Tactician (5e Class)


After a by far too long-lasting battle, only a few soldiers of the two opposing forces were left standing, scattered around on the battlefield. As they gathered to finish this once and for all, the elves, who were outnumbered by the orcs, made a circle around an old one-armed soldier. When the orcs began to advance the old man shouted commands in elvish and the elves around him fought with unmatched precision, abusing every flaw in the armor and the fighting stance of their opponents. In mere minutes, the last orc fell to the ground.

Creating a Tactician

Quick Build

You can make a Tactician quickly by following these suggestions. Your highest ability score depends on the archetype you want, which is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. Charisma should be your highest or second-highest ability score.

Class Features

As a Tactician you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Tactician level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Tactician level after 1st


Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Simple melee weapons, hand crossbows
Tools: Painter's tools and one of your choice
Saving Throws: Choose two from Wisdom, Intelligence and Charisma
Skills: Choose two relating to Wisdom, Intelligence or Charisma


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Diplomat's Pack or (b) Scholar's Pack
  • A simple weapon of your choice
  • A book filled with maps
  • (a) A hand crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) A pouch filled with 5d4 gp

Table: The Tactician

1st+2Battle Records, Focus2
2nd+2Observation, Fighting orders2
3rd+2Tactician Archetype3
4th+2Ability Score Improvement4
5th+3Steady aim4
6th+3Archetype feature5
7th+3Extra attack5
8th+3Ability Score Improvement6
9th+4Archetype feature8
10th+4Inner reserves9
11th+4Enhanced endurance9
12th+4Ability Score Improvement9
13th+5Archetype feature10
14th+5Extra attack10
16th+5Ability Score Improvement11
17th+6Archetype feature12
19th+6Ability Score Improvement13
20th+6Flawless victory15

Ability Score Increase

At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Battle Records

On your journeys and through your battlefield experience you gained a massive amount of knowledge and compiled large amounts of notes on everything you experienced.

After studying and comparing it with other scripts and works of other brilliant minds, you are aware that you can learn a lot about your enemies and other creatures you encounter.

Once per turn during combat you can study the movements and stance of an enemy which you can see. This does not require any actions.

After you complete your study you gain knowledge about that creature.

You can gain knowledge about 1 of these three aspects of the target:

  • The target's current hit points
  • The target's AC
  • The target's remaining actions in their turn

You learn the knowledge requested during your turn, except for hit points, which you gain at the beginning of your next turn. The hit point value you learn is as of the time you requested you requested it, not as of the time you received it.

Expanded Records

At level 5 you can additionally choose from 4 more aspects:

  • Resource (if any) + remaining points of the resource (This includes spell slots but not learned spells)
  • 2 of the target's abilities
  • Information about one of the equipped items at random (if the equipped item is exotic, magical or rare you only gain a bit information on its effects)
  • Active effects (e.g., burning, regenerating, etc. You gain knowledge about all negative effects. You also gain knowledge of one positive effect, which the GM chooses. You never gain knowledge about the same effect twice.)

Lightning Comparison

At level 9 you develop the ability to assess your enemies more quickly, enabling you to gain knowledge from 2 enemies at once.

At level 15 you become more efficient in your assessments, allowing you to survey a single target in more detail, instead of 2 at once, to gain knowledge of two aspects of the target.


Focus is a result of extensive battle experience and intense training.

Using their focus, a tactician can perceive a battle in more detail, concentrate, and comprehend more information in a shorter time than other combatants.

Focus is also used to give commands and perform or enhance certain actions.

Due to your enhanced reactions, you can use 1 focus whenever you receive damage from a non-magical source to reduce that damage by 10.

All focus points are restored after a long rest.


Starting at level 2 you get more perceptive and can recall the habits and body language of a person you talked to.

You may add a +1 bonus to your persuasion roll against the individual you studied.

Furthermore, you gain that bonus to insight against the person you have observed.

After you successfully managed to study their behavior you gain a +1 bonus on the next charisma saving throw or charisma related skill against them.

You can use this feature again after you performed a short rest or you can use a focus point to use this feature after 1 minute again.

A new angle

At level 7 these bonuses increase to +2 if you chose the Mystic warlord archetype.

Fighting orders

Tacticians usually prefer to stay in the back lines and support their team by exploiting weaknesses from the enemy, giving advice, and correcting tactical mistakes from his/her allies.

To achieve this you can use your action and 1 focus to give an ally (not yourself) a command or empower them. By using multiple focus points you can achieve different effects.

All these rolls are usually against the targets AC unless it is specified otherwise.

You can´t use any of these orders on yourself.

Allies can refuse to execute your order which results in nothing more than a loss of focus points. (This is more important when it comes to roleplaying itself)

At level 2 you can learn 1 command and an additional one at level 6, 11, and 18.

The command list is as follows:

-> Footwork

One ally who can hear or see you can use his reaction to move/climb/swim 10ft for 1 focus point and 15ft for 2 focus points, during that time he can swap weapons seamlessly.

This can´t be used on movement impaired allies.

-> Silence Slash

One ally who can hear or see you can perform a normal melee attack with a slashing weapon against an enemy of his choice within a 5ft radius around him/her. If the attack hits, the target can´t cast

spells/cantrips that require voice for up to 2 rounds, costing 2 Focus points per round. (This effect can´t be reapplied to creatures who already suffer under this effect).

Already active concentration spells will be canceled.

The victim has to make a dexterity saving throw equal or higher than 8 + your proficiency bonus + Dexterity modifier from the chosen ally to negate "silence" the effect.

-> Breathtaking blow

One ally who can see or hear you can perform a normal melee attack with a bludgeoning weapon against an enemy of his choice within a 5ft radius around him/her. If the attack hits the victim has to make a

constitution saving throw equal or higher than 5 + your proficiency bonus + strength modifier from the chosen ally. If the save fails the target is staggered for 1 round. This uses up 1 focus point.

-> Scatter shot

One ally who can hear or see you can use his/her reaction to shoot 2 magical projectiles with either one of their bows, crossbows or slings. This uses 1 focus and won´t consume any ammo.

The projectiles deal 1d6 force damage and gain all the bonuses from the targeted ally. Target ally can choose if he/she wants to attack either 2 targets at once or 1 target twice.

-> Defensive stance

One ally who can hear or see you gain 1 AC per spent focus (up to a maximum of 2) for 1 round. This does NOT stack.

-> Push

One ally who can hear or see you can use his/her reaction to perform a melee attack against an enemy within a 5ft radius around him/her. If the attack hits it deals half the damage (rounded up) and pushes the

enemy 5ft*spent focus backward up to 10ft.

The target can resist the knockback effect by succeeding a strength saving throw against 5 + your proficiency bonus + strength modifier from the chosen ally.

This works only on creatures who are sized big or smaller.

-> Knockdown

One ally who can hear or see you can use his/her reaction to perform a non-magic attack against an enemy within a 5ft(melee)/20ft(ranged) radius around him/her. If the attack hits it only uses a 1d6 damage dice

instead of the normal weapon dice and knocks the target prone.

The target can resist the knockdown effect by succeeding a strength saving throw against 6 + your proficiency bonus + strength modifier from the chosen ally.

This works only on creatures who are sized medium or smaller.

This uses up 1 focus for the melee version and 2 for ranged.

-> Initiate

One ally who can hear or see you can use his/her reaction to perform an attack against an enemy within his/her attack range.

This consumes 2 focus. (Will be reduced to 1 if you choose the commander archetype)

-> Empower

One ally who can hear or see you will be granted a 1d6 magic damage bonus on his next attack for every spent focus point. To a maximum of 3.

(If a creature dies because of an empowered attack you will still regain focus from the level 6 commander archetype feature)

Steady aim

Beginning at level 5 you can calm your nerves and steady your hand down for your first shot.

As long as no enemies are within a 15ft radius around your hand crossbows use a 1d8 instead of a 1d6 and you gain a bonus on your first attack roll every turn.

The bonus is depending on your archetype:

-> Veteran: The 1d8 will be replaced with a 1d10.

-> Commander: The enemy will be slowed by 10ft for 1 minute if it is sized big or smaller. Otherwise, it will be slowed by 5ft. (This will only take place if the target isn´t slowed already)

-> Wise: You can add your wisdom modifier to the attack roll.

If at least 1 enemy is within a 15ft radius around you, your attack rolls with ranged weapons receive a -1 penalty.

If you are using any other kind of ranged weapon (Throwing weapons excluded) a different bonus based on your archetype.

-> Veteran: You deal 1d4 additional magic damage on a critical hit.

-> Commander: Allies in a 10ft radius around you who use the same type of ranged weapon gain +1 on their attack roll. (Bow, Crossbow, etc.)

-> Wise: The base damage of the attack ignores temporary hit points.

(The base damage is the actual damage die of the weapon. Critical bonus damage and all other kinds of additional damage still decreases the temporary hit points first.)

Extra attack

At level 7 you can use your bonus action to attack a second time. At level 14 you can use your bonus action to attack two more times instead of just one.

If you chose the commander archetype you gain a second action at level 14 instead. (You won´t gain additional movement speed and can only use it to attack or give a command)

Inner reserves

Beginning at the 10th level you can regain 1d4 focus points whenever you perform a short rest. This can be only used once per day or until you perform a long rest.

Furthermore, you studied magical power sources such as Ki or magical resources. This allows you to give instructions to one ally (excluding yourself) which takes up 5 minutes and let him regain 1 point of one of his resources

(if any).

Resources are features like Ki, superior dice, spell slots, and so on.

Whenever you help an ally to regenerate a spell slot this way, roll 1d8. The number determines which level the regained spell slot has. (if this spell slot would exceed the spell slot maximum for this level

regenerate a spell slot from a lower level of your choice instead)

You can use this ability once after you finished a long rest.

Enhanced endurance

At level 11 you optimized your footwork and increased your stamina.

Your movement speed increases by 10ft.


Starting at level 15 you realize everything quicker than ever before.

Whenever you would be ambushed you can roll a normal d20 without any modifiers. If you roll 16 or higher you aren´t surprised. (If you chose the veteran archetype you only have to roll higher than 15)

You also gain a +2 bonus on initiate rolls.


When you reach level 18 your hand-eye coordination has obtained unmatched precision which also allows you to modify ranged weapons. The modification of a ranged weapon takes 1 hour and 1 GP to complete.

The normal attack range of modified ranged weapons increases by 5ft and the maximum attack range increases by 10ft. When you wield such a modified ranged weapon these bonuses are doubled and you gain a

+1 bonus on the damage rolls.

Flawless victory

Beginning at level 20 you can rekindle the fighting spirits of your whole party with every success.

Whenever you or an ally who can see or hear you kill a creature and it hasn´t dealt damage to him/her yet he/she regains 1 of his/her resource (if any, if multiple you may choose one)

and regains hit points equal to the finishing blow.

If the ally doesn´t have a resource he/she regains 1d6 hit points instead. (For example, resources are: Ki or superior dices)

Whenever your party (at least you and one ally) wins a fight where no one lost any hit points in any way (even temporary hit points count except they would expire),

you and all allies who can see and hear you gain temporary hit points equal to all defeated creatures times two.

These temporary hit points do not expire but only apply if you have temporary hit points equal to your level or less. (if you have already time-limited temporary hit points at that time they will also be counted)

(Example: If you are level 15 and have 6 temporary hit points with 1-hour duration left and have slain 5 creature you would gain 10 temporary hit points,

but you gain only 9 because it would exceed the limit otherwise. The 1 hit point will be lost and won´t apply after the time-limited ones expire)

Tactician Archetypes

As you heard names of great warriors and heroes in the past, so your interest grows and you want to know more about them.

You scoured every library and listened to every story if you were able to and found some records about what made them so outstanding.

Now as you gather more information about some of their skills and techniques so you can use them yourself.

(You/your DM may use this as roleplay material. For example, you have to look for records about something/someone so they can learn how to use the archetype abilities)


Veteran´s sidearm

Starting at your 3rd level you gain proficiency with a melee weapon of your choice.

As long as you are using that melee weapon and leave the other hand empty you gain a bonus on all attack rolls with that weapon equal to your Intelligence modifier.

You can switch now weapons as a bonus action and whenever you get attacked you can reduce that damage by 1. (Apply that damage reduction last unless another reduction effect says it should be applied last)

Your AC increases by 1.

Veteran reflexes

Beginning at level 6 all creatures who try to disarm your weapons receive disadvantages on that roll.

You can also add your intelligence modifier to your damage rolls.

Evasive strike

At level 9 you can pay 2 focus points whenever you are being attacked to inflict disadvantage on that attack.

If that attack would still hit you, you can use your reaction to attack with your drawn weapon and perform an attack without any bonuses against that creature.

Battle stance

At level 13 your stance changes to be able to absorb more incoming damage.

As you enter combat you gain 1d10 temporary hit points for 1 round.

The die will be replaced with a 1d4 when you are surprised.

Whenever you kill (has to be the killing blow) an enemy you also gain 1d6 temporary hit points for 1 round.

If you kill an enemy and have more or equal temporary hit points than your actual level you won´t gain any additional temporary hit points from this feature.

(Even if the temporary hit points are from another source)

Death hail

Starting at the 17th level you can push yourself as an action to shoot a barrage of bolts/arrows into the sky. (You can do this only if there is at least 100ft space above you)

Choose an area with 10ft or up to 25ft of the radius where the center is 10ft or up to 35ft away from your location.

All creatures inside take 1d8 piercing damage based on their size unless they succeed an Acrobatics saving throw. If so they only take half the damage.

(Add 1d8 based upon the size: Tiny 0, Small 1, Normal 2, and so on)

This uses up 3 focus points.


Advanced orders

During your studies, you uncovered lost techniques and fighting formations. While investigating further into that subject you started to experiment a bit and came up with your ideas.

At level 3 you gain an additional list of fighting orders. How to give commands is described above in the "Fighting orders" feature.

You can learn one of these at levels 3, 7, 12, 19.

-> Lightning moves

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to move 15ft and go through enemies. This uses up 4 focus points but if there is no creature in the way it only uses 2.

If you pay 1 additional focus point you can increase the range up to 20ft in total.

-> The way of Faust

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to sheath his/her weapon and make an unarmed attack against a creature within a 5ft radius around him/her with a

proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier bonus on the attack roll.

The attack uses a 1d6 and ignores temporary hit points. This uses up 2 focus.

-> Shatter

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to make a melee attack against a creature within a 5ft radius around him/her. The target has to make a dexterity saving throw. If the save

fails the targets AC will be reduced by 1 for 2 minutes * used focus. (Maximum of 10 minutes)

The AC reduction stacks but the duration however will not be refreshed which means if the duration expires all AC from that creature will be restored.

-> Stereo hit

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to make a melee attack with a bludgeoning weapon against a creature within a 5ft radius of him/her. If the attack hits, it deals 2d4

damage and the target is stunned for 1 minute * used focus. (Maximum of 2 minutes)

The stun will only occur if target creature is sized big or smaller.

-> Opportunistic strike

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to make an attack (melee or ranged) against a creature that is within their attack range. If the attack hits it takes the damage from the

attack -3 (Minimum damage is 1) and deals 1 less damage on all non-magic attack for 1 minute (This stacks but doesn´t refresh the duration). This uses up 1 focus.

If an allied creature would perform an attack of opportunity you can use your reaction to use Opportunistic strike on target allied creature unless this creature refuses to. If an opportunistic strike would

be used this way it consumes 1 additional focus point.

-> Crippling shot

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against a creature that is within his/her normal attack range. The target has to make a constitution saving

throw against that attack. If it fails the target will receive the damage, will be slowed by 5ft, and gets a -1 penalty on dexterity and attack rolls for 1 minute * used focus (Maximum of 2 minutes).

These effects won´t stack.

If the target is sized greater than big, then these effects will only be applied if 2 focus points are used, but only for 1 minute.

-> Volley

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to make a ranged weapon attack against a certain amount of creatures that you can see and are within his/her normal attack range.

These attacks will deal 1d4 + your charisma modifier of damage and the attack roll itself for each creature will receive a -1 penalty.

The amount of the attacked creatures is equal to the number of focus points you are spending. (Unlimited, but the chosen ally can attack each creature only once per use of this feature)

The ally will use up the required ammo for every shot.

-> Sorcery

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform a spell of any kind unless they are already preparing one. If so then they may reduce the preparation time by 1 minute.

If the chosen ally is performing a concentration spell this command won´t take any effect. The usage of this command uses up 2 focus points.

-> Devastating Blow

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform a melee or ranged weapon attack against a creature in his/her attack range. This consumes 2 focus.

You can additionally pay up to 3 more focus points to add a +X attack bonus to the attack roll and an Xd4 bonus to the attack roll where X is equal to the spent focus points.

-> Overpower

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform a melee or ranged weapon attack against a creature in his/her attack range against target creatures

constitution or intelligence saving throw (the target uses the lower value). If the attack is successful: The next attacks against this creature will have advantage

unless the attacker would have disadvantage(In that case you gain neither advantage nor disadvantage). Attacks with advantage against that creature are 1 attack per 2 used focus points.

(If you used 9 focus the attack is guaranteed to hit but only grants 3 attacks with advantage, this feature won´t add advantage attack if it is already active).

If the attack fails only half of the damage (rounded down) will be applied and no other effect will take place.

The damage is calculated like this: Magic damage bonus from the used weapon + the weapon damage die + the possible critical bonus damage + the used focus points + your proficiency modifier.

(Minimum focus cost are 3 and the maximum is 9)

Winners mentality

At level 6 you gain new strength every time you see your work pays off.

Whenever an ally kills a creature with one of your fighting orders or your team wins a fight you regain 1 focus.

Also starting at level 12 you regain 1 focus point whenever you kill a creature if that creature hasn´t taken any damage from any other source during this fight.


Beginning at level 10 you can use your reaction when a melee attack is performed against you to dodge that attack if that damage would be at least reduced by 1 from any source.

If that happens you can either take that reduced damage or you can make a dexterity saving throw which has to be higher than your opponent's attack roll.

Upon a failed save you will take the damage without the reduction values, otherwise, the attack will miss.

You may additionally use 1 focus to move 5ft after that. This will not trigger any opportunity attacks. (Maximum 5ft)


At level 13 you can coordinate with your comrades much smoother which allows you to protect yourself with the help of teammates.

Whenever you are the target of a melee attack and one ally who can see or hear you and is in a 5ft radius of that creature can use his/her reaction to impose

disadvantage on that roll unless the attacker has advantage on the roll. If so then the ally can use his/her reaction to reduce the incoming damage (if the attack hits) by your charisma modifier.


Your presence inspires your comrades and boosts their morale.

With the beginning of level 17, your allies gain a +1 bonus on all of their rolls as long as they are in a 30ft radius around you and can see or hear you.

(This includes healing effects, dealing extra damage from sources like hunters mark, saving throws, etc.; this only affects attack rolls, damages dices, spells, and features from you and your allies)

Mystic warlord

Spiritual orders

During your studies, you uncovered lost techniques to empower your allies while fighting even further.

At level 3 you gain an additional list of fighting orders. How to give commands is described above in the "Fighting orders" feature.

You can learn one of these at levels 3, 7, 12, 19.

-> Trespassing

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to dissolve into a cloud of smoke and travel 15ft and can go through solid objects such as walls.

(The ally can´t go through magical barriers or magically enhanced objects or structures)

This uses up 3 focus.

You may pay 1 additional focus point to extend the range to 20ft.

-> Song of victory

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform a normal attack against a creature within his/her attack range. If the creature dies because of that attack, all allies who can

see or hear you gain temporary hit points and a bonus on their next attack roll (only the first one) equal to the spent focus points. (At least 2, maximum is 6)

The hit points and attack roll bonus only last for 1 minute.

-> Blood rush

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to move 5ft and perform a normal weapon attack against a creature within his/her range. If the attack hits he/she regains 1d4 hit points.

This uses up 2 focus points.

-> Poison nova

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform an old ritual to release a massive cloud of poisonous gas.

The cloud covers a radius of 15ft around the chosen ally and requires no preparation time.

All (even you and your party) breathing creatures inside the cloud excluding the chosen ally must make a Constitution saving throw against 5 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

If they fail they suffer 1d6 per spent focus point otherwise they will only receive half of the damage. The cloud lasts for 3 minutes.

You can use up to 4 focus points for this command.

-> Piercing thougths

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform an attack with a ranged or piercing weapon against a creature within his/her range. If the attack hits all creatures behind it

will receive psychic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier * spent focus (Maximum 2)

The range is 10ft for a ranged attack and 15ft for melee.

-> Barrier

Up to two allies of your choice who can see or hear you can use their reaction to enter a defensive stance for 1 minute. During that time all enemies within a 5ft radius of one of the chosen allies will be slowed

by 5ft and receive a -1 penalty on all rolls except saving throws. (If a creature is in a 5ft radius of both chosen allies the effects will be stacked)

The chosen allies also gain 1 AC during the duration unless they already have 18 AC or more.

This uses up 2 focus per ally.

-> Burning agony

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform a normal weapon attack against a creature within his/her attack range.

If the attack hits add 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier * spent focus points as fire damage to the dealt damage. (No limits)

You have to use your focus points before the attack is performed.

The d4 is replaced with a d6 if the attack is an unarmed attack.

-> Wither

Draw a line of dark energy between you and one ally of your choice.

All creatures who touch that link must make a Constitution saving throw against 5 + your proficiency bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

If they succeed the receive necrotic damage equal to your Wisdom modifier + spent focus.

All creatures who failed receive 1d4 + your Wisdom modifier * spent focus and afterward 1d4 necrotic damage per minute for 1 minute * spent focus.

This can use up to 4 focus points.

-> Fist of silence

One ally of your choice who can see or hear you can use his/her reaction to perform an unarmed weapon attack against a creature that is unaware of the presence of the target creature.

If the attack hits the creature will be knocked unconscious for 1d4 minutes for every spent focus point and will take 1d6 damage. (Minumum of 1)

Elemental affinity

Starting at level 6 you can upgrade crossbow bolts by adding an elemental aspect to them.

You can add one elemental effect to crossbow bolts. If you do this process takes 1 minute and 5 CP per bolt.

Also when you reload you have to say which kind of bolt you are reloading.

This is the list of effects you can add:

-> Fire

The bolt deals 1 additional fire damage on hit.

-> Poison

If the attack hits the target has to make a constitution saving throw against 3 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

If it fails it will take poison damage equal to your Wisdom modifier every minute for 1d4 minutes.

-> Ice

The target will be slowed by 5ft for 1 minute. (The slow doesn´t stack)


Beginning at the 9th level you gain proficiency with alchemist tools.

Additionally, all healing potions heal you for the double amount and potion effects from potions that you brew yourself to have the doubled duration. (The effect strength isn´t doubled though)

Elemental connection

Beginning at level 13 your elemental effects are getting more effective and all attacks of your party which involve an element will be empowered.

All other allies who can see or hear you and use a spell or attack which involves at least one element (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison) may add 1 to the damage die.

Furthermore, you improved at adding elemental effects to crossbow bolts. You also gain two more elements:

-> Fire

The additional damage increases from 1 to 1d4.

-> Poison

If the target fails the saving throw it will now be poisoned for 1d6 minutes and the saving throw increases to 5 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

-> Ice

The target will now be slowed for two minutes instead and all hits with these "Ice bolts" refresh the duration. Also the slow now stacks up 3 times.

-> Lightning

If the bolt hits all creatures within a 5ft radius have to perform a Constitution saving throw against 5 + your proficiency modifier + your Wisdom modifier.

If a creature fails it receives 1d4 lightning damage. If the attack is a critical roll, the initial target is stunned for 1 minute.

-> Necrotic

If the bolt hits the creature receives 1 additional damage whenever it would take damage for 1 minute. This effect stacks an unlimited number of times.

Essence drain

At level 17 you regain 1 focus point whenever a creature dies within a 10ft radius of you.

Also whenever you spend a focus point you gain 1 temporary hit point for 1 hour. If you spend at least one more focus point while having temporary hit points from this feature you reset the duration

of all temporary hit points from this feature.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Tactician class, you must meet these prerequisites: At least two of the following: Wisdom 13, Charisma 13, Intelligence 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Tactician class, you gain the following proficiencies: Hand crossbows, one tool of your choice.

It is not suggested to use this class for multiclassing due to its complexity.

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gollark: It can simulate any Turing machine, except ones which compute exponents (or use more than 92TB of tape).
gollark: C has a weird feature where it's Turing-complete apart from exponents.
gollark: I was just instructed by my superiors in the next universe up to inform you that it is in fact "already too late", whatever that means.
gollark: Maybe I already guessed, as you.
gollark: You should already know it then.
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