Talisman of Little Lilac (5e Equipment)
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Wondrous Item, legendary (requires attunement) A bronze hour glass hung on a chain of the same metal with golden sand on the inside. Bound Creature Once attuned the bound creature Fink will appear and greet you with his name and a smile. Fink's creator is Gremon Alpator and was made to be a friend and a servant. Fink himself is generally jovial, but he will sometimes talk about days long past and his creator, he likes to set elaborate pranks over the course of several months, and sometimes he just wants to have fun and be free. Traits Scythe Master: Fink can treat any scythe he wields as a finesse weapon as long it's not meant for a creature bigger than Medium size. Skill Proficiencies: Deception, Perception, Insight, and Sleight of Hand. Fink may also add double his proficiency bonus to any Stealth checks he makes. If he is flying however, he makes these Stealth checks at disadvantage.
Multiattack: as an action Fink can make two scythe attacks or two spell attacks. Unarmored defense: His AC is equal to 10 + his Dexterity modifier + his Wisdom modifier if he is wearing no armor and not using a shield. Spellcasting: Fink is a 10th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 22, +11 to hit with spell attacks) and he regains all spend spell slots when he finishes a 4 hour rest, or if destroyed, after 24 hours. Fink has the following spells prepared: • Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, light, mage hand, chill touch • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, alarm, cure wounds, shield • 2nd level (4 slots): misty step, suggestion, darkness • 3rd level (5 slots): counterspell, haste, fly • 4th level (4 slots): greater invisibility, blight • 5th level (4 slots): cone of cold, telekinesis • 6th level (4 slots): heal, disintegrate, true seeing • 7th level (5 slots): prismatic spray, resurrection, fire storm
Cleave: Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft., two targets, if two targets are with 5ft. of each other he can hit both. Hit: 29 (2d12 + 17) slashing damage.
Deflect : When Fink or a creature within 15ft. of him would be hit with a ranged or melee weapon attack, he can use his reaction to deflect the attack, adding his Dexterity modifier to the targets AC. Attributes Size: Small 1 1/2ft tall Type:Humanoid Fey Alignment:NG Proficiency Bonus: 4 AC: 23 (Unarmored) HP: 56 (He has 56 to start with, but every time the attuned levels up, add 1d6 + 3 to Fink's hit points, Fink does not lose levels when the user unattunes to this item.) Speed: 15 ft., fly 60 ft. Sight: 120ft. of Darkvision. Str: 8 (-2) Dex: 22 (6) Con: 16 (3) Int: 25 (7) Wis: 25 (7) Cha: 18 (4)
Language: Can speak Common and Sylvan Damage Immunities: poison, physic, necrotic Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened, poisoned
Emergency Teleport When you or an ally fall below 20 or less HP Fink immediately teleport to you or the ally and defends them to the best of his abilities, you or ally may choose to have Fink teleport you and up to 4 allies to a safe place that you know the location of. Becoming One after 2 weeks of being attuned to Fink Fink will attempt to consume the whole body of the creature or player that is attuned to it. The player will need to make a wisdom save in order to be unparalyzed by Fink if failed Fink consumes the attuned player and gains all artifact benefits and or any enchanted gear benefits. Only benefits. The player must now play as Fink but with the mind of the former character. |