Transmutation Alchemist, Variant (5e Class)

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Transmutation alchemist

A scientist on a quest to become God

Arcane scientist

An elf draws a quick symbol on the ground as she dodges a bandits cut. She slaps the palm of her hand on the circle she drew and draws a newly made sword from where the symbol lay. She strikes down foe after foe until the rest flee. Drawing another symbol on the sword blade, she transforms it into 3 daggers, which she hurls into the backs of those running. When the killing is over, she draws one last circle and returns the daggers to the earth.

A Human snaps his fingers as fire springs forth from thin air, bathing the zombies in flame. He makes a chopping motion with his hands as a whip of water appears in the air between him and a group skeletons. Finally, he draws a symbol on the ground and shackles of earth bind the necromancer forevermore in the dark cave where he held court.

A dragonborn kneels over the body of his fallen comrade, weeping tears of blood and drawing multitudes of symbols on the floor around him. Out of the ground a suit of armor rises, and the dragonborn is suffused with black energy. Wiping away the tears he paints symbols in the armor with his own blood, calling his friends soul back from the afterlife. The suit of armor sits up, and with a hollow voice, thanks the dragonborn.

Transmutation alchemists are those who utilize the art of alchemy to alter their surroundings. Alchemy requires an extensive knowledge of chemistry, physics, and ancient alchemical theory and magic. Although most can preform alchemy, only a few are trained and only a handful become great.

Creating a Transmutation alchemist

When creating a Transmutation alchemist, one should ask himself these questions. Who trained you? How did you unlock your power? Do you shape stone and earth to suit your needs? Or merely use powerful blasts of elemental force to destroy your enemies?

Quick Build

You can make a Transmutation alchemist quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by constitution. Second, choose the Dog of the military background. Your starter wealth is 5d4 x 10 gold.

Class Features

As a Transmutation alchemist you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Transmutation alchemist level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Transmutation alchemist level after 1st


Armor: Light armor. Shields.
Weapons: Simple weapons, Rapier, Longsword, Shortsword.
Tools: Alchemy Supplies
Saving Throws: Intellect and constitution
Skills: Choose three from: Arcana, Acrobatics, Medicine, Insight, Persuasion, Perception, Religion, Nature, or Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Any simple weapon or (b) A Rapier
  • (a) A wooden shield or (b) A Longsword
  • (a) An explorers pack or (b) A scholars Pack
  • Leather armour and a box of chalk

Table: The Transmutation alchemist

Alchemy damageAlchemic
1st+21d612Alchemy, Transmutation Circles, Equivalent Exchange
2nd+21d614Alchemical Armoury, Alchemical Deconstruction
3rd+22d616Alchemical Study
4th+22d618Ability Score Improvement
5th+33d620Transmutation Tattoos, Alchemical Armoury Upgrade
6th+33d622Bio-alchemy 1, Study Feature
7th+34d624Alchemical Mending, Alchemical Reconstruction
8th+34d626Ability Score Improvement
9th+45d628Soul Bonding
10th+45d630Philosophers Stones
12th+46d634Ability Score Improvement, Study Feature
13th+57d636Bio-Alchemy 2
14th+57d638Advanced Alchemy
16th+58d642Ability Score Improvement, Frightful Homunculi
17th+69d644Study Feature, Energy Transmutation
18th+69d646Human Transmutation
19th+610d648Ability Score Improvement


Starting at level 1, you could use alchemy to alter your surroundings. You do this using a pair of gloves given to you by your teacher. The base damage you do with your alchemy is 1d6. See the table above for damage at higher levels. Your alchemy attack modifier is equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus. Your alchemy has a range of 60 feet. For any alchemy you perform that would require a saving throw, the DC is equal to 8 plus your intelligence modifier plus your proficiency bonus. There are 5 basic branches of alchemy. Fire, water, metal, earth and air. Each has its own source materials and damage types.

Fire Alchemy

its damage type is fire

Earth Alchemy

its damage type is bludgeoning.

Water Alchemy

it may either do slashing or cold damage

Metal Alchemy

it may do slashing, piercing, or bludgeoning.

Air Alchemy

its damage type is force.

Transmutation Circles

In order to perform alchemy, one must draw a transmutation circle. Doing this takes a bonus action. Activating a circle costs an action.(unless it's a small circle which you can draw and activate using the same action) A transmutation circle must be touching the source material for the transmutation to take place. Any circle drawn on the source material is destroyed. A circle may be drawn on any surface with any medium, as long as the surface will accept it.

Equivalent Exchange

In order for a transmutation to succeed, an equal or greater amount of the source material must be present to fuel the reaction. If enough of the source material is not present, however, the reaction fails. You can only manipulate an amount of square feet of material equal to your Alchemist level plus your Intelligence modifier x 10.

Alchemical Armoury

Beginning at 2nd level, you may draw a transmutation circle on earth or metal source and create a weapon with alchemy. Intelligence is your attack modifier for this weapon. This weapon deals damage with your alchemy attack dice. Weapon and Armours summoned with this ability last an amount of minutes equal to your level.

Beginning at level 5, you may also create metal armours with this feature.

Alchemical Deconstruction

When you reach level 2, you may now use your alchemy to transform anything excluding sentient beings to their base elements.

Alchemical Study

Starting at level 3, your studies have become more focused. choose a path from the list below. You gain features in this study at 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 17th levels.

Armor defense

Starting at level 3, you can transmute you armor to Fight with. You gain the following features:

  • You can cause spikes to form on your armor. Everytime someone hits you with a melee attack they take 2d8 piercering damage.
  • You can make arm blades similar to automail arm blades dealing 1d6 slashing damage and can be used to attack twice.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Transmutation Mark

Starting at level 5, you may permanently etch a transmutation circle into a piece of equipment or your flesh, taking 2d4 necrotic damage. These circles may be used a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus. You may regain these uses after a short or long rest. Activating this circle costs a bonus action. The circle must be revealed for it to activate. You may have a maximum of three of these Transmutation Tattoos.

Bio-alchemy 1

Beginning at level 6, you may use alchemy to control plant life around you. The law of equivalent exchange still applies. You may have this element do bludgeoning or piercing damage. Also, you may use alchemic deconstruction on plantlife.

Alchemical Mending

At level 7 you are now able to mend weapons and armors using alchemy. Also, any weapons or armors you made using alchemy can be made permanent.

Alchemical Reconstruction

At level 7, you may form objects that have a mixture of different elements to create alloys and compounds. Once on each of your turns, when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 of the respective Alchemy damage type to the target. When you reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.

Soul Bonding

Beginning at level 9, upon the death of any humanoid you may perform a transmutation to bond their soul to a set of armor. The suit of armor may be pre-existing or alchemically created during the reaction. The creature retains all languages it knew in its previous life and retains any proficiencies it had, along with any proficiencies that you have and choose to give it. You may force the creature to make a DC 18 intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed by you and follows your orders for a number of hours equal to your alchemist level times six. On a successful save the creature retains its free will but takes 2d10 psychic damage. During this transmutation, you take 2d8 necrotic damage. The constructs maximum hit points are equal to your current hit points multiplied by two. The created construct doesn't need to eat, breathe, or sleep, it has a natural armor of 18, and cannot wear armor. It has immunity to poison and psychic damage, and resistance to fire, piercing, slashing and bludgeoning damage. It regains all hit points at midnight of each day. It's creator may spend 1 action to fully alchemically "repair" it and give it all of its hit points back, taking the hp healed as necrotic damage themselves. If you hold a philosopher's stone, the creature is permenantly charmed by you and will follow you orders.

Philosopher's Stones

Beginning at 10th level, over 8 hours you may create an object of immense alchemical power called a philosopher's stone. In order to create a philosopher's stone, you must perform a transmutation in the presence of 1 or more dead humanoids killed within 2 hours of the reaction. During the reaction, the souls of the present corpses are gathered together and solidified into an amber colored stone of a size of your choosing. While you may pour as many souls into your philosopher's stone, every additional soul exceeding 4 souls in the stone has relative little effect. You can add additional souls into your stone without an 8 hour ritual, rather, you simply need to place the corpes in a transmutation circle with the stone in the middle for 1 minute. Whilst having more than one stone, you may only use 1 stone at a time. If you have more than one soul in a stone the effects stack.You may affix this stone to a necklace, earring, ring, or bracelet.

1 soul

If a transmutation would cause you to take necrotic damage, negate that damage. in the case, of soul bonding the construct has hit points equal to 3 times your current health

2 souls

You no longer need to draw transmutation circles to perform alchemy and you can use all transmutation circles, additionally, performing alchemy only costs a bonus action, your transmutation tattoo is reduced to a free action.

3 souls

You gain +2 to your alchemy attack mod and alchemy save dc, and you can perform alchemy without equivalent exchange.

4 souls

You may add your alchemy attack modifier twice when determining damage. You may reroll all 1s and get +2 to your alchemy save dc.

5+ souls

You may consume a soul inside your philosopher stone to extend your life by 20 years or heal 10 + half your Alchemist Level + Proficiency Bonus hit points. If this ability would heal you past your maximum number of hit points, then you gain the difference as temporary hit points that persists until destroyed by damage.


Starting at 11th level, You may attempt to make your own chimera. The chimera appearance is determined by the Alchemist. The stats of the animal are both stats combined divided by 2 it gains all the ability of both creatures. The animals CR cannot be higher than your Alchemist Level divided by 4, rounded down. The amount of time required to create a Chimera is equal to the final CR of the animal.

It is charmed by you and follows your orders. It rolls its own initiative in combat. You can only have at most 2, and when you try to form the third, the oldest one is destroyed. The chimera gains all the natural weapons of its component parts. Its hit points are determined by you hit equal to your level. The resulting creature is one size larger than the largest component creature. You cannot use a chimera's corpse as one of the composite corpses. If you are wielding a philosopher's stone, you may substitute one of the component beasts with a humanoid's corpse.

Bio-Alchemy 2

As you reach 13th level, you have begun your studies in the field of Human Transmutation and may bolster a humanoids' strength, dexterity or constitution score. To do so, you may perform a ritual that drains the strength, dexterity, or constitution of one target humanoid and bestowing it on another (Max 20). You may use yourself as either target. This ritual takes 1 hour per every 2 points drained. This change is unnatural however, and for every 2 points added every hour you take 1d6 necrotic damage. This change is reversed after you take a long rest. You may use a philosopher stone to make the change permanent, but may only drain 2 points. The philosopher stone is consumed and you may only do this to a person once. You may also now use alchemic deconstruction or reconstruction on sentient beings. However, when attempting to use alchemic deconstruction on an enemy, the enemy is allowed to make a saving throw of 10 plus your intelligence modifier plus your proficiency modifier and you can only influence one limb at a time. When using reconstruction, it heals the target for the damage it would have done instead, and can repair one limb at a time. Alchemic deconstruction/reconstruction on sentient being can only be done your intelligence modifier number of times per long rest.

Advanced Alchemy

Beginning at level 14, you've become deadly with your alchemy. Anything you create with alchemy is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.


Beginning at level 15, you know how to perform a transmutation that converts a living humanoid into a powerful, soulless being called a homunculus. You must be wielding a 4 soul philosopher's stone to perform this transmutation. Your philosopher's stone is consumed by this reaction. This reaction takes 8 hours to perform. A Homunculus must roll 2d20 for their ability scores and subtract 5. Speed is double that of the host bodies and its hit points is half your hitpoints. The homunculus also retains any ability that the host body had before the transmutation. Example: a commoner has a strength score of 10. Their rolls were a 10 and a 13, becoming 23-5. The strength score of a Homunculus is now 18.

It is charmed by you and follows your orders. A homunculus does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, and is immortal unless killed. Homunculi cannot wear armor, and have 11 + Dex modifier AC. Homunculi regain all of their hit points at midnight each day. Upon taking damage, they regain 1d10 Hit points. Whilst you may choose the first Homunculus you obtain, any further creation of Homunculi requires you to roll a d8. This will determine what homunculus you receive if any. You may only have one of each homunculi and if your roll would produce a Homunculus that you already have, You may reroll. If you roll an 8 on a reroll, you may reroll again. This only applies to rerolls. You can only command up to 2 homunculi.

1 Lust

Lust can elongating her fingernails for unarmed strikes that deal 5d6 slashing damage, and have a reach of 15 feet.

2 Greed

When Greed sustains 15 or more damage in a turn, his skin turns as hard as diamonds, giving him +5 to AC and immunity to melee attacks for 1 round. This also provides additional 4d6 slashing damage to his unarmed attacks.

3 Sloth

Due to his immense muscles, Sloth's size is large. He has an additional 25 Hit points on top of what's calculated for his health. Sloth's unarmed strikes deal 5d6 bludgeon damage. Whenever Sloth succeeds in two unarmed strikes in a row, he may make a grapple check on his opponent. On a failed check, Sloth breaks the creature's arms, dealing 3d6 bludgeoning damage, giving it a disadvantage on attack rolls, and halving the damage dealt by its weapon attacks. On a successful check, the creature is pushed 10 feet away and knocked prone.

4 Gluttony

Gluttony has a bite attack that deals 3d6 acid damage. On a successful attack, he may force the opponent to make a grapple check. On a failed check, Gluttony bites off a limb of your choice, dealing an extra 3d6 acid damage. On a successful check, the creature does not lose a limb and does not take the extra damage. A creature may remake the grapple check at disadvantage on each of its turns before they take the damage.

5 Envy

As an action, Envy may transform herself into any creature within two sizes of her for 1 hour or until the effect is ended. She retains all of her ability scores and gains all natural weapons, armor and other features of her new form. This may be done a number of times a day equal to her charisma modifier.

6 Pride

Pride may extend his shadow up to 15 ft around him and form shadow tendrils that deal 4d6 necrotic damage. Pride may also manifest peacock like "eyes" on his shadows that grant him line of sight of his "eyes". In full or bright light, Pride may take an action to control one's shadow, making an advantaged weapon attack against the shadow's owner. The attack deals an amount of necrotic damage equal to the max damage that may be dealt by the that weapon. In dim light, pride gains a shadowy aura that grants him resistance to melee attacks. When a creature hits Pride with a melee attack, it takes 3d6 necrotic damage. Pride's tendrils, gaining 20 range, deal an extra 2d6 necrotic damage. In the darkness, Pride loses the the ability to make tendrils, but maintains the shadowy aura and the ability to make "eyes" in any shadows that pride is touching.

7 Wrath

Wrath is proficient with Rapiers, one of which is created in his transmutation. wrath may attack a number of times equal to half of his dexterity modifier per turn. If he has 20 Dexterity or above, he may attack 3 times. Each of his attack deals a number of d8 damage equal to half his dexterity modifier. If wrath succeeds on 3 attacks in a row, he may make an extra attack on a weapon or armor piece the creature is wearing or holding. On a hit, the item is destroyed. Additionally, Wrath's Left Eye becomes one capable of perfect prediction. Giving him advantage on perception checks that rely on sight. Wrath may use either a Bonus Action during his turn, or a Reaction during someone else's turn, to study his opponent, giving a different bonus depending on when he uses it (+2 to Attack Rolls against that opponent or +2 AC against that opponent respectively). Wrath, however, is unable to regenerate like other homunculus, and must heal like normal or be healed by his creator

8 Rebound

The transmutation fails, the humanoid dies and you take 5d8 necrotic damage.

Frightful Homunculi

Beginning at level 16, your homunculi have a frightful prescence. The DC for this is 20. On a failed save the creature flees from the homunculus for 1 hour. On a successful save, the creature is frightened. This does not affect you and the homunculi can choose when this ability is active.

Energy Transmutation

Like any other resource, energy may be transmutated and absorbed. Beginning level 17, you may transmute pure energy and transform it from any form of energy to any other form of energy. Spells and magic are no exception, however, you must roll a DC(5xSpell Level-Alchemist Level) to absorb a spell directed at you. Spells that you absorbed you can either heal yourself for the amount it would of done or redirect it at another target. Does not work with a aoe spell.

Human Transmutation

From level 18 on, you may use a special form of alchemy called human transmutation. With this comes 3 very advanced transmutations.

Resurrective Alchemy

While wielding a 4 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation that returns the soul of a dead humanoid to its body. The body is restored as well. This transmutation takes 8 hours to perform and may be done over a long rest. Your philosopher's stone is consumed during this reaction.

Restorative Alchemy

While wielding a 4 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation to return a soul bonded creature to its original body. The creature now ages and can die of old age. It needs to eat, sleep, and breathe as well. It needs to roll an Intel Check of DC 18 or it is charmed by you. This transmutation takes 8 hours to perform. Your philosopher's stone is consumed during this reaction.

Creative Alchemy

While wielding a 4 soul philosopher's stone you may perform a transmutation to create a brand new humanoid. You must use a separate humanoid as a blueprint. You may not use yourself as this blueprint. The humanoid is an exact copy of the blueprint creature including class features, hit points, speed, abilities, and skills. It needs to roll Intel check of DC 18 or it is charmed by you and follows your commands. Your philosopher's stone is consumed during this reaction. You may only command one such creation


When you reach level 20, you have learned how to perform the ultimate transmutation. A Chimera, a humanoid and a homunculus must be present to complete the ritual. You must also be wielding a 4th level philosopher's stone to partake in this reaction. This ritual takes 24 hours to complete. Upon completing this transmutation, you become the god-being Father. The stone and humanoids are consumed by this reaction. You gain the following features as Father.

  • You have all the benefits of wielding a four soul philosopher's stone except for soul comsumption independent of whether or not you possess one.
  • You gain the powers of one of your homunculi with double the range.
  • Whenever you take damage in a round, you regain 1d20 hit points.
  • Transmutations that requires time excessive of 1 hour is reduced to 1 hour.
  • For every 5 year passes your body only ages 1 year.

Flame alchemy

Burning flames

When you choose this study at 3rd level, your flames become more intense. Whenever someone takes damage from your fire alchemy, they must make a dexterity saving throw equal to your alchemy save DC to put out the flames. on a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 of fire damage on at the beginning of each of its turns. It may remake the save at the end of its turns. This features damage increases by 2d6 when you reach 6th level (4d8), 12th level (6d8), and 17th level (8d8).

Flame cloak

At 6th level, you have learned to create a cloak of flame to protect you for 1 minute. While "wearing" this cloak you are immune to cold damage. Whenever you take damage from a melee weapon the attacking creature takes 3d6 fire damage. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Fire elemental

Starting at level 12 you may spend 8 alchemy stamina to alchemically create a large fire elemental. Fire Elemental is charmed by you and follows your orders. The fire elemental lasts for 1 hour before its energy dissipates. You may use this feature a number of times per long rest equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Explosive alchemy

Starting at 17th level your fire alchemy deals an extra 4d10 force damage. When a creature takes force damage like this, it is pushed back a number of feet equal to the damage taken this way.

Water alchemy

Frigid waters

When you choose this study at 3rd level, your water alchemy deals an extra 2d6 of cold damage. this damage increases by 2d6 each time you gain a feature in this study. Additionally, you can freeze water and walk on it using alchemy.

Freezing alchemy

Starting at level 6, whenever a creature takes cold damage from your water alchemy, It must make a constitution saving throw equal to your alchemy save DC. On a failed save the creature has disadvantage on its next attack roll.

Inhibiting frost

Starting at level 12 whenever a creature takes cold damage from your water alchemy, it must make a constitution saving throw equal to your alchemy save DC. On a failed save the creatures movement speed is reduced by the amount of cold damage taken for 1 minute.

Paralyzing cold

Starting at level 17 when a creatures speed is reduced to 0 with your Inhibiting frost ability they are frozen solid. They take 4d6 cold damage at the beginning of each of its turns. They cannot attack and all attacks against them have advantage. The creature may make a strength check equal to your alchemy save DC at the beginning of each of its turns, after damage.

Earth alchemy

Sharp stones

When you choose this study at 3rd level, your earth alchemy gets an extra 2d6 of piercing damage. this damage increases by 2d6 whenever you gain a feature in this study. Additionally, you can sense anything on the ground. You gain Blindsight out to 60ft

Earthy shelter

Starting at level 6, you may as an action, raise a dome of earth over you and up to 5 other creatures for 1 minute. While under this dome, you cannot be attacked from outside the dome. You may do this a number of times a day equal to your proficiency bonus.

Resistant earth

Starting at level 12, any saving throws made against your earth alchemy are made at disadvantage. Your earth alchemy also has magical resistance and magic suppression properties.

Stone shackles

Starting at level 17, whenever a creature takes damage from your earth alchemy it must make a dexterity saving throw to avoid being restrained. a creature in this state cannot attack and all other actions are made at disadvantage.

Metal Alchemy

Razor Plates

When you choose this study at 3rd level, your metal alchemy gets an extra 2d6 of slashing, piercing, bludgeoning damage. this damage increases by 2d6 whenever you gain a feature in this study. Additionally, you gain profiency in Medium armor.

Dense Metal

Starting at level 6, you gain +2 AC while wearing Metal armor but suffer -5 speed.

Additionally, you can cast blade ward.


Starting at level 12, you can magnetize your Alchemically made/formed to give disadvantage on atk rolls to enemy melee attacks with metal weapons.


Starting at level 17, using alchemy, you can conjure a Metal sentinel, this takes 2d10 hours, that is charmed to you and will follow your order. The Sentinel only last for 1 week. His hit points are triple yours and has the same atk as your alchemy atk. You may reform his arms to any shape and give him 2 additional atk die. To repair the sentinel you have to rest with the sentinel and preform repairs which take 3d8 hours. You can cause a magnetic surge on the sentinel to pull all metallic objects to the sentinal for 1 turn. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again.

Air Alchemy

Strong wind

When you choose this study at 3rd level, your air alchemy gets an extra 2d6 of force damage. this damage increases by 2d6 whenever you gain a feature in this study. Additionally, when you a creature with a melee attack you can push it back 5ft.

Air bomb

When you gain this feature at level 6, as an action, you can compress air around you into a bomb and shoot towards a creature within 40 ft of you. Make a ranged attack. On a hit, the creature takes 2d8 force damage and falls prone. If there is another creature within 5 ft of the creature it takes half of the damage and doesn't fall prone.

Wind wall

At 12th level you can cast the Wall of force spell without needing material components.

Dead zone

At 17th level, you can make a 20 ft zone which you can 50 feet away from you. Roll a 1d4 to determine how long the zone lasts. There can be no form of fire inside the circle and the circle gives fullcover against thunder and fire damage as none of them can pass through. If a creature enters or starts its turn in the zone they have to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed throw, the creature loses all of its air, takes 4d8 poisen damage and falls unconscious.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Transmutation alchemist class, you must meet these prerequisites: Intelligence 15

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Transmutation alchemist class, you gain the following proficiencies: Alchemy kit.

Transmutation Circles

Transmutation Circles All Damage types unless otherwise stated for each element:

  • Water: Cold (Water, Ice)
  • Earth: Bludgeoning (Rocks, Sand)
  • Fire: Fire (Flames)
  • Air: Force (Wind)
  • Electricity: Lightning (Lightning)
  • Metal: Piercing (Metal)
  • Organic: Poison (Vines, Wood)

Small Circles

Alchemist Weapon
Metal, Earth, Ice
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
An Alchemist is never without a Weapon as long as he has his mind
You create a weapon out of a chosen element that changes into one of any weapon and you become proficient with it. You use your Intelligence modifier instead of Strength or Dexterity for attacks. Add an additional 1d10 to the base damage of the weapon at 5th Level and gain an extra attack with it, 2d10 at 11th Level, and 3d10 at 17th Level and gain another attack.

Manipulate Element
'Any Element
Range: within a 30ft cube of self
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
'You use transmutation to manipulate the shape or the form of elements
You can create walls, objects, etc. You manipulate an element to move or raise at a specified space, and you may transmute materials into other materials, all using equivalent exchange. If you create something that does damage you must use extra alchemy stamina for the maximum damage output.
Overload: You may increase the range affected by 10 feet for every 2 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You use your alchemic knowledge to do large repairs on an object.
You repair any big holes,cracks,blemishes, etc. on an object. You can't restore magic to an item and can only repair its form. You must use an appropriate element such as metal or wood for weapon or even water for an ice construction.

Water, Air, Organic
Range: Self(15ft Line)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You shoot a whip out of your hand wrapping your target in it
You may attempt a grapple against a creature within range. Each turn the creature is pulled 5ft towards you.
Overload: Increase the Distance by an extra 5ft for every 2 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Metal, Earth, Ice
Range: 30ft
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You cause the very ground underneath a creature to shoot up to 15ft
Any Creature in the space affected must make a Dexterity save or receive 2d6 damage and be pushed 10ft away and knocked prone. On a success the creature is only pushed, but not prone.
Overload: You may increase the damage in 1d6 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Elemental Ray
Any element
Range: 30ft
Duration: instant
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You cause a ray of energy to shoot from your palms
Creatures hit by this ray take 1d12 of the damage type of the element chosen. .
Overload: Increase the Damage by 1d10 for every 2 additional alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
Base Stamina Cost: 1
You create a bubble of air
The creature affected can breathe where normally they wold not be able to
Overload: Increase the amount of creatures affected by 1 for every 1 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Imitate Spell
Any Element
Range: As Spell
Duration As Spell
Base Stamina Cost: Same as spell level
You can cast spells by using points of Alchemical Stamina. At level 1 you can cast cantrips, at level 2 you gain access to 1st level spells, at level 5 you get access to 2nd level spells, at 9th level you get access to 3rd level spells, at 13th you get access to 4th level spells, and at 17th level you get access to 5th level spells. These spells can be cast at higher levels when using the appropriate amount of stamina points, but only up to level 5. Spells of third level or higher require medium circles, except 5th level, which require large circles. Keep the spells within the realm of possibility when it comes to how magical or fantastical they can be. As long as you can reason how you will make the spell happen using alchemy, you can use the spell. You can only use transmutation and evocation spells. And you can only use them if you have seen someone else use them.

Medium Circles

Alchemical Shield
Any Element
Range: Self, 5ft line
Duration: Reaction
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You can't hit what you can't see
You immediately cause a wall of the chosen element to shield you from attack. You gain a +4 AC against the attack and have full cover from the target afterwards. The target gains full cover from you as well.
Overload: Increase the width of the wall by 10ft for every 2 extra alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Infuse Magic
Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Until Used
Base Stamina: Cost Special
You gain access to this transmutation at 3rd level. The Alchemical Stamina cost of this ability is two more than that of the spell effect you are trying to add to an object. Using this ability allows you to infuse spells you can cast into an item. You can only add one spell effect to an item at a time, adding a new spell effect to an item that already has one will remove the previous one that was effecting the item by this ability first. Actions such as striking or touching this object will cause the spell to be cast. Starting at 13th level you can add an additional effect to an item.

Elemental Burst
Any Element
Range: Self(10ft Cube)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 2
You shoot the element all around you
Every creature in the area must make a Dexterity Saving throw or receive 1d10 damage. A creature that passes its saving throw receives only half damage
Overload: Increase the damage dealt by 1d10 for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Large Circles

Air Element
Range: 20ft cube
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You cause creatures to be lifted forcefully into the air.
you force creatures within a 20ft cube around you to be lifted 20ft into the air.
Overload: Increase the diameter of the circle by an extra 10ft for every 3 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Organic Element
Range: Self(30ft Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 4
Vines Sprout up instantly tangling the creatures
Every creature in the area must make a Constitution Saving throw or be restrained. Each turn at the end of the affected creatures turn they can attempt to escape by making an Athletics(Dexterity or Athletics) check.

Crumble Terrain
Metal, Earth
Range: Self(20ft Cone)
Duration: Instantaneous
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You break the ground in front of you
You make the area become difficult trrain
Overload: Increase the area affected by an extra 10ft for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Metal, Earth
Range: Self(30ft Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You cause the ground to encapsulate a creature
Every creature in the area must make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) Saving throw or be restrained. On a successful save the creature is only Prone. Each turn at the end of the affected creatures turn they can attempt to escape by attacking their restraints. Restraint AC 15, HP 20.
Overload: Increase the area affected by an extra 10ft for every 2 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest..

Wind Press
Air Element
Range: Self(5ft Cube)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You force air flow to shoot downwards all around you
Each creature in the affected area is pushed down on their feet. Every creature in the area must make a Dextarity Saving throw or take 2d10 and be knocked Prone.
Overload: Increase the diameter by an extra 5ft for every 4 extra alchemical stamina points that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Metal, Earth
Range: Self(10ft Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Base Stamina Cost: 4
You cause the ground to form different forms of artillery all around you
You must be at least 10th level when performing this transmutation. The area within a 10ft line forms into several cannons. All cannons deal 3d12 damage and are wildly inaccurate. From the side the canons are facing, every creature within a 50ft line must make a dexterity save or be hit with a canon ball. Creatures who make their save drop prone, and it is possible to have avoided the damage by already being prone.
Overload: Increase the width of the line of cannons and their distance by 5ft every 4 alchemical stamina that you invest when activating this transmutation.

Alchemy Tools

Alchemy Tools are items that are created by and use alchemy for different purposes. They will sometimes require the knowledge of alchemy to use. They are made during a ritual that can be performed during long rests. The cost is different for each Tool.

Repeater Crossbow Repeater crossbows are modified crossbows that can hold 5 shots before needing to reload.

Chain knife A knife on a chain that deals 2d4 damage and can be used to chain a person up.

Restrainer Two stone balls connected with a string that can be thrown at a creature. On a hit the creatures legs is binded together and the creature is prone. It can make a strength check to remove the Restrainer. The creature cannot stand up until it's removed.


Automail prosthetics are mechanical limbs that are used when someone has lost a limb through conflict or failed Human transmutation, or simply wants to go beyond the peak of their bodies strength. And it can only be made by a Automail Alchemist which commonly lives in cities. And it costs 25 gold. (DM note: No abilities go beyond the cap of 20 with automail.)

Arm Arms grant you 1+ to strength each and alchemists can place transmutation circles on them to make blades that give your unarmed attacks 1d6 slashing damage. Having two arms allows you to block giving 2+ AC

Leg Legs grant you 5ft additional movement speed each. If you have both legs you can cause small spikes to extend from your feet allowing you to climb walls up to 20ft and you gain 10ft of jump height.
(DM note: Homunculus healing can't heal a limb that has automail on it, it must be surgically removed beforehand in order to not have unnecessary metal parts in your body.

Enhanced Alchemy

Enhanced alchemy is the ability gained through the failure of human transmutation which allows you to use alchemy without a transmutation circle. first of all you need to make a clapping gesture (which can't be done if you arm was taken and you haven't gained an automail arm) and then touch a surface that you want to transmute. You can't use large circles or the transmutation trap modification(unless you have a philosopers stone) but can use all other modifications at the cost of an extra point of stamina on top of the normal additional cost.

Optional Rules

Gun Proficiency If you are playing with Matt Mercer's gunslinger class then you may want to consider giving the alchemist Firearm Proficiency as that fits with the core of the class being a scientist with magic-like abilities.

Transmutation alchemist by Bannanameds

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gollark: Do they? Do they REALLY?
gollark: But yes, given that it passes -Weverything, `quick sort.c` *is* maximally good.
gollark: Evidently traditional C bad.
gollark: Hmm, gcc is stricter, troubling.
gollark: Anyway, you're migrating the goalposts.
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