Twins (Edit) (3.5e Template)
3e Summary::Twins are exactly what the name stands for. They have a special link between them so they have some special powers.
Creating Twins
Twins is an inherited template available to all intelligent creatures(Int min. 6) Also their alignments can't be opposed. For example if the one is Lawful Good than the other can't be Lawful Evil or if the one is Chaotic Good than the other can't be Lawful Neutral. If the one twin dies than the other loses all benefits of this template unless resurrected. Also if their alignments change so that they're opposed the twins lose all the benefits of this template.
As base creature:
Size and Type, Hit Dice, Speed, Armor Class, Attack, Full Attack, Special Attacks, Abilities, Skills, Environment, Organization, Challenge Rating, Treasure, Level Adjustment.
Special Qualities
Share Experience: The twins share their experience so they advance at the same time.
Share Spells(Ex): At the twin's option, that twin may have any spell(including spell-like abilities) which the twin casts upon oneself also effect the other twin. The other twin must be within 50ft of the twin casting the spell to receive the benefit. If the spell or effect has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the twin if that twin moves farther than the base land speed away from the caster and won't affect that twin again if should return to the the caster. Additionally the twin may cast a spell with a target of "You" on the other twin (as a touch range spell) instead of oneself.
Greater Aid(Ex): When a twin is aiding the other, the twin gets a +4 bonus instead of the regular +2.
Always Together(Ex): When the twins are together they gain a +2 bonus to Will saves. When they aren't together but know where the other one is they don't gain this bonus. If they don't know where the other one is they gain a -2 penalty to Will saves, concentration, disable device, forgery, knowledge, move silently, open lock, search, sleight of hand, spellcraft, use magic device and use rope checks.
Twin Merge(Ex): The twins may, as a immediate action, make a Concentration check (DC 10 + character level) to use their twins Reflex, Will, or Fortitude save instead of their own. Twins must be within 50 ft for this ability to work. As a full -round action twins may use Twin Merge to cast a spell using their combined caster level. This removes normal limits placed on spells ( Example: Magic Missile reads for every two caster levels beyond 1st, you gain an additional missile-two at 3rd level, three at 5th, four at 7th, and the maximum of five missiles at 9th level or higher. After the maximum is reached you Ignore the limit placed on the spell and add another missile every odd numbered caster level on.) To cast the spell both twins must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level) to cast the spell. If one twin fails the Concentration check the spell fails. Twins must be touching to use this ability.
Linked(Ex): If one twin dies, the other twin must make a DC 35 Fortitude save, or die as well, if the other twin survives, it becomes the utmost imperative to bring his/her other half back. Similarly, if one twin is resurrected, the other twin, if dead, will come back as well.
The twins gain Team Fighting as a bonus feat, the effects of the feat are only triggered by the other twin.
As base creature but their alignments can't be opposed.
As base creature but they both advance at the same time.
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