< User:Armond

User:Armond/Deadly Assassin (DnD Prestige Class)

<dplc>Deadly Assassin (DnD Prestige Class)||- | Deadly Assassin | NR | Combat-Focused, Weapon Specialist | An assassin with more of a combat and less of an evil focus | 10 | 8</dplc>

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Deadly Assassin

The deadly assassin does not hide in the shadows as much as one might expect a normal assassin to. Instead, he focuses on dodging attacks and dealing killing blows with his daggers, at the expense of many skills.

The deadly assassin is not inherently evil - he may use his skills for good as well as ill. Like many characters, the decisions of morality and ethics are left up to the player.

Rogues are the most common deadly assassins, as they can quickly and easily fulfill the requirements. However, Rangers and Fighter/Rogues sometimes take the class, compensating for a loss in stealth with an increase in staying power.

For the purposes of this prestige class, all of the following weapons are considered to be "daggers": Dagger, Dirk, Kama, Kukri, Punching Dagger, Sai, and Siangham. The dungeon master may determine that weapons similar to these will also qualify as daggers for this prestige class.

The deadly assassin should not be used in any campaign featuring the Assassin base class, which has comparable abilities.


  • Base Attack Bonus: +6
  • Skills: 5 ranks in Bluff, 6 ranks in Hide, 4 ranks in Jump, 8 ranks in Move Silently, 5 ranks in Tumble
  • Feats: Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (any dagger), Deadly Precision
  • Special: Sneak Attack, Sudden Strike, or Skirmish +3d6, Evasion

Table: The Deadly Assassin

Hit Die: d6

Attack Bonus
1st+0+0+2+0Sneak attack +1d6, critical strikes
2nd+1+0+3+0Uncanny dodge
3rd+2+1+3+1Dagger defense, Improved Critical
4th+3+1+4+1Critical attack, sneak attack +2d6
5th+3+1+4+1Improved uncanny dodge
6th+4+2+5+2Shadow dodge, critical attack
7th+5+2+5+2Sneak attack +3d6
8th+6+2+6+2Critical attack, Improved Evasion
9th+6+3+6+3Dagger mastery
10th+7+3+7+3Critical attack, sneak attack +4d6

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Balance, Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Search, Sense Motive, Spot, and Tumble.

Class Features

All the following are class features of the deadly assassin prestige class.

Sneak Attack (Ex):: This is exactly like the rogue ability of the same name. The extra damage dealt increases by +1d6 every other level (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, and 10th). If a deadly assassin gets a sneak attack bonus from another source the bonuses on damage stack. The deadly assassin can only make sneak attacks with one or more daggers.

Critical Strikes (Ex): Whenever a deadly assassin successfully makes a critical hit with one or more daggers, he adds one to his critical strikes pool for each extra die of damage rolled due to the critical hit. These critical strikes points fade after 72 hours. His critical strikes pool cannot exceed his class level. In addition, the threat range of any dagger he wields is increased by one. The deadly assassin must have at least one point in his critical strikes pool in order to use a critical attack (see below).

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a deadly assassin retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. (He still loses any Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.) This ability only works if the deadly assassin is wearing light or no armor.

If a character already has uncanny dodge from another class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge (see below).

Dagger Defense (Ex): At 3rd level, the deadly assassin has practiced using his daggers so much that he can quickly block any attack made against him. As long as the deadly assassin has at least one dagger drawn, he gains a +2 shield bonus to AC. He gains an additional +2 bonus if he has two daggers drawn, and an additional +1 bonus for each dagger drawn after that. The deadly assassin gains this benefit even if he is flat-footed, so long as he has at least one dagger drawn and his arms have the mobility to move the daggers to block attacks (thus, if he is paralyzed or immobilized). However, the deadly assassin loses the benefits of this ability if he is wearing medium or heavy armor.

Improved Critical: At 3rd level, the deadly assassin gains the Improved Critical feat for his choice of any dagger for which he meets the prerequisites.

Critical Attack (Ex): At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter, a deadly assassin learns one critical attack. Each critical attack costs him at least one point from his critical strikes pool. Critical attacks fall into one of three categories: primary attacks, followup attacks, and final blows. Unless otherwise stated, followup attacks must follow primary attacks and final blows must follow followup attacks, though specific attacks may or may not follow this pattern. Regardless, a critical attack cannot be used if the deadly assassin does not have a number of points in his critical strikes pool at least equal to the number of points the critical attack would use.

Additionally, certain critical attacks may be designated superior; the deadly assassin may only use one superior critical attack per day (though he may use that critical attack as many times that day as his critical strikes pool allows). If the deadly assassin learns more than one superior critical attack, he does not need to choose which one he will use that day, though once he uses one superior critical attack, the others are disabled until the next day. (For this ability's reference only, a day ends when the deadly assassin would regain his spell slots for the day were he able to cast spells instead of after 24 hours pass.) Superior critical attacks cannot be learned unless the deadly assassin already knows at least two other critical attacks.

A deadly assassin must attempt to deal the correct type of damage with his critical attack (slashing or piercing); thus, daggers that can deal either type of damage (or one dagger in each hand with one dealing slashing and the other dealing piercing damage) are extremely beneficial, as they may prevent the deadly assassin from taking a -4 penalty on his attack roll. The type of damage is indicated before the type of critical attack. If no damage type is indicated, the deadly assassin can choose to deal either type of damage (but cannot choose to do bludgeoning damage unless the attack description specifically states otherwise).

Any critical attacks that "fail" fail as though the deadly assassin's reach was not enough to complete the attack. A failed or uncompleted critical attack still consumes points from the critical strikes pool, as does one that misses. A critical attack fails if its prerequisites are not met.

The following are prerequisites of any critical attack: The deadly assassin cannot make more than two critical attacks in one round, and never consecutively. The deadly assassin can only make critical attacks with one or more daggers of any type. Critical attacks must always hit a foe that was hit in the previous ten rounds by the prerequisite attack type defined by the critical attack. (Therefore, attempting to use a chain of critical attacks out of order will result in numerous attacks that do not hit and drain the deadly assassin's critical strikes pool.)

Critical attacks are chosen from the following list. The dungeon master may approve the use of additional critical attacks in the campaign, or disallow the use of certain critical attacks, as he sees fit.

Bleeding Slice (Ex): Slashing primary attack. This attack causes a bleeding wound, dealing 1 constitution damage. This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Bull's Thrust: Piercing final blow. The deadly assassin gains a bonus on this attack's damage roll equal to his class level (maximum +15). If this attack hits, the target is knocked prone. This attack uses three points from the critical strikes pool.

Critical Blow: Final blow. This attack results in a critical hit. This attack uses three points from the critical strikes pool.

Phoenix Wing Slash: Slashing followup attack. The deadly assassin gains a bonus on this attack's attack roll equal to his class level (maximum +15) and damage roll equal to one-half his class level (maximum +8). This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Empty Palm (Su): Superior followup attack. This attack does not need to follow another critical strike, but fails if you do not have at least one hand empty (except for a gauntlet or glove). Make a touch attack against target foe. If that foe is hit, you deal 1d8 damage per class level (maximum 10d8) to that foe, plus your Wisdom bonus (if any). You deal one less damage for every two deadly assassin class levels you have (maximum -5). The bonus damage from your wisdom modifier cannot add more than a net +5 damage to the dice roll (thus, the maximum damage this attack can do is 10d8+5 if your Wisdom score is 30 or higher). This damage is not susceptible to reduction of any form. This attack uses three points from the critical strikes pool.

Forehead Bash (Ex): Superior bludgeoning finishing blow. This attack deals damage as though you were one size smaller, and you take a -4 penalty on the attack because you are using the pommel of your handle or the flat of your blade to deal nonlethal bludgeoning damage. If it attack hits, the target is blinded for a number of rounds equal to the number of additional points the deadly assassin spends on this attack from his critical strikes pool. While a foe is blinded this way, any spells he casts take twice as long to cast (a swift or free action becomes a standard action, and a standard or move action becomes a full-round action; swift actions used this way still count towards the limit of one swift action per round) and concentration checks to cast these spells (including any spell being cast when hit by this attack, if applicable) automatically fail. If no additional points are invested into this attack, there is no additional effect. This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Fox's Bite: Followup attack. The deadly assassin gains a bonus on this attack's attack roll equal to his class level (maximum +12) and damage rolls equal to one-half his class level (maximum +6). This attack ignores the target's shield bonus to AC and uses two points from the critical strikes pool.

Fox's Tails: Slashing final blow. This attack fails if you cannot make a full attack when you make this attack. You attack four times, each with a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. This attack uses two points from the critical strikes pool.

Interrupting Slash: Slashing primary attack. If this attack hits, any spell being cast by target foe is automatically lost as though the caster had failed a concentration check. This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Punishing Blow: Primary attack. The deadly assassin gains a bonus on this attack's attack and damage rolls equal to one-half his class level (maximum bonus +7). This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Raging Widow: Piercing followup attack. This attack fails if it does not strike a prone foe, but need not follow another critical attack. The assassin gains a bonus on this attack's damage roll equal to his class level (maximum +8). If this attack hits, the foe is poisoned (initial damage 1d6 hp, secondary damage 1d2 con). This attack uses two points from the critical strikes pool.

Acidic Blades (Su): Primary attack. This attack fails if you cannot make a full attack when you make this attack. You throw three daggers formed of acid at your target. Make a ranged touch attack for each. These daggers strike for 1d6 acid damage each. This attack uses two points from the critical strikes pool.

Surprise Attack: Slashing primary attack. This attack's damage roll gains a +3 bonus. If your foe is flat-footed or flanked, you deal extra damage equal to your class level (maximum +20). This attack uses one point from the critical strikes pool.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 5th level, a deadly assassin can no longer be flanked, since he can react to opponents on opposite sides of him as easily as he can react to a single attacker. This defense denies rogues the ability to use flank attacks to sneak attack the deadly assassin. The exception to this defense is that a rogue at least four levels higher than the deadly assassin can flank him (and thus sneak attack him). This ability only works if the deadly assassin is wearing light or no armor.

If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from another class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge and the levels from those classes stack to determine the minimum rogue level required to flank the character.

Shadow Dodge (Su): At 6th level, the deadly assassin can wrap himself in a cloak of shadows three times per day. While so concealed, the deadly assassin has full concealment (50% miss chance). This ability only works if the deadly assassin is wearing light or no armor.

Improved Evasion (Ex): At 8th level, whenever the deadly assassin makes a reflex save for half damage, he takes no damage on a successful save and half damage on a failed save. This ability only works if the deadly assassin is wearing light or no armor.

Dagger Mastery: At 9th level, the deadly assassin deals an additional amount of damage on all dagger attack rolls equal to his class level divided by four.

The Epic Deadly Assassin

Table: The Epic Deadly Assassin
Hit Die: d6
12thCritical attack
13thSneak attack +5d6
14thBonus feat
15thCritical attack
16thSneak attack +6d6
18thCritical attack, bonus feat
19thSneak attack +7d6

Skill Points Per Level:
4 + Int modifier per level).

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Class Features

All the following are class features of the Epic Deadly Assassin.

Bonus feats: The epic deadly assassin gains a bonus feat every four levels after 10th, chosen from the list of epic deadly assassin bonus feats below.

Critical attacks: The epic deadly assassin continues to learn critical attacks, but at a reduced rate. He now learns one at 12th level and one every three levels thereafter.

Sneak attack: The epic deadly assassin increases his sneak attack damage by 1d6 every three levels after 10th, as normal.

Epic deadly assassin bonus feat list: Blinding Speed, Dexterous Fortitude, Dexterous Will, Epic Dodge, Epic Speed, Improved Combat Reflexes, Improved Sneak Attack, Lingering Damage, Self-Concealment, Sneak Attack of Opportunity, Spellcasting Harrier, Superior Initiative. The deadly assassin may instead choose any rogue special ability in place of an epic feat.

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