< Ultimate Monk (3.5e Optimized Character Build)

Ultimate Monk (3.5e Optimized Character Build)/Variants


The following are a few of the many variants of the Ultimate Monk possible with minor (or major) changes in emphasis.

Epic Progression: The Monks of the Fivefold Path

The Ultimate Monk progresses typically progresses in the the Way of the Fivefold Path as determined by his school: Earth (Stone), Water (Sea), Fire (Sun), Air(Wind), or Void (Heaven). Variant progression options for the Ultimate Monk are included below.

Variant #1: Abbot to Monster

Initial scores (28 point buy):

Human Str: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 14 Dex: 15 Con: 10 Cha: 8

Skills: Jump, Tumble, Escape Artist, Balance (ECL+1), Hide (ECL + 1), Move Silently, Spot, Concentration, Listen (Skill level = ECL +3 except as noted.).

ECLClass/HD/LAFeatsSpecialDmg (charge) (other modifiers)Move (focused)
1stMonk 1Improved Unarmed Strike, Danger Sense (best of 2 initiative rolls 1/day), Improved Initiative, Wild Talent, Danger Sense (best of 2 initiative rolls 1/day), Combat Style Feat (see below), Reckless ChargeMonk abilities1d6 (+1d12 Flying Kick)40 (40)
2ndMonk 2Combat Style Feat (see below)Evasion1d6 (+1d12 Flying Kick)40 (40)
3rdMonk 3OverchannelStill Mind1d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)50 (50)
4thMonk 4Ki strike, slow fall1d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)50 (50)
5thMonk 5Purity of body1d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)50 (50)
6thMonk 6Improved Natural Attack, Combat Style Feat (see below)2d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)60 (60)
7thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 1Psionic abilities (Expansion available)2d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)60 (60)
8thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 22d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)60 (60)
9thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 3Combat Style Feat (see below)Still Mind2d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)70 (70)
10thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 42d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)70 (70)
11thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 5Quicken Power or Speed of Thought2d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)70 (80)
12thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 6Two-weapon Fighting3d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)90 (100)
13thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 7Enhanced expansion available: +2 size categories3d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)90 (100)
14thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 8Evasion3d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)90 (100)
15thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 9Expanded KnowledgeMetamorphosis (via Expanded Knowledge)3d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)100 (110)
16thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 10Up the Walls3d6 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)100 (110)
17thMonk 7/Psionic Fist 103d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)100 (110)
18thMonk 8/Psionic Fist 10bonus feat3d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)110 (120)
19thMonk 9/Psionic Fist 103d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)110 (120)
20thMonk 10/Psionic Fist 104d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)110 (120)
21stMonk 11/Psionic Fist 10Epic FeatGreater Flurry, Diamond Body (immune to posions)4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)120 (130)
22thMonk 12/Psionic Fist 104d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)120 (130)
23thMonk 13/Psionic Fist 104d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)120 (130)
24thMonk 14/Psionic Fist 10Epic Feat4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)130 (140)
25thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 104d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)130 (140)
26thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 114d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)140 (150)
27thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 11/Psychic Warrior 1Epic Feat, Psionic or fighter bonus feat4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)140 (150)
28thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 11/Psychic Warrior 2Psionic or fighter bonus feat4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)140 (150)
29thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 11/Psychic Warrior 2/Fighter 1Fighter bonus feat4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)150 (160)
30thMonk 15/Psionic Fist 11/Psychic Warrior 2/Fighter 2Epic Feat, Fighter bonus feat4d8 (+ 1d8) (+1d12 Flying Kick)150 (160)

Combat Styles

The monk should chose one of the following four combat style options:

StyleECL 1 Feat SuggestionECL 9 Feat SuggestionECL 18 feat suggestionECL 24 Epic Feat SuggestionECL 27 Epic Feat SuggestionECL 30 Feat Suggestion
Cobra StrikeSpeed of ThoughtPsionic ChargeWhirlwind AttackSuperior InitiativeAnyAny
Denying StanceScorpion's graspMultigripGreater MultigripImproved Combat Reflexes (Epic)Legendary WrestlerSuperior Initiative
Overwhelming AttackPowerful ChargeShock TrooperExpanded Knowledge (Telekinetic Maneuver)Superior Initiativeany, Improved Two-Weapon FightingGreater Two-Weapon Fighting, Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
Standard monk bonus feats (Improved Grapple, Deflect Arrows, Combat Reflexes)AnyAnyImproved Natural Attack (claw)Infinite DeflectionImproved Combat Reflexes (Epic), Reflect ArrowsExceptional Deflection, Any fighter bonus feat

Gameplay notes: The loss of OA means the loss of several monk-favorable rules: free multiclassing, open unarmed combat bonus proficiency choice, and BAB stacking from monk prestige classes for purposes of calculating multiple attacks and flurry penalties (not to mention three of the prestige classes themselves.) All are missed, but the open unarmed combat bonus proficiency choice (semi-)lives on in the fighting style rules of UA (pg. 52).

Metamorphosis Forms

The forms the monk can take using his Metamorphosis power are limited only by the usual Polymorph rules (15HD, no outsiders, constructs, or undead). (This makes the Bear Warrior levels previously incorporated in this build superfluous; see the talk page.) A for a few suggestions, see Ultimate Monk (DnD Optimized Character Build)/Metamorphosis Forms.

Variant #2: Drunken Master

Race: Human

Favored Class: Monk

Str: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 14 Dex: 14 Con: 12 Cha: 8

Skills: Jump, Tumble, Escape Artist, Balance (ECL+1), Hide (ECL + 1), Move Silently, Spot, Concentration, Listen (Skill level = ECL +3 except as noted.).

Monk fighting style note: trained in the Cobra Strike style (UA pg. 52).

ECLClass/HD/LAFeatsSpecialDmg (charge) (other modifiers)Move (focused)
1stFighter 1Improved Initiative, Powerful Charge, Able Learner, Great Fortitude, Danger SenseBy weapon (+1d8 Powerful Charge)40 (40)
2ndFighter 2Combat ReflexesBy weapon (+2d6 charge)40 (40)
3rdFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1Wild Talent, OverchannelExpansion power availableBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (50)
4thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 1Improved Unarmed Strike, DodgeMonk abilitiesBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (50)
5thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 2MobilityClaws of the Beast availableBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (60)
6thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 2/Drunken Master 1Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike)Improvised Weapons do (1d4+unarmed strike)50 (60)
7thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 2/Drunken Master 2Need not travel in a straight line to chargeBy weapon (+3d6)50 (60)
8thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 3/Drunken Master 2Still MindBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 2d6) (+3d6)60 (70)
9thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 4/Drunken Master 2Quicken PowerKi strike, slow fallBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
10thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 5/Drunken Master 2Purity of bodyBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
11thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2Spring AttackBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
12thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 1Two-Weapon FightingBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)80 (90)
13thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 2By weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d8) (+3d6)80 (90)
14thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 3Still MindBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (2d6 + 3d8)80 (90)
15thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 4Deflect ArrowsBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (2d6 + 3d8)
16thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 5Up the WallsBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d6 + 3d8)
17thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 6By weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d6 + 6d6)
18thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 7Expanded KnowledgeEnhanced Expansion available: +2 size categoriesBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d8 + 6d6)100 (110)
19thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 8By weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d8 + 6d6)
20thFighter 2/Psychic Warrior 1/Monk 6/Drunken Master 2/Psionic Fist 9Metamorphosis power availableBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (6d6 + 6d6)

Gameplay notes: The Drunken Master has maximal mobility, skills and feats, at the cost of exchanging Able Learner for Reckless Charge, delaying the acquisition of monk abilities, and delaying his ability to assume Colossal alternate forms until ECL 20 (as in contrast to ECL 15, above.) The result is a slower-starting but very versatile Ultimate Monk who is still as Ultimate as one could wish by the end of 20 levels.

The primary benefit of the Drunken Master prestige class is the ability to move in any direction and in any pattern while charging, up to double base move.

A useful secondary power is the ability to use improvised weapons and do unarmed strike damage. While a character might (should) lose the benefit of stacked claw damage by so doing, this ability provides the monk with powerful reach and range attacks, especially while expanded (see Highlights, Colossal size, below.)

The trade-off of Int and Wis for Str or Con by taking a drink is irrelevant at higher levels, and not very useful even at the beginning.

The Drunken Master's broad base of combat feats ensures he will enjoy the broadest possible range of useful Epic feats.

Variant #3: Monster to Abbot

This variant has two stages: first, chose a 5-level Ultimate Monk monster class. After the completion of the first five levels, follow the progression given below.

ECLClass/HD/LAFeatsSpecialDmg (charge) (other modifiers)Move (focused)
6thMonk 1Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat style featMonk abilities40 (40)Jump 4, Tumble
7thMonk 2Combat style featEvasion40 (40)
8thMonk 3Quicken PowerStill Mind50 (50)
9thMonk 4Ki strike, slow fall50 (50)
10thMonk 5Purity of body50 (50)
11thMonk 6Improved Natural Attack (Unarmed Strike), Combat style feat60 (60)
12thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 1Psionic abilities (Expansion available)60 (60)
13thMonk 6 /Psionic Fist 260 (60)
14thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 3Improved Multiattack or Improved Multigrab70 (70)
15thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 470 (70)
16thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 5Psionic or fighter bonus feat70 (80)
17thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 6Up the Walls80 (90)
18thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 7Enhanced expansion available: +2 size categories80 (90)
19thMonk 6/ Psionic Fist 880 (90)
20thMonk 6/Psionic Fist 9Expanded Knowledge80 (90)

Variant #4: Foundling Monk

Race: Mongrel Giant

Half-Giant, (LA +1), Half-Ogre (LA +1)

Natural armor progression: +1/level (+3 max)

Initial scores (28 point buy):

Str: 14 (16) Int: 14 (12) Wis: 14 Dex: 14 (12) Con: 12 Cha: 10 (8)

Str: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 14 Dex: 16 Con: 12 Cha: 6

Monk fighting style note: trained in the Overwhelming Attack style (UA pg. 52).

ECLClass/HD/LAFeatsSpecialDmg (charge) (other modifiers)Move (focused)Skills
1stMongrel Giant 1Improved Initiative, Powerful Charge, Reckless ChargeBy weapon (+1d8 Powerful Charge)40 (40)Jump 4, Tumble 4,
2ndMongrel Giant 2LA level, Powerful Build, Stomp (1/day), +2 ConBy weapon (+2d6 charge)40 (40)
3rdMongrel Giant 3LA level, Large size, +2 Str,By weapon (+ 3d6)50 (50)
4thMongrel Giant 3/Psychic Warrior 1Combat ReflexesExpansion power availableBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (50)
5thMongrel Giant 3/Psychic Warrior 2Speed of Thought, Expeditious DodgeClaws of the Beast availableBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (60)
6thMonk 1Power AttackMonk abilitiesBy weapon (+ 3d6)50 (60)Jump 4, Tumble
7thMonk 2Improved Bull RushEvasionBy weapon (+3d6)50 (60)
8thMonk 3feat (ECL)Still MindBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 2d6) (+3d6)60 (70)
9thMonk 4Ki strike, slow fallBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
10thMonk 5Improved Natural AttackPurity of bodyBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
11thMonk 6Improved OverrunBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)70 (80)
12thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 1Psionic abilities (Expansion available)By weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d6) (+3d6)80 (90)
13thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 2Shock TrooperBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (1d8 + 3d8) (+3d6)80 (90)
14thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 3Still MindBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (2d6 + 3d8)80 (90)
15thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 4By weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (2d6 + 3d8)90 (100)
16thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 5Speed of ThoughtBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d6 + 3d8)90 (100)
17thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 6Up the WallsBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d6 + 6d6)90 (100)
18thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 7Enhanced expansion available: +2 size categoriesBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d8 + 6d6)100 (110)
19thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 8EvasionBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (3d8 + 6d6)90 (100)
20thMonk 6/Fist of Zukon 9Quicken PowerBy weapon or unarmed + Claws of the beast (6d6 + 6d6)100 (110)

Gameplay notes: This is the build for the player who can't bear to wait for ECL 5 to hit like a Gargantuan creature. The combination of the Powerful Build of the Half-Giant and the Large size brought by the Half-Ogre template is further enhanced by the ECL 4 level of Psychic Warrior, bringing with it the Expansion power. A few levels later, when the character picks up Improved Natural Attack, he deals the unarmed damage of a Colossal creature.

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