User talk:JohnSmith82

Talk Page: Various discussions

If anyone has any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

Aitharious Discussion

Hi JohnSmith Aitharious here, Just wanting to give you a heads up. The races that you are bringing over from World of Warcraft are likely to be removed due to copyright infringement. Other than that I'm glad to see someone in the 4e section of the wiki again :) --Aitharious (talk) 19:12, 8 June 2016 (MDT)

Well, they're not exact copies of those races, just pictures and a few other things. The Details themselves are unique, and the artwork is mostly third party stuff. JohnSmith82 (talk) 19:38, 8 June 2016 (MDT)

Basic Mechanic Guidelines

Damage Averages

The average damage of a heroic tier striker is 19.5 to about 23.5 damage.

The average damage of a paragon tier striker is about 33 to 42 damage.

The average damage of a epic tier striker is about 54 to 64 damage.

Bear in mind that some have a higher +hit, or chance to hit the target, which increases the damage even more. For instance, the rogue has +1 to hit for using a dagger over a standard weapon, an additional +1 hit for their rogue power, and +1 hit for nimble blade. And, a rogue targets reflex, compared to AC. If a rogue uses a craghammer this can boost the average damage up by 4 points, or 25.5, but it's against AC. Some feats can make the attack target fortitude or reflex, which are often lower than AC. Targeting reflex is on average, a +3 bonus to hit, but it varies from creature to creature.

Combat advantage is an additional +2 to hit, which depends on the striker involved. Melee strikers can gain this bonus more easily by flanking, where as ranged strikers have a harder time getting it.

Bear in mind, the average damage calculated below is without certain bonuses. Some paragon paths can give an extra bonus to damage, such as the Morninglord path which provides a +10 bonus to damage for all attacks, or others can provide extra bonuses equal to dexterity or wisdom modifiers, while others increase other factors such as the chance to hit, or the your crit chance from a 20 to an 18-20, like with daggermaster and so on. Paragon path powers can provide additional damage bonuses, as can potentially themes. The calculations are just the base stats. Bear in mind also that for balance purposes, targeting multiple opponents can do far more damage than targeting just one. For instance, Barbarians have an at-will that allows them to make two attacks and add their strength modifier to both attacks (like a ranger dual wield attack) but they must strike two different targets to be able to do this, or warlords can allow their allies to do melee basic attacks, which may end up doing more damage. While the average damage will be higher, it will be more spread out among different targets making it impossible to drain any particular target of their health. This is also true for controllers or controller like abilities, such as with the Sorcerer which has a close blast 3 or area burst 1 that can potentially effect up to 9 targets, and thus do 9 times more damage than the attack would do to a single target. For game balance purposes, attacking multiple targets can do more damage than a powered design for a single target attack, as the amount of damage allowed per attack to any particular enemy is balanced as being much lower.

Ranger , +2 if using two-weapon fighting, etc.
2[W] (13) + Hunter's Quarry 1d8 (4.5) + Enhancement Bonus (2) + Weapon focus (2) = 21.5
2[W] (13) + Hunter's Quarry 2d8 (9) + Enhancement Bonus (6) + Weapon focus (4) + Bracers (4) = 36
4[W] (6.5 x 4) + Hunter's Quarry 3d8 (13.5) Enhancement Bonus (10) + Weapon Focus (6) + Bracers (4) = 59.5

Rogue, bonuses to damage if using a rapier or craghmmer etc.
1[W] (2.5) + Dexterity (5) + Strength (3) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Weapon focus (1) + Backstabber 2d8 (9) = 21.5
1[W] (2.5) + Dexterity (6) + Strength (4) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Weapon focus (2) + Backstabber 3d8 (13.5) + Melee Bracers (2) = 33
2[W] (2.5 x 2) + Dexterity (9) + Strength (7) + Enhancement bonus (5) + Weapon Focus (3) + Melee Bracers (2) + Backstabber 5d8 (27) = 58, plus other bonuses, more if you use a rapier, craghammer etc.

Barbarian, using a two-handed weapon, the Barbarian will do between 5.5 for a spear, 6.5 with a two-handed sword, 7.5 damage for most weapons, and 8 damage with the gouge or mordenkrad. It varies considerably based on weapon choice and at-will choice, as some barbarian attacks do more or less damage. Barbarians due slightly less damage than other strikers, which is counter balanced by their superior defenses. This however increases with charging attacks, which also gain an additional +1 to hit. You can add an additional +8 to damage with a horned Helm and vanguard weapon, and other bonuses to charging often apply.

1[W] (8) + Strength (5) + Extra-damage (4.5) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Weapon focus (1) = 19.5
1[W] (8) + Strength (6) + Extra-damage (9) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Weapon focus (2) + Melee Bracers (2) = 30
2[W] (16) + Strength (9) + Extra-damage (13.5) + Enhancement Bonus (5) + Weapon focus (3) + Melee Bracers (2) = 48.5

Scout Scouts are like rangers in that they do two attacks. They can either choose the light blade option, which results in a +1 to hit (in addition to the +hit for using a light blade and the nimble blade feat), or the axe option which provides a +2 bonus to damage for each attack. While the damage varies if using a double weapon or an off-hand weapon, it can roughly be calculated at maximum to do this much damage. Essentials classes do far more damage with their at-wills, because their dailies and encounters

1[W] (6.5) + 1[W] (4.5) + Dexterity (5) + Dexterity (5) + Enhancement Bonus (2) + Weapon focus (2) + Two-weapon fighting (2) + Spinning Axe Mastery (4) = 31
1[W] (6.5) + 1[W] (4.5) + Dexterity (6) + Dexterity (6) + Enhancement Bonus (6) + Weapon focus (4) + Two-weapon fighting (2) + Spinning Axe Mastery (4) + Improved Dual Weapon Attack (4) = 47
2[W] (13) + 2[W] (9) + Dexterity (9) + Dexterity (9) + Enhancement Bonus (10) + Weapon focus (6) + Two-weapon fighting (2) + Spinning Axe Mastery (4) + Improved Dual Weapon Attack (6) = 68

Slayers Slayers are unique for an essentials striker in that they have substantially higher health an defenses than most strikers. However, they do a lot more damage than your average 4e, non-essentials striker with at-wills.

1[W] (8) + Strength (5) + Dexterity (3) + Slayer at-will bonus (2) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Weapon focus (1) = 20
1[W] (8) + Strength (6) + Dexterity (4) + Slayer at-will bonus (2) + Paragon Slayer bonus (5) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Weapon focus (2) + Melee Bracers (2) = 32
2[W] (16) + Strength (9) + Dexterity (7) + Slayer at-will bonus (2) + Epic Slayer bonus (8) + Enhancement Bonus (5) + Weapon focus (3) + Melee Bracers (2) = 52

Warlock Like all arcane classes, warlocks do substantially less damage than most strikers, and also have no proficiency bonuses added to their +hit, making it substantially lower. With certain feats the damage can be boosted, which puts it closer to the average, but still not very high. Important feats would be getting a superior implement to gain a +1 bonus to hit, dual implement caster, to double the enhancement bonus damage, and if you're going tiefling any bonuses you can pick up from the race to boost warlock powers.

1d10 (5.5) + Charisma (5) + Warlock Curse 1d8 (4.5) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Feat Bonus (1) = 17
1d10 (5.5) + Charisma (6) + Warlock Curse 2d8 (9) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Feat Bonus (2) = 25.5
2d10 (11) + Charisma (9) + Warlock Curse 3d8 (13.5) + Enhancement Bonus (5) + Feat Bonus (3) = 41.5

Wizard Like all arcane classes, wizards do substantially less damage than most strikers, and also have no proficiency bonuses added to their +hit, making it substantially lower than that. With certain feats the damage can be boosted, which puts it closer to the average, but still not very high. Important feats would be getting a superior implement to gain a +1 bonus to hit, dual implement caster, to double the enhancement bonus damage, and any bonuses you can possibly pick up from paragon paths.

1d10 (5.5) + Intelligence (5) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Feat Bonus (1) = 12.5
1d10 (5.5) + Intelligence (6) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Feat Bonus (2) = 16.5
2d10 (11) + Intelligence (9) + Enhancement Bonus (5) + Feat Bonus (3) = 28

Cleric For basic comparison's sake, here's the average damage of an unaltered cleric (which is roughly the same for the bard, warlord and other leaders, as well as defenders). As you can see, it's substantially less for the at-wills than most strikers. Like all classes, the dailies and encounter vary wildly and for nova damage most classes can do striker level damage for at least one encounter or daily attack.

1[W] (4.5) + Strength (5) + Enhancement Bonus (1) + Weapon focus (1) = 11.5
1[W] (4.5) + Strength (6) + Enhancement Bonus (3) + Weapon focus (2) + Melee Bracers (2) = 17.5
2[W] (9) + Strength (9) + Enhancement Bonus (5) + Weapon focus (3) + Melee Bracers (2) = 28

Armor Averages and +hit

On average, the level 1 stats and how they will carry out throughout the rest of the game are as follows. Because every class in the game increases their AC by one-half their level, and armor bonuses are roughly proportional when scaling with armor and ability's, level 1 stats are a rough predictor of how a character's defenses will compare to other character's at higher levels. Defenders have the highest AC (18-20), while strikers have the second highest (16-18), controllers or leaders have the third highest (16-18), and Arcane classes have the lowest (13-16). Divine classes tend to have slightly better AC, while caster classes or ranged classes tend to have slightly worse (but other abilities to compensate). Wizard using a staff can get up to 19 AC as an exception to the rule. The average creature in the game has a 17 AC and 14 reflex (at level 1), which means that reflex tends to be 3 less than AC. This gives attacks that target reflex a +3 bonus to AC on average, but is not always true ,especially with rogues or casting classes which use intelligence as a key power source. The average AC's for classes is about 16 for the invoker, warlord, and cleric (although this increases to 18 if you can use a shield), rogue and barbarian having 17, the Ranger 18, the Fighter and Warden 19, and the Paladin and Battlemind 20. As a shield can add a +2 bonus to AC and reflex, any defender, leader or controller class not using a shield subtracts this from their AC score, such as when using a two-handed weapon. NAD's, or Reflex, Fortitude and Charisma, vary widly between classes, with will being higher for defenders and divine classes, fortitude higher for melee classes, reflex higher for martial and arcane classes, and generally variance among all. Beserkers, Avengers and Monks are other exceptions to the rule, receiving a bonus to their AC while not wearing any armor, bumping up their AC's to 17-19 on average.

The average AC and +hit
17 AC = requiring a 1d20 of 10, +7 hit, to hit the target roughly 50% of the time 1d20 + 7 = 45% to hit the target

So, when determining your likelihood to hit on average, you factor in the d20 roll average (which is 10), plus your +hit (usually 7-8 with melee classes, and 5-7 with spellcaster classes). A weapon with +2 to hit, and +5 from your ability modifier (such as strength, 20 strength), would result in a 45% chance to hit the average creature. When using a sword or light blade, this increases to +8, or a 50% chance to hit the target, or a 10% increase in the chance to hit a target. For each +1 hit you add (say from powers or charging), this increases the damage you deal by approximately 10%, although this changes based on how much +hit you start with initially. Remember that this works both ways, so a shield will drop the chance to hit by -2, or 10%. This means that the chance of hitting a normal creatures is 45%, a creature with a shield is 35%, and hitting with a +3 bonus weapon is 50%. Usually, weapons with +3 bonus are slightly weaker in some way, which compensates for the bonus in a higher hit chance.

There is for instance a sort of diminishing returns with +hit. Going from a 30% chance to hit to a 60% chance to hit would equate to double the damage, but going from a 60% chance to hit to 90% chance to hit is only 1.5 times more damage. For that reason, +hit is very important against high AC characters or when you have very little +hit to begin with, but begins to trail off the more you have. The game carefully balances the value of shields by providing only a +2 bonus, but that averages out to reducing the average damage taken by nearly 30% even at higher levels as the bonus is proportional. Other powers, such as feats, can change this drastically, with two-weapon defense or hafted defense for example providing a +1 bonus to AC and reflex, or being equal to a light shield. A rogue for instance can get two-weapon defense and a parrying dagger to boost their AC to 19, equivalent to a fighter. This can go even higher if the rogue gets hide armor, and higher again if they get ringmail and the subsequent level 20 feat, up to 20 AC. While as high as your average Defender, rogues still have lower health. Furthermore with Rhythm blade and shielding blade (both providing a +1 bonus to AC), which is a weapon item for light blades, this can increase to 22 AC. In this way, rogues can get abnormally high AC despite having low starting defenses, as can any other character that uses dexterity or intelligence to calculate armor or that uses two-weapons or light blades. Furthermore, certain feats allow for bonuses beyond this, such as with the paragon power Chainmail Specialization or shield specialization, which can provide an additional +1 bonus to defense (bumping the rogue up to the equivalent of 23 AC at level 1). Feats like hafted defense can provide a bonus to AC and reflex if using a spear or staff, while certain powers provide situational bonuses, such as Evasive Footwork which provides a +1 bonus to ac and reflex if you move more than 3 squares on your turn.

On the flip side, a feat such as nimble blade can provide a +1 bonus to hit (if you have combat advantage), charging can provide a +1 bonus to hit, and bonus to +hit can be achieved by various paragon paths or class abilities. The rogue for instance can gain a +3 bonus to hit when targeting reflex, which combined with the +2 to to hit over the average when using the dagger, increasing a rogue's +hit to +9 (or +10 with a level 1 enhancement bonus from a magical item). This combined with targeting reflex makes the rogue the most likely to hit out of any class in the game. Relatively speaking, this is on average a 55% chance to hit or, 70% chance to hit given that it targets reflex. With nimble blade, this increases to 60% or 75%. The thief and Scout, because they use melee basic attacks, can also pick up a feat which allows them to target reflex with melee basic attacks, which allows them to not only target reflex, but also gain a bonus to charge attacks. This allows them to increase their +hit slightly above that of a rogue to 65 or 80%, or all the way up to 80% to 95% if using the aspect of the ram items to provide a bonus to +hit when charging. This allows for fantastically higher damage than other classes. Spears and light blades can target reflex with the Deft Blade and Impaling spear feats, while picks can target fortitude with the Piercing Pick feat. There are also certain powers, such as Domains or Martial styles which allow you to target reflex or fortitude and boost your damage. All in all this can dramatically impact the average damage, and has a big impact when paired against high defense armor. At higher levels with higher levels of damage per hit, +hit grants a greater damage bonus. When doing 20 damage, a +1 to hit would only increase the damage to 22 on average, while when doing 40 damage can do +4. This makes balancing +hit vs. damage an important feature to bear in mind, and makes +hit more important at higher levels.

  • It should be noted that the following lists are incomplete and just examples

Other effects
-Combat Advantage- +2 to hit (can be achieved through flanking, blindness, knocking the target prone, or other powers)
-Charging- +1 to hit (various item bonuses can increase charging bonuses to hit, such as the headdress of the ram, aspect of the ram, or boots of the ram).
-Can be increased by various paragon path powers or class powers. For instance, the fighter and rogue can get a +1 to their attack rolls with their key class ability, or certain paragon paths (such as the Hammer of Moradin) can increase it by +1. Various fighter and paladin paths for instance can increase the +hit, or provide additional damage.

Bonus to +hit
-All expertise feats
-Superior implement feats
-Any light blade or heavy blade with a +3 bonus to proficiency
-Class bonuses, which provide a +1 to hit, such as Flashing Blade Mastery (Scout), Rogue Weapon Talent (Rogue), Fighter weapon Talent (Fighter), or Weapon Finesse (Thief)
-Nimble Blade feat (+1 to hit if using a light blade and have combat advantage)
-Blade Opportunist feat (+2 bonus to opportunity attack rolls with a heavy blade or a light blade)
-Accurate Magic Weapon feat, Artificer (Enhanced weapons and implements gain +1 to next attack roll)
-Arcane Spellfury, Sorcerer (+1 to attack rolls after hitting with sorcerer at-will attack)
-Against All Odds, Dragonborn (Gain +1 to damage and attack rolls for the rest of your turn if you start with 3 or more enemies adjacent to you.)
-Action Surge, Human (+3 to attack rolls when you spend an action point)
-Battle Song Expertise, Bard (+1 feat bonus per tier with attack rolls with weapons you are proficient with and with wands and bard implements.)
-Bred for Battle, Mul (Gain +2 racial bonus to initiative checks and +1 bonus to attack rolls and speed during the 1st round of an encounter.)
-Coordinated Explosion (+1 to attack rolls with blast or burst if ally is in area)
-Dutiful Servant, Goliath (+1 to attack rolls on attacks granted by allies' powers.)
-Disciple of Vengeance (You briefly gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls when you spend a healing surge)
-Disciple of Vengeance (In your first turn of combat, gain +1 to the first weapon attack roll, and deal a scaling amount of damage to the first enemy you hit.)
-Halfling Stalwart, Halfling, Fighter (+1 to attack rolls against Large or larger marked targets)
-Improved Bravura, Warlord, Bravura Presence (Ally gains +1 to attack rolls or speed with Bravura Presence)
-Improved Tactics, Warlord, Tactical Presence (Ally gains +1 to attack rolls with Tactical Presence)
-Prime Strike, Ranger (+1 to melee attack rolls when no others are near your target)

At-wills with bonus +hit
-Valiant Strike, Paladin (+1 to hit for each enemy adjacent to you, equal to at least +1).
-Careful Strike, Ranger (+2 to hit)
-Brash strike, Fighter (+2 to hit, but grant combat advantage)
-Sure strike Target, Fighter (+2 to hit, no ability bonus to damage)
-Warlord (Various at-will powers grant a free melee attack to an ally with a bonus to +hit).

Bonus to defense
-Wielding a parrying dagger
-Wielding a defensive weapon (usually double-weapons)
-Rhythm Blade or Shielding Blade
-Hafted Defense (+1 to AC and reflex if using a two-handed staff or spear)
-Two-weapon defense (+1 to AC and reflex if wielding two weapons)
-Brawler Guard, Fighter, Brawler Style (+1 Shield bonus to AC and Reflex when one hand is)
-Shield Defense, Fighter (+1 AC and Reflex when power requiring a shield hits)
-Evasive Footwork (+1 to AC and Reflex when you shift 2 or more squares)
-Armored Warrenguard, Gnome (You do not suffer the normal speed penalty incurred by chainmail and scale, and gain +1 bonus to AC from Large or larger enemies.)
-Defensive Mobility (+2 to AC against opportunity attacks)

Targeting NAD
-Deft Blade Feat (can target reflex with light blade on melee basic attack)
-Impaling Spear Feat (can target reflex with a spear on a melee basic attack)
-Piercing Pick feat (can target fortitude with a pick on a melee basic attack)
-[Martial Style]: Elsir Hammer (target reflex with certain at-will powers)
-[Martial Style]: Midnight Blade (target reflex with certain at-will powers)
-[Martial Style]: Midnight Blade (target fortitude with relevant attacks)

Bonus to hit paragon paths
-Kensei, Fighter (+1 to all attack rolls)
-Hammer of Moradin, Paladin (+1 to all attack rolls with hammers)

Racial attributes

-Normal Vision
-Low-light vision
-Dark Vision

-5 Squares
-6 Squares
-7 Squares
-Swim Speed
-Fly speed, altitude 1
-Overland flight

Racial abilities:
-Dragonborn Fury: When you’re bloodied, you gain a +1 racial bonus to attack rolls. (Dragonborn)
-Draconic Heritage: Your healing surge value is equal to one-quarter of your maximum hit points + your Constitution modifier. (Dragonborn)

Racial resistances:

Racial Powers
-Dragon Breath (Dragonborn)


-AC, defenses
-Attack rolls
-Movement speed

-Difficult Terrain

Combat Advantage
-Combat Advantage

Movement Effects:
-Slowed: speed is 2
-Immobilized: can't move at all
-Dazed: can only make one action
-Prone: can't move, combat advantage
-Restrained: can't move at all, combat advantage, -2 penalty to attack rolls
-Stunned: can't attack at all
-Sanctioned: The target can't fly, hover, swim, or climb. If they move, they take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, and grant combat advantage.

Ideas for classes or subclasses

Cool names
Caster: Prophet, Oracle, Occultists, Herald, Haruspex, Augurer, Battlemage, ironspine, interrogator, inquisitor, Chaplan
Combat: Soldier, Templar, Dragon knight, Lancer, Shadow hunter, Legionnaire, Archer, Marksmen, Pirate, Centurion, Champion, Myrmidon, Praetorian, Vanguard,

Mayan, incan, Aztec: Kuraka (warlord)

Names of attack
Strike Force Attack Leap Hamstring Hemorrhage Rend Sunder Impale Pierce Overpower Charge Wrath Cleave Howl Shout Execute Craze Enrage Flurry Blow Slam Hunt Crush Smash Tear Rip Bash carve siphon bleed breaker siege, Shear, Fracture, Break,
Reckless, Taunting, Swift, Lunge, Reap, Lethal, Scathing, Scalding, Fury, Surge

Jaguar, Leopard, Panther, Lion, Tiger, Eagle, Hawk, Falcon, Raptor, Raven, Serpent, Python, Cobra, Anaconda, sloth, monkey, rhino, elephant, bear, wolf, dog, bat, "atlatl", "coyote", "axolotl", crabsnake, bearowl, dragon, karakurt, spider, crow, osprey, Ahuizotl, Hyena, Ocelot, Iguana, Cipactli, cuauhtli, cuetzpalin, Alligator, Crocodile, xochitl

Fire, incenerate, ice, cold, icicle,

Blood, vigor, rage, bloodlust, Savagry, Zealot, Ironskin, Stoneskin, Fireskin, Icehide,

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