The Tionne Hegemony (Dominaria Supplement)

House Tionne forged the Imperium over 70 years ago, and House Tionne and its allies fought to the last extreme against the Stormlord and the Wandering One. It was Illyrian soldiers under a Tionnic flag that retook the Centrality and Tionnic soldiers that hold the line north of the Stormlands. Inside the Hegemony, the Imperium is not the behemoth that crushed so much as it fell, but a bright and fading beacon of what can be achieved when all the west united in peace. Because few outside Illyria or the Hegemony remember what it was like before. The beginning of the Fourth Age was not a time of hope, it was a time of darkness and confusion. Small revolts against the Mage Council that led the Second Imperium led to insurrections and then an all out purge. Centuries of progress burned in the street and was thrown from windows by those without the ability to comprehend what they were destroying. The flame of the west was blown out. The men and women of Illyria relit it, and then had to watch it get taken from them. No traveller of the West will find a more driven middle class and a more determined population of thinkers than in the Hegemony. Jacob Tionne, son of the last Emperor, has tirelessly led them for the past four decades, and is one of the most respected rulers in the West.

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The Tionne Hegemony is the last vestige of the Third Imperium of Man and the caretakers of the Centrality and the Illyrian Riverlands. The Hegemony was one of the major countries that resulted from the Treaty of Three Swords. House Tionne agreed, alongside House Malkier and House Renzel, to bring an end to the Wars of Sucession and rule the Imperium separately. This move broke up the shattered empire in law as well as fact, and no country remembers this more than the Tionne Hegemony. Jacob Tionne is the son of the last Emperor, his father died defending the Centrality against the Wandering One, and Jacob led the union of the Northern Alliance and the Centrality. The Houses under him were the most strident Imperial supporters, and the Illyrian men they led had fought for the Imperium since the beginning. So now, they proudly carry on the traditions of the 3rd Imperium, but the generation of men who know what's been lost remember it well. XXXX

XXX They hold the Riverlands still, and fight for the plains of Cormyr and the Dragonlands as well. XXX


Government:The Tionne Hegemony follows the old Imperial Provincial system with Lord Jacob Tionne holding the Imperial Seat of the Hegemony. Each Seat under him maintains their old Imperial rights and responsibilities, House Tionne has not assumed overall monetary control as House Renzel has in Ramosia. The Illyrian Riverlands are ruled under military governors until Seats can be recreated, the lands exist under truly ancient Imperial statutes dating to a time when the 2nd Imperium actually had uncivilized lands to conquer. Each High Seat is responsible for their Low Seats and all of the Seats meet in Congress on the solstices.

Military: The Tionne Hegemony has shed the Legionary system of the 3rd Imperium in favor of the massed "Army Groups" that the Alliance and the Coalition used in the Dragon's War and the wars that followed. Their armies fight along defined fronts still, though not at nearly the wartime pace. The 'Southern Army' fights on the Dragonland frontier, trying to pacify and claim the last entrenched holdings of the Ingramars and their allies. The 'Eastern Army' fights on the Cormyri frontier across the Isen River, expanding the Hegemony's territory. The 'Northern Army' camps throughout the Hegemony, but keeps an eye on the Oneans and the Malkieri borders. Three military governors hold lordship over the Riverlands as well, each with a claimed castle and men at their command.

Judicial System:


Underlined and bold is a High House, bold is a Low House, underlined is a Trade House, and normal writing is a non Seated House recognized in the Westlands.

  • House Tionne: House Tionne is the Imperial House of the Tionne Hegemony and Emperor Jacob Tionne is it's head. House Tionne holds the High Seat of Calitania, but Emperor Tionne currently rules from the Centrality. XXX. Another important figure in the House is the Lady Catherine Tionne: the Emperor's Great Aunt whom he entrusts with the Seat in Calitania.
    • House Aingal: The Honorable Banking House of Aingal once reaped their gold from the north slopes of the Arythi Vale, but now are an entrenched Banking and Trade House throughout Tionne lands and Illyria. Magister Gabrielle Aingal is the head of the House.
  • House Helmer: House Helmer is the High Seat of Kensington Abby, and the Lady Kelsey Helmer is its head. XXX.
  • House Exton: House Exton is the High Seat of X and Lord Steffan Exton is its head. XXX.

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