Vampires Coffin (3.5e Spell)

You move your attuned blood around an unsuspecting enemy, completely covering their body in it. Unless they succeed on a Reflex save, the target is trapped within a coffin of blood where it becomes helpless. The coffin allows weapons, projectiles, and spells to pass through by opening small gaps for them and immediately closing them afterward so as not to let the trapped victim escape.

Vampires Coffin
Level: Bender of the Sanguine 3
Components: M, S
Casting time: 1 round
Range: Medium (100 feet + 10 feet per technician level)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 round/technician level
Saving Throw: Reflex negates; see Text
Spell Resistance: No

Technique Points Required: 5

Each round the trapped enemy may attempt a Strength check or Escape Artist check to escape the coffin. If successful, the coffin dissipates and the technique must be re-used to re-trap the target.

This technique requires your target to have the appropriate amount of attuned blood within close (25 ft. + 5 ft. per 2 technician levels) range of it to quickly trap the target. Otherwise, reduce the DC for this technique by 3 for each cubic foot of attuned blood out of range.

Below is a table for determining how much attuned blood is required to trap certain sized enemies.

Table: Attuned Blood Required to Trap Creatures by Size
Size Attuned Blood
Fine1/2 cubic foot or less
Diminutive1 cubic foot
Tiny1 1/2 cubic feet
Small3 cubic feet
Medium6 cubic feet
Large12 cubic feet
Huge24 cubic feet
Gargantuan48 cubic feet
Colossal +80 cubic feet or more

By spending 5 additional technique points as well as twice the normal amount of attuned Blood required, you may increase all of this spell's DC's by 5.

Material Component: Attuned Blood

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