The Dovahkiin (3.5e Template)

The Dovahkiin

[[3e Summary::“You should have acted. They're already here. The Elder Scrolls told of their return. Their defeat, was merely a delay. From the time after Oblivion opened... When the sons of Skyrim, would spill their own blood... But no one wanted to believe... believe they would exist. And when the truth, finally dawned... it dawned in FIRE! But... there's one they fear... In their tongue he is Dovahkiin... DRAGONBORN!"]]

Ages ago, when the world was still young and the dragons held power, their rose among the most powerful of them one of incredible talent and ingenuity. His name was Paarthurnax. Over the centuries, Paarthurnax sought a way to reach new heights with his inherent abilities, and after much experimentation discovered a solution.


Words, you see, are much more than sounds. Words are pale shadows of forgotten names. Just as names have power, so too do words. Words can light fires in the minds of men and inspire them to new heights of greatest. Words can wring tears from the hardest hearts and bring fears to life. Words, you see, are the foundation of reality.

And it was with this realization that Paarthurnax achieved greater power than any dragon before him. By combining his blood-given magics and his draconic essence, his soul, with the words of High Draconic, he found that he could shape the very fabric of the cosmos around him. All was within his power.

Men, beasts of unimaginable strength and guile, the very world itself.

All bent knee to his newfound might.

Words, you see, are the path to power.

Creating The Dovahkiin

This Template is an inherited template applied at character creation with the Dm's approval.

Size and Type

As Base Creature except for the fact that they gain the dragonblood subtype, allowing them to take draconic feats as a sorcerer of their level.

Hit Dice

As Base Creature.


The Dovahkiin moves an extra 5 feet.

Armor Class

Gains a +1 racial bonus to AC.


As Base Creature.

Full Attack

As Base Creature.

Special Attacks

As Base Creature.

Special Qualities

As Base Creature.


As Base Creature except as follows:

Dragon Shouts: Once a day, the Dohvakiin may use the spell shout as a free action, he may use it in the middle of combat since he is just saying a few words. This goes both ways, as he cannot do this while gagged or generally unable to speak.


As Base Creature.


As Base Creature but can take draconic feats as well.


As Base Creature.


Solitary (mainly).

Challenge Rating

The Dovahkiin gains a +1 his challenge rating.


As Base Creature.


The Dovahkiin can be of any alignment.


As Base Creature.

Level Adjustment


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