Incomplete Spell List for new class
This class can prepare spells based on their affinity with the earth.
- Cantrips
dancing lights, light, mending, minor illusion, mold earth[1]
- 1st
color spray, comprehend languages, cure wounds, detect magic, detect poison and disease, disguise self, entangle, faerie fire, feather fall, fog cloud, healing word, longstrider, protection from evil and good, purify food and drink, silent image, sleep, stone bolt
- 2nd
acid spray, alter self, blindness/deafness, calm emotions, darkness, detect thoughts, invisibility, knock, lesser restoration, locate object, Stone Sleep (5e Spell), web
- 3rd
clairvoyance, dispel magic, glyph of warding, major image, mass healing word, melf's minute meteors[2], nondetection, protection from energy, remove curse, stinking cloud, tongues,
- 4th
banishment, blight, compulsion, confusion, dimension door, divination, hallucinatory terrain, locate creature, polymorph, resilient sphere, stoneskin
- 5th
awaken, animate objects, contact other plane, dispel evil and good, greater restoration, insect plague, mass cure wounds, modify memory, scrying, seeming
- 6th
disintegrate, find the path, guards and wards, heal, instant summons, magic jar, move earth,
- 7th
forcecage, magnificent mansion, plane shift, regenerate, reverse gravity, sequester, symbol,
- 8th
antimagic field, demiplane, incendiary cloud, maze
- 9th
foresight, gate, imprisonment, true polymorph
- D&D 5e XGtE pp.162-3
- D&D 5e XGtE pp.161