Starcraft Marine (5e Class)

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Starcraft marine, the man behind the bars

Imagining the background

Most starcraft marines are marines because they are selected in prison and the suits are their prison from the moment they put it on, but there are a lot of people that become a marine through the pride of their humanity against the zerg and protoss

Creating a Marine

Quick Build

You can make a Marine quickly by following these suggestions. First, Dexterity (or strength if you are a melee type) should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Soldier background. Third, choose the Dungeoneer' kit

Class Features

As a Marine you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Marine level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Marine level after 1st


Armor: Light, medium, heavy
Weapons: Martial melee, martial ranged
Tools: Blacksmiths tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity (or strength) and constitution
Skills: Choose three from Athletics, Acrobatics, Intimidation, Survival, Perception, Persuasion, and stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Chain shirt or (b) Scale mail
  • (a) Plasma Charged Combat Knife[] or (b) C-14 Combat rifle []
  • (a) Dungeoneer's pack or (b) Explorer' pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d4 x 10 in funds.

Table: The Marine

1st+2Marines gritted Stance
2nd+2Combat Specialist
3rd+2Subclass Feature
4th+2Ability Score Improvement
5th+3Extra attack
6th+3Subclass Feature
7th+3Weapon Crafter
8th+3Ability Score Improvement
11th+4Subclass Feature
12th+4Ability Score Improvement
13th+5enhanced reflex
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
17th+6Subclass Feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement

Marines gritted Stance

Beginning at 1st level, You can enter the Marines gritted stance as a action, any hits that hit you while in this stance deal 1d4 + your level less damage (Example, you take 8 slashing damage from a sword, roll a d4 and take 4 less damage)

Combat Specialist

By the time you reach 2nd level, you've decided that you need to specialize within a skill that you want to improve on, you gain one of the following and another at levels 8th, 14th, and 20th.

  • Melee fighter - You specialize in melee fighting, you can add double your proficiency modifier to attack rolls when making an melee attack, when you reach 6th level, you can now add another die of the melee type to damage (for example a long sword deals 1d8 damage, it would be 2d8) this increases by another die at levels 10th, 14th, and 18th
  • Ranged fighting - You specialize in Ranged fighting, you can add double your proficiency modifier to attack rolls when making a ranged attack, when you reach 6th level, you can now add another die of the melee type to damage (for example a Short bow deals 1d6 damage, it would be 2d6) this increases by another die at levels 10th, 14th, and 18th
  • Shielded Master - You specialize in using your shield for most things, your shield now gains a bash attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage that you can use as a bonus action, and grants you 2 temporary hitpoint whenever you start a new initiative, this increases by 1d8 and additional 2 hitpoints at levels 10th, 14th, and 18th
  • Heavy Weapon Fighter - You specialize in fighting with heavy weapons, you can now dual wield heavy weapons, and whenever you make an attack with a heavy weapon you can enter marines gritted stance as a bonus action.
  • Light Weapon Fighter - You specialize in fighting with light weapons, whenever you make an attack with a light weapon you can ignore resistances to piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning, and can enter marines gritted stance as a bonus action.


When you reach 3rd level in Marine, you can choose to become the heavy weapon specialist or light weapon specialist, the difference between the two is that with heavy weapons you have more of a distance and aren't as close and with light weapons your up close and personal using melee weapons. You gain additional features from your Subclass at levels 6th, 11th, and 17th.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra attack

Beginning at 5th level, you are able to make a second attack

Weapon Crafter

At 7th level, you've learned how to be self sufficient, you can now spend your downtime in creating ammunition and weapon spending material such as metal and gunpowder, downtime is determined by the DM.

  • weapon= C-14 Rifle Mk. I

category= Martial Ranged Weapon

damage= 4d6 piercing

Crafting cost = 60 pounds of metal (as dense as iron) and 200gp

weight=50 lb

properties=Ammunition (range 80/240), heavy, two-handed, short burst (4), burst fire, reload (500 shots)

Besides shooting U-238 shells/spikes, this weapon can also shoot depleted uranium shells, armor piercing, hollow point spread, incendiary, and steel tipped shells.

  • weapon= C-20A

category= Martial Ranged Weapon

damage= 3d8 piercing

Crafting cost = 30 pounds of metal (as dense as iron) and 250gp

weight= 25 lb

properties= Ammunition (range 120/300), heavy, two-handed, reload (24 shots), special

Besides shooting U-238 shells/spikes, this weapon can also shoot depleted uranium shells, armor piercing, hollow point spread, incendiary, and steel tipped shells.

Charge. When you would make an attack with this weapon you may instead charge the weapon, making it deal an additional 3d8 piercing damage on its next attack. The maximum amount of bonus damage you can deal by charging this weapon is 9d8 piercing damage. If you charge a weapon for more than 1 minute, the charge is lost.

  • weapon=Chain Gun

category=Martial Ranged Weapon

damage=5d8 piercing

Crafting cost= 90 pounds of metal (as dense as iron) and 300gp

weight=80 lb

properties=Ammunition (range 40/90), heavy, two-handed, short burst (5), reload (750 shots), special

This heavy gun fires 25mm bullets in rapid succession.

Focus Down You may spend 15 ammo to make all creatures in a 40 foot long by 5 foot wide line make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to take half of the 5d8 piercing damage.

Rapid Burst. You may spend 40 ammo to make attacks creatures in a 40 cone in front of you make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw to take none of 5d8 piercing damage.

  • weapon= Hellfire Shotgun

category= Martial Ranged Weapon

damage= 2d6 piercing and 2d6 fire

Crafting cost= 20 pounds of metal (as dense as iron) and 300gp

weight= 10 lb.

properties=Ammunition (range 35/60), reload (10 shots), two-handed, special

description=15ft cone, dex save of 14, When you use this gun, it sets all creatures that are not immune or resistant to fire on fire. A creature who is on fire takes 1d6 fire damage at the start of their turn, until the creature uses an action to snuff out the flames or puts them out through some other means.

  • Ammunition

25mm/basic shotgun ammo 1d4 piercing basic, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 80 rounds

Depleted uranium shells increases the range of ranged weapons by 45ft, deals an additional 1d8 piercing damage, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 40 rounds

Armor piercing If a target is wearing heavy armor, or armor greater then heavy armor, you gain a +2 to hit and damage with all rounds, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 40 rounds

Hollow point decreases the range by 10ft of any ranged weapon, but also deals 2d4 extra damage, if the target is not wearing armor or is wearing light armor it deals 4d4 instead, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 20 rounds

Incendiary Decreases the range by 10ft of any ranged weapon, but sets creatures on fire, they take an additional 1d6 per hit they were hit, if they are not wearing armor or is wearing light armor they take 3d6 damage everytime they start their turn until they spend a action to put themselves out, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 10 rounds

FMJ Increases range of ranged weapons by 50ft, deals an additional 1d6 piercing damage, takes 10 pounds of metal to create 50 rounds

enhanced reflex

By the time you reach level 13, your reflexes and strength hardens, your dexterity and strength scores increases by 3, to a maximum of 23

Heavy Weapon Specialist

As a heavy weapon specialist you are able to have a better grasp over your ranged combat, you are able to become a god at zoning

Marine Combat Suit

At 3rd level, You are able to craft a Marine Combat suit that levels up with you, its starting health is 24 + Constitution modifier x3, its hit die is 1d8 (add your constitution modifier whenever it gains a level), it can only be used if you are inside of it, the Marine combat suit acts like full plate changing whatever your ac is to 18, spells such as shield that give bonus' to AC does not effect it, all weapons that you use with this suit no longer has the heavy quality and becomes light to you while in the suit, the suit also increases your constitution and Dexterity scores by 10, but you do not add this bonus to your health if you level up while inside of it, if a gas enters the suit you also do not add the bonus to any constitution saves because of the gas, to create the suit you need 200gp and 100lbs of iron and 40ft of copper wire or some kind of conducting metal and 5 days of 8 hours downtime to create this.

Precision shots

At 6th level, your accuracy with ranged weapons becomes so renowned that you gain a +2 to attack and damage whenever you make a attack with a ranged weapon, this increases by 2 at levels 9th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Enhanced Speed

At 11th level, Your trigger finger becomes the best, you are now able to make an additional attack with any weapon with a trigger.


At 17th level, you become intoxicated in killing creatures, whenever you kill a creature, you gain temporary hitpoints equal to that creature's CR + your level

Light Weapon Specialist

As a light weapon specialist, you become more melee combat attuned, you gain the ability of a combat suit and special fighting styles as well.

Marine light Combat Suit

At 3rd level, You are able to craft a Marine Combat suit that levels up with you, its starting health is 24 + Constitution modifier x3, its hit die is 1d8 (add your constitution modifier whenever it gains a level), it can only be used if you are inside of it, the Marine combat suit acts like full plate changing whatever your ac is to 18, spells such as shield that give bonus' to AC does not effect it, all weapons that you use with this suit no longer has the heavy quality and becomes light to you while in the suit, the suit also increases your constitution and Strength scores by 10, but you do not add this bonus to your health if you level up while inside of it, if a gas enters the suit you also do not add the bonus to any constitution saves because of the gas, to create the suit you need 200gp and 100lbs of iron and 40ft of copper wire or some kind of conducting metal and 5 days of 8 hours downtime to create this.

Advanced Melee Specialist

At 6th level, You hone your melee skills and are able to transform any long sword into an Monomolecular blade for 2d10 minutes, the sword deals regular long sword damage, and deal a bonus 3d8 lightning damage, when you reach levels 10th, you deal an additional 2d8 necrotic damage, at level 14, an additional 1d8 fire damage, and at level 19, an additional 2d8 cold damage

Honing skill

At 11th level, You use the ability of the Monomolecular blade skill, and are able to hit creatures infront of you in a 1x15 line, each creature must succeed a dexterity saving through of 8 + your strg. modifier + your proficiency bonus or take full damage, halve on pass, the damage is equal to the damage you deal with your blade, after which you must make a strg. check to see if your blade breaks, anything below 12 breaks the blade, you can use this a number of times a long rest equal to your strength modifier (minimum 1)


At level 17th, You hone your swordsmanship and are able to deflect any attack, ranged spell (not AOE spells) bullets, or other melee attacks and redirect it back at the person attacking you, with this you use your reaction to make a strg. check to see if you can, equal to the attackers roll, if you successfully do you fully reflect all damage you take back at your attacker.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Marine class, you must meet these prerequisites: 13 Strg or 13 Dex and 13 Constitution

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