Tarot Reader (5e Class)

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Tarot Reader

At some point in your life you felt a calling. This calling was tied to a magic deck of cards.

Magic Cards

You have a magic link to a deck of cards. You can use these cards to change reality. You are a magic user

Creating a Tarot Reader

Quick Build

You can make a Tarot Reader quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity. Second, choose the Entertainer background. Third, choose prestidigitation and minor illusion Cantrips along with the 1st level spells detect magic, feather fall, magic missile, and unseen servant.

Class Features

As a Tarot Reader you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Tarot Reader level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Tarot Reader level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: simple weapons; thrown weapons
Tools: playing cards; choose 1 artisan tools
Saving Throws: Charisma and Dexterity
Skills: Sleight of Hand; Choose 2 of the following: Acrobatics, Arcana, Deception, Intimidation, Investigation, Perception, Performance, and Persuasion


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) any simple weapon or (b) a dagger
  • (a) an enterainer's pack or (b) a diplomat's pack
  • A Deck of Tarot Cards
  • a musical instrument
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10gp in funds.

Table: The Tarot Reader

FeaturesCantrips knownSpells Known—Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st+2Spellcasting; Eldritch Deck; Eldritch Reading24
2nd+2Body, Mind, Spirit242
3rd+2Eldritch Defense253
4th+2Ability Score Improvement253
5th+3Arcana Reversal3642
7th+3Cards Of Holding3843
8th+3Ability Score Improvement3843
9th+4Third Eye39432
10th+4Powerful Strike39432
12th+4Ability Score Improvement410433
14th+5The Twins4124331
16th+5Ability Score Improvement5144332
18th+6Arcane Ascension61643331
19th+6Ability Score Improvement61743332
20th+6Imprinted Cards61843332


Your Tarot Cards can be turned into a magical Eldritch deck of cards, they still appear and act as normal tarot cards. You use the Wizard spell list for picking new spells.


You know 2 cantrips of your choice from the wizard spell list. You learn additional cantrips as shown in the table above.

Spell Slots

The table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your spells. To cast a spell you must expend a spell slot. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.

Spells Known of 1st Level and Higher

You know four 1st-level spells of your choice from the wizard spell list. The Spells Known column of the table above shows when you learn more spells of your choice. Each of the new spells must be of a level you have spell slots available. When you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the spells you know and replace it with another spell form the wizard spell list.

Spellcasting Focus

You can use your Eldritch Deck as a spellcasting focus for your Wizard spells.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your spells. Your power comes from convincing reality to shape to your will.

Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier

Ritual Casting

You can cast any spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.

Eldritch Deck

You imbue your will into the cards to cast spells. You then throw the cards for the spells to take effect. This is a unique way of spell casting and has some interesting traits.

Eldritch Blast

You start with Eldritch Blast as a cantrip known. You can cast Eldritch Blast normally but will use 1 card per blast. This will also have the range trait below.

Return Cards

The deck is magical. It will always be full of cards. When you take a card and throw it for a spell, it will magically return to the deck at will.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Eldritch Reading

At 1st level you spend 10 minutes sitting around the deck, who ever draws up to three cards from your Eldritch Deck. Roll a d20 or draw from a real Tarot deck to determine, who ever drew gain special properties from each one that last until the end of your next long rest is completed, who ever drew may draw three new cards. Gain additional features from drawn cards at level 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 15 and 18. If rolled 16-20 nothing happens.

Body, Mind, Spirit

At 2nd level you can tap into the magic of the cards. If a spell you cast deals damage, you can choose to deal force damage instead.

Eldritch Defense

At 3rd level you can use your cards as protection. You gain Mage Armor as a spell known. This can be cast at will and does not expend a spell slot. The target of the spell changes to self.

At 3rd level you can use your cards to bestow three creatures per day, an Eldritch Reading.

Arcana Reversal

At 5th level you can Reverse one of your currently drawn cards as an bonus action, this also removes the curent effect of the card. This reverses the effect of the card to a single target. The effect varies based on the card you Reversed. You may only reverse one card at a time.


At 6th level you understand more about yourself. You can choose 2 skills with which you have proficiency. You now have Expertise in those skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check that uses those skills.

Cards Of Holding

At 7th level, you can use blank Eldritch Deck to store Objects, you can store non magical items inside the cards as long as they don’t weight more than 50 pounds. Magical items are trickier to store and compress into a card and thus you must make an Arcana check to try and store them, the DC is up to the DM’s discretion.

Third Eye

At 9th level you have a better understanding of your capabilities. You can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.

Powerful Strike

At 10th level your Eldritch Deck gains power. Anytime you cast a spell roll a d20. If you roll a 20 and the spell has damage dice, roll an extra 50% dice. If the spell has a saving throw, the targets take the saving throws at disadvantage.

The Twins

At 14th level your Eldritch Deck desire to be paired. You have 2 uses of The Twins. You can choose to expend 1 use and cast 2 spells as a single action. You regain any expended uses on a long rest.

Arcane Ascension

At 18th level your Eldritch Deck level up again. As The Sun described above. Now takes effect on a roll of 19 or 20.

Imprinted Cards

At 20th level the full potential of your Eldritch Deck is realized. You gain the following 4 traits.

The Magician

You can do Daily Reading for any number of allies, one card per ally is allowed.


You can choose to rearrange up to 4 points in your attributes. Any additions and subtractions must balance out. You can go over the maximum in any attribute


You stop aging. You are no longer affected by disease or poison.

The World

You gain +2 on all rolls.

Eldritch Reading Card List

Cards drawn will usually give tangible benefits, usually manifesting as equipment. They can also give physical bonuses. As an action, you can teleport any items from currently active Body cards into your hand.
I: The Fool

If you are rolling a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 1.

Fool's Mask
- Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical mask while this card is active. It grants you a +1 bonus to your AC while you wear it.
- From 3rd level onward, you gain temporary hit points equal to (twice your Tarot Reader level) + your Charisma modifier when you draw this card.
- From 5th level onward, your Fool's Mask also bestows a +1 bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws.
- From 7th level onward, while this card is active, you can choose to become proficient in a skill, tool or saving throw you use when you do it. These proficiencies remain until this card deactivates for any reason. You may only become proficient in two skills, saving throws or tools using this feature.
- From 11th level onwards, your Fool's mask confers the following benefits while you wear it:
  • You gain a +2 bonus to AC.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws.
- From 15th level onwards, you are proficient in all saving throws while this card is active.

Starting at 18th level, at the start of each of your turns, you regain 5 + your Charisma modifier hit points at the start of each of your turns unless you are on 0 HP or have more than half of your maximum hit points remaining.

II: The Magician

If you are rolling a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 2.

Arcane Rod

Starting at 1st level, you gain an Arcane Rod while The Magician card is active. It deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage, counts as an Arcane Focus, and you are proficient with it.

Starting at 3rd level, your spell save DC increases by 1 while you hold your Arcane Rod.

Starting at 5th level, your Arcane Rod deals 1d8 Force damage.

Starting at 7th level, when you hit an enemy with your Arcane Rod, you can use a bonus action to cast a spell or cantrip from your Spirit card's list.

Starting at 11th level, your spell save DC increases by 2 when you hold your Arcane Rod, and you become proficient in Deception. If you are already proficient in it, you gain Expertise in it (you double your proficiency bonus when applying it to that skill)

Starting at 15th level, your spell save DC increases by 3 while you hold your Arcane Rod.

Starting at 18th level, your Arcane Rod deals 1d10 force damage and ignores resistance and immunity.

III: The High Priestess

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 3.

Mantle of the Priestess

Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical mantle while this card is active. While wearing it, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC.

Starting at 3rd level, creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you gain the same advantages you do from your Mantle.

Starting at 5th level, your mantle confers a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws.

Starting at 7th level, you gain a magical robe. You have Expertise in Charisma and Wisdom saving throws while you wear it.

Starting at 11th level, creatures within range of your Mantle become immune to all damage when they drop to 0 HP until the start of thier next turn.

Starting at 15th level, your hit point maximum increases by an amount equal to your Tarot Mage level plus five.

Starting at 18th level, your Mantle's range increases to 30 feet.

IV: The Empress

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 4.

Ankh of the Empress

Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical Ankh while this card is active. A creature who holds it gains a +1 bonus to saving throws if that creature is friendly towards you.

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a second Ankh that confers the same benefits as the first while this card is active. They do not stack.

Starting at 5th level, the Ankhs also confer a +1 bonus to AC to creatures who hold them as long as they are friendly towards you.

Starting at 7th level, you gain a third Ankh that confers the same benefits as the first and second while this card is active.

Starting at 11th level, you can cast Resurrection as a 10-minute ritual using your Ankhs as material components. This consumes your Ankhs, but Ruler's Requiem still functions. You need not expend a spell slot to do this.

Starting at 15th level, creatures who use your Ankhs with your consent are considered proficient in all saving throws.

Starting at 18th level, when you are reduced to 0 hit points allies within 15 feet of you can take an action to Listen. While Listening, allies cannot take any kind of actions or move actively (but they can fall or be pushed), but they are immune to all damage except psychic, which they have resistance to. If you become stable, this ability ceases to function. If you die, this ability continues to function for 24 hours.

V: The Emperor

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 5.

Emperor's Sceptre

Starting at 1st level, you gain a sceptre that deals 1d10 Bludgeoning damage and has the Two-Handed and Heavy properties while this card is active.

Starting at 3rd level, your sceptre gains the Reach property, and it's damage increases to 1d12.

Starting at 5th level, you only need 2 successful death saves to stabilize yourself. Also, you regain 1 hit point on a roll of 19 or 20.

Starting at 7th level, you gain Expertise in two skills of your choice while you hold your sceptre.

Starting at 11th level, you have 80 feet true sight while you hold the sceptre, in addition, you have Expertise in Insight.

Starting at 15th level, you regain 5 hit points on a death saving throw roll of 18-20 while you hold the sceptre.

Starting at 18th level, you regain 5 + your charisma modifier hit points at the start of each of your turns, provided you have more than 0 hit points and no more than half your hit point maximum.

VI: The Hierophant

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 6.

Hierophant's Amulet

From 1st level onward, you gain a magical amulet while this card is active. While you wear this amulet, you can prepare 1 more spell than usual. More importantly, this spell can be from any spell list. You may prepare this spell when you draw this card.

From 3rd level onwards, your spell save DC increases by 1 while you wear your Amulet.

From 5th level onwards, you have resistance to damage from spells while you wear your amulet.

From 7th level onwards, you gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls while you wear your amulet.

From 11th level onwards, you gain expertise in insight and 80 feet true sight while you wear your amulet.

From 15th level onwards, you can prepare a number of extra spells equal to your wisdom modifier plus one (minimum 2) while you have your amulet. They may still be from any spell list, and you may still prepare all of them when you draw this card.

From 18th level onwards, you may add your Wisdom modifier to your spell attack modifier and spell save DC.

VII: The Lovers

If you are using a d20, this card activates on a roll of 7.

Amulet of Vitality

From 1st level onwards, you gain a magical amulet while this card is active, that increases your hit point maximum by an amount equal to your character level.

From 3rd level onwards, you gain a second amulet that confers the same benefits as the first. Only a creature friendly towards you may wear it. The benefits do not stack. As long as you and a friendly creature are both wearing an amulet, neither amulet can be removed by a creature other than you and the other wearer.

From 5th level onwards, the amulets confer resistance to damage from spells.

At 7th level, the amulets confer proficiency in constitution and charisma saving throws, or expertise if a creature already has proficiency in one or both of these saving throws. They also confer proficiency in a Charisma skill of the wearer's choice.

From 11th level onwards, the amulets confer 80 feet true sight and expertise in Insight.

From 15th level onwards, when the other wearer of an Amulet makes an attack roll against an enemy, you can take a reaction to cast a cantrip at them.

From 18th level onwards, both you and the other amulet-wearer regain 5 + your charisma modifier hit points at the start of each of your turns. This feature does not function for a wearer if they have 0 hit points, or if they have more than half their hit points remaining. A creature wearing this amulet may use a bonus action to forgo their healing, but the healing the other creature receives is doubled.

VIII: The Chariot

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 8.


Starting at 1st level, your movement speed is increased by 10 feet while this card is active.

Starting at 3rd level, while this card is active, you land a critical hit with your weapon and spell attack rolls on a roll of 19-20.

Starting at 5th level, when you take the Attack action on your turn, you can make a second attack as part of that action while this card is active.

Starting at 7th level, while this card is active, when you cast a cantrip, you can make a weapon attack as part of that action.

Starting at 11th level, while this card is active, you can make three weapon attacks when you take the attack action on your turn.

Starting at 15th level, while this card is active, you can make a weapon attack as a bonus action when you cast a spell of 1st to 5th level.

Starting at 18th level, while this card is active, you land a critical hit on a roll of 18, 19 or 20 when you make a weapon or spell attack roll.

IX: Justice

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 9.

Retributive Armor

From 1st level onwards, while this card is active, you gain a spectral suit of armor. While you wear it, enemies who attack you must make a charisma save against your spell save DC when they do or take 1 point of Psychic damage on a miss, or 1d4 Psychic damage on a hit.

From 3rd level onwards, the damage an enemy takes on a failed Retributive Armor save and hit becomes 1d6, or 2 on a miss. Also, if they fail the save they are pushed 5 feet away from you, but you have disadvantage on an opportunity attack if you attempt one then.

From 5th level onwards, your armor actually protects you, granting you a +1 bonus to AC. Also, the damage increases to 1d8 on a failed save and hit, or 3 on failed save and miss.

From 7th level onwards, your armor deals 1d12 Psychic damage on a failed save and hit, or 4 on a failed save and miss.

From 11th level onwards, whenever you miss an attack roll against an enemy while this card is active, they take 1d4 Psychic damage.

From 15th level onwards, when you use Tarot Break on this card, enemies within 50 feet of you take psychic damage equal to your level.

From 18th level onwards, your armor confers a +2 bonus to AC and deals 2d8 damage on a failed save and hit, or 6 on a failed save and miss.

X: The Hermit

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 10.

Cloak of the Hermit

Starting at 1st level, while this card is active you gain a cloak that gives you proficiency in Constitution saving throws.

Starting at 3rd level, your cloak lets you add half your Proficiency bonus to any ability check you make that doesn't already utilize your proficiency bonus.

Starting at 5th level, you can add half of your proficiency bonus to any attack roll, damage roll or saving throw you make while this card is active that you did not already add your proficiency bonus to.

Starting at 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws, your AC, and your spell save DC while you wear your cloak.

From 11th level onwards, you gain expertise in insight and 80 feet true sight while you wear your cloak.

From 15th level onwards, you gain a +2 bonus to saving throws, your AC and your spell save DC while you wear your cloak.

From 18th level onwards, you regain 5 + your Charisma modifier Hit Points at the start of each of your turns while this card is active and you have less than half your hit points remaining. This effect does not function if you have 0 hit points.

XI: The Wheel of Fortune

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 11.


Starting at 1st level, while this card is active, whenever you roll a 1 on a attack roll, ability check or saving throw, you can reroll the dice, but must accept the new result.

Starting at 3rd level, while this card is active, you land a critical hit with your weapon and spell attack rolls on a roll of 19 or 20.

Starting at 5th level, whenever you reroll a dice roll with Lucky or an improved version thereof while this card is active, you have advantage on that roll.

Starting at 7th level, whenever you roll a 1 or 2 on a attack roll, ability check, or saving throw while this card is active, you can reroll the dice, but must accept the new result.

Starting at 11th level, you regain 1d6 hit points on a death saving throw roll of 19 or 20 while this card is active.

Starting at 15th level, you land a critical hit with your weapon and spell attack rolls on a roll of 18, 19 or 20.

Starting at 18th level, whenever you roll a 1, 2 or 3 on a attack roll, ability check or saving throw while this card is active, you can reroll the dice, but must accept the new result unless it is also a 1, 2 or 3 in which case you may reroll that dice.

XII: Strength

If you are using a d20, this card activates on a roll of 12.

Bracer of Strength

Starting at 1st level, while this card is active, you gain magical bracers that increase your Strength score by 2, to a maximum of 20. They also cause your unarmed strikes to deal 1d4 Bludgeoning damage.

Starting at 3rd level, while you wear your bracers, you gain a bonus to your hit point maximum equal to your tarot mage level.

Starting at 5th level, you can cast False Life at will while you wear your bracers.

Starting at 7th level, you gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear your bracers.

Starting at 11th level, you can cast False Life as a 2nd-level spell at will while you wear your bracers.

Starting at 15th level, you can cast False Life as a 3rd-level spell at will while you wear your bracers.

Starting at 18th level, while you wear your bracers, you regain 5 + your Charisma modifier hit points at the start of each of your turns unless you have 0 hit points, or more than half your hit point maximum.

XIII: The Hanged Man

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 13.

Life Steal Rope

Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical rope while this card is active that damages creatures other than you that it touches. It deals 1d6 Force damage, and has the Light, Finesse and Reach properties.

Starting at 3rd level, you can activate Life steal as a bonus action while this card is active. You lose 10 hit points when you activate Life steal. Life steal remains active for 1 minute, after which time you regain hit points equal to the damage dealt by your Force Rope during that minute. If you are reduced to 0 hit points during Life steal's uptime, Life steal ends, and at the start of your next turn you regain the amount of hit points you would have regained if Life steal ended normally. You must finish a long rest before you can use this again.

Starting at 5th level, you can make two attacks with your rope when you take the attack action using your rope on your turn while this card is active.

Starting at 7th level, your Force Rope deals 1d8 Force damage, and while grappling or being grappled, you can take a bonus action to force the other grappler to take 1d6 Force damage if you are holding your rope. This counts towards Life steal damage.

Starting at 11th level, you can make three attacks when you take the attack action using your Force Rope.

Starting at 15th level, you can use Life steal again after finishing a short rest.

Starting at 18th level, you regain 15 hit points at the start of each of your turns while Life steal is active, except if you have 0 hit points.

XIV: Death

If you are using a d20, this card becomes active on a roll of 14.

Grim Scythe

Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical scythe that deals 1d10 Slashing damage and has the two-handed property while this card is active.

Starting at 3rd level, your scythe deals 1d12 damage and has the Reach property.

Starting at 5th level, when you take the Attack action with your scythe, you can make two attacks instead of 1.

Starting at 7th level, while this card is active, when you take the Dodge action your AC increases by 10 instead of imposing disadvantage on enemy attack rolls.

Starting at 11th level, when you take the Attack action with your scythe you can make three attacks instead of two.

Starting at 15th level, when you take the Dodge action you gain a +10 bonus to saving throws as well as the +10 bonus to AC.

Starting at 18th level, when you fail your final death save you can regain all your hit points as a reaction, nullifying any reductions to your hit point maximum or constitution score simultaneously. This card deactivates if you do so.

XV: Temperance

If you are using a d20, this card activates on a roll of 15.

Angelic Amulet

Starting at 1st level, you gain a magical amulet while your card is active that increases your hit point maximum by an amount equal to your level.

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC while you wear your amulet.

Starting at 5th level, you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws while you wear your amulet.

Starting at 7th level, allies within 10 feet of you gain the same benefits you do from your amulet while you wear it.

Starting at 11th level, an ally who leaves your aura still benefits from it's effects until the start of their next turn.

Starting at 15th level, your amulet grants a +2 increase to Strength and Constitution. Also, it grants a +2 bonus to saving throws and AC.

Starting at 18th level, the range of your Aura of Light increases to 30 feet.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Tarotmancer class, you must meet these prerequisites: You must meet these prerequisites: charisma 13 or higher

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Tarot Reader class, you gain the following proficiencies: Weapons - Thrown weapons Tools - Playing cards Skills - Sleight of Hand

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