Swordsman, Variant (5e Class)

Swordsman (One Piece)

A swordsman is a warrior who has, at some point in their life, been trained in the art of swordplay. Be it from a wise Ronin, an elegant tutor or an infamous warrior - the choice is yours.


You walk into a bar in a new and exciting port town, a sword to your hip and a flagon balled in your fist. Suddenly a fight breaks out, and a spilled drink here or a knock more forceful than courteous causes you to spring into action. Perhaps you draw your weapon, and deal with them all in one swift but powerful blow. Perhaps you draw two weapons, dodging and weaving through the fray until they're all cut to ribbons. Or, perhaps you even draw three, dealing with the thugs with an onslaught of unbeatable offensive power. The bodies drop, and the rest of the bar falls silent to you wonderfully exotic fighting style.

Creating a Swordsman

In order to create a swordman character, you must first ask yourself - How did they come to don the art of swordplay? Were they studious learners who learned by the book, or gritty urchins who learned from some kind of street gang?

Quick Build

You can make a Swordsman quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity should be your highest ability score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the criminal background. Third, choose two Cutlass, Leather armor, and Smith's Tools.

Class Features

As a Swordsman (One Piece) you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Swordsman (One Piece) level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Swordsman (One Piece) level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Smith's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Pick two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Sleight of Hand, Performance


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Longsword or (b) Cutlass or (c) Katanas
  • (a) Rapier or (b) Cutlass
  • (a) Leather armor or (b) Hide armor
  • (a) Dungeoneer's pack or (b) Explorer's pack or (c) Smith's tools
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4x10 in funds.

Table: The Swordsman (One Piece)

Swordsman PointsFeatures
1st+21Second Wind, Duelling Style
2nd+22Swordsman Archetype Feature
3rd+23Swordsman Archetype Technique, Unbreakable
4th+24Ability Score Improvement
5th+35Extra Attack, Demonic Aura
6th+36Flying Slashes, Swordsman Archetype Technique
7th+37Swordsman Archetype Feature, Uncanny Dodge
8th+38Ability Score Improvement, Ichi Gorilla, Action Surge
9th+49Swordsman Archetype Technique
10th+410The Very Very Very Strongest
11th+411Swordsman Archetype Feature, Extra Attack
12th+412Ability Score Improvement
13th+513Ni Gorilla
14th+514Swordsman Archetype Technique
15th+515Swords an Archetype Feature
16th+516Ability Score Improvement
17th+617Swordsman Archetype Technique
18th+618Extra Attack
19th+619Ability Score Improvement, Swordsman Archetype Feature
20th+620Swordsman Archetype Technique, Master Swordsman

Second Wind

You have a limited well of stamina that you can draw on to protect yourself from harm. On your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your fighter level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Duelling Style

You have nailed down the basics of swordsmanship, allowing you to move on to more advanced duelling practices. Choose one of the features below, you may not gain this feature twice if you multiclass into a different class with the same feature.


You're adept at dodging and weaving through the battlefield. You do not take opportunity attacks from the last creature you attacked on your turn.

Vicious Reprieve

You are able to make a quick recovery after being hit. As a reaction, you are able to make a melee opportunity attack against the creature that attacked you at the cost of 1 swordsman point.

Gorilla Strength

You focus your attacks on muscle strength using regulated breathing. You gain a +1 to all damage rolls made with melee weapons.

Patient Warrior

You are a careful and calculative warrior, careful not to rush into danger. You gain a +2 to AC if you did not attack on your previous turn.

Swordsman Archetype

At 2nd level, you pick a Swordsman Archetype. You decide the time has come to streamline your fighting style down to fine point, you are able to learn Ittoryu, Nitoryu or Santoryu, detailed at the end of this class description.

You gain further Swordsman Archetype features at levels 7, 11, 15 and 19.


At 3rd level, when you roll a hit die to gain more maximum hit points as you level up, you are able to add 2 to the roll.

Swordsman Archetype Techniques

At 3rd level, you learn specific techniques depending on the swordsman archetype you decided to follow. You are able to learn additional techniques at levels 6, 9, 14 and 17. Swordsman techniques consume swordsman points, and cannot be unlearned or switched out after being chosen.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 18th level in this class.

Demonic Aura

At 5th level, gain proficiency in Intimidation, if you already have proficiency then you may double your Proficiency bonus on Intimidation checks. As an action, you are able to exude a menacing purple aura. All creatures within 20 feet of you must make a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or be frightened of you for 1 minute. At the end of a frightened enemies turn, they are able to make a Wisdom saving throw to see if they are able to regain their senses. On a success, they are no longer frightened of you.

Flying Slashes

At 6th level, you have honed your blade to strike with such precision that you are able send slashes of wind as an extension of your blade. All Slashing weapons you use now have an additional range of 5ft.

Uncanny Dodge

Starting at 7th level, when an attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to halve the attack’s damage against you.

Action Surge

Starting at 8th level, you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can take one additional action.

Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Ichi Gorilla

At 8th level, you are able to strengthen the muscles in one of your forearms, causing them to bulge. As part of an attack for 2 Swordsman points, you are able to add a +5 to its damage.

The Very Very Very Strongest

At 10th level, if you are reduced to 0 hit points, you are able to roll your hit die and regain the amount of hit points rolled at the cost of 5 swordsman points.

Ni Gorilla

At 13th level, you are able to strengthen the muscles in both of your forearms, causing them to bulge. You are able to use Ichi Gorilla twice on the same attack.

Master Swordsman

At 20th level, you have mastered your school of swordplay, depending on your swordsman archetype you gain one of the following features.


You have mastered the blade. Calculative, elegant and destructive. At the start of your turn, you gain 2 swordsman points. Additionally, you are able to use a swordsman point to give an attack advantage on it's to hit roll.


Flower petals whirl around you in a balanced current of wind caused by your strikes. Your melee attacks now have a splash damage range of a 5ft sphere.


You have mastered the art of Santoryu, using your creativity and wit you have constructed an extremely versatile and powerful fighting style. Your mastery of this highly adaptable sword style allows you to be able to counter attacks from any direction. You gain +1 AC for each enemy within a 15ft Sphere.

Swordsman Archetype

At 2nd level, you become able to select a swordsman archetype from the three stated below (Ittoryu, Nitoryu, Santoryu).


You have decided to carve your own path, developing your own unique fighting style.

Eyes of the Wolf

An experienced and terrifying hunter, your eyes become sharp and take on a red hue. You gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in the Survival or Stealth skill. You also gain the Hunter’s Mark cantrip.

Santoryu Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you may add your Proficiency bonus to your off-hand weapon’s attack roll.

Three-Sword Attacker

At 2nd level, you may wield three weapons at once. Once per turn, you can spend 1 swordsman point to make 1 attack using this third weapon.


At 7th level, when you attack once using each of your weapons, you are able to spend an additional swordsman point to cause the targeted creature to make a DC 14 + your Dexterity modifier Strength saving throw. On a failure, you are able to impose two of the following effects onto the target;

-The enemy is pushed 10 feet in a specified direction. -The enemy is knocked prone. -The enemy has disadvantage on their next attack.

Charm Demon

Your eyes glow an ominous red. At 11th level, you have advantage to hit enemies who are frightened of you, and on a successful hit you deal damage as though the hit was critical.


You are infamous as a bloodthirsty fighter, never faltering no matter the odds stacked against you. At 17th level, every time you kill a creature, you gain 5 temporary hit points. Additionally, when you roll a critical, you gain 10 temporary hit points.


You are a master at dealing quick consecutive blows, it almost appears as though you are swinging for three men. At 19th level, you gain an additional use of action surge to a maximum of two.


You have decided to focus on dual wielding, following the path of the duellist.

Eyes of the Serpent

You're slippery as an eel, and your swipes are swift. You are used to sliding around the battlefield, dealing decisive and elegant blows while the enemy struggles to land a single one. At 2nd level, your eyes become serpentine and snake like. They take on a coloured hue of either green or yellow. You gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in the Deception or Sleight of hand checks. You have advantage on stealth checks when partially obscured by foliage.

Nitoryu Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you may add your Proficiency bonus to your off-hand weapon’s attack roll.


You're used to darting around the battlefield, like a snake in the grass. At 7th level, opportunity attacks against you gain disadvantage, and your movement speed increases by 10 ft.


You've developed a technique that allows you to pussyfoot around your enemies. You appear as though you've vanished, making it impossible for enemies to hit you. At 11th level, as a bonus action, you can halve your movement speed to become impossible to target with opportunity attacks and have advantage on Dexterity saving throws until the beginning of your next turn.

Slice and Dice

You move fast like the wind, enemies find it difficult to keep up. At 17th level, by expending 1 swordsman point, you are able to make an additional attack on your turn. Once you use this feature, you may not use it again for that turn.


Your mastery of the blade has lead you to become more accurate with your strikes. At 19th level, if you miss with an attack roll, you can reroll the attack at the cost of one swordsman point.


You have decided to focus on one sole blade, following the path of the Ronin.

Eyes of the Hawk

Your blade is sharp, but your eyes are sharper. You have a talent for spotting the finer details, which can sometimes give you the edge in battle. At 2nd level, you gain proficiency, or expertise if you already have proficiency, in Perception or Investigation. Your eyes turn yellow and become hawk-like. You gain a darkvision of 60 ft, if you already have darkvision you gain an additional 30 ft.

Ittoryu Fighting

You focus the power of your strikes into a single blade. Rolls made with melee weapons you are proficient in gain double the proficiency bonus, and you can not engage in two-weapon fighting.


You are skilled at making precise, deadly slashes. At 7th level, when you attack a surprised creature, all attacks you make are counted as critical.

Unfaltering Blade

You've learned how to disregard your enemies taunts or threats during a fight, your courage is commendable. At 11th level, you gain advantage against being charmed or frightened.

Gentle Blade

You are well on the way to mastering the art of the sword, your blade nicks only what you allow it to. A true swordsman only cuts what he intends to cut, and his sword obeys. At 15th level, you may spend 2 swordsman points as part of your attack to change its range to a 15 ft. line. Additionally, you are able to avoid striking allies with your techniques completely.

Last Man Standing

You have learned that when you are surrounded by enemies, your only path out is through the horde. At 19th level, you gain 1 swordsman point for every CR 5+ creature you managed to kill. Additionally, when you kill a surprised CR 5+ creature, you regain 10 swordsman points.

Swordsman Archetype Techniques

You may only use a technique once per turn. All techniques from Swordsman Archetypes require an action, unless stated otherwise within the particular technique.

Ittoryu Iai - Shishi Sonson
(One sword style: Lion Song)

Placing the sheathed sword upright and listening to the "breath" of his opponent, the attacker rapidly unsheathes, attacks, and re sheathes their sword. You dash forward, slashing anything and everything in front of you at great speed. All enemies within a line the length of your remaining movement speed take xd8 slashing damage, with 'x' being the damage in the table list directly below of the players level with a minimum of 2. The player is also transported the length of the line of the attack forward + 5ft. This technique costs 2 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype, 3rd level swordsman)

3rd Level - 2d8

6th Level - 3d8

9th Level - 4d8

11th Level - 5d8

14th Level - 6d8

17th+ Level - 7d8

Pound Ho
(Pound Phoenix)

This attack uses the air itself to slash the target from a distance. To initiate it, the swordsman first holds one of his swords horizontally above the shoulder of his sword arm, and then performs a circular swing that launches the air compressed projectile spiralling towards the target. You make a ranged sword attack against a creature using your weapon of choice. The attack has a range of 40/80ft, and does the weapon's attack damage + xd4 force damage, with 'x' being half the players level. This technique costs 1 Swordsman point. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype or Nitoryu Archetype, 3rd level swordsman)

Hiryu - Kaen
(Flying Dragon Blaze)

Using one sword wielded in his left hand with his right hand gripping his left wrist for support (or vice-versa), the swordsman jumps from an aerial point and slashes his opponent. After slashing them, his opponent then bursts into flames. If the user falls 10 feet or more, but not more than 60 feet they can use either their reaction or action to use this technique. The users fall damage is negated for the turn, and the target takes an attack from the user with their melee weapon of choice, the attack automatically hits. Additionally, the target takes an extra 4d10 fire damage. This technique costs 2 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype, 6th level swordsman)

(Bird Dance)

The swordsman launches from his sword a crescent moon-like projectile of compressed air to the opponent with great speed, similar to Pound Ho. This technique can be used for as many attacks as the user is able to make on that turn. The user rolls an attack for the weapon of their choice, with a range of 30/60 feet. On a hit, the attack deals it's standard damage plus an extra 2d4 force damage, and if the enemy is of the size Large or smaller then they are pushed 5 feet in a direction of the attackers choice. This technique costs 1 Swordsman point. (Prerequisite: 6th level swordsman)

(Horse Ogre)

After raising his sword above his head, the swordsman delivers a powerful vertical slice to his opponent, usually at an angle along with not being as exaggerated as Daishinkan. The swordsman rolls an attack with their weapon of choice, if it hits the attack damage automatically becomes a critical. This technique costs 2 swordsman points. They must state they are using this technique before rolling their attack. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype or Nitoryu Archetype, 11th level swordsman)

(Great Dragon Shock)

Daishinkan consists of the swordsman running towards his opponent with their weapon held outstretched in one arm. He then executes a two handed overhead swing used to split his opponent into two from the top down. The user rushes towards a creature within 15 feet of them, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a success, they take half damage and are not knocked prone. On a failure, the target takes 4d10+10 points of slashing damage and is knocked prone.This technique costs 5 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)

Ittoryu Iai - Shi Shishi Sonson
(One sword style: Death Lion Song)

A stronger version of the original "Ittoryu Iai: Shishi Sonson", where the user swings his sword in a very quick and powerful unsheathing move to slice his opponent; the reverse grip is still used, though the swordsman no longer draws his sword from beside-and-over his head, and instead draws it normally from one of his hips. All enemies within a line the length of double your remaining movement speed take 10d8 slashing damage. The player is also transported the length of the line of the attack forward + 5ft. This technique costs 5 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Ittoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)

Taka Nami
(Hawk Wave)

The swordsman swings their weapons with great force in order to create a powerful gust of wind to knock opponents over. A line of strong wind 60 feet long and 10 feet wide blasts from you in a direction you choose, all creatures within the within the target zone must do a strength saving throw. On a success, they are pushed 10 feet in the direction of the blast. On a fail, they are pushed 10 feet back and are also knocked prone. This technique costs 2 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 3rd level swordsman)

Sai Kuru
(Rhino Cycle)

The swordsman holds his swords in front of him pointing up, like rhinoceros horns, and spin-slashes around himself in an instant damaging everyone in the immediate vicinity. The swordsman may spend an extra swordsman point to avoid hitting any friendly creatures within the radius. Otherwise, all creatures within a 5 feet sphere of the swordsman take xd6+3 Slashing damage, with 'x' being half of the users level. This technique costs 3 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 6th level swordsman)

False Golpe Fuerte
``(False Swipe)``

You swipe twice at an opponent, in an attempt to disarm their opponent with the first strike and slash at them with the other. The opponent needs to make a strength saving throw to a DC of 10 + your dexterity modifier or be disarmed. This technique costs 2 swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 6th level swordsman)

Rose Rondo
(Rose Round Dance)

The duellist jumps backwards and swings his swords, launching several red rose petals that fly towards the opponent. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. A petal deals 1d4 + 2 slashing damage to its target. The petals all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. You are able to fire an equal amount of petals to your maximum level. This technique costs 3 Sworsdman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 9th level swordsman)

Tormenta Rose
(Rose Storm)

The swordsman spins gracefully in a pirouette, releasing a flock of flower petals around them. The flower petals flutter and orbit around the swordsman in a 10ft sphere, any creatures who start their turn in the users aura take 4d6+4 damage, and suffer under the rules of difficult terrain while in the sphere. The flower petals remain for the next 3 rounds, before they disperse. This technique costs 4 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 14th level swordsman)

Nitoryu Iai - Rashoumon
(Two Sword Style: Tower Gate )

A dual sword drawing technique so powerful that it can split large obstacles in half. The swordsman draws his swords, and sheathes them quickly, with the force to split two train carriages in half. All enemies within a 15 foot line on each side of you from any direction take xd6 slashing damage, with 'x' being 1/2 of the players level. This technique costs 6 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Nitoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)

Oni Giri
(Ogre cutter)

A three-way simultaneous slashing attack. The swordsman crosses his two swords across his chest and places the blade in his mouth horizontally behind them. He then approaches the target (usually at high speed) and cuts through by swinging the swords across his chest, resulting in a descending diagonal-crossing slash from both swords while the mouth blade performs a horizontal cut from either the left or right, depending on which side of his mouth he positioned the sword's main blade at. All creatures within a 5ft cone take xd8 + your dexterity modifier, with 'x' being 1/4 of your level. You are also moved 5 feet in the direction you faced the cone after the attack. You do not take attacks of opportunity while moving in this manner. This technique costs 2 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 3rd level swordsman)

Toro Nagashi
(Blade Wolf Stream)

At a close range, the swordsman leans toward the opponent, using two of his swords to block the opponent's attacks while twisting his body around as he is continuously moving to approach and dodge other attacks (if there are any) and eventually cutting through the opponent's stomach with the third sword. Any target within melee range of the user takes xd8 + the users dexterity modifier in slashing damage, with 'x' representing a third of the players level, rounded up. The enemy must make a dexterity saving throw to a DC of 14, on a success they take half damage. The user gains a +2 to AC until the start of their next turn. This technique costs 3 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 6th level swordsman)

Tora Gari
(Tiger Hunt)

The swordsman puts his hand swords over his mouth blade and swings forth a forward descending slash with them. At close-range, this can incapacitate two foes at once. You choose two foes within 5 feet of each other, with at least one of them being within 5 feet of yourself. Each one takes 4d6 slashing damage + your swordsman level. The two targets must then make a constitution saving throw to a DC of 14. On a success, nothing happens. On a failure, they are knocked prone and their movement speed is halved until the end of their next turn. This technique costs 4 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 9th level swordsman)

Tatsu Maki
(Dragon Twister)

The swordsman spins with his swords to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the target(s). All targets within a 10 foot sphere of the user must do a dexterity saving throw to a DC of 15. On a success, they take half damage and remain in place. On a failure, they are thrown 10 feet backwards and 15 feet in the air, as well as taking the full 3d6 + your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. This technique costs 3 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 6th level swordsman)

Gazami Dori
(Crab Seize)

All three swords are horizontally parallel, suddenly clamping down on the target like a crab's claw for a guillotine like effect that would normally cut a person's head off. The target takes 3d10 + your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage, and the target must make a Strength check greater than 12 + the users Strength modifier or become grappled. This costs 4 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 11th level swordsman)

Yasha Garasu
(Crow Demon)

The swordsman spins like a rolling wheel towards his enemy while continuously thrusting his swords at the opponent. The attack leaves cuts shaped like crows' feet. Roll the damage on one of your melee attacks. The user attacks all creatures within a 20 foot row with a 15 foot width that all take the damage rolled, and you move 20ft forward through the middle row you are attacking from. All creatures who try to take opportunity attacks from the movement made have disadvantage on the to hit rolls against you. This costs 4 swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 11th level swordsman)

(Leopard Harp Orb)

The swordsman jumps forward while spinning in the air, forming a ball shape with his blades. This is basically a feinting maneuver, so even if the target manages to read the pattern of this attack and move out of his trajectory, they will still be cut as he careens past them. The attacker rolls an attack with his melee weapon, on a hit the target takes the damage dealt from the weapon and the balled up swordsman 'ricochets' to another enemy within 10 feet. They repeat the process with the attack and keep ricocheting until either there are no more enemies to ricochet from or you miss an attack. You may not ricochet back to a target you have already ricochet off of. On a miss, the target still takes the attacks damage but the ricochet ends and the swordsman lands in front of the target that the attack missed. This costs 5 swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 14th level swordsman)

O Tatsumaki: (Black Rope Dragon Twister)

A much stronger and more effective version of "Tatsu Maki", where the swordsman performs the same action. He spins to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the targets, but the attack keeps going like an actual whirlwind and cuts up anyone who gets caught in it. All targets within a 15 foot sphere of the user must do a dexterity saving throw to a DC of 15. On a success, they take half damage and remain in place. On a failure, they are thrown 10 feet backwards and 15 feet in the air, as well as taking the full 6d8 + your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. Unlike the inferior 'Tatsu Maki' technique, the tornado created by the swordsman is black and the wind is much more visible. The tornado will disperse after 4 rounds, until then the tornado zone counts as difficult terrain. Any creatures entering the zone or starting their turn in said zone have to repeat the same saving throw or take 6d8 + your Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. This technique costs 5 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)

Rengoku Oni Giri
(Purgatory Ogre Cutter)

A much stronger version of "Oni Giri", where the swordsman still faces away from the opponent and waits for them to come. He then turns around and leaps towards the attacking opponent. This may be a way to make his already lightning-fast triple-slash even more sudden. The effect of this attack leaves an X-shaped stream of blood and generates a powerful shockwave that destroys the surroundings. All creatures within a 15ft cone take xd8 + your dexterity modifier, with 'x' being 1/2 of your level. You are also moved 15 feet in the direction you faced the cone after the attack. You do not take attacks of opportunity while moving in this manner. This technique costs 5 Swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)

Santoryu Ogi - Ichidai Sanzen Daisen Sekai
(Three Sword Style - Three Thousand Worlds)

The swordsman delivers massive slashes to his opponent one after another. This technique can be done airborne and is capable of cutting through a large amount of solid stone with ease. The swordsman swings his swords in front of him in a rotating wheel in order to charge up momentum, this creates a powerful whirlwind in a 60 foot row in front of the user by proxy - Anyone caught in the whirlwind takes 4d10 + the swordsmans Dexterity modifier in slashing damage. Afterwards, the swordsman leaps forward and delivers devastating slashes to every creature in a 60 foot cone, causing them to take 10d8 Slashing damage as they are hit with a flurry of lightning fast and accurate slashes. This costs 10 swordsman points. (Prerequisite: Santoryu Archetype, 20th level swordsman)


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Swordsman class, you must meet these prerequisites: Dexterity score of at least 16 or higher.

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the Swordsman class, you gain the following proficiencies: Katanas

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