< User:ScryersEve < ImmortalsHandbook


New Phenomenal Power

Custom abilities used with mah boyz (even the Flash Gitz).

This is also where I stick custom abilities even if they have nothing to do with the Immortal's Handbook.

Many of the spell-related ones were cribbed from here.

Unless otherwise noted, anything that says "all spells" affects spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities mimicking spells (but not epic spells, epic SLAs, etc).

Brew Potion Faster [Item Creation]

Takes only 1 hour to brew any potion. Prereqs: CL 6th, Brew Potion.

Dire Spell

Any variable numeric component of any and all spells (including epic spells), spell-like abilities (including epic SLAs), and supernatural abilities mimicking spells (including epic spells) has a bonus equal to half the average damage of the die roll (round down). E.g., polar ray now deals 25d6+43 cold damage, creatures struck with energy drain take 2d4+2 negative levels, etc. This bonus damage is not multiplied by Empower Spell, but it does work with any ability that raises dice caps e.g., a dolorous enhanced delayed blast fireball deals 30d12+97 damage. Prereqs: Empower Spell, Maximize Spell, Spellcraft 8 ranks.

Extra Contingency

Each time this feat is taken, you can keep up one more contingent spell (see the spell Contingency) than you could normally, and the maximum spell level one can make contingent increases by one (e.g. taken twice and with a CL of 24, one can make up to three 8th-lvl spells contingent). Prereq: Can cast Contingency as a spell, spell-like ability, or supernatural ability (including from Wish, Miracle, Shadow Evocation, or the like).

Improved Casting

All spell caps are +50% (*1.5) higher. E.g. delayed blast fireball does 30d6, max., and deep slumber affects up to 15 HD of targets. Prereqs: Spellcraft 13 ranks.

Recondite Spell

Hit point damage dealt by spells that is not untyped (e.g., sonic, force, vile) deals half arcane damage. Creatures vulnerable to an element still take +50% damage from the full hit point damage of recondite spells, e.g., a mummy takes an average of 52 damage from a 10d6 recondite fireball, and any special properties of elements, like force, vile, and permanent, still have full effect. Prereqs: Knowledge (arcana) 13 ranks, Spellcraft 18 ranks, 15 levels of full (i.e. up to 9th-lvl) arcane spellcasting. Special: Spells can be both recondite and theurgic, in which case the hit point damage is 1/3 normal, 1/3 divine, 1/3 recondite. Any feat, divine ability, etc. that lists theurgic spell as a prerequisite also accepts recondite spell as a prerequisite.

Theurgic Spell

Hit point damage dealt by spells that is not untyped (e.g., sonic, force, vile) deals half divine damage. Spells that are already half divine (e.g., flame strike) now do 1/4 normal, 3/4 divine. Creatures vulnerable to an element still take +50% damage from the full hit point damage of theurgic spells, e.g., a white dragon takes an average of 52 damage from a 10d6 divine fireball, and any special properties of elements, like force, vile, and permanent, still have full effect. Prereqs: Knowledge (religion) 13 ranks, Spellcraft 18 ranks, 15 levels of full (i.e. up to 9th-lvl) divine spellcasting. Special: Spells can be both recondite and theurgic, in which case the hit point damage is 1/3 normal, 1/3 divine, 1/3 recondite.

Toughness of Acumen

Int in place of Con for Fort.

Truly Phrenic Power

Hit point damage dealt by powers that is not untyped (e.g., sonic, force, vile) deals half psionic damage. Creatures vulnerable to an element still take +50% damage from the full hit point damage of psionic power, e.g., a red dragon takes an average of 46 damage from a 7d6+7 psionic cold energy ball, and any special properties of elements, like force, vile, and permanent, still have full effect. Prereqs: Knowledge (psionics) 13 ranks, Psicraft 18 ranks, 15 levels of full (i.e. up to 9th-lvl) manifesting.

Brew Epic Potion [Item Creation]

As Brew Potion, but up to 6th-lvl, and the base price for 4th-, 5th-, and 6th-lvl is SL + CL x 250. XP and expensive material components are added to the cost (XP * 5 in gold). Prereqs: CL 9th, Brew Potion.

Brew Epic Potion Faster [Item Creation]

Takes only 1 minute to brew any potion. Prereqs: CL 12th, Brew Epic Potion, Brew Potion, Brew Potion Faster.

Dolorous Spell

Any variable numeric components of all spells (same as dire spell) are increased by two die steps, to a maximum of d12. E.g., cone of cold deals 15d12 damage, enervate inflicts 1d8 negative levels. Prereqs: Dire Spell, Spellcraft 24 ranks.

Great Leap Attack

Your leap attacks are uncompromisingly brutal.

Prerequisites: Epic Skill Focus (Jump), Epic Speed, Greater Power Attack, Leap Attack, Legendary Leaper, Legendary Runner, Power Attack, Run, Str 30, Jump 24 ranks.

Benefit: As leap attack, but if you cover at least 50' of horizontal distance, the bonus is instead tripled. Overlaps (does not stack with) leap attack's bonus.

Special: This assumes you're using an alteration to the Leap Attack feat.

Normal: See the Leap Attack feat.

Greater Casting

All your spells', SLAs', and supernatural abilities mimicking spells' caps are doubled (20d6 fireball max, rainbow pattern affects up to 48 HD of creatures). Overlaps (does not stack with) the increase from Improved Casting. Prereqs: Enhance Spell, Knowledge (arcana or religion) 28 ranks, Spellcraft 28 ranks.

Greater Natural Attack

Select one natural weapon (one selected with Improved Natural Attack). That natural weapon's damage die is increased one step, which stacks with the increase with Improved Natural Attack (+2 total damage die). Furthermore, gain +1/4 your BAB as a bonus to attack rolls with that natural weapon. Prereq: BAB +21, Improved Natural Attack.

Legendary Runner

You run like the wind.

Prerequisites: Dex 25, Epic Speed, Run.

Benefit: As the Run feat, but you move six times your normal speed, or five times (heavy armor or heavy load), and if you make a jump after a running start, you gain a +4 bonus on your Jump check (stacks with the bonus from Run, for a total of +8).

Furthermore, the bonus to speed from Epic Speed is doubled, is treated as an untyped bonus to all of your speeds (normal [land], burrow, climb, fly, swim), and is treated as part of your base movement for the purpose of speed multipliers (such as a divine template); the bonus to speed from any temporary or permanent bonus to speed (such as a haste spell or a barbarian's fast movement) is likewise multiplied.

Finally, when you make a "double move" action, or charge, or any other time you would move double your speed, you can move at up to three times your normal speed.

Special: See this alteration to Epic Speed for a version of said epic feat that just might be worth an epic feat slot, or just a normal feat slot -- would it really be overpowered if "Epic" Speed were a normal feat with prereqs like Run and Dex 17 or something? Even if one of your very, very few feat slots increased your speed to 300', it'd still be laughable compared to spells like Levitate, Teleport, Plane Shift...

Normal: See Run feat, and you move up to double your speed with a "double move" action.

Mindless Spell

x4 spell level (e.g., a mindless dominate person would be a 20th-lvl spell [5 x 4]) -- apply after all non-multiplicative metamagic modifiers (more than one multiplying metamagic stack, so a Mindless Penetrating spell would be x7 spell level). Mind-affecting spells modified ignore immunity to mind-affecting effects, including creatures with no Intelligence scores. Prereqs: can cast at least one 9th-lvl mind-affecting spell or spell-like ability.

Penetrating Spell

x3 spell level. Ignores spell resistance, effectively altering the modified spell's stat block to say Spell Resistance: No. Prereqs: Epic Spell Penetration, Fortify Spell, Greater Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration.

Unbound Spell

+3 spell level. Any non-variable numeric components of the spell are multiplied by 1.5. i.e. A Transformation spell affected by this feat would provide +6 to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution, +6 to Natural Armor, a +7 Competence Bonus on Fortitude Saves, and last for 3 rounds/2 caster levels. Prereqs: Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Widen Spell, Spellcraft 33 ranks.

Brew Godly Potion [Item Creation]

As Brew Potion, but up to 9th-lvl. Cost for 7th-, 8th-, and 9th-lvl potion is SL + CL x 1,250 gp. XP and expensive material components are added to the cost (XP * 5 in gold). Prereqs: CL 15th, Brew Epic Potion, Brew Potion.

Immortal Spell Focus

Add +6 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select to focus on. This stacks with the bonuses from Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Epic Spell Focus (for a total of +10 [see the Book of Alterations]). Prereqs: Epic Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, and Spell Focus in the school selected, ability to cast at least one epic spell of the school to be chosen.

Formerly known as True Spell Focus.

Mythic Runner

You bolt like lightning.

Prerequisites: Dex 40, Epic Speed, Celerity, Legendary Runner, Run.

Benefit: As the Run feat, but you move eight times your normal speed, or six times (heavy armor or heavy load), and if you make a jump after a running start, you gain a +8 bonus on your Jump check (stacks with the bonuses from Run and Legendary Runner, for a total of +16).

Furthermore, the bonus to speed from Epic Speed is tripled (90' bonus to speed; speed from other speed bonuses likewise multiplied, similar to Legendary Runner).

Finally, when you make a "double move" action, or charge, or any other time you would move double your speed, you can move at up to four times your normal speed.

Normal: See Run feat, and you move only up to double your speed with a "double move" action.

Mythic Skill Focus

Choose a skill, such as Psicraft. You have a deific knack with that skill.

Prerequisite: Epic Skill Focus in the skill to be taken, 33 ranks in the skill selected.

Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to double your divine rank on all skill checks with that skill, effectively tripling your deity's base divine bonus to skill checks with that skill.

Natural Caster

You cast spells as naturally as a grown human walks. All spells you cast and all spell-like abilities you use, including epic spells, never provoke attacks of opportunity nor ever require Concentration checks. They also never require verbal, somatic, material, or focus components. XP components, if any, are still needed for spells like Wish, as well as other, more unusual spell components like sacrifice, disease, drug, ritual, backlash, etc. They are still considered spells or spell-like abilities for all purposes, and interact no differently to effects reliant on them other than the exceptions listed here. Prereqs: Greater Casting, Ignore Material Components, Silent Spell, Superior Casting, Superior Combat Casting, Still Spell.

Ordered Body/Mind/Soul/Spirit

As Cunning X, but the bonuses are axiomatic, are keyed off your Wisdom, and the prereqs are Wis 40 and any Lawful alignment. Same diminishing returns.

Perfect Natural Attack

Gain +3 die increases to chosen natural attack, stacks with INA, GNA, & SNA (+7 die increases in total). Also gain +3/4 BAB in attack bonus with that natural weapon (overlaps with bonus from SNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +80, INA, GNA, and SNA in chosen natural weapon.

Quick Action Spells

Allows quickened spells to be cast with no action once a round rather than a swift action, which frees up a swift action for other uses, such as with spells that use a swift action to cast, or to cast more quickened spells as normal, if so chosen. Prereqs: Automatic Metamagic Capacity (x11), Metamagic Freedom, Quicken Spell.

Riotous Body/Mind/Soul/Spirit

As Cunning X, but the bonuses are anarchic, are keyed off your Wisdom, and the prereqs are Wis 40 and any Chaotic alignment. Same diminishing returns.

Superior Casting

Spell caps are quadrupled, e.g. fireball 40d6 max, deep slumber affects up to 40 HD of creatures. Overlaps (does not stack with) the increases from Improved Casting and Greater Casting. Prereqs: Greater Casting, Knowledge (arcana or religion) 43 ranks, Spellcraft 43 ranks, Enhance Spell (x2)

(Enhance Spell metamagic feat added to prerequisite, this increases the spell cap for any spell with a dice roll by x1.5, this is an epic feat in the epic hand book. this feat is directly related to this ability and makes the metamagic pointless.)

Superior Combat Casting

Your concentration cannot be broken when casting a spell; you never need to make Concentration checks in relation to spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Prereqs: Combat Casting, Epic Skill Focus (Concentration), Improved Combat Casting.

Superior Leap Attack

Your leap attacks are devastating.

Prerequisites: Celerity, Epic Skill Focus (Jump), Epic Speed, Great Leap Attack, Greater Power Attack, Leap Attack, Legendary Leaper, Legendary Runner, Mythic Skill Focus (Jump), Mythic Runner, Power Attack, Run, Superior Power Attack, Str 40, Jump 33 ranks.

Benefit: As leap attack, but if you cover at least 300' of horizontal distance, the bonus is instead quadrupled. Overlaps (does not stack with) leap attack's and Great Leap Attack's bonus. In addition, your divine bonus (or similar) to your Jump skill is doubled.

Special: This assumes you're using an alteration to the Leap Attack feat.

Normal: See the Leap Attack feat.

Superior Natural Attack

Gain +2 die increases to chosen natural attack, stacks with INA and GNA (in natural weapon chosen by INA and GNA for a total of +4). Also gain +1/2 BAB in attack bonus with that natural weapon (overlaps with bonus from GNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +40, INA & GNA in chosen natural weapon.

True Immortal Fortitude

Show those mortals of the Sublime Way what "immortal fortitude" really means.

Prerequisites: Immortal Fortitude martial stance, initiator level 40.

Benefit: You only fail your roll with Immortal Fortitude on a natural 1. You can roll a natural 1 even if you normally cannot, or your d20 rolls are maximized (e.g. Inner Eye ability); roll normally in all cases.

Normal: Your Fortitude save DC is equal to your negative hit points.

Truly Neutral Body/Mind/Soul/Spirit

As Cunning X, but the bonuses are balance, and the prereqs are Wis 40 and True Neutral alignment. Represents the "balance is best" and/or "nastily neutral" line of thought, rather than one who simply doesn't care about morals or ethics. Same diminishing returns.

Resonating Spell [Metamagic]

x4 spell level. The spell affects every creature within the caster's divine aura that the caster wishes to affect (including or not including himself). If the caster does not have a divine aura, it can affect everyone in Short range (25 + 2.5'/CL). Prereqs: Spellcraft 43 ranks.

Resonating Spell, Personal [Metamagic]

x8 spell level. As resonating spell, except applies only to personal spells. Cannot be combined with Resonating Spell. Prereqs: Resonating Spell, Spellcraft 63 ranks.

Rune Spell [Metamagic]

x6 spell level. The spell modified ignores anti-magic; it functions normally as if it were an extraordinary ability. Ignores the effects of a zone of dead magic as well, but requiring a successful opposed Spellcraft check if the dead zone was erected by another immortal (e.g. Dead Zone transcendental ability), otherwise it's suppressed normally. Prereqs: Spellcraft 53.

Permanent Spell [Metamagic]

x6 spell level. Cannot be used on spells with an instantaneous duration. Spell modified has a permanent duration (as if one had used a permanency spell on it, though this can be applied to spells that could not normally be made permanent with a permanency spell). Prereqs: Spellcraft 33 ranks.

Transient Spell [Metamagic]

+8 spell level. The spell strikes three times simultaneously, once in the present, once from the immediate past, and once from the immediate future. Prereqs: time portfolio or temporal creature (e.g. cometary dragon), Spellcraft 73 ranks.

Annihilating Spell

Hit point damage dealt by spells, SLAs, and supernatural abilities that mimick spells deal half permanent damage, the other half deals divine damage. Permanent damage can only be healed by a limited wish or minor miracle (1 point per casting) or miracle or wish (1 point per CL per casting). Creatures vulnerable to an element still take 50% damage from annihilating spells, e.g., a white dragon takes an average of 52 damage from a 10d6 annihilating fireball, and any special properties of elements like vile still have full effect. Prereqs: Abrogate, Theurgic Spell, Spellcraft 163.

Devastating Spell

Any variable, numeric component of any and all spells (same as dire spell) is increased from its original die-size to d20s, or to d12s if the base die was originally d4 or lower (e.g. energy drain, magic missile). Prereqs: Dire Spell, Dolorous Spell, Spellcraft 123 ranks.

Excellent Fortitude

Prerequisites: base Fortitude save +72, Great Fortitude, Epic Fortitude, Good Fortitude, Cunning/Heavenly/etc Fortitude (see above). Your base Fortitude save uses the excellent progression (equal to your hit dice).

Excellent Reflexes

Prerequisites: base Reflexes save +72, Lightning Reflexes, Epic Reflexes, Good Reflexes, Cunning/Heavenly/etc Reflexes (see above). Your base Reflex save uses the excellent progression (equal to your hit dice).

Excellent Will

Prerequisites: base Will save +72, Iron Will, Epic Will, Good Will, Cunning/Heavenly/etc Will (see above). Your base Will uses the excellent progression (equal to your hit dice).

Hyperform Natural Attack

Gain +5 die increases to your chosen natural weapon, stacks with INA, GNA, SNA, and PNA (+12 die increases in total). Also gain an attack bonus equal to your BAB with that weapon (overlaps with bonus from SNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +160, INA, GNA, SNA, and PNA in chosen natural weapon.

Sidereal Spell Focus

Add +40 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the school of magic you select to focus on. This stacks with the bonuses from Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Epic Spell Focus, and Immortal Spell Focus (for a total of +50). Prereqs: Epic Spell Focus, Greater Spell Focus, Immortal Spell Focus, and Spell Focus in the school selected.

Unearthly Casting

Spell caps are multiplied by ten. Fireballs do 100d6 max, etc. Prereq: Superior Casting.

Unearthly Leap Attack

Your leap attacks are ferociously savage.

Prerequisites: Celerity, Epic Skill Focus (Jump), Epic Speed, Great Leap Attack, Greater Power Attack, Leap Attack, Legendary Leaper, Mythic Skill Focus (Jump), Mythic Runner, Run, Superior Leap Attack, Superior Power Attack, Supersonic, Unearthly Power Attack, Unearthly Runner, Unearthly Skill Focus (Jump), Str 80, Jump 123 ranks.

Benefit: As leap attack, but if you cover at least 15,000' of horizontal distance, the bonus is instead sextupled (times six). Overlaps (does not stack with) Leap Attack's, Great Leap Attack's, and Superior Leap Attack's bonus. In addition, your divine bonus (or similar) to your Jump skill is quadrupled.

Special: This assumes you're using an alteration to the Leap Attack feat.

Normal: See the Leap Attack feat.

Unearthly Natural Attack

Gain +8 die increases to your chosen natural weapon, stacks with INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, and HNA (+20 die increases in total). Also gain an attack bonus equal to double your BAB with that weapon (overlaps with bonus from UNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +320, INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, and HNA in chosen natural weapon.

Unearthly Skill Focus

Choose a skill, such as Martial Lore. You have an ungodly knack with that skill.

Prerequisite: Epic Skill Focus and Mythic Skill Focus in the skill to be taken, 123 ranks in the skill selected.

Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to double your divine rank on all skill checks with that skill, effectively quintupling (times five) your overpower's base divine bonus to skill checks with that skill.

Unearthly Runner

You run circles around speeding arrows.

Prerequisites: Dex 70, Epic Speed, Celerity, Legendary Runner, Mythic Runner, Supersonic, Run.

Benefit: As the Run feat, but you move twelve times your normal speed, or eight times (heavy armor or heavy load), and if you make a jump after a running start, you gain a +16 bonus on your Jump check (stacks with the bonuses from Run, Legendary Runner, and Mythic Runner, for a total of +32).

Furthermore, the bonus to speed from Epic Speed is quintupled (150' bonus to speed; overlaps [does not stack with] bonus from Mythic Runner; other temporary or permanent bonuses to speed likewise multiplied, similar to Legendary Runner).

Finally, when you make a "double move" action, or charge, or any other time you would move double your speed, you can move at up to six times your normal speed.

Normal: See Run feat, and you move only up to double your speed with a "double move" action.

Cataclysmic Spell

+12 spell levels makes any spell that deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, deal all of them. For example, a cataclysmic fireball does 10d6 acid, 10d6 cold, 10d6 electricity, and 10d6 fire damage. Spells modified gain the subtypes [Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire] if they did not already have one or more. Prereqs: Energy Admixture (Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire), Energy Substitution (Acid, Cold, Electricity, and Fire), Spellcraft 123 ranks.

Immediate Spell

+8 spell level. Spell is cast as an immediate action. Prereqs: Quick Action Spells, Quicken Spell, Spellcraft 148 ranks.

Ultima Spell

x10 spell level. Spell repeats itself in the next number of rounds equal to your divine rank. If you do not have a divine rank, it repeats itself for the next ten rounds. Prereqs: Permanent Spell, Spellcraft 173 ranks.

Doomsday Spell

Any variable, numeric component of any and all spells (same as dire spell) is increased from its original die-size to d100s, or to d20s if the base die was originally d4 or lower (e.g. energy drain, magic missile). Prereqs: Devastating Spell, Dire Spell, Dolorous Spell, Spellcraft 323 ranks.

Multiversal Natural Attack

Gain +12 die increases to your chosen natural weapon, stacks with INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, HNA, and UnNA (+32 die increases in total). Also gain an attack bonus equal to quadruple your BAB with that weapon (overlaps with bonus from UnNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +640, INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, HNA, and UnNA in chosen natural weapon.

Nullifying Spell

All hit point damage dealt by spells, SLAs, and supernatural abilities that mimick spells deals permanent damage. If a creature is immune to permanent damage, spells instead does all divine damage. Those slain by a nullifying spell (aside from those immune to permanent damage) are treated as if having never existed. Prereqs: Annihilating Spell, Rectify, Spellcraft 483 ranks.

Ultimate Casting

None of your spells have caps. Prereq: Unearthly Casting.

Ultimate Leap Attack

Your leap attacks are unsurpassed.

Prerequisites: Celerity, Epic Skill Focus (Jump), Great Leap Attack, Greater Power Attack, Leap Attack, Legendary Leaper, Mythic Skill Focus (Jump), Power Attack, Superior Power Attack, Superluminal, Supersonic, Ultimate Skill Focus (Jump), Ultimate Power Attack, Ultimate Runner, Unearthly Leap Attack, Unearthly Power Attack, Unearthly Runner, Unearthly Skill Focus (Jump), Str 150, Jump 323 ranks.

Benefit: As leap attack, but if you cover at least three-billion feet of horizontal distance, the bonus is instead octupled (times eight). Overlaps (does not stack with) Leap Attack's, Great Leap Attack's, and Superior Leap Attack's bonus. In addition, your divine bonus (or similar) to your Jump skill is octupled.

Special: This assumes you're using an alteration to the Leap Attack feat.

Normal: See the Leap Attack feat.

Ultimate Natural Attack

Gain +18 die increases to your chosen natural weapon, stacks with INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, HNA, UnNA, and MNA (+50 die increases in total). Also gain an attack bonus equal to nine-times your BAB with that weapon (overlaps with bonus from MNA, does not stack). Prereq: BAB +1280, Heavy Eradication, Ultimate Power Attack, INA, GNA, SNA, PNA, HNA, UnNA, MNA, Perfect Critical, Perfect Critical Multiplier, Ultimate Weapon Focus, and Ultimate Weapon Specialization in chosen natural weapon.

Ultimate Skill Focus

Choose a skill, such as Truespeak. Your knack with that skill is beyond.

Prerequisite: Epic Skill Focus, Mythic Skill Focus, and Unearthly Skill Focus in the skill to be taken, 323 ranks in the skill selected.

Benefit: You gain a bonus equal to quintuple your divine rank on all skill checks with that skill, effectively multiplying your sentient universe's base divine bonus to skill checks with that skill by ten.

Ultimate Runner

You outpace starlight.

Prerequisites: Dex 130, Epic Speed, Celerity, Legendary Runner, Mythic Runner, Superluminal, Supersonic, Run.

Benefit: As the Run feat, but you move twenty times your normal speed, or fifteen times (heavy armor or heavy load), and if you make a jump after a running start, you gain a +32 bonus on your Jump check (stacks with the bonuses from Run, Legendary Runner, Mythic Runner, and Unearthly Runner for a total of +64).

Furthermore, any temporary or permanent bonus to speed is multiplied by 100 (overlaps, does not stack with, the bonuses from prerequisite feats).

Finally, when you make a "double move" action, or charge, or any other time you would move double your speed, you can move at up to ten times your normal speed.

Normal: See Run feat, and you move only up to double your speed with a "double move" action.

Irresistible Spell [Metamagic]

x12 spell level. Spell modified always beats the target's saving throw, as if your saving throw DC were infinity. Still doesn't work against targets immune to the effect (e.g., undead and mind-affecting spells [unless further modified by Mindless Spell] or constructs that ignore most Fortitude rolls). If the target never fails saving throws, e.g. Transilient Reflexes, as with all occurrences of "always vs. never" AKA "unstoppable force meets immovable object", the two abilities cancel each other out and things happen normally (in this case, enemy rolls saving throw against spell DC as usual). Prereqs: Epic Spell Focus (all schools), Greater Spell Focus (all schools), Immortal Spell Focus (all schools), Sidereal Spell Focus (all schools), Spell Focus (all schools), Spellcraft 323 ranks.

Unreal Spell [Metamagic]

x18 spell level. Spell modified ignores all resistances, immunities, and spell resistance. Prereqs: Irresistible Spell, Mindless Spell, Penetrating Spell, Spellcraft 403 ranks.

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gollark: -<grant <@!319753218592866315> "three (3) apioforms"
gollark: `0*x` can just be taken as 0 without needing to evaluate x, see.
gollark: gnobody had the intellectual idea of control flow through short-circuiting multiplication.
gollark: For this one specific case.
gollark: Idea: implement branch prediction in software.
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