Summon Anthill (5e Spell)

[[5e Summary::Ants controlled by you occupy all unoccupied space within range. The ants continually spawn from ant hills, attacking them is ineffective, as they are replaced faster than they could be killed, creatures may attempt to attack these creatures not knowing this.]]

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Summon Ant Hill
3rd-level Conjuration
Casting time: 1 action
Range: 30 ft radius sphere
Components: S,M(pinch of dirt)
Duration: 1 minute

The ants swarm across the ground within range. Any creature in contact with the ground in this area is affected by the following:

Distracting bites: Affected creatures must succeed a Dex saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls until the end of its turn. Wearing armor or having an AC above 15 grants advantage on this save.

False enemy: Affected creatures must succeed a Wis saving throw. On a failure, they regard the ants as an attacker, granting advantage on melee attacks against them. The creature may attempt this saving throw each round at the beginning of their turn.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4 or higher the radius increases by 5 feet per level higher than third.

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