Tenno (5e Class)


Awakening from a deep slumber to a hostile world, the Tenno know little of themselves. Different Warframes offer their own unique powers, ranging from Volt's burst of superhuman agility to Frost's deadly avalanche. Utilizing the arms, armor, and powers at their disposal, Tenno squads have adapted to wildly different situations using only a moment of downtime between missions. The Tenno were created in an incident involving a void jump accident that sent them lost in the chaotic sub-dimensional space known as the Void. When they reemerged from the Void and were found years later, the only survivors found were children, whose exposure to the Void's energies had twisted and changed them, giving them inexplicable powers and abilities.Initial experiments on how to harness the children's powers though led to several fatal accidents, which showed the danger their uncontrolled powers could wreak both on themselves and on others. It was the work of an Orokin researcher named Margulis that led to a breakthrough; through dreams, the children could focus and control their powers. However, this research would then be taken from her after she was executed for trying to protect the children, and used to create a process known as Transference; the children's consciousness's and powers could be remotely channeled through a surrogate body called a Warframe: a specially-made techno-organic humanoid battle frame designed to enhance and focus the children's powers, using a device known as a Somatic Link. Not only did the process grant greater control over their powers, but with no fear of self-destruction the powers could be used to their fullest potential. The survivors would be placed in Somatic Link pods in a facility known as the Reservoir, to control their surrogate bodies in a secure location away from their enemies.These operators, newly christened as the "Tenno", were taught the ways of war.

Class Features

As a Tenno you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d4 per Tenno level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 4 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d4 (or 3) + Constitution modifier per Tenno level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: all simple and martial
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Dex, Wis
Skills: Stealth,Acrobatics, and 2 other skills of your choosing


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Shamshir or (b) Quarter staff
  • (a) Throwing Stars(20) or (b) crossbow, hand(with 20 bolts)
  • (a) Long Bow(with 20 arrows) or (b) Crossbow, heavy(with 20 bolts)
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

Table: The Tenno

1st+2Void Touched, Warframe
2nd+2First Warframe ability
3rd+2Focus Archetype, Operator
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Second Warframe ability
5th+3Warframe, Prime Warframe, extra attack
6th+3Third Warframe ability
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Fourth Warframe ability
9th+4Focus Archetype, Operator
10th+4Prime Warframe
11th+4Upgraded First Warframe Ability
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Warframe
14th+5Upgraded Second Warframe Ability, Focus Archetype
16th+5Ability Score Improvement, Upgraded Third Warframe Ability
17th+6Focus Archetype, Operator
18th+6Upgraded Fourth Warframe Ability
19th+6Ability Score Improvement, Warframe
20th+6Fashion Frame, Prime Warframe

Void touched

At level 1, exposure to the Void's energies have twisted and changed the Tenno, giving them inexplicable powers and abilities. They no longer have to eat, drink or sleep (however they still need to breath), but they can do so if they wish.


At level 1 you obtain your first Warframe. The Warframe is an exoskeletal armor suit operated by the Tenno to combat the corrupt factions and savage mutations that threaten humanity. While using the frame, Tenno are considered living constructs.

If the Warframe is killed, you can link to another and may repair your old one. This process requires 20 gp worth of materials and 4 days of work if the previous one is able to be recovered. This can range up to 500gp and 100 days of work depending on the amount of damage taken and initial cost to build the Warframe. This is doubled for prime frames. If all of your Warframes are damaged, you must use your Operator without a Warframe.

Warframes are divided into a collection of diverse models, each of which personifies a great warrior spirit or archetype. You can craft one of the following Warframes at levels 5, 7, 12, 15, and 19, in addition to your starting frame.

Each frame (except Nidus and Inaros) has shields, which are extra hit points that recharge after a short or long rest. These shields are Temporary HP and are removed if you gain Temp HP. The Warframe's hit die differ from that of the operator as it is simply a living construct controlled by the operator (however it uses all of your ability scores and proficiencies).

Living Construct. Even though they were constructed, a Warframe is a living creature. While operating a Warframe, you are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but you can ingest food and drink if you wish. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state, you cannot move or speak; however, you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice approaching enemies and other events as normal.

At level 2 you get your first Warframe ability, upgraded at level 11. At level 4 you get another Warframe ability, upgraded at level 14. At level 6 you get your third Warframe ability, upgraded at level 16. At level 8 you get your fourth Warframe ability, upgraded at level 18. Keep in mind that unless the abilities are specified as an attack action, they are not compatible with extra attack. Additionally, all attack actions still require attack rolls as normal.

At level 5 you may acquire a prime Warframe: a more powerful, original version of that Warframe. You get another at 10, and another at 20.


Hit Die: 1d8 Shield: 3 per level Bonus AC: +0 Movement speed: 35 ft Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +1 shield per level, +5 ft movement speed Passive: When you deal slashing damage, add +2 to the damage roll.


Shuriken - As an attack action, you conjure 2 deadly magical shuriken which can be thrown as a ranged attack to seek out up to two targets you can see within 20 feet(60 feet with disadvantatge). Make 2 ranged attacks and each shuriken deals 1d6+2+wis mod slashing damage. If both shurikens hits the same target, the target Will recieve and extra 1d4 bleeding damage at the start of his turn. (Upgraded: Targets hit by a shuriken must make a Dexterity saving throw or have their armor class decreased by 2 until the end of your next turn, 1d6).

Smokescreen - As a bonus action, you cause a smokescreen to appear that covers a 10 foot radius centered on you. This area is treated as heavily obscured. In addition, you become invisible until the start of your next turn. If you attack someone while you are invisible, you Will be visible again. (Upgraded: Allies within 10 feet also become invisible for the duration)

Teleport - As an action, choose one creature you can see within 25 feet. You teleport within 5 feet of the creature, which must make a Dexterity saving throw of 8+prof+wisdom mod or be stunned until the end of your next turn. (Upgrade: You may use your bonus action to make one melee attack against the target on the same turn that you cast Teleport)

Blade Storm - As an action, you enter a state of intense focus. During this time, attack rolls against you have advantage, and you have a maximum movement speed of 15 feet. Creatures you choose that you can see within 40 feet become tagged with a Death Mark for each round you remain in targeting mode. Targets can have up to 3 death marks. If the target leaves a 80 foot radius of Ash before targeting ends, one mark is instantly removed and the next round all other marks will be removed. You may use your action to end targeting mode. Upon doing so, shadowy specters begin attacking the targets from all angles. You may to attack up to three targets once per round, dealing 4d6 + 2 + wis slashing damage on a target. The marks are then consumed. You must use your action on subsequent rounds to continue attacking. (Upgraded: After leaving targeting mode, all standard melee attacks deal one additional die of damage until all Death Marks have been consumed)


Hit Die: 1d10

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +4

Movement speed: 25

Passive: Immune to being knocked prone or moved unwillingly

Prime Bonuses: Speed +5, AC +1


Land Slide - As an attack action, harden your fist to a stone-like density and dash up to 15 feet towards one creature. Make a melee attack and, it it hits, it deals 1d6 + wisdom mod bludgeoning damage on a hit. You punch so hard that the earth trembles once you make contact with the target, and all creatures within a 5 foot radius of the target must make a Constitution saving throw. On failed save, they take 1d6 + wisdom mod force damage, or half damage on a successful save. The initial target automatically fails this saving throw. Using this ability consecutively doubles the radius for 1 turn.(Upgraded: When dashing using this ability, you leave a line of magically charged stone 5 ft wide in your wake for 3 rounds. Creatures you choose that touch this stone must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed until the end of their next turn. You can have 1 such line at a time.).

Tectonics - As an action, create a wall in front of Atlas that is 5 feet thick, 10 feet long and 15 feet high. This wall has 20hp and an AC equal to 10 + Wisdom mod if targeted by an attack. The wall stands for 3 rounds, but as an action, Atlas can crumble the wall into a 10 ft diameter spherical boulder and send it rolling across the ground at a speed of 20 ft. Creatures who would be hit by the wall must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 2d8 magical bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful one. (Upgraded: You may instead choose to create 2 walls with 25 hp and an AC of 12 + wisdom mod, but these walls cannot be crumbled into boulders or launched).

Petrify - As an action, unleash a hardening gaze. All creatures you can see that are facing you in a 15 foot cone must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be petrified for 2 rounds. (Upgraded: Creatures petrified in this way are vulnerable to bludgeoning and force damage.)

Rumbler - Summons an earth elemental to fight for you with 40hp for 5 rounds. (Upgraded: Summons a stone golem with 60 hp. Creatures hostile to you that can see the golem must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw(8+prof+wisdom mod), or all attacks against targets other than the golem are made with disadvantage).


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Passive: advantage on perception and investigation roles regarding sound, and gain +2 to all thunder damage (included in the attack).

Prime bonuses: +1 ac, +1 shield per level


Sonic Boom - As a attack action Banshee emits a 15 foot cone shock wave that deals 1d6+wisdom+2 mod thunder damage and knocks down medium or smaller creatures that fail a constitution save of dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod(upgraded to 20 feet 2d8+wisdom mod damage, dc 10+prof+wisdom mod)

Sonar - As a action Banshee reveals every creature in 20 feet radius for 5 rounds (upgraded: those that attack a revealed enemy get a advantage on rolls against them for 2 rounds)

Silence - As an action Banshee emits a sound dampening aura in a 20 foot radius centered around her. Enemies within this radius are stunned for 1 round, (any new enemies that enter this radius during the duration are stunned for 1 round) no sound can pass through or be made in the radius and enemies also have disadvantage on perception rolls for 4 rounds. When the effect ends, the enemies are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. (upgraded to 30 feet and 2 rounds silence)

Soundquake - As an action Banshee channels her acoustic energy into the ground, making it shake violently. Once her hands make contact with the ground every enemy within a 20 feet of banshee become restrained and take 1d4+wisdom mod sonic damage per turn. (This is a channeled ability so it can go on for as long as you want). Banshee is considered prone while casting and cannot move until ending the ability as a bonus action. (upgraded to 25 feet and 2d4+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +3

Movement speed: 30

Passive: May spend 30 seconds to change his energy color causing different effects for each color(red, magenta, brown, orange and bright yellow hues being Fire. blue and purple hues being Lightning. green, lime, teal and dark yellow hues being Poison. White, grey, black, and some faded colors being Ice)

Prime Bonuses: All attacks deal 1d6 of your chosen energy type. +5 speed.


Spectral Scream - As an action unleash a stream of elemental energy in a 15 foot cone. Every enemy that fails a wisdom saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod, recieves 1d4+wisdom mod magical elemental damage per round. This attack causes additional effects dependent on 4 main elements. You can use this abilitie during 3 rounds, after that, you have to wait 1 round to use it again. While in use, Chroma has halved movement speed and is unable to take actions.(upgraded: 30 foot cone and 3d6+wisdom mod)

Ice: Reduces enemy movement speed by 50% and makes them only able to make 1 attack per action for 1 round.(upgraded: 2 rounds)

Fire: Lights the target on fire dealing an additional 1d4 damage every round for 2 rounds(does not stack with itself) and also ignites any flammable objects they are not holding.(upgraded: 2d4)

Poison: Deals an additional 1d2 poison damage a round over 2 rounds that can bypass any temporary HP or resistances(this can stack with itself)(Upgraded: 1d4, 4 rounds)

Lightning: Stuns enemies that are effected by this for more than 1 consecutive round if they fail a wisdom save thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod and deals an additional 1d4 lightning damage.(upgraded: 2d4)

Elemental Ward - As an action creatures of your choosing (excluding you) in a 10 foot radius centered around Chroma are given a defensive buff dependent on 4 main elements. Lasts 2 rounds (upgraded: 4 rounds)

Ice: +2 AC also reflects 25%(rounded down) of all damage taken back at the attacker (upgraded: enemy attack rolls have disadvantage and Chroma can choose the target of the reflected damage)

Fire: Temp HP of 1d4 given to buffed creatures and any enemy who starts their turn within 5 ft of allies take 1d3 fire damage and enemies who start their turn within 5 ft of Chroma take 1d6 fire damage. You cannot stack these damages. (upgraded: 2d4 Temp HP, 10 foot radius, 2d4 damage and 2d6 damage for enemies who start their turns within the radius of buffed allies and Chroma respectively)

Poison: Allies are not effected by the loading property of weapons and enemies in a 5 feet around Chroma become take 1d4 toxin damage and are poisoned for 1 round if they fail a constitucion saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod.(upgraded: 10 feets ,1d6 damage, 2rounds, 12+prof+wisdom mod)

Lightning: gives all allies in range 1 shield per every of your levels. At-will during or at the end of elemental ward you may send the remaining shields you've granted to your allies at a single target as electricity damage. (upgraded: 2 shields per your level).

Vex Armour - As a bonus action Chroma supercharges his systems' defenses with a mystical energy that kicks in at the end of your current turn, and your next turn is moved to the bottom of the initiative order. When either your shields or HP get lowered you gain +2 AC and you gain +3 on attack rolls, but your movement speed is reduced to 10 feet. Both of the bonuses for AC and attack rolls stack, but end when the ability ends.(upgraded: +3 AC and +4 on attack rolls)

Effigy - As an action your outer armour comes off stunning enemies in a 20 foot radius if they fail a wisdom saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod and becomes a hovering sentry with health equal to 3 times that of Chroma and it does not move. the effigy will cast Spectral Scream at enemies based on proximity. When active Chroma loses his AC bonus and gains 5 extra movement. This lasts for 3 rounds.(upgraded It uses upgraded Spectral Scream and lasts for 6 rounds.)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +1 shield per level,

Passive: If you are on fire, you get advantage on attack rolls and you may light yourself on fire once per short rest. You have resistance to fire damage.


Fireball - As an attack action launch a ball of fire in a line until it hits something. It explodes doing 1d6+wisdom mod fire damage in a 5 foot radius and sets them on fire on a failed dex save DC 8+prof+wisdom, on a successful one, they take half damage and aren't set on fire(upgraded: 2d6+wisdom mod damage, 10 foot radius)

Accelerant - As an action, stun all enemies within 15 feet for 1 round if they fail a constitucion saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod, and multiplies by 1.5 all fire damage being dealt in a radius of 20 feet centered around you for 2 rounds. (upgraded: 25 feet and 30 feet respectively and fire damage for 3 rounds)

Fire Blast - As an action slam the ground creating a expanding wall of fire in a 30 feet radius pushing enemies back and setting them on fire. Also creates a 10 feet ring of fire that lasts for 3 rounds (upgraded 45 feet).

World on Fire - As an attack action Ember becomes a walking volcano. While active, all melee attacks against Ember have advantage and she may choose any creatures in a 20 feet radius around her to spontaneously combust setting them on fire if they fail a dc 8+prof+wisdom constitucion saving thrown dealing no damage on success and full damage on fail. Deals 1d6+wisdom mod damage per round this also lights unattended flammable objects in range on fire(This ability can last up to 3 rounds). (upgraded: 25 feet radius, 2d6+wisdom mod damage, 5 rounds, 10+prof+wisdom)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 35

Passive: While in day stance you can create a source of bright light 10 feet in diameter, then another 10 feet of dim light; in night stance you make a 10 feet diameter of darkness around you

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level. +1 AC in Day form, +5 movement speed in Night form.


Metamorphosis - As a bonus action Equinox can change between her night or day forms gaining an extra 2 shields per level and +2 ac for 2 rounds when changing into night form(upgraded: 3 shields per level, +3 ac, 3 rounds). gains 10 movement speed and deal an extra damage die on each attack for 2 rounds when changing into day form(upgraded: 15 speed, 3 rounds)

Rest and Rage - As an action in night form target a creature up to 20 feet away, it and enemies in a 10 feet radius around it are put to sleep for 2 rounds provided they fail a dc 8+prof+Wisdom save. if the enemies takes more than 10% of their health in damage in a round they will wake up(upgraded +10 radius, 3 rounds) in day form target a creature up to 20 feet away, it and enemies in a 5 feet radius are enraged if they fail a dc 8+prof+Wisdom save. All melee rolls against these enemies have advantage and the enemies also gain advantage on their melee attack rolls for 3 rounds(upgraded: +10 radius,deal an extra damage die on each attack against enraged enemies, 3 rounds)

Pacify and Provoke - As an action in night form, all allies in 15 feet take half damage for 1 round (Upgraded: 20 feet, 2 rounds) in day form all allies in 15 ft deal an extra 1d6 psychic on each attack for 1 round (Upgraded: 20 feet,2 rounds)

Mend & Maim - At the cost of your turn, in night form you can focus and surround yourself in a 20 feet radius of gleaming moonlight. All creature in this moonlight have 1d6 hp restored if another creature dies in the moonlight. (upgraded: 1d8, 30 feet radius). In day form, emits a 20 feet radius lacerating aura during 2 round that deals 3d6+wisdom mod magical slashing damage per round if a creature starts or ends his turn in t You are the only person exempt from this damage, not counting immunities.(upgraded 3d8+wisdom mod damage, 30 feet radius)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +5 speed

Passive: While using a sword you get advantage on attack rolls.


Slash Dash - As an attack action Excalibur dashes between enemies within a 15 foot cone of the initial casting spot, dealing 1d6+wisdom mod slashing damage to each enemy if they faila dextery saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod(upgraded: 20 foot cone and 2d6+wisdom mod, 10+prof+wisdom mod)

Radial Blind - As an action Excalibur summons and raises his Exalted Blade, releasing an intense flash of light that affects enemies within a 10 foot radius and blinds them for 2 rounds.An enemy can repeat the saving thrown at the end of his turn. When the effect ends, the enemies are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours. (upgraded: 15 foot radius and 3 rounds)

Radial Javelin - As an action Excalibur summons 3 javelins against enemies within a radius of 15 feet. Excalibur then drives his Exalted Blade into the ground, launching the javelins into their targets. Make a range attack for every javelin and every javelin that hits inflicts 1d8+wis mod magical piercing damage(upgraded 5 javelins, 20 ft radius, 2d6+wis mod damage)

Exalted Blade - As a bonus action Excalibur draws an ethereal longsword that deals 1d8+wis magical slashing damage and wields it as his melee weapon(applying normal bonuses to attack rolls and damage rolls). Slashes from this sword create energy waves that deal 2d4+wis mod radiant damage in a 10 foot line in front of him. You can use the sword during 2 rounds(upgraded 2d8+wis mod sword damage, 2d6+wisdom mod wave damage, 15 foot line, 3 rondas)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +4

Movement speed: 25

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level, +5 speed.

Passive: When hit with a melee attack the attacker has to make a constitution saving throw of 8+prof+wisdom or be stunned for 1 turn


Freeze - As an action Frost launches an icy projectile in a line until it hits something. Make a range attack and if It hits, It inflicts 1d8+wisdom mod ice damage. If it hits a surface a patch of ice will form covering a 5 foot radius and act as difficult terrain for 2 rounds(upgraded: 2d8+wisdom mod damage, terrain 4 rounds)

Ice Wave - As an action Frost sends forth a wave of ice shards that inflicts 1d8+wisdom mod cold damage if the enemies fails a dextery saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod in a 15 foot cone. All enemies hit by this have their movement speed halved for 1 round.(upgraded: 2d8+wisdom mod damage and 20 foot cone)

Snow Globe - As an action frost creates a dome of ice with a 15 foot radius with 50 hp(this dome is immune to all damage for 1 round after creation. This dome is able to be walked through but is considered difficult terrain for all enemies and can block any form of projectile or attack from coming inside(even magical) until it is destroyed. (upgraded: 30 foot radius and 100 HP)

Avalanche - As an action channeled for 2 rounds(using an action each time) Frost freezes all enemies that fails a constitution saving thrown of 8+prof+wisdom mod around him in a 10 foot radius(consider them paralyzed and prone) and then at the end of the second round shatters that ice dealing 2d6+wisdom mod cold damage to enemies that were frozen. All enemies that enter this area before the ice is shattered have to make the saving thrown or be frozen. All enemies outside within a 10 foot radius that are not frozen take 1d4+wisdom mod ice damage and have their movement speed halved for 3 rounds(upgraded 20 foot radius, 4d6 damage, 20 foot radius, 2d4+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Passive: Swimming speed of 40 ft. Immune to cold damage.

Prime Bonuses: +1 AC. +1 shield per level.


Tempest Barrage - As an action Hydroid marks a location in his sight for bombardment, calling forty blasts of water to rain down for 2 rounds in a 15 foot radius dealing 1d4+wisdom mod damage per turn to all in the radius. (upgraded: 3 rounds, 25 foot radius, 2d4+wisdom mod damage, and enemies hit must succeed a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod constitution saving throw or be knocked prone)

Tidal surge - As an action Hydroid transforms into liquid and walks forward up to 20 feet forward. Enemies caught in this wave take 1d8+wisdom mod damage and must succeed a dextery saving thrown of dc 8+prof bonus+wis mod saving throw or be knocked prone, any enemies within 5 feet of this wave take 1d6+wisdom mod damage. While Hydroid is in this form, the opportunity attacks against him are in disadvantage.At the end of the turn, Hydroid returns to his original form.(upgraded: distance to 30 feet distance, 2d8+wisdom mod in wave damage, dc 12+prof+wisdom mod, 10 foot radius, 2d6+wisdom mod area damage)

Undertow - As a action Hydroid submerges into a pool of water that covers a 10 foot radius. Medium or smaller enemies that are in this area have to make a Dextery saving thrown of dc 8+prof+Wisdom or be sinked into the pool and disappear from sight in the puddle taking 1d4+wisdom mod damage a turn for as long as they are trapped inside. This is a channeled ability and can continue for a maximum of 4 rounds. You cannot move, attack, take any other actions, or be attacked while channeling. Enemies that are trapped inside they can’t be touched by anything else, and also can't move, but can attack Hydroid. (upgraded: 20 foot radius, Large or smaller, 1d6+wisdom mod damage.)

Tentacle Swarm - As an action Hydroid marks a location in his sight and summons 3 tentacles within 15 foot radius around that location(these tentacles can burst forth from any solid surface including but not limited to walls, floors, and ceilings.). Each tentacle makes an attack and, if it hits, deals 2d6+wisdom mod to any creature in the square it bursts forth in.The tentacles also attacks enemies in a 5 foot radius every turn for 1d8+wisdom mod damage. Any enemies damaged by a tentacle must succeed a dc constitution save of 8+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod or be knocked prone and a dc 8+proficiency bonus+wisdom save or be grappled. a creature that fails the grapple check 2 rounds in a row is restrained. After 2 rounds, the tentacles dissapear. (upgraded: 6 tentacles, 20 foot radius summon, 3d6+wisdom mod damage on summon, 2d6+wisdom mod damage each turn,dc 10+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod knocked prone, dc 10+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod grapple)


Hit Die: 1d12

Shield: 0 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 30

Passive: If your HP hits 0 you steal 1d6 HP from the nearest ally in a 20 foot radius

Prime Bonuses: +2 bonus AC.


Desiccation - As a action Inaros blasts enemies in a 10 foot cone in front of him with sand. The enmies have to make a constitucion saving thrown of dc 8+prof+Wisdom save that blinds them for 1 round and causes 1d4+wisdom mod damage(upgraded: 15 foot cone, 2 rounds, 1d8+ wisdom mod damage)

Devour - as an action Inaros traps an enemy(medium or smaller) in quick sand restraining them for 2 rounds. If an enemy is killed while trapped, a sand copy will appear to assist Inaros for 2 rounds(upgraded: large or smaller, trapped for 3 rounds, 3 rounds)

Sandstorm - As an action Inaros spins with great speed, creating a sand storm that pushes enemies in a 15 foot radius back 5 feet and deals 1d8+wisdom mod damage a round. This is a channeled ability but reduces Inaros’s movement speed to 10 feet and uses his action each turn while used. this ability deals an additional 2d6 damage to enemies restrained by devour(upgraded: 20 foot radius, 10 feet pushed, 2d6+wisdom mod damage, 15 feet speed, 3d6 bonus to devoured enemies)

Scarab Swarm - A main action can charge 25% of his scarab armor at the cost of 2d8 health. This gives Inaros +1 ac up maxing at +4 with 100%. as an action using 25% of his scarab armor Inaros can send out a swarm of scarabs in a 20 foot line covering all enemies it touches in scarabs that blind and deal 1d10 damage a round for 2 rounds healing all allies in a 10 foot radius for the half damage done(upgraded: 2d10 health, +2 ac for every 25% charged, 30 foot line, 2d8 damage, 3 rounds, 15 foot radius)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Passive: Know location of any creatures within 25/ft

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +1 shield per level


Quiver - As an attack action Ivara launches one of her variety of specialized arrows that performs differently depending on the selected arrow type. You get cloak arrow, dashwire arrow, and noise arrow. These arrows are still considered projectiles but do not apply damage on impact. (upgraded: adds sleep arrow, Null arrow, and encumbered arrow)

Cloak arrow - anchors onto any surface or entity on impact, generating an energy bubble that cloaks Ivara and her allies within 5 feet of its point of impact for 2 rounds.

Dashwire arrow - Dashwire Arrow anchors onto any terrain surface up to 100 feet away upon impact, forming a zipline from Ivara's feet to its point of impact which can be be walked across(no dc to Ivara, others require dc 14 acrobatics check)

Noise Arrow - Noise Arrow emits a high-pitched sound upon impact, Able to be heard from up to 25 feet from of its point of impact.

Sleep Arrow(upgraded) - Sleep Arrow places enemies within 10 feet of its point of impact into a deep sleep for 1 round if they fail a wisdom saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod.(enemies wake upon taking damage)

Null Arrow(upgraded) - Null arrow silences enemies for 2 rounds for any enemy within 5 feet of where it impacts.

Encumbered Arrow(upgraded) - Any enemy within 10 feet of the impact point has their movement speed reduced to 10 for 3 rounds.

Navigator - As a Bonus action Ivara projects her consciousness into a projectile, Allowing her to see from and control the projectile. Any damage done by the projectile is multiplied by 1.5. This is a channeled ability, Ivara becomes invisible and can not move while Navigator is active. (upgraded: doble damage)

Prowl - As an action Ivara activates her cloak, rendering her invisible. While active, Ivara has a movement speed of 15 feet and +5 to attempts to pickpocket.(upgraded: 25 feet and gains advantage on pick-pocketing) This is a channeled ability however taking damage while in prowl will prevent this ability from working for 1d4+1 turns.

Artemis Bow - As a bonus action Ivara wields her exalted bow as her primary weapon, allowing her to fire 3 arrows each dealing 1d8+wisdom damage. This bow crits on a 19-20. This is a channeled ability, all melee attacks against Ivara have advantage while Artemis Bow is active.(upgraded: 2d6+wis mod damage, 18-20 crit range)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Passive: Create a dimensional tear into the rift directly where your standing as a bonus action. All allies, once touching this tear through reality are transported into the rift. This lasts for 18 seconds or until you choose to leave and in this time anything outside of the rift can't hit you, and you can't hit anything outside of the rift, but you and any ally in the rift gain 1d4 temporary health upon leaving the rift. You may still interact with your environment, but you can't directly damage enemies. You also cannot banish enemies while you are inside the rift, but you can still use all your other abilities.

Prime Bonuses: +2 Shield per level.


Banish - As an action, Banish a target within 15 feet into the rift plane for 2 rounds. Ranged and melee weapon attacks only apply when the enemy and its target are both present in the rift. Magical attacks can penetrate through the rift to affect targets on different planes. Banished enemies take 2d6+wisdom mod force damage and must succeed a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod saving throw or be knocked prone for 1 round. Enemies that are banished in the rift can attack allies who are in the rift. (upgraded: 4 rounds, 4d6+wisdom mod damage, dc 12+prof+wisdom mod).

Stasis - Any creatures in the rift that are hostile, as well as any projectiles in the rift, become frozen if they faila saving thrown 8+prof+Wisdom save in time for 2 rounds or until you decide to call of the Stasis. All melee attacks you or your friends make hit your enemies regardless of attack roll, but you may still roll to see if you get a critical. Projectile attacks shot from within 10 ft of the target also hit automatically, but they land only after the stasis ends. Any more distance then 10 ft allows the creature to make a Dex saving throw (DC 10+prof+Wis) to avoid the attack. [Optional: A creature of great power or a boss may make up for its turns lost in stasis at the DM's discretion.] (upgraded: Increased duration to 3 rounds)

Rift Surge - As a bonus action, use Rift Surge to cast a strange energy that envelops enemies within 15 ft of you that are inside the rift. Enemies that affected by the Rift Surge, when killed in the rift, shoot out streams of energy that charge into nearby enemies within 10 ft of that aren't in the rift. These enemies recieve 1d8+wisdom mod.(upgraded: Increased range from 15 ft to 25 ft, 10 ft to 20 ft)

Cataclysm - At the cost of your turn, Limbo creates a dimensional nexus bridging the Material and Rift Planes, forming a sphere of swirling void energy with an initial radius of 25 feet shrinking by 5 feet every round. Allies and enemies can freely move between the Material and Rift Planes by entering and exiting the sphere. Enemies within the area of the Cataclysm sphere's formation are dealt 4d6+wisdom mod force damage and 2d6 force damage upon entering or leaving the rift. (upgraded: radius of 50 feet, 4d8+wisdom mod force damage and 4d3 entering or leaving for enemies)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 40

Passive: Can climb walls at half movement speed

Prime Bonuses: Bonus AC +1. +1 shield per level.


Decoy - As an action Loki creates a copy of himself(at half hp and shields that is unable to take actions) to distract the enemy(this attracts aggro within 10 feet of the decoy) that lasts for 2 rounds. (upgraded 4 rounds)

Invisibility - You cast Invisibility on yourself.(Upgraded: You dont make any sound)

Switch teleport - As a bonus action Loki swaps positions with a target within 20 feet.(upgraded 30 feet)

Radial disarm - As an action Loki releases a pulse of manipulative energy, disarming enemies within a 15 foot radius if they fail a wisdom saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod. The pulse inflicts 2d8+wisdom mod damage(upgraded 25 foot radius, 4d8+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 hp per level, +1 bonus AC

Passive: Can pull an item made of metal within 30/ft to her. The enemy have to make a strenght saving thrown with DC 8+prof+Wisdom save.


Pull - As an action Mag produces a strong magnetic field, pulling every enemy that fails a strenght saving thrown dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save within 10 feet towards her and inflicting 1d8+wisdom mod force damage to all enemies in the area. The damage is doubled if the enemy is currently under the effect of Magnetize.(upgraded: dc10+prof+wisdom mod, 15 ft, 2d6+wisdom mod damage)

Magnetize - As a main action Mag generates a powerful magnetic field that encompasses a target and anchors it in place. The field has a 5 foot radius and lasts for 2 rounds. All projectiles, bullets, and Polarized shards are pulled to the center of the field. During the field's lifetime, incoming damage from all sources will be multiplied by 1.5. All enemies with iron armor or iron weapons have to make a strenght saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod or move away from the center of the field or drop the weapon. In this last case, the weapon moves away 10 ft. Upon ending this ability does 1d8+wisdom mod damage in a 10 foot radius(upgraded: 10 foot radius, 4 rounds, multiplied by 2, 2d8 damage, 20 foot damage radius)

Polarize - As an action Mag creates a wave of energy that travels outward at up to a 10 foot radius and deals 1d6+wisdom mod damage. Add 2d6 damage to targets in metal armor(or made of metal) and causing shards of the armor to drop around the target, subtracting one from the enemies' AC. These shards can be attracted by Magnetize to cause 1d6 damage. Additionally, allies' get 2d8 temp hp during 1 round if they are present in range.(upgraded: 20 feet, 2d6 damage, 3d6 bonus to metal armored, 2d6 shard damage, 3d8 temp hp)

Crush - As a main action Magnetizing the bones of enemies within 15 feet, Mag suspends her victims in the air and forcefully compresses their bodies inflicting a total 2d8+wisdom mod force damage and are left prone if they fail a strenght saving thrown of dc 8+prof+wisdom mod. Enemies affected by Magnetize, or wearing armour take an extra 2d8 damage(upgraded: 25 feet, 3d6 damage, 3d6 extra damage)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Passive: Can dual wield hand crossbows without penalty, ignore loading property when not dual wielding

Prime Bonuses: +2 bonus shield per level.


Ballistic Battery - As a bonus action Mesa converts 25% of the total damage inflicted by her ranged attacks into raw energy. As a bonus action the stored damage is unleashed on the next ranged attack fired as radiant damage.(upgraded: 50%)

Shooting gallery - As a bonus action Mesa releases an energy lasso that causes mesa to gain advantage on ranged attacks for 2 rounds during this time any enemies within 15 feet of mesa make all ranged attacks at disadvantage(upgraded: 5 rounds, 20 feet)

Shatter shield - As an action Mesa envelops herself in an energy shield that reduces incoming damage from bullets and projectiles by 25% while reflecting the damage reduced back to her attackers. The energy shield lasts 2 rounds.(upgraded: absorbs 50% damage, and reflects 50% damage, 3 rounds.)

Peacemaker - As a bonus action Mesa stands her ground, holsters her current weapon, and switches to the hidden Regulator pistols under her arms. Mesa can fire up to 4 times a turn (extra attacks do not apply when using this). These pistols deal 1d8+wis damage, 30 foot range, and 19-20 crit range, 1.5x crit multiplier. This is a channeled ability and mesa has movement speed of 15 feet and melee attacks against her are at advantage while this is active.(upgraded: 5 times a round at advantage, 2d8 damage, 40 foot range, 18-20 crit range)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 40

Passive: Advantage on acrobatics, and athletics checks. Have the Minor Illusion cantrip.

Prime Bonuses: +1 bonus AC. +1 shield per level.


Hall of mirrors - As a main action Mirage projects 2 holographic mirror images that follow and mimic her actions for 2 rounds. Each hologram has AC equal to 10 + wisdom mod and deals 25% of mirages damage. When a holographic mirror image is hitted, it dissapears.(upgraded: 4 mirror images, 3 rounds, 30%)

Sleight of hand - As a action Trap any objects within 5 feet with explosives dealing 1d8+wisdom mod upon activation(upgraded: 10 feet, 2d8+wis mod damage)

Eclipse - As a bonus action Mirage adapts to the lighting conditions of her surroundings, gaining a multiplicar 1.5 to the damage damage while bathed in light, or reducing incoming damage by a maximum of 50% voy enemy ranged attacks while you are in the shadows. The effect lasts for 2 rounds.(upgraded: 3 rounds)

Prism - as an action Mirage generates a prism in her hands and launches it outward at a speed of 15 feet per round and bounces off any surface it hits. The prism is armed with lasers that track and damage enemies within 10 feet of it. Each laser inflicts a minimum of 1d8+wisdom mod Radiant damage per round, and the prism lasts for 2 rounds but can be ended early as a bonus action. Every enemy has yo Make a dextery saving thrown of 8+prof+wisdom mod or be hitted by the ray. Upon ending the prism explodes dealing 2d8+wisdom mod force damage in a 10 foot radius(upgraded 25 feet speed, 15 foot radius, 2d8+wisdom mod damage, lasts 4 rounds, 3d6+wisdom mod explosion, 15 foot explosion)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level, +1 bonus AC

Passive: Heals 1d4 hp when enemies die within 20 feet of him


Soul Punch - As an attack action Nekros lunges with telekinetic force, dealing 1d8+wisdom mod psychic damage and knocking down a single target within 10 feet if the target fails a wisdom saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod. (upgraded: 2d6+ wisdom mod, 15 foot range)

Terrify - As an action Nekros releases a psychic blast that causes enemies within 15 feet to become frightened for 4 rounds. The enemies can repeat the saving thrown at the end of his turn . When the effect ends, the enemies are immune to this effect for the next 24 hours.(upgraded: 20 feet for 6 rounds)

Desecrate - as a action forces all corpses in a 15 foot range to drop a health orb that lasts for 2 rounds and restores 1d4 health when touched. You have to use your action or your bonus action to touch the orb. If you use this abilitie 2 rounds after the corpse died, nothing happens.(upgraded lasts 3 rounds, 1d6 healing)

Shadows of the Dead - As a main action Nekros summons 2 shadow copies of his most recently slain enemies, prioritizing the strongest enemy groups among those killed to summon. The copies retain the level and stats of their original selves but with half health, with each copy losing 1d4-1 of their health per minute while active. The copies spawn randomly within a 10 foot radius and will fight for Nekros until they die either to enemy fire or their own degenerating health.(upgrade: 4 shadow copies)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 40

Passive: advantage and proficiency on athletics

Prime Bonuses: +2 bonus shields per level.


Fire Walker - As a bonus action Nezha ignites the ground beneath his feet with his Wind-Fire Wheels, gaining +5 movement speed and leaving behind a trail of fire that lasts for 2 rounds. Enemies that walk over the flames are dealt 1d6+wisdom mod fire damage per round. This is a channeled ability, lasts up 3 rounds (upgraded: 10 foot speed bonus, 4 rounds fire lasting, lasts up to 6 rounds)

Blazing Chakram - As an attack action Nezha throws his Universe Ring which inflicts 1d10+wisdom mod fire damage. You have to make a ranged attack for every enemy that the ring hits. The chakram will ricochet off enemies or objects, within 10 ft of the first target a maximum of 2 times before returning. Enemies killed within 2 rounds of being struck by the chakram will release a healing pulse that restores 1d6 health within a radius of 5 feet to Nezha. At any point in its path Nezha, can choose to teleport to the ring’s location thus ending the ability. (upgraded: 2d8 damage, 3 rounds, 1d8 health, 10 foot range)

Warding Halo - As an action Nezha summons a fiery ring that shields him until it has lost its health. The ring has 1 health per level and is targeted instead of nezha(if there is excess damage from a single attack it does NOT apply to Nezha’s health) and all enemies within 5 feet take 1d4+wisdom mod fire damage per round. This lasts until it is out of health.(upgraded: 2 hp per level, 1d6+wisdom mod fire)

Divine Spears - As an action Nezha causes spears of light burst from the ground. Enemies have to Make a dextery saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wis mod impaling enemies within a radius of 15 feet and inflicting 1d6 magical piercing damage and 1d4 radiant damage if they fail. Impaled enemies are incapacitated for 1 round. After the ability duration expires, impaled enemies are dealt 2d4+wisdom mod force damage as Nezha slams them into the ground rendering them prone.(upgraded 20 feet, 1d8 damage, 1d6 damage, 2 rounds, 2d6+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d10

Shield: 0 per level

Bonus AC: +4

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 hp per level. +1 bonus AC

Passive: Gain a stack every time you successfully hit a creature (max of 100). Being silenced or stunned remove 3 per round. If your HP drops to 0, you can consume 15 stacks to go back to 1/4 HP and become invulnerable to non-magical damage for 1 round. Stacks are reset after a long rest. He also heals himself half of 1d4 per round without stack consumption.


Virulence - As an attack action Nidus ruptures the ground to unleash a linear growth of fungal infestation 10 feet long and 5 feet wide toward the targeted location. The Enemies have to Make a dextery save thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod.on a failure, the enemies struck by fungal growth are dealt 1d4+wisdom mod poison damage amplified by the number of Mutation stacks accumulated(10 stacks 1d4+1, 20 1d6, 30 1d6+1, 40 1d8, 50 1d8+1,60 1d10, 80 1d10+1, 70 2d6, 80 2d6+1, 90 2d8, 100 2d10). Every enemy hit by this ability adds 1/2 of a stack. (upgraded: 20 feet long, adds 1 stack)

Larva - As an action Nidus ejects an infested larva toward the targeted location over unrestricted range. Upon impact, the larva rapidly matures into a floating mass of infested tentacles that sprouts tendrils to grab all enemies within a radius of 15 feet. Affected enemies that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+strength mod save are forcibly pulled into the mass, becoming unable to move for 2 rounds(upgraded: 20 feet,dc 10+prof+strength mod, 3 rounds)

Parasitic link - As a bonus action Nidus expends 5 Mutation stacks to perform symbiosis with a targeted ally within 50 feet or parasitically link with a targeted enemy within 20 feet. The link persists as long as Nidus and his target remain in range of each other or when manually deactivated(3 rounds max on hostile targets). When linked with an ally, Nidus and his target both receive a +1 proficiency bonus. When linked with an enemy, the enemy has yo Make a wisdom saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod ir the target is completely disabled for the duration while Nidus transfers 25% damage received to the target instead(the target is unable to be hurt directly).(upgraded: ally 100 feet, enemy 30 feet, 5 round max on enemies, +2 prof, 50% damage)

Ravenous - As an action Nidus converts 15 Mutation stacks into ravenous Infestation, which spreads outward from Nidus and across the surrounding landscape to create spawning grounds with a radius of 10 feet, lingering for 3 rounds. Nidus and his allies will gain 1d8+wisdom mod health per round when inside the spawning grounds. Infested cysts randomly form on the spawning grounds, hatching up to 3 Maggots that seek out nearby enemies to feast upon at 15 feet speed. Once enemies are detected, Maggots frenzy with increased movement speed(25 feet) and leap toward their prey to latch onto them dealing 1d4 damage a round(25 stacks 1d4+1, 50 1d6, 75 1d8, 100 1d12). When detonated by Virulence, when their hosts die, when killed, or when Ravenous duration expires, Maggots explode to deal 1d4+wisdom mod(20 stacks 1d6, 40 1d8, 60 1d10, 80 2d6, 100 2d8) to all enemies within a 5 foot radius.(upgraded: 20 foot radius grounds, 10 rounds, 2d8+wisdom mod health, 5 maggots with 20 feet speed(30 frenzied), 10 foot radius explosion)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level, +1 HP per level

Passive: If you go prone you knock down and damage enemies (1d4) around you in a 20ft radius


Null star - As a action Nova creates 4 antimatter particles that orbit her and automatically launch themselves at enemies within 10 feet at the start of your next turn. Each particle inflicts 1d4+wisdom mod radiant damage.(upgraded: 6 particles, 20 feet, 2d4+wisdom mod damage)

Antimatter Drop - As an action Nova creates a volatile orb of antimatter which she can control. This particle moves at 15 feet a round and absorbs all damage (friendly and hostile) when shot at, and once the particle makes contact with a solid object it will detonate and inflict 1d4+wisdom mod base damage multiplied by x1.5 all absorbed damage as Radiation damage with an explosion radius of 10 feet. When the particle comes into contact with an enemy, 1d4 Radiation damage is inflicted prior to detonation.(upgraded: 25 feet a round, 1d6+wisdom mod times X2 all damage absorbed, 15 foot radius)

Worm hole - As a action Nova creates a wormhole with an entrance directly in front of her and an exit-point up to 40 feet away. A wormhole will collapse after 3 uses. It can also be collapsed at will(upgraded: 60 feet, 5 uses)

Molecular prime - As a main action Nova unleashes a radial wave of antimatter particles. The wave starts from Nova and propagates at a speed of 15 feet per turn for 2 rounds before dissipating. All enemies in range are coated in antimatter that destabilizes their molecular structure for 2 rounds if they lose a constitución saving thrown of DC 8+prof+wisdom mod. Primed enemies move and attack slower causing them to move at most 25 feet per round and only able to attack once per round they also detonate upon death dealing 1d8+wisdom mod force damage to enemies within 10 feet. All sources of damage will be multiplied by 1.5 against primed enemies.(upgraded: 20 feet per turn, 3 rounds before dissipating, 3 rounds destabilized, 15 feet per round max, 2d8+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +5 movement speed

Passive: Anyone affected by Nyx’s abilities have a chance (1d100, 75-100) to be disarmed


Mind control - As an action Nyx fully inhabits the mind of an enemy that fails a dc 8+wisdom mod save within a range of 20 feet, forcing them to fight for her team over a duration of 2 rounds.(upgraded: dc 8+prof+wisdom mod, 30 feet, 3 rounds)

Psychic bolts - As an attack action Nyx launches 3 bolts of telekinetic energy that seek out enemies, you must make a separate ranged attack at advantage for each and each deals 1d6+wisdom mod damage.(upgraded: 5 bolts, 1d8+wisdom mod damage)

Chaos - As an action Nyx causes enemies within 20 feet to perceive their allies as enemies for 1 round. (upgrade: 30 feet, 2 rounds)

Absorb - As a main action Nyx enters a meditative state that allows her to absorb incoming damage and all ranged attacks within 5 foot radius. All absorbed damage is inflicted as Magnetic damage to every enemy in a 15 foot explosion of psychic energy. This is a channeled ability however Nyx has movement speed reduced to 0 while it is active, and uses the entire turn to maintain, and it will automatically end upon reaching 2x Nyx’s max hp in damage absorbed(upgraded: 10 foot absorb radius, 30 foot radius, 3x max hp)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 AC. +1 shield per level.

Passive: Gain advantage, and proficiency on handle animal.


Smite - As an attack action Oberon deals 1d6+wisdom mod radiant damage to an enemy within 60 feet. Any target that is hit must make a dc 8+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod save or be knocked prone. Additionally, the target emits 3 projectiles that seek out enemies within a range of 20 feet and deal 1d4 radiant damage(upgraded: 2d6 damage, 120 feet range, dc 12+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod, 40 foot radius, 1d8 damage)

Hallowed Ground - As an action Oberon creates a ground-based zone of purifying flames in front of him 15 ft radius. Enemies touching the ground within the area of effect are dealt 1d8+wisdom mod radiant damage every round. This lasts for a duration of 4 rounds. Allies touching the ground within the area of effect will gain +1 ac(upgraded: 30 ft radius, 2d6+wisdom mod damage, 8 rounds, +2ac)

Renewal - As an action Oberon emits healing orbs that travel toward teammates with an unrestricted range. On contact, the orbs instantly restore 1d6+wisdom mod health and regenerate 1d6 health a round for 2 rounds. Fully healed allies are additionally cleared of all negative Status Effects.(upgraded: 2d6+wisdom mod restore, 2d4 gradual heal, 4 rounds)

Reckoning - As an action Oberon lifts enemies within a radius of 20 feet and violently slams them to the ground, dealing 1d10+wisdom mod force damage and causing them to fall prone. (upgraded: 40 feet, 2d10+wisdom mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +3

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 Shield per level. +1 HP per level

Passive: Proficient in all instruments as well as both proficiency and advantage on performance, Every time Octavia uses an ability applies a +1 to all rolls for 5 rounds to Octavia and all allies in 30 foot radius.(doesn't stack with itself but will renew the duration)


Mallet - As an attack action Octavia throws a spherical music device in an arc toward the direction she aims. Upon impact, the device deploys into the Mallet which hovers in place for 3 rounds. The Mallet is an invulnerable hovering orb that continuously plays percussive music, attracting enemies in sight that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save to attack it while absorbing all enemy damage hitting its energy mass. Damage absorbed is accumulated and stored briefly before diminishing over time. each round the mallet deals sonic damage equal to the stored damage to all enemies within a 15 foot radius and then halves the current stored damage. Mallet can be recast while active to create a new Mallet. Octavia is limited to only 1 active Mallet at a time.(upgraded: 6 rounds, dc 10+prof+wisdom mod, 2x the stored damage as sonic damage 30 feet)

Resonator - As a main action Octavia throws a compact roller-ball with an arcing trajectory toward the direction where she aims. Upon impact, the roller-ball falls to the ground and deploys into the Resonator that lasts for 2 rounds with a speed of 15. The Resonator is an invulnerable Roller Specter that continuously plays bass music as it roams nearby terrain and seeks out enemies. The Resonator emits a charming aura with a radius of 10 feet, causing enemies that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save to cease all aggression and follow the Resonator's travel path until the ability expires; for each enemy charmed, the Resonator's charm radius expands by 5 feet, up to a maximum radius of 30 feet. Charmed enemies rhythmically receive 1d4 sonic damage per round while they remain in the charm radius. When Mallet and Resonator are both active, the roller-ball will attempt to seek out Mallet and carry it around, allowing the percussive aura to become mobile. If Resonator expires before Mallet, Mallet will be dropped on the ground. Can be recast while active to create a new Resonator. Octavia is limited to only 1 active Resonator at a time; old Resonator will dissipate when a new one is deployed. (upgraded: 4 rounds, speed 25, radius 20 feet, dc 10+prof+wisdom mod, max 60 feet, 2d4 damage)

Metronome - As a main action Octavia raises the volume, producing a melodic musical aura with a radius of 25 feet for 3 rounds. Octavia and her allies gain +1 ac bonus while inside the melodic aura. While inside the melodic aura, Octavia and her allies can perform actions in sync to the melodic music by succeeding a dc 15 performance check with any action to gain various Sync Buffs that can be active simultaneously and last for 2 rounds: while walking can do this to gain +10 feet of movement, while jumping can do this to gain an additional 5 foot jump height or distance, can attempt a stealth check and become invisible, during a ranged attack to gain one additional attack, during a melee attack to gain an additional +2 damage on hit. (upgraded: 50 feet, 5 rounds, +2 ac, dc 12, 3 rounds, 15 movement, 10 foot jump, roll an extra melee damage die instead of +2 damage)

Amp - As a main action Octavia transforms the ground into a dance floor, encompassing the surrounding terrain in a field of sound sensors with a radius of 25 feet for 4 rounds. While standing inside the Amp field, Octavia and her allies gain a scaling weapon damage with a minimum of +1 damage to a maximum of +5, depending on the sound level in the environment.(dm discretion however each ability active in range increases the damage by at least +1) (upgraded: 50 feet, 6 rounds, +2 min, +10 max)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +1

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level. +5 movement speed

Passive: When your shield depletes, you emit a wave that knocks enemies within 5 ft of you prone as long as they are either small or medium (can't knock down medium's that have powerful build).


Enthrall - As an action, Revenant can shoot energy from his palms into a target up to 15 ft away and they make a Wisdom saving throw equal to 8+prof+wisdom modifier converting them into a mindless thrall itching to obey his commands.The Enthralled effect lasts for 2 rounds, and can be removed immediately by casting dispel magic on a thrall. Thralls turn on their allies and attack hostile creatures on sight unless otherwise told not to. If a thrall attacks a creature and the thrall deals damage equal to half the targets health, the attacked enemy then becomes a thrall and the new thrall has their health regenerated, and both of their 20 second timers reset. When thralls die, they explode into a pillar of flaming energy 10 ft long and 10 ft wide that lasts for 12 seconds. Whenever a creature starts it's turn in the flames space, they take 2d4 piercing damage (not fire damage). Additionally, the pillar shoots out 2 projectiles for every enemy within 5 ft of the pillar. These projectiles hit automatically and deal 1d3 Radiant damage. You and your allies may attack your own thralls, and they will not attack you. You may have up to 4 thralls at once, and any time an enemy is stunned by Mesmer Skin, you may cast enthrall with no cost, however the duration is reduced to 1 round. (Upgraded: Increase duration to 5 rounds for normal casting, and 2 rounds for Mesmer Skin casting)

Mesmer Skin - As an action, perform a ritual for 1 turn and on the start of your next turn become enveloped in a thin flame that covers your entire body. This flame protects you, almost like a second skin, and it has three charges. Any enemies who attack you have all damage and effects redirected back at them, (including spells) while also becoming stunned for 1 turn and you use up one of your charges. (Redirected damage doesn't bypass resistances.) Once an enemy recovers from being stunned, it can't be stunned again for 2 more turns, and all of their future attack until that point manage to deal half damage to you and half damage to them. The redirected damage DOES count as avoiding damage to recharge your shield(Upgraded: Increase 3 charges to 5 charges)

Reave - As an attack action, take the form of raw energy and dash 15 ft forward through up to 3 enemies, sapping them of their life. Deals 2d6 Radiant damage, and you regenerate half the damage that you deal. Doesn't regenerate shields and resets the amount of turns until your shield recharges back to 3. (Upgraded: Increase damage to 3d4+Wisdom modifier Radiant)

Danse Macabre - For 3 turns, you perform a ritualistic meditation to focus your concentration on your energy. No Con saving throws are required to maintain concentration if you are attacked. At the conclusion of your meditation, you immediately put both arms out (fully extended) and spread out your fingers. You spin rapidly in a circle and shoot thin lasers that practically radiate light that stretch out 25 ft long from each of your fingertips. You may move in this state but all movement counts as difficult terrain, and all creatures within a radius of 25 ft of you by the end of your turn must make a Dex saving throw (DC 18). If they succeed, they take half damage. If they fail, they take 8d4 damage. The damage type changes to whatever the target has a weakness against, and if none are applicable it defaults to Radiant damage. Any thralls killed by this drop temporary shields that can't be used by you but can be used by your allies, with each shield giving +5 temporary shield. These pickups CAN stack. You may also fire the beams at pillars, making them explode with a radius of 10 ft, which deals 2d10 Radiant damage. You stop shooting beams and spinning at the start of the turn following yours. (Upgraded: Increased range of beams to 30ft and increase damage of pillars to 3d10 Radiant damage.)


Hit Die: 1d12

Shield: 5 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 25

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +5 movement speed

Passive: Use a bonus action to release a shockwave that knocks down enemies that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save and deals damage (1d6) in 20 ft radius. Knock down only affects small, medium, and large creatures.


Rhino Charge - As a move action Rhino charges forward with aggression, covering a distance of 20 feet. Enemies within 5 foot radius of Rhino are dealt 1d8+str mod force damage.(upgraded: 40 foot distance, 2d8+str mod damage)

Iron Skin - As an action Rhino hardens his skin creating a reinforcing buffer that reinforces him from all damage except acid damage (or any other corrosive homebrew elemental damages) unless specified otherwise and shields him until it has lost its health. The has 2 health per level and is targeted instead of rhino(if there is excess damage from a single attack it does NOT apply to rhino’s health). This lasts till it is out of health.(upgraded: 3 hp per lvl)

Roar - As a bonus action Rhino lets out a forceful roar, increasing the damage output of his allies within 40 feet. Affected allies will gain 50% bonus damage to all sources over a duration of 3 rounds.(upgraded: 80 feet, double damage, 6 rounds)

Rhino stomp - As an action Rhino stomps the ground with tremendous force, immediately dealing 1d8+str mod force damage in a 5 foot area of effect. After a short delay, 1d6 force damage is inflicted to all enemies within a radius of 10 feet. Affected enemies that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save will be knocked down(upgraded: 2d8+str mod damage, 2d6 damage, 20 foot radius, dc 12+prof+wis mod)


Hit Die: 1d8

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 25

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +5 movement speed

Passive: All melee attacks deal an additional 1d4 poison damage (1d2 turns)


Spores - As an attack action Saryn infects a target within 30 feet with 1 virulent spore. Each spore inflicts 1d4 damage per round over a duration of 2 rounds. If a spore is popped(roll a 1d4 for each spore on a enemy when they are hit, on a 4 a spore is popped), 1d6+wisdom mod damage is dealt within 5 feet, and 1 spore is transmitted to each affected enemy. (upgraded 60 feet range, 2 spores, 1d6 damage per round, 1d8+wisdom mod pop damage, 10 foot pop radius, 2 spores transmitted)

Molt - As a bonus action Saryn sheds her skin, removing all existing conditions and leaving behind a decoy with 4d6 hp that draws enemy aggro for 3 rounds. The decoy will explode if it loses all of its hitpoints or if its duration expires, inflicting 1d8+wisdom mod damage within a radius of 5 feet. Multiple instances of Spores can be cast on Molt. Spores' damage will not damage Molt. When Molt explodes, all spores will burst simultaneously and infect enemies within the spread radius. Molt's explosion can also detonate spores on nearby infected enemies.(upgraded: 8d6 hp, 6 rounds, 2d6+wis mod explosion damage, 15 feet radius)

Toxic Lash - As a bonus action Saryn imbues her weapon with potent toxins, adding 1d6+wisdom mod poison damage to every strike for a duration of 3 rounds. While Toxic Lash is active, at least one spore is guaranteed to burst per melee attack when an enemy affected by Spores is struck by Saryn's weapon.(upgraded: 2d6+wisdom mod, 6 rounds)

Miasma - As a main action Saryn pollutes the environment with a caustic mist, inflicting 1d6+wisdom mod acid damage per round to enemies within 10 feet for 2 rounds. Miasma deals an additional 100% damage to enemies affected by Spores or Toxic Lash. (upgraded: 2d6+wisdom mod damage, 20 feet, 4 rounds)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonus: +1 AC bonus. +5 speed bonus.

Passive: All allies within a 30/ft radius gain advantage on acrobatics, and gains 5/ft movement


Spellbind - As an action Titania scatters enchanted dust in a 5 foot radius around the location she aims at, with a cast range of 60 feet. Enemies within this area will be helpless as they weightlessly float in mid-air for 2 rounds. (upgraded: 10 foot radius, 120 range, 4 rounds)

Tribute - As an attack action Targeting an enemy up to 30 feet away, Titania forcefully knocks it 10 feet away in the direction of the blast leaving a faint outline in its place. The enemy's attacks are at disadvantage for 2 rounds and it is dealt 1d6+wisdom mod damage. Also you can get within 5 ft of of the outline to gain a buff. Roll a d20 on odds gain +1 ac(max 6) for 20 rounds, on even gain a 60 foot aura that reduces enemy speed by 5 feet(minimum of 10) for 20 rounds. Both of these can stack and the duration refreshes each time a buff or aura is gained. Cannot gain more than one tribute from a single target(upgraded: 60 foot range, 20 foot knock back, target debuff 4 rounds, 1d8+wisdom mod damage, 10 foot radius buff pick up, max ac buff +12, 40 round buff, 120 foot aura, minimum of 5, 40 rounds aura)

Lantern - As an action Titania sends a targeted enemy hurtling into the air using her razorflies, making it invulnerable and rendering it unable to move or attack. The suspended enemy will attract any other nearby enemies (that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save)that are within 30 feet, removing their hostility towards the player and making them follow the suspended target blindly as long as they remain within range. Enemies that move within 5 feet of the suspended target will receive 1d4 damage per round. After 3 rounds or at will, the suspended target will explode, dealing 1d10+wisdom mod damage to it and all enemies within 10 feet. (upgraded: dc 12+prof+wisdom mod save, 40 feet, 10 foot damage radius, 1d6 damage per round, 6 round duration, 2d10+wisdom mod explosion, 15 foot explosion)

Razorwing - As an action Titania shrinks down to around half of her original size, becoming a flying pixie. In this form, Titania permanently remains in mid-air with a fly speed of double her movement speed(doubled after other bonuses) in this form she also imposes disadvantage on all attacks targeting her. While Razorwing is active, Titania will also command 3 Razorfly drones to attack nearby enemies. These drones deal 1d4 damage with their attacks; they will swarm an enemy and attack it incessantly until it is killed. These razorflies can be targeted with ac of 13 and hp equal to titania’s shields. This is a channeled ability however staying in this form for more than 10 minutes causes 1 level of exhaustion.(upgraded: 6 razorflies, 2d4 damage, 16 ac, no exhaustion)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 3 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 shield per level, +5 movement speed

Passive:Advantage on stabilizing allies


Well of life - As an action Trinity marks a target within 50 feet. It is incapacitated, marked bright green and lifted airborne for 3 rounds. Its health is restored to maximum and it gains 4d6 temporary hp. As allies damage it, they are healed for 50% of the damage dealt. If the target is not killed before Well of Life expires, it loses all temporary hp and its health returns to the original value before the cast.(upgraded: 100 foot range, 6 rounds, 8d6 temp hp)

Energy vampire - As a Attack action Trinity marks a target within 100 feet. It is restrained for 2 round as it shines bright blue and gives allies within 20 feet a 1d4+wisdom mod to temporary hp in shielding. The target it dealt 1d4+wisdom mod damage per round. (upgraded: 200 foot range, 40 foot radius, 1d8+wisdom mod shielding, 3 rounds, 1d6+wisdom mod damage per round)

Link - As a bonus action Trinity links with up to 2 enemies within 20 feet over a duration 2 rounds,channeling 25% of damage taken to each enemy.(upgraded 3 enemies, 40 foot radius, 4 rounds)

Blessing - As an action Trinity restores 50% of her allies' shields and health within 100 feet. Allies will be granted 50% damage resistance for 2 round.(upgraded 100% heal and removes negative conditions, 200 foot radius, 4 rounds)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +6

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac. +1 shield per level.

Passive: Half penalty of getting up from being prone, You have resistance against falling damage, and always land on your feet. Valkyr is proficient in Constitution saves.


Rip Line - As a ranged attack action Valkyr fires a grappling hook that covers a range of 50 feet. If the hook hits terrain, Valkyr will be pulled towards the hook's location. If an ally or enemy is hooked, they will be pulled towards Valkyr's location. Enemies will be dealt 1d6+dex mod piercing damage.(upgraded: 100 foot range, 2d6+dex mod damage)

Warcry - As a bonus action Valkyr lets out a rallying cry, bolstering the attack speed and defenses of her allies while diminishing the mobility of her enemies within 50 feet. Affected allies will gain one additional attack for each attack they make and +2 ac, enemies will have their movement speed reduced by 10 feet. This lasts 2 rounds(upgraded: 100 foot radius, adds advantage on attacks, +3 ac, 20 feet reduction, 4 rounds)

Paralysis - As a bonus action Valkyr discharges her shields, stunning enemies for 1 round and damaging enemies within 15 feet while draining 50% of her current shields. Affected enemies are dealt Valkyr's current shields multiplied by 5 in force damage. (upgraded: 2 round stun, 30 feet radius, 10 multiplier)

Hysteria - As an action, overcome with rage, Valkyr unleashes a pair of energy claws which she uses as her melee weapons, gains 10 movement speed, and becomes resistant to all damage. Energy claws are finesse weapons that have damage of 2d4 radiant damage and have a 2x critical damage multiplier with a 10-20 critical range. Additionally, Valkyr is healed for 10% of the total melee damage she inflicts.(rounded down) This is a channeled ability however, Valkyr emits an aura with a radius of 160 feet around her while Hysteria is active, and 50% of the total damage(rounded down) she ignores is stored. If any enemies within this aura have line-of-sight of Valkyr when Hysteria is deactivated, she takes all stored damage. Also when taking damage you must make a Constitution save with a dc of 1 to prevent hysteria ending, for every 10 damage stored add +2 to the dc to remain in hysteria.(upgraded: 15 movement speed, 4d6 damage, 20% lifesteal, 80 radius, 25% damage stored, gains advantage on constitution saves, increase in dc for every 25 damage stored)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 2 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +1 shield per level.

Passive: +1 AC for every ally within 60/ft


Tesla - As an attack action Vauban releases an electrically-charged grenade that adheres to any surface. If an enemy approaches the grenade within 20 feet, the grenade will discharge. A single grenade holds a maximum of 5 charges, and each charge inflicts 1d4+wisdom mod Electricity damage. Charges are fired twice a round.(upgraded: 40 foot radius, 10 charges, 2d4+wisdom mod damage)

Minelayer -As a bonus action Vauban throws one of his variety of specialized grenades that deploys into a landmine depending on the selected type.

Bounce - Upon contact with a surface or entity, the Bounce grenade deploys into a launch pad that adheres to any surface for five minutes. Allies and enemies that step onto the pad will be launched, and affected enemies will be knocked down and dealt 1d8+wisdom mod damage.

Trip laser - on contact with a surface or entity, the Trip Laser grenade falls to the ground then deploys into a 30 ft long laser trip wire that lasts for 12 rounds. Enemies moving through the trip wire are either stunned if at walking pace, or knocked down if at running speed.

Shred (upgraded) - Upon contact with a surface or entity, the Shred grenade falls to the ground then deploys into an armed explosive landmine. When an enemy is in close proximity, the landmine explodes, dealing 2d8+wisdom mod damage and knocking down all enemies in a 10 foot radius.

Concuss (upgraded) - upon contact with a surface or entity, the Concuss grenade falls to the ground then deploys into an armed concussive landmine. When an enemy is in close proximity, the landmine detonates, stunning all enemies in a 15 foot radius for 4 rounds.

Bastille - As an action vauban releases a device that creates a containment field. This lasts 3 rounds, has a radius of 15 feet. On contact with an enemy, the device will deal 1d4+wisdom mod damage. Enemies within the field are suspended and incapacitated - including those outside that subsequently enter the field.(upgraded: 6 rounds, 30 radius, 2d4+wisdom mod damage)

Vortex - As an action Vauban releases a device that creates a powerful attractive force, lasting 2 rounds. Every enemy within 10 feet of the device will be violently drawn to it and dealt 2d4+wisdom mod damage per round. (upgraded: 4 rounds, 20 foot radius, 2d8+wis mod damage)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 4 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 ac, +5 speed

Passive: Every melee applies 1d8 electricity damage


Shock - As an attack action Volt releases an arc discharge at a specified location in sight that can chain to enemies within 10 feet of each point of contact. The arc can chain a maximum of 2 times and inflicts 1d6+wisdom mod Electricity damage.(upgraded: 20 foot chain range, 4 chains, 2d6+wisdom mod damage)

Speed - As a bonus action Volt energizes the surrounding area, increasing the attack speed and mobility of his allies within 60 feet. Affected players will gain one additional attack, and bonus action and can move twice as far. This lasts for 2 rounds.(upgraded: 120 foot range, gain a second turn instead of previous action and movement bonus, 4 rounds)

Electric shield - As a bonus action Volt deploys an obstacle of energy, providing cover in any situation. This shield is 10 feet tall and 15 feet wide. Any allied attacks that pass through it gain an additional 1d6 electrical damage. This shield blocks enemy ranged and magical attacks however enemies can still pass through it taking 1d4+wisdom mod electricity damage. The shields lasts for 6 rounds or can be held in both hands while channeled(making volt unable to attack while holding it) (upgraded: 2d6 allied electric boost, 2d4+wisdom mod damage, 12 rounds)

Discharge - As an action Volt emits a powerful electric pulse that goes out in a 30 foot radius, any enemies that are hit with the initial pulse or that enter the pulse's area in first round after the cast will become stunned and emit arcs of electricity like Tesla Coils for 3 rounds, shocking hostiles who come within 5 feet for 1d6+wisdom mod electricity damage. Tesla Coil-ed enemies will remain undamaged by Discharge for the first round, then begin to damage themselves for 1d8 Electricity damage per round for the remaining Effect Duration. (Upgraded: 60 foot radius, 6 round tesla, 10 foot tesla range, 2d6+wisdom mod tesla damage, 2d8 after first round to teslas)


Hit Die: 1d6

Shield: 4 per level

Bonus AC: +2

Movement speed: 30

Prime Bonuses: +5 speed. +1 bonus AC.

Passive: Get an additional bonus action


Iron Jab - As an attack action Wukong summons and extends his Iron Staff up to 10 feet in a line in front of him, inflicting 1d8+dex mod damage to a single enemy along its path. The damaged enemy is forcefully knocked back 5 feet, and enemies within 5 feet of Iron Jab's point of impact that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod constitution save become knocked prone.(upgraded: 20 foot line, 2d8+dex mod damage, 15 foot knockback, 10 foot radius knock down. dc 10+prof+wis mod)

Defy - Bonus action to activate, lasts one round. While active, upon losing all of his health, Wukong is healed to 50% of his maximum health and gains invulnerability for 1 round. This ability is able to be channeled at the cost of 10 feet of movement speed and is unable to be used for 20 rounds after defying death. (upgraded: 2 rounds invulnerable, only 5 foot movement penalty, only 10 till reuseable)

Cloud Walker - As an action Wukong disappears into a cloud and hides himself from enemy view for 4 rounds. In this form, Wukong is invulnerable and gains the ability to move freely in empty space including vertical movement, he also cannot attack in this form.(upgraded: 8 rounds)

Primal fury - As a bonus action Wukong equips his legendary Iron Staff which deals 1d8+dex magical bludgeoning damage, 2x critical multiplier, 17-20 crit range, and has a reach of 10 feet(with no penalty to hitting closer). This is a channeled ability, lasts up to a minute. (upgraded: 2d8+dex damage, 15 foot reach)


Hit Die: 1d10

Shield: 4 per level

Bonus AC: +0

Movement speed: 35

Prime Bonuses: +1 bonus AC. +5 speed.

Passive: Doesn’t take fall damage, 60 ft per round fall speed and control movement while falling with advantage


Tail wind - As an action Zephyr propels herself with a blast of energy. This ability can be used in mid air to be propelled in any direction (trading 10 vertical distance for every 5 horizontal). She will be propelled upwards 60 feet treating impacting a surface like this as fall damage. Enemies on the ground within 5 feet of Zephyr's launch point will be dealt 1d6+wisdom mod force damage along with guaranteed knockdown on creatures medium or smaller.(upgraded: 120 feet launch, 10 foot radius, 2d6+charisma mod damage, large or smaller)

Dive Bomb - As a bonus action while Zephyr is in the air, she will nose dive into the ground at extreme speed. Upon impacting the ground, Zephyr creates an explosion that deals a minimum of 1d6+wisdom mod force damage within a 5 foot minimum radius. This damage is increased by 1d6 and radius increased by 5 feet for every 30 feet fallen.this ability can target an area within 5 feet of directly below you per 30 feet up.(upgraded: 2d6+wisdom mod minimum damage, 10 foot minimum radius, 15 feet fallen increments, 5 feet per 15 feet up)

Turbulence - As a bonus action Zephyr surrounds herself in turbulent winds that alter the trajectory of incoming bullets and projectiles, creating a wind shield with a 5 foot radius that makes all ranged attacks passing through it at disadvantage. This lasts for 10 rounds and also allows for halving fall speed(upgraded: 10 foot radius, 20 rounds, quarter fall speed)

Tornado - As a main action Zephyr forms a maximum of 3 tornadoes within a radius of 50 feet that violently pull enemies that fail a dc 8+prof bonus+wisdom mod save along their paths within a 5 foot radius, able to move 15 feet a round. Each tornado inflicts 1d8+wisdom mod damage per round to affected enemies and enemies in the the area and lasts over a duration of 5 rounds.(upgraded: 6 tornados, 100 foot radius,dc 12+prof+wisdom mod, 10 foot pull radius, 30 foot move a round, 2d8 +wis mod damage, 10 rounds)


Operators control the Warframes through a process known as Transference, which uses a device known as a Somatic Link to transfer the Operator's consciousness and powers into their Warframes that they control as a surrogate body.

level 3

You gain the ability to leave your frame by use of transference(leaving it stationary where ever you exited it at its current hp. Any active Warframe abilities will continue to persist while in Operator form.) If the Operator's health is depleted during a fight, or if their inactive Warframe's health is reduced to 10% from enemy attack, they will disappear from the field and return to their Warframe in its original position while depleting all of the Warframe's shields.

You also gain use of void energy as a weapon. You gain Void Beam which allows you to fire void energy from your hand as an ranged attack action up to 40 feet dealing 1d8+wisdom mod void energy damage(2d8 at 9, 3d8 at 13, 4d8 at 17) void energy bypasses all resistances/immunities and makes all resistances/immunities the creature had inactive for 1d4 rounds. Usable once per 30 seconds.

level 9

You gain the ability to use Void Blast as an attack action. This ability knocks down all enemies in a 10 foot radius and knocks them back 5 feet while dealing 1d4+wisdom mod void energy damage. Usable once per 30 seconds.

level 13

You gain the ability to use Void Dash as a bonus action. This allows you to dash through the void to a location within 60 feet causing 1d4+wisdom mod void energy damage to anything in the path. To dodge out of the way they must make a dex save, DC 10+proficiency bonus+wisdom mod, if they fail this, they take all of the damage, if they succeed, they take no damage. Usable once per round.

level 17

You gain the ability to use Void Mode as a bonus action to enter and are able to exit at any time using no action. This allows you to step partially into the void making you invisible and invulnerable to the world(you are also unable to use mundane attacks to damage the normal world however magic attacks and using void abilities can still effect outside the void). This ability can last up to 4+wisdom mod rounds (reduced by 2 every time using Void Blast or Void Beam and reduced by 1 every Void Dash while in Void Mode)must allow 1 minute to recharge void energy before using this ability again.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.


At level 3 you get a focus archetype, choose from, Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Unairu, and Zenurik. When the primary Focus Ability(Phoenix gaze, Mending tides, Mind spike, Basilisk flare, or Void pulse) is activated, a spiritual projection of the Tenno Operator will appear behind the Warframe, which will begin using its chosen power in the direction of aim. In this so-called Transcendent State, the Tenno can move as the projection as well as aim its attack, and both the projection and the Warframe are invulnerable to attack. The Warframe itself is unable to move during this state, however continuous Powers cast before using the focus ability remain active.


They followed the path of Engage The Enemy. Their swift, uncompromising onslaught, holding nothing back and recklessly attacking their foes, could vanquish an opponent before he had the chance to steel himself. Speed and savagery characterized this school.

Phoenix Gaze

(active) At third level, you can unleash a 60 foot destructive beam that inflicts 2d8+wisdom mod damage per round for 3 rounds to any target in its path. Usable 1 time per rest per focus level(1 at level 3, 2 at level 9, 3 at 14th, 4 at 17th)

Blazing fury

(passive) At ninth level, increase all damage by 1d4 magical slashing damage


(Phoenix gaze upgrade) At 14th level, you can cause a forceful blast to strike the targets of the Phoenix Gaze, Inflicting 2d6 damage to nearby enemies within 5 feet.

Burning Rage

(passive. replaces blazing fury) At level 17, increase all damage by 1d6 magical piercing, 1d6 magical blunt, and 1d6 magical slashing


They trained to Counter the Enemy, and move with an opponent's attacks in order to nullify them. They maintained constant awareness in order to defend against all aggression.

Mending tides

(active) At third level, you can unleash waves of restorative energy over 3 rounds, each granting 2d6+wis mod health to allies within 30 feet. Usable 1 time per rest per focus level(1 at tenno level 3, 2 at tenno level 9, etc)

New Moon

(active) At ninth level, Mending Tides grants the ability to revive fallen allies instantly at 1 hp. usable 1 time per use of mending tides(max 2 per focus level)

Strengthen Defenses

(upgrade Mending tides) At 14th level, Mending tides gives 1d8 shields an energy wave to allies.(max of 8 per focus level)


(passive) At level 17, reflects 10% of all damage back to your attacker.


This discipline focused on Knowing the Enemy, and the tacticians of Naramon believed that to truly understand a foe would confer the greatest advantage upon a warrior.

Mind Spike

(active) At third level, you can unleash bursts of psychic energy over 3 rounds in a 60 foot cone, each causing enemies to perceive allies as enemies for 4+wis mod rounds. Usable 1 time per rest per focus level(1 at tenno level 3, 2 at tenno level 9, etc)

Deadly Intent

(Passive) At ninth level, you and all allies within range have double critical range. range of this is 10 feet per focus level

Traumatic Redirection

(active) At 14th level, Mind Spike grants 2 charges of Trauma(max stored 4 per focus level). Melee attacks consume a charge of Trauma to inflict critical damage(does not guarantee hit and must be used before knowing if the attack will hit or not).

Shadow Step

(passive) At level 17, You and allies within 40 feet become invisible for 2 rounds when they crit. While invisible +2 to crit range.(The invisibility only applies to the person who crits.)


They pushed themselves to outlast the Enemy, to withstand all aggression without retreat. They believed that if the enemy could not match their endurance, then a battle could be won without having even commenced.

Basilisk Flare

(active) At third level, you can unleash a ray of petrifying energy for 3 rounds that petrifies enemies for 2+wis mod rounds. Usable 1 time per rest per focus level(1 at tenno level 3, 2 at tenno level 9, etc)

Stone Shape

(passive) At ninth level, Gives +1 ac per focus level

Crushing Force

(upgrade Basilisk Flare) At 14th level, Enemies petrified by Basilisk Flare continue to take 2d6 damage per round.

Medusa Skin

(passive) At level 17, gain a 10%(roll d20 on 19 or 20) chance to petrify enemies for 2 rounds when struck with melee weapons.


They believed the clearest path to victory was to Dominate the Enemy. They sought to choke an opponent of all resources. They believed that sheer strength could erase any resistance.

Void Pulse

(active) At third level, you can release 30 foot cones of Void energy over 3 rounds that suspend and incapacitate (2+wis mod) enemies. Usable 1 time per rest per focus level(1 at tenno level 3, 2 at tenno level 9, etc)

Void affinity

(passive) At ninth level, May change frames during a short rest.

Rift Sight

(Passive) At 14th level, Allows the Tenno to see enemies through walls and other objects within 15 feet.

Improved void affinity

(passive) At level 17, Able to change frames with 1 minute concentration.

Fashion Frame

You have reached true end game. You can now choose any appearance for your frames and operator.

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gollark: Okay, opinion generated.
gollark: Generating opinion. Please wait while I try and find screenshots or something because bad memory.
gollark: Yes. DO NOT excessively discretion. Not that I think moderation is good as a terminal goal in any case.
gollark: Hmm. Perhaps.
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