierarchy

At 4th level, you chose a Vampiric Hierarchy. Choose between Rule of Power, Rule of Knowledge, Rule of Blood, and Rule of Evolution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 4 and again at level 7, 11, 14, and 17.

Unholy Forbiddance

Starting at 4th level, due to your unholy power, you find yourself no longer able to enter private abodes without consent. You may however drop your hit point maximum to that of 1/2 of your hit point maximum to bypass the forces preventing you from entering, however, while you are in an abode in this manner you have a max hp of. A location ceases to function as a private abode if it meets any of the following criteria:

  1. It is a public location
  2. It lacks a roof
  3. It lacks walls
  4. It lacks a door
  5. The occupant(s) has been dead for at least a week

If you are present within it when it becomes an otherwise private abode, you are considered one of it's occupants already and this feature otherwise does not effect you in that abode.

Improved Darkvision

Your eyes have adapted to the dark light you almost always live within. Starting at level 4, your darkvision increases by and additional 30 feet and you can see in full color out to 60 feet.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 5th level, and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Face of Day

Starting at 5th level, during your time as a vampyr, you’ve constructed an elaborate persona that you can adopt to dissuade investigation. This persona can be constructed to your liking, and you gain proficiency with Charisma(Deception) checks and advantage on Charisma saves to conceal your true identity. If you are already proficient with Charisma(Deception) Checks, then you gain Expertise instead. In addition, you gain proficiency with one tool of your choice that corresponds to your persona.

Diminished Sunlight Sensitivity

Starting at 5th level, while in direct sunlight, you no longer have disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (perception) checks that rely on sight.

Vampiric Surge

Until now, your blood would flow within your body, but now you’ve begun to force your blood to pound through your veins, causing a surge of vigor. Starting at 6th level, once a turn, whenever you take the attack action or cast a spell with a casting time of one action, you can now make an additional attack or cast a cantrip/spell with a casting time of one Bonus Action.

Immaculate Skin

Starting at 6th level your skin/scales/feathers/fur lose all imperfections and become more alluring to the eye. You gain unarmored defense equal to 11+ your dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier. You also gain resistance to Cold and Necrotic damage. In addition you gain advantage on persuasion/intimidation checks made when attempting to persuade/intimidate others of your original race.

If you are unconscious you cannot add your dexterity or proficiency modifiers to your armor class as they are you actively using your dexterity to avoid being struck and your experience to deflect and lessen the force of impact a giving strike would have on you.

Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 1

At 4th level, you chose a Vampiric Hierarchy. Choose between Rule of Power, Rule of Knowledge, Rule of Blood, and Rule of Evolution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 4 and again at level 7, 11, 14, and 17.

Sharper Fangs

Starting at level 7, your fangs become sharper and your pre-molars also become sharpened and operate as your canines, though only extending, from front to back, 1 inch and 1/2 inch, the hit die now dealing 1d6.

Desmodontinae Form

Starting at level 8, once per dawn, for up to an hour you can shift your form to that of a challenge rating 0 bat (Desmodontinae Rotundus or vampire bat) at will. When you first shift into bat form after a period of your bat form has full health. When you drop to 0 hp while in bat form you revert to your natural form wherever you were, and all excess damage beyond 0 carries over to your normal form. If the space you reappear into is too small for your normal form you take 4d6 bludgeoning damage. Use the Bat statistics for this ability. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 5th level, and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Enhanced Bloodsight

By level 9, you become more attuned to how blood flows in others, you gain advantage on investigation and insight checks to determine if a creature is preparing to attack, lie, hide, or cheat. In addition, when looking at a creature using your bloodsight, you can know it's size.

Opaline Skin

Starting at 9th level your skin/scales/feathers/fur becomes beautiful and feels relaxing to touch. Your. Your unarmored defense becomes equal to 12 + your dex. mod. + your proficiency modifier. In addition you gain advantage on persuasion/intimidation checks made when attempting to persuade/intimidate other living humanoids.

If you are unconscious you cannot add your dexterity or proficiency modifiers to your armor class as they are you actively using your dexterity to avoid being struck and your experience to deflect and lessen the force of impact a giving strike would have on you.

Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 2

At 4th level, you chose a Vampiric Hierarchy. Choose between Rule of Power, Rule of Knowledge, Rule of Blood, and Rule of Evolution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 4 and again at level 7, 11, 14, and 17.

Improved Desmondontinae Form

As your normal form grows in power, so does your alternative one. Now, at 12th level, when you transform into your alternative form, you can now instead transform into a Giant bat. You can now stay in either of your Desmondontinae forms for up to a total of 6 hours per dawn and can transform into them twice per dawn. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores.

Accelerated Healing

Starting at 12th level, during a short rest you can consume half a liter of blood to raise your maximum hit points by what you roll on your hit die. You cannot raise your maximum hit points above your base maximum hit points.

Pearled Skin

Starting at 12th level, your skin/scales/feathers/fur becomes beautiful to any and all creatures you could call prey, catching the eye of those you choose with unnatural allure and hard to focus on for those you wish not to deal with. It also becomes thinner, lighter, and highly strengthened. Your unarmored defense becomes equal to 13 + your dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier. In addition, you gain advantage on persuasion/intimidation checks made when attempting to persuade/intimidate any living creature with an intelligence of 8 or higher. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 7 or below have disadvantage on wisdom saves against being persuaded or intimidated by you.

If you are unconscious you cannot add your dexterity or proficiency modifiers to your armor class as they are you actively using your dexterity to avoid being struck and your experience to deflect and lessen the force of impact a giving strike would have on you.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 5th level, and again at 9th, 13th, and 17th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 3

At 4th level, you chose a Vampiric Hierarchy. Choose between Rule of Power, Rule of Knowledge, Rule of Blood, and Rule of Evolution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 4 and again at level 7, 11, 14, and 17.

Improved Vampiric Surge

As your undead heart grows with strength, you can manage greater feats of sudden speed. Now, starting at level 15 once a turn, whenever you take the attack action or cast a spell with a casting time of one action, you can now make two additional attacks.

Accursed Immunity

Through your growth of power and your acceptance into your new title of Vampiric Regent, you have developed or rather grown accustomed to the banes of lesser born. Starting at 15th level, you no longer take environmental damage, cannot be turned or destroyed by a cleric's turn/destroy undead ability, cannot be detected via a paladin's Divine Sense ability, and your Unholy Forbbidance feature no longer effects you.

Crystalline Skin

Starting at 15th level, your skin/scales/feathers/fur become much stronger without gaining weight and now traps and contains light and becomes nearly impervious to mundane attacks. Your unarmored defense become equal to 14 + your dexterity modifier + your proficiency Modifier. You gain resistance to non-magical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You also become immune to Necrotic and Cold damage. Finally, you gain advantage on stealth/deception checks.

If you are unconscious you cannot add your dexterity or proficiency modifiers to your armor class as they are you actively using your dexterity to avoid being struck and your experience to deflect and lessen the force of impact a giving strike would have on you.

Undying Crypt

Life for you, so far, has been a source of energy that you could not go without. Now, however, you can persist in a limited state without it. Starting at 16th level when you drop to 0 hp and either (a) fail 3 death saves or (b) take enough damage to die instantly, you become a cloud of black mist that has 5 hp, an ac score of 12, a movement speed of 40 (flying), your normal senses, immunity to non-magical bludgeoning slashing and piercing, and you take the same environmental damage as a level 1 vampyr. If you fail your last death save or take massive damage below the surface of flowing water, or while within direct sunlight, you instead just die and your flesh turns to ash leaving your items and skeleton behind. Once you are in your gaseous state you attempt to return to the last place you took a long rest. If you manage to return within 4 hours to that place you take 8 hours to regenerate to consciousness with 1 hp and 1 maximum hit point and none of your items. If you either fail to return to that place, you can alternatively return to any empty coffin made of Black Locust Wood you have prepared or find. This ability can only be used once per dawn.

Vampiric Hierarchy Feature 4

At 4th level, you chose a Vampiric Hierarchy. Choose between Rule of Power, Rule of Knowledge, Rule of Blood, and Rule of Evolution, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at level 4 and again at level 7, 11, 14, and 17.

Diamond Skin

Starting at 18th level, your skin/scales/feathers/fur become nearly irresistible to all those who you wish to catch the eye of and totally overlooked in nearly every case where you do not wish to be observed, holding the strength of diamond. You become immune to non-magical Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing Damage. In addition you gain advantage on persuasion/intimidation checks attempting to persuade/intimidate any creature, regardless of its intelligence, whether living or undead. Finally any creature with an Intelligence score of 7 or less automatically fails saves against being persuaded or intimidated by you and any insight or deception checks.

If you are unconscious you cannot add your dexterity or proficiency modifiers to your armor class as they are you actively using your dexterity to avoid being struck and your experience to deflect and lessen the force of impact a giving strike would have on you.

Misty Movement

Starting at 19th level, you gain the ability to momentarily shift parts of your body into your gaseous state. Creatures up to one size larger than you now have disadvantage on grappling checks made against you. You have a fly speed equal to your movement speed, if you end your turn while in the air, you fall to the ground. You can move through any openings air could pass through. If you end your turn in a place your normal body could not fit while using this ability, you flow out to the nearest open space that you could occupy and take 4d10 force damage for every 5 feet you moved after the end of your turn (Minimum 4d10).

Ultimate Desmodontinae Form

In every form you inhabit, you are a danger to your enemies and a boon to your allies. You can now remain in your Desmodontinae form for up to 12 hours per dawn. In addition you can now transform into a fabled Gloomhunter, a now long extinct ancestor to the Giant Bat that is nearly lost to the scholars of the world. Use the statistics for the Quetzalcoatlus except it has your bloodsight and it has blindsight out to your normal darkvision range. You keep your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma Scores.

Vampyr Lord

Here, at the height of your powers as a vampire, you gain the ability to bind the souls of those you consume to your service. When ever you kill a living humanoid creature with your bite attack, you may choose to raise them as a vampire spawn. If you do, they raise in 72 hours under your control for the next 200 years. If you kill a non-humanoid, you may have it rise as a ghoulish version of itself under your control. It keeps it's original statistics except it gains the Undead creature type in addition to its other types and becomes vulnerable to Radiant and Fire damage. This ability does not work on Undead, Oozes, plants, or constructs. If you choose not to bind the soul of a slain enemy, roll to see if it would become a vampire spawn via your normal Vampyr fangs feature. If it would, it instead becomes a level 1 Vampyr with a Vampire's ability scores, not under your control with no memories of it's past life on the next new moon.

Fanged Maw

With your eternal thirst otherwise quenched, when you choose to feed you do so in a crimson masquerade. When you make a bite attack, all of your incisors, canine, pre-molars, and molars become a maw of re-curved, barbed death and your jaw unhinges to extend the area of the bite, which leaves a mark more like that of a small bear trap rather than a Vampire, Vampyr, or animal bite. You may make your bite attack in place of any number of attacks on your turn instead of only once per turn. It now deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage. If you hit, you may make a competitive grapple check, the target can only use their Strength (Athletics) for this roll, clamping down on a success to your target. The target is considered grappled while in your maw, and can use its action to attempt to escape the grapple with an additional competitive check, ending it on a success. You may not use your bite attack against another creature until you release your currently grappled target. Grappling a creature in this way leaves both of your hand free. On each of your turns after you grapple a target in this way, you may replace any number of your attacks to instead automatically deal your bite damage again to the grappled creature, draining more of its blood (if it has any). If a construct or creature lacking blood is grappled in this way, you may not forgo your attacks to deal the bite damage again unless you could otherwise use your bite attack to regain health from that creature.

Rule Of Power

You have chosen to rule and gain prestige through power and force. You will hone your new unnatural nature and nurture your cannibalistic instincts turning yourself into a ruthless Blood Berserker.

Blood Rage

Beginning at 4th level, you can enter into a voracious blood rage as a bonus action 2 times per long long rest for 5 rounds per activation. While in a blood rage, you take and deal double damage and can only attack with unarmed or natural attacks and cannot cast, nor maintain concentration on, any spells. When you deal damage in this state with unarmed or natural attacks, if the attack was not a bite attack, you heal and regain maximum hit points as though it were.

Whenever you enter a Blood Rage, lower your Maximum Hit Points by 1/4 of your total maximum hitpoints rounded down. (For example, you have 63 max hp, and you enter a Blood Rage, then your maximum hp will drop to 48 as 1/4 of 63 is 15.75.)

Savage Growth

Starting at 7th level, your and unarmed strikes now deal 1d6 + either your strength or dexterity modifier + your proficiency modifier while you are in a Blood Rage. In addition, when you make an unarmed attack with one hand, you may use your bonus action to make an attack with your off hand that turn while in a Blood Rage. Finally You can now enter a Blood Rage 3 times per long rest and each time now last for 1 minute.

Destructive Revelry

As you fall further into your new habits of feeding and carnage, and your hunting grounds are no longer so hampered by the homes of your prey. Starting at level 11, while you are in a Blood Rage your unarmed and natural attacks against objects, items, and buildings automatically count as critical hits as though they were made with an adamantine weapon. You also gain a burrow speed equal to 1/2 your walking speed that can carve through all but the most robust materials, stone, and metals otherwise posing little hindrance to you while in a blood rage. Finally your unarmed and natural attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance.

Blood Warrior

With the growth of your power you become a truly masterful and brutal opponent, now enabling yourself to draw out create armaments from your life's blood. Starting at 14th level, as an action, you can lower your Constitution score temporally by three until the end of your next long rest during which you consume a full liter of fresh blood. For each time you do this, you create any melee weapon of your choice that you are proficient with which remains so long as you are wielding it (Can be sheathed but not stored). You may take a bonus action to dispel your choice of any number of weapons created this way. The weapon(s) count as Wounding variants of themselves and count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance, but cannot be thrown without becoming nothing but rancid non-magical sludge. Damage caused by the wounds from these weapons (not the attack itself) heals you an amount equal to 1/2 the damage dealt rounded down. If they are one handed you may use dual weapon fighting even if they wouldn’t normally be considered light weapons. These weapon(s) can be used while you are in a Blood Rage. You may create one of these weapons as you enter a blood rage as apart of that action.

Eternal Thirst

Your intense strive for raw power has led you to one conclusion. The thirst that drives you is the true way for you to gain power. With that epiphany, you let go of the shackles the remainder of your natural life still had on your morals and become a being of pure domination and consumption. Starting at level 17, you now no longer need to leave your Blood Rage. Instead you can remain in your Blood Rage until you choose to calm your thirst, or until you're knocked unconscious or killed. In addition you can enter a Blood Rage four times per long rest now and may end it as a free action at any time on your or an allies turn.

Rule of Knowledge

You have chosen to continue expanding your magical capabilities to gain your prestige, however your undead body no longer works with the Weave like it once did. To facilitate your growth in power, you know you must look to ancient dark arts that are native to your new nature.

Ancient Hemomancy

You understand that the bounds put on Wizards by the the god's and goddess' of magic to limit their power, and with that understanding comes the trouble of insuring your research and knowledge, which has become your power, from being destroyed or stolen.

When you take this Vampiric Hierarchy at level 4, you gain the ability to use a spell-book, and you can record new spells into just as a wizard does. There is no escaping the bounds of the gods entirely however, at least, not yet. You cannot use any of the spells in your spell-book unless you use your blood in the magical ink used to record it. To record a new spell into your spell-book, you must temporarily lower your maximum hit points by 10 times the spell level (As though you had cast the spell and it then failed). If you level up and wish to learn a spell which you don't have the Ink, Maximum Hit Points, or your spell-book to record it with, then you can keep a number of spells prepared equal to your charisma modifier until you are able to record it into your spell-book. If you level up and cannot prepare any new spells, then the oldest one is forgotten. Every level after 15th, you learn two new spells from the Wizard spell list that are of a level which you can cast, which are automatically recorded into your spell book so long as you have possession of it.

Below is the able which shows what level of spell is the highest castable for you based on your Rule of Knowledge level.

Rule of Knowledge Level1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th
Blood Siphon

At 4th level, through your dabbling in hemomancy, you develop a spell to draw blood from a distance from open wounds. Casting costs 5 max hp, and this spell is always prepared and does not count towards your prepared spell total. In a 30ft by 5ft cone, all creatures with open wounds must roll a constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save the spell deals 1d4 damage, half damage on a successful save rounded up. Your maximum hit points is restored by this damage in the same way it would be by your bite attack.

Mind Rot

Starting at 7th level, when you gain back your maximum hit points using your Vampyr Fangs or Blood Siphon features, it also lowers the intelligence score of the harmed creature by that amount as well. This effect continues until they complete a long rest or are healed via Greater Restoration. If their score is lowered to 0 using one of these abilities, they fall into a comatose state for 8 hours, being healed from this effect at the end of said 8 hours.

Vitality Transfusion

Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to forgo the healing to your maximum hit points and hit point healing from your Blood Siphon or Vampyr Fangs features to instead heal another willing, grappled, restrained, or incapacitated creature for the amount you would have healed. This can only be done if the creature you are attempting to heal is within range of your Blood Siphon spell and has a suitable open orifice or wound. This feature does not affect constructs or any beings that lack blood. This act however will reveal your true nature to anyone that is within 30ft of you or the target of the healing and is not blinded or charmed by you. A creature within this range makes an Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Insight) check against a DC you determine by making a Charisma saving throw, them succeeding on a tied check. If they succeed, they understand and recognize your true nature. The target of the healing doesn’t know if they are incapacitated or unconcious when you use this feature. The target of the healing has advantage on the Intelligence Check otherwise.

Hostile Infusion

Starting at the 11th level, you develop a kinship with your blood that extends to it even while when it's not inside of you. When you make a bite attack, you can choose to try and inject your blood into your target in an attempt to puppet them from the inside. Hostile infusion costs 60 hp from your max and your victim must succeed a constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or be charmed and follow your mental command for 4 rounds. The creature being puppeted has disadvantage on all Dexterity checks and saving throws and cannot speak or resist your command. Constructs and creatures that lack blood are immune to this ability.

ÜBER Ablassen

Starting at 14th level your Blood Siphon ability now deals 3d8 damage to creatures that fail their constitution saves. Additionally, you may now draw them up to 10 feet closer to your location on a failed save, and half as much on a successful save. If you draw a creature to your location in this way you can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple them.

Alles Verzehrender Durst

Starting at 17th level your Blood Siphon ability now deals 4d10 damage to creatures that fail their constitution saves. Additionally, you may now draw them up to 20 feet closer to your location on a failed save, and half as much on a successful save. If you draw a creature to your location in this way you can attempt to grapple them as part of this attack, restraining them on a success.

Rule of Blood

You want a family, and they will be your eyes and ears as they spread across the world until you are not a King among men, but a God. Manipulation and dashing charm is your method of domination, and by this Rule, those beneath you, your subjects.

Subtle Subterfuge

At 4th level, gain proficiency in Dexterity (Stealth) checks, if you are already proficient, you gain proficiency in persuasion and gain expertese in Dexterity (Stealth) checks.

Subtle Strike

Beginning at 4th level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foe's distraction. Once per turn, you can deal an extra 1d6 damage to one creature you hit with an Attack if you have advantage on the Attack roll. The attack must use a Finesse or a ranged weapon or and unarmed or natural attack.

You don't need advantage on the Attack roll if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of it, that enemy isn't Incapacitated, and you don't have disadvantage on the Attack roll.

The amount of extra damage increases as you gain levels in this class, it increases to 2d6 at level 7, 3d6 at level 11, 4d6 at level 14, and 5d6 at level 18.

Cunning Action

Starting at 4th level, your quick thinking and agility allow you to move and act quickly. You can take a Bonus Action on each of your turns in Combat. This action can be used only to take the Dash or Hide action, or make your bite attack.

Predators Grasp

Starting at 4th level, when you make a bite sneak attack your victim and yourself are magically surrounded by a soundproof bubble, causing only those within(you and your victim) to be able to hear any sounds made within.

Fatal Transfusion

Starting at 4th level, when you drop a creature to 0 hit points via a bite attack you coup de gras them, killing them instantly. With their blood in your veins (and gullet) you may enter any dwelling that they would be welcomed into for up to one hour.

Mind Siphon

Through your constant feeding, coercing, and manipulation of others you discover a more subtle method of control. Starting at level 7, If you have drunk a creatures blood and can see them with your Bloodsight, you can, as an action, target them and make them roll an intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save they take 3d6 psychic damage and you can discern their surface thoughts and emotions, them not realizing what just happened. On a Successful save they take no damage and you only discern their general emotional state but not their thoughts and they know your direction and that they were just assaulted magically. You may attempt to discern their emotions and surface level thoughts without harming them. You roll a Charisma saving roll against your own spell save DC. If you fail, you instead take 3d6 psychic damage and the creature knows that you.

Shadow Prowler

Starting at 7th level, you gain the Surprise Attack trait giving you the following benefit: once per combat, if you surprise a creature and hit it with an attack before that creautre's had their turn, the attack deals an extra (X)d6 damage to it where (X) is equal to your Proficiency Modifier.

Paralyzing Pierce

With your growing thirst and prowess in your powers, you have naturally, or unnaturally rather, adapted your fangs to release a short lasting paralytic poison. Starting at level 11, whenever you successfully land a bite attack, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC. On a failed save, it is paralyzed for the next 1d4 rounds. At the start of each of its turns it may make the save again. On a successful saving throw they are unaffected/cured of the paralyzing effects and gains advantage on the saving throw for this ability for the next 24 hours.

In Plain Sight

Starting at level 11, when you roll below 10 for a Dexterity (Stealth) or Charisma (Deception), or Charisma Saving Throw, you can choose to have that roll count as a 10 instead unless that roll was a Natural 1 on the d20, or a person speciallized in hunting monsters like yourself (I.E. Monster Hunter background, Blood Hunter is there to look through your lie.

Cavalier Of The Night

You become a true hunter of the night, the streets of every town and city, your hunting grounds, the gullible and naive residence your prey. With the understanding of the humanoid body you have learned where, how, and when to bite and inject your paralytic poison to make the blood of a creature carry it to its core. Starting at level 14, when you land a bite sneak attack, if the creature fails it’s constitution save for your Paralyzing Pierce ability, you may choose to kill the creature outright and forfeit any maximum hit point or health healing from that attack. The creature is considered unconscious if you have previously drank from or healed it using a vampire class ability or spell. This ability does not affect undead, constructs, or creatures that lack blood. This ability can only take effect on a creature with a CR level equal to or lower than your proficiency modifier. If it has a CR level higher than your proficiency modifier, you may spend 50 max hp to increase the CR level at a rate of 50 max hp/per CR level.

Cruel Revival

Your dark power has become so far reaching, not even death is an escape for the flesh. Starting at level 17, you may take a willing, restrained, or creature killed bite attack and use your blood to replace their own, turning them into a Vampyr with a level equal to their own CR level (minimum of 1) or player level. To do this, it takes a 1 day ritual during which the creature must either be remain within the previously set parameters or the ritual fails. During this 1 day ritual you lower your maximum hit points by an amount equal to the creatures maximum hit points (as though casting a spell using your blood and then the spell failing) then bury the creature you are transforming in unhallowed ground, or ground hallowed by you. It rises again after the next new moon as a Vampyr as explained above. It is not under your control, however it cannot take a course of action that would harm or hinder you or others of your Vampyric lineage, and you cannot harm or hinder them or those of it's lineage either. While within view of one another you are both considered under the effects of the calm emotions spell in regards to each other. You always know the direction and distance of someone raised in this way, and you have advantage on all Charisma check made against that creature and they have disadvantage on any saving throws against any Charisma checks you make against them.

Rule of Evolution

You may not have originally became a vampire via a ritual or a hunting, but through your own machinations to take the curse and bend it to your own will. Your kind is often looked down upon by natural vampyrs and vampires alike, however you are still a true Vampyr. Only difference is you earned and created (or found) the machinery and knowledge(Luck) to use it to immortalize yourself.

Duskborne Artificer

You have always been inclined to creation and artifice, however you now gain knowledge and power over the sanguine flow of others. Upon choosing this subrace, you gain proficiency in Investigation and Arcana as well as with tinker’s tools, Smith's tools, and Leather workers tools. In addition you automatically learn the Mending cantrip, and Mage Armor spell. You always have this spell prepared and they don’t count against your total spells known or prepared. You however do not recieve any of the "Skin" Traits from the base class of Vampyr.

Monstrous Modification

You gain the ability to bind nonliving material to your body permanently, so long as it is not flesh, it can become a part of you. Doing so however may impose disadvantages. Any part added to your body must have your blood flow through it, and will therefore make it able to damage you as a whole as well as possibly exposing you to running water or sunlight. You could add tools, weapons, or armor to be perminantly attacked to you not unlike that of a warforged, however there is no limit to this save for those caused by space, price, and your DM.

The reccomended use of this feature would be one tool and one light weapon per limb, or one non-light weapon per limb or two tools per limb, one two-handed weapon per two limbs.
Leather Skin

Your dabbling in blood magic and artifacy has led to its logically sound end, the modification of your body. Starting at 4th level, you learn how to create a thick leather shawl, facemask, and wide brim hat that will completely cover your body without restricting movement. While inside this cocoon of dead hide, you have no opening to the outside world, and do not suffer injury from being in direct sunlight, nor from swimming while in a raging river. In addition this leather outfit counts as normal leather armor. While you are wearing this suit, you cannot make a bite attack and any unarmed attacks you make have disadvantage. It takes 2 days and 200 GP in supplies to create this item, and it can be damaged in combat. This will also identify you as a healer to others that is not likely a caster. You will appear as a normal non-caster medic unless an investigation check is made with a DC equal to 10 + your deception modifier.

Healing Heart

With your knowledge of how to take life growing, your knowledge of how to sustain it grows as well, and your undead heart keeps pulsing along evermore. At 5th level, you automatically gain the Healer Feat. In addition, those healed using this feat are also cured of any non magical disease you didn’t create.

Your new nature draws you naturally to death, battlefields, anywhere there is a need for one to kill another. For you however, it’s a chance to innovate, adapt, and gain fame or infamy through your creations. You gain advantage on charisma checks made against creatures that have possession of an item you’ve created. And your items become more valuable to those who currently uses one of your creations often.

Vampyr Spell List

You know all spells from the Wizard spell list up to level five in addition to the following spells.

1st Level

Arcane Weapon, Command, Detect Good and Evil, Dissonant Whispers, Ensnaring strike, Hellish Rebuke, Hex, Inflict Wounds.

2nd Level

Augury, Beast Sense, Calm Emotions, Enthrall, Find Traps, Heat metal, Moonbeam, Pass Without Trace, Silence, Spike Growth, Spiritual Weapon, Zone of Truth.

3rd Level

Beacon of Hope, Elemental Weapon, Meld into Stone, Revivify, Speak with Dead.

4th Level

Compulsion, Death Ward, Divination.

5th Level

Antilife Shell, Contagion, Destructive Wave, Dispel Evil and Good, Hallow, Raise Dead, Reincarnate.


Must have a method of infection/cursing yourself. (DM's Discretion)

Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Vampyr class, you must meet these prerequisites: 14 in constitution and 14 in Charisma

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Vampyr class, you gain the following proficiencies: Choose 1 skill from Acrobatics, Arcana, Animal Handling, Athletics, Intimidation, Perception, and Stealth.

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