Two-Weapon Fighting (3.5e Variant Rule)

Variant: Balanced Penalties for Two Weapon Fighting

This variant rule simplifies the penalties for wielding two weapons by treating both hands as the same and applying the same penalty to both hands. This variant rule also replaces the unskilled penalties with ones that make sense based on the d20 rule system.

The Two-Weapon Fighting feat now reduces penalties by 4, the same as the Weapon Proficiency feat. In addition the penalties that this system uses based on the size of the weapons that you wield are entirely balanced based on weapon damage making all weapon combinations viable.

Table: Two-Weapon Fighting Penalties
Normal penalties7
Off-hand weapon is light6
Both Weapons are light5
Two-Weapon Fighting feat3
Off-hand weapon is light and Two-Weapon Fighting feat2
Both Weapons are light and Two-Weapon Fighting feat1
Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
Prerequisite: Dex 15.
Benefit: Your penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons are reduced by 4.
Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Variant: Realistic Two-Weapon Fighting

This variant rule removes to-hit penalties and the extra attack normally associated with two-weapon fighting and replaces it with a different mechanic.

If you are wielding two weapons you may freely split your normal attacks between either of the two weapons. Attacks with either weapon suffer none of the normal penalties for two weapon fighting. This can even be done if one 'weapon' is an unarmed strike.

If the weapon you wield in your off hand is not considered a light weapon, you suffer a -4 penalty to hit with attacks made by that weapon.

Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
Prerequisite: Dex 15.
Benefit: When fighting with two weapons each round as an immediate action you may make a single aid another check to aid yourself. This check can be used to increased your chances to hit, increase your armour class, or to increase your bluff skill check when Feinting in Combat.
Special: A fighter may select Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
Prerequisite: Str 15, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +1.
Benefit: You may now wield a one-handed weapons in your off-hand without any penalty to hit.
Special: A fighter may select Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.

Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [General]
Prerequisite: Dex 17, Two-Weapon Fighting, base attack bonus +6.
Benefit: You may now make two immediate actions each round providing both of them are to perform aid another checks to aid yourself in combat as deatiled in the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.
Special: A fighter may select Improved Two-Weapon Fighting as one of his fighter bonus feats.

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gollark: I decided to stop programming, buy a better GPU, and use a palaiologos neural network emulator instead, to save time.
gollark: Imagine doing things manually.
gollark: Personally, I mostly eat supermarket-obtained bagels.
gollark: We have a bread machine at home but it never gets used.
gollark: Oh, THOSE.
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