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The Visionary comes as a class that can highly impact the change of the campaign so you should consult your master before using it, this class will be focused on an individual with abnormal intelligence skills in the area of ​​technology where he starts without any magic or tricks having only if the player catches a race that provides some trick or initial magic, it is totally dependent on its technology, however for its versatility and difficulty it can transform the class into one of the strongest of the campaign since it will be able to enjoy diverse apparatuses creations, the character and bearer of an unusual intelligence far greater than that of a prodigy, keep in mind that this character will have technology more advanced than the time of D&D and more advanced than the 16th century being something mixed with D&D mixed with technology that could be from the XXX century.

<Introdução-ao-Visionário ->

Creating --Visionário--

Add from Add-Elsword

Quick Build

You can make a Visionário quickly by following these suggestions. First, intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by wisdom or force se você escolher o caminho do Antropoide. Second, choose the <background> ACADEMIC CLAIM . Third, choose Smith Tools and Dungeoneer's Pack.

Class Features

As a Visionário you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6. per Visionário level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d6. + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6. (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Visionário level after 1st


Armor: light armor,medium armor,heavy armor.
Weapons: simple weapons.
Tools: blacksmith tools, alchemist tools, Carpenter's tools, Carver tools.
Saving Throws: wisdom, intelligence.
Skills: choose 3: arcanism, nature, survival, perception, intuition or history.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Explorer's Pack or Dungeoneer's Pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 6d8 x 10 GP in funds.

Table: The Visionário

Features==== Evolution-inevitable ====—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2 Evolution-inevitable, Template:Building
2nd+2Template:Ability Score Improvement, Template:Advanced Brain Development
3rd+2Template:Sharp mind, Template:Logical thinking, Hyperfocus
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
19th+6Ability Score Improvement


At the first level, you know you have to evolve and move forward to make the most inevitable imagination about technology come true, you start preparing to evolve by building the beginning to advance, you know you need the means to evolve technologically and evolve as individual you can build basic things to develop technologically, but remembering that everything you build needs resources and needs to have a success rate to happen, remembering that the visionary becomes specialist in building as the campaign progresses.

'Building:' To be able to build something successfully, you need to go through a CD that the object or the advance has to build, to assist in this construction, enter D20 + Int. + Proficiency, if you pass you will be successful in building, but the less data you take from the CD the worse the quality item will be and the easier it will be for the item to break during or when used.

'Low quality:' When the -1 of the CD you got worse and the quality of the item and more chances are likely to spoil, break down, explode among other problems that the master wants to insert, the chance when it will occur a problem or when there is a problem the master will choose based on how much negative data you have taken from the technology CD.

'Even the best misses:' When it takes negative data from the CD, this will not only interfere in quality, but also in time, the smaller the data taken, the longer it will take to build.

'Time to evolve:' Items and evolutions will have levels and the higher the level of evolution or the object the longer it will take to build according to the level, the levels and the time will be shown in the construction table .

TechnologyResourceLevelTimeCD to build
Basic technology kitIron 40g, silver 30g, Electrum 10g, gold 10g.12hCD 13
Furnace v1Iron 500g, clay 20g, silver 50g14hCD 13
Basic CPU60g iron, 50g bronze, 10g gold, 40g electrum25hCD13
Fragmentation grenadeGunpowder 50g, bronze 10g and iron 60g.12hCD 11
Improved pick50g of gunpowder, 60g of iron, 20g of silver.12hCD 12
Metal detectorIron 60g, copper lines 2m, electron 40g14hCD 13
Simple battery10ml of acid, 20g of copper and 30g of iron.24hCD 13
  1. What each technology does:
  • 'Basic technology kit:' Welding tools, precision tools and connections using electricity.
  • 'Basic CPU:' Develops a CPU with basic programming language, and basic programming to program simple systems such as temperature gauge, weight gauge, size gauge and others with simple interface.
  • 'Furnace v1:' Version 1 of the furnace that will be used to forge the items, it will need a CPU and battery to function to reach the desired temperature and control the size of the objects that are forged inside it as it molds. and its height.
  • 'Simple battery:' The battery built with the technology kit can last for small objects 6 direct days, for medium objects 3 direct days and for large objects 1 full day. The battery can be recharged.
  • 'Metal detector:' Used to track metals below the ground up to 10m deep, and 2 meters in circumference, requires a battery to function.
  • 'Improved pickaxe:' A pickaxe with digging power equivalent to 2 strong men, has a device that is activated by activating the powder giving speed and strength to mine a more resistant ore, it can be activated 10 times after it has to refill with 50g of gunpowder.
  • 'Fragmentation grenade:' Grenade: Can be thrown up to 12 meters, in addition and attack at a distance with a disadvantage, performs 6d6 piercing damage in the 1.5m radius, after that within 4.5m the damage and 4d6 of piercing damage and in 6m 2d6, and if there is something between the attack radius it suffers the damage and if it is a large or larger creature suffers + 1d4 piercing, because of its size it is easier to receive shrapnel from the grenade. In case of half coverage half the damage and full coverage and total protection from the damage.
  • 'Level 2 earns you brain development ability.'

Constructions from nv2

TechnologyResourceLevelTimeCD to build
Stick ProjectPiece of wood, 100g of iron, 10g of silver.12h12
Slingshot projectRope, piece of wood, 10g of steel12h11
Technology parts50g of iron, 10g of Silver, 10g of Gold.22h13
Armor Design300g of iron, 50g of bronze.14h14
  1. What each technology does:
  • Staff design: A simple staff made simply to be able to resist for a long time and to be able to make physical attacks against enemies causes the damage of a common staff.
  • Slingshot design: A simple slingshot performs agile, throws, deals 1d4 damage from a distance.
  • Technology Parts: Using the basic Technology kit you start to build parts that can be used for equipment and technological improvements.
  • Armor design: Using the furnace v1 you can produce an average armor that increases CA +2.

Sharp mind

  • 'Logical thinking:' At level 3 you can use it as a reaction to take advantage of a charisma test, since your character uses logic and wisdom much more than emotions in his life, making him resistant to emotions that can hinder your progress, you can use it once a day after a long rest, at level 10 you can use it twice a day, level 15 you can use it 3 times a day.
  • 'Hyperfocus:' At level 3 you can use this ability on something you are working on making your character forget about needs like hunger, thirst and sleep during what he is producing, this ability when used on something that takes time more than 3h increases your success rate by +3, however, if you spend more than 8h using this skill you gain 2 points of exhaustion automatically.

Ability Score Improvement

  • 'Advanced Brain Development:' At level 2 you gain +1 intelligence increasing the maximum to 21 intelligence, you can now also build more things; level 5 you gain +1 intelligence increasing to a maximum of 22; level 12 you gain +1 more intelligence increasing the maximum to 23; level 15 you gain +1 more intelligence increasing the maximum to 24.

<-Class Feature->

'* Brain advancement:' To advance in various areas of life and ask about them you must stay 8h in an isolated place doing studies and experiments, this will make your character start to question and try to understand about several things like phenomena happen, because they happen among several other factors making you understand about different areas. You will need sheets and something to write and some metals and items for experiments ask the master where you can do this most easily or when you can do it, as soon as you perform brain advancement 5 times completing 8 hours each (during the as long as you want days) you gain the 'Small steps to technology.'

  • 'Small steps for technology:' You start to understand better about performance, aerodynamics, structure, material constitution, absorption, weight, technical design, analytical geometry, calculation, physics, chemistry, materials science, statistics, systems Structural, thermal comfort, geotechnics, geology, ergonomics, transformation of matter, reactions of matter, composition and chemical properties, reduction, combustion, oxidation, among other factors involving development and construction, thus being able to build technologies up to level 5.

<- Level 5->

  • Level 5 you can choose which path in Visionario's technology you will choose, influencing what you will focus on.
  • 'Paths of the Visionary:'
  1. 'Anthropoid Path:' You notice that the path to advance in life and climb natural selection evolve not only mentally, but physically focusing on technology to improve your organism and even change your DNA, wishing to become the primordial and perfect as it should be.
  2. 'Tecnomancer:' Feeling pain, getting hurt, being beaten no longer pleases developing devices using technology at the level that you no longer need to be present on the battlefield to be able to destroy everyone with a few gestures and commands, and achieve to have greater control on the battlefield than any being has ever imagined.
  3. 'Master of the future:' You realize that biologically evolving is necessary to move up the hierarchy of life, but evolving technology to the point that it also serves and is convenient for you to achieve the balance between a body adapted to adverse situations and technology serving you the way you can change the world by making Gods question your creation.

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Spell List

You know all of the spells on the basic spell list and additional spells based on your subclass.

1st Level

<!-1st level spell list->

2nd Level

<!-2nd level spell list->

3rd Level

<!-3rd level spell list->

4th Level

<!-4th level spell list->

5th Level

<!-5th level spell list->


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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