Stand User, 2nd Variant (5e Class)

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Stand User, 2nd variant (5e Class)


With a clenched fist, the dragonborn's spirit essence begins to emanate from his body. He's surrounded by bandits, each one with a curved blade, and a greedy lust for his coin. The dragonborn opens his maw to utter the name of his stand "The World!". A humanoid figure adorned by yellow armor leaps from his body and impales a bandit with a punch straight through his chest, the bandit killed in an instant before the arm is quickly ripped back out from his chest, letting the body fall to the ground. The other bandit's panic and jump forth towards the dragonborn, each one with their dagger aimed towards the dragonborn's skull before the dragonborn speaks the name of his stand once more. "The World, time grinds to a halt!", every bandit freezes mid-air, they are suspended as time itself has stopped. The stand turns towards the frozen bandits, before quickly finishing each one of with a flurry of blows. The dragonborn walks away from the still suspended bodies as his stand fades away, time resuming and the bandits then reacting to the swift attack dealt to them.

A Stand And Their User

Stand Users are those with a spiritual manifestation of their own fighting spirit which can be any shape or size. "Stands" are the powerful spirits that Stand Users wield and can be anything from humanoid like Star Platinum, bug-like such as The Tower, or maybe even nothing more than a bodily change like Scary Monsters. Those who are naturally docile usually cannot bear a stand due to the fighting spirit being nonexistent. Stand Users are very rare, yet the ones that do exist are drawn to each other via unknown forces, this can cause conflict or companionship depending upon the encounter.

Creating a Stand User

Dio Brando, and his stand, The World.

While creating a Stand User there are a couple of important questions you must ask yourself. What is my relationship with my stand? What is my stand adorning? Why have I received my stand? What are my goals and how will my stand help me achieve them?

Quick Build

You can make a stand user quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Strength. Second, choose the Charlatan background.

Class Features

As a Stand User you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Stand User level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Stand User level after 1st


Armor: Light armor, Medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, and Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) padded armor or (b) scale mail armor
  • (a) two simple weapons or (b) one martial weapon
  • (a) entertainer's pack or (b) explorer's pack
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 4d4 x 10 gp in funds.

Table: The Stand User

1st+2Stand Power
2nd+2Fighting Style
3rd+2Deflect Missile, Counter-Measures
4th+2Ability Score Improvement, Stand Feature
5th+3Fast Movement
6th+3Long Travels
8th+3Ability Score Improvement, Stand Feature
9th+4Stand Proud
12th+4Ability Score Improvement, Stand Feature
13th+5Improved Counter-Measure
16th+5Ability Score Improvement
18th+6Stand Feature
19th+6Ability Score Improvement
20th+6Stand Feature, Stand Master

Stand User Abilities and Features

Stand Power

At 1st level, you choose a stand. Choose one between the multitude, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level and again at 4th, 8th, 12th, 18th, and 20th level. Stands are their own entities yet share the same hit points as you, here's all you need to know about stands

Armor Class

Stands cannot wear armor. Stands have unarmored defense and their AC can be calculated by 10 + Strength + Charisma.

Hit Points

You and your stand share the same hit points, any damage dealt to you or your stand will subsequently affect those hit points. If both you and your stand are hit by an attack, the damage each of you receive both affect your hit points. Ex: Fireball hits my stand and I, dealing 30 damage to my stand and 30 damage to me, therefore I took 60 damage.


Stands gain the user's proficiency bonus and are proficient in everything the user is proficient in. Stands can wield weapons, play instruments, and even write or draw. Limitations to these proficiencies do come with the type of stand detailed in stand types.

Ability Score

Stands have their own ability scores: Their Strength and Dexterity scores are determined by 10 + your strength mod + your charisma mod. All other of the stands ability scores match your own.

Saving Throws

Stands have their own saving throws, those saving throws are calculated with their stats. Stands are proficient in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.

Stand Resistances and Immunities

Damage Resistance: Acid, Lightning, Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing From Nonmagical Weapons

Damage Immunities: Poison, Psychic, Thunder

Condition Immunities: Charmed, Deafened, Frightened, Exhaustion, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Restrained, Unconscious

Vision and Movement

Stands have hover movement speed equal to the user's base movement speed. Stands have the same vision as the user, the user can see through the stands eyes and vice versa both occurring at the same time. Stands cannot willingly move out of the users range and are forced to use their movement if they are about to do so. If teleportation were to teleport them away they are immediately desummoned.

Using One's Stand

Using your stand costs a bonus action, using your bonus action gives your stand an action to use on your turn as well as movement. Summoning your stand out of or back into your body costs a bonus action. While your stand isn't summoned it dwells within your body, it is completely invisible in that state and intangible. When you summon your stand it appears within a space 5 feet next to you. Only you and other stand users can see and hurt it meaning that to other creatures, its invisible and has AC(25).


You spend your bonus action to give your stand an action, stands have 1 attack action unless specified otherwise. Stands do not have bonus actions. Stands may use free actions and movement actions freely.

Stand Types

-Humanoid: Humanoid stands are stands shaped like a humanoid, and therefore can do everything a humanoid creature can do with the normal limitations of a stand.

-Colony: Colony stands are small stands that are usually weak unless they group together. They are able to carry one pound for every 1 foot filled by them. Colony stands are size tiny for each unit.


-Stands are in no way common, and therefore most people in the world won't understand how exactly they work or what they are. Consult your DM on how people will react to your stand when first encountering it, and how others will come to comprehend what a stand is.

-Stands act like spirits and therefore don't have to breathe, however, they can breathe if they so wish.

-Stands are not one's own soul rather a spirit manifested out of "life energy", so anything that steals one's soul won't steal the stand, or anything that swaps one's soul won't remove the stand from the body it inherits.

-Stands count as humanoid, even if not appearing so

-Stands are the Unaligned alignment

-Stands count as a separate creatures when referring to rules, abilities, or conditions

Fighting Style

Starting at 2nd level, you have learned how to fight without relying on your stand. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again. Stands are also affected by fighting style perks.


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.


At 3rd level, you've learned how to protect yourself when your stand isn't out. When a counter-measure is used the stand is automatically desummoned after fulfilling it's purpose unless specified otherwise. Choose 3 from the counter-measures given, you learn 1 additional counter-measure at 7th, and 10th level, and 2 additional counter-measures 15th level.

Cushioned Blow

You summon your stand to take a hit for you. As a reaction, summon your stand where you get attacked, gaining all the resistances and immunities of your stand for a moment and applying them to the attack's damage.

Decelerating Blow

You summon your stand to weaken a blow dealt to you. When an attack roll is made against you but before you know if it hit, as a reaction, you summon your stand to slow the blow, the way it does this is flexible. If the attack hit, you reduce the damage taken by 1d10 + Charisma.

Disarming Sacrifice

You summon your stand to disarm an open opponent. When you are hit by a melee attack, as a reaction, you may summon your stands appendage or teeth to pry the weapon from their grasp, they must make a Strength saving throw of 8 + your proficiency + your Charisma mod. If the creature fails the save, it loses its weapon and is now held by your stands appendage or teeth, yet does not summon your stand or allow use of your stand, if the creature succeeds, the creature keeps it's weapon.

Impact Reduction

You summon your stand to catch you before you hit the ground, reducing damage. As a reaction, reduce the fall damage taken by an amount equal to five times your stand user level.

Overlapping Parry

You summon your stand the moment an enemy strikes. As a reaction you summon your stand to redirect an enemy melee attack away from you imposing disadvantage on the attacker. Can be performed before or after their attack roll but before they know if their attack hit or not.

Overlapping Strength

You summon your stand to overlap your body. When you must make a Strength Save, as a reaction you can summon your stand to parts of your body that require more strength, gaining advantage on the Save.


You summon your stand under you to quickly step you out of harms way. When you must make a Dexterity save, as a reaction you can summon your stand to boost you off the ground, gaining advantage on the save.

Stand Channel

You summon your stand in the midst of combat. When damage is dealt to you, as a reaction, you summon your stand to your side, ignoring the desummon rule

Your Next Line Is!

You use your great wit to try to stun the opponent in amazement, telling them what they'll say next. As a reaction, make a wisdom (insight) roll to contest with the creatures wisdom saving throw, if they fail the saving throw then they are stunned til the beginning of their next turn. Creatures with higher wisdom than the user gain advantage, and disadvantage if their wisdom is lower. This can only affect creatures that can make noise.

Deflect Missile

Starting at 3rd level, you can use your reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you or your stand is hit by a ranged weapon attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the attack is reduced by 1d10 + your Strength modifier + your stand user level. If you reduce the damage to 0, you or your stand can catch the missile if it is small enough to hold in one hand and if at least one hand is free.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Fast Movement

Starting at 5th level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you aren't wearing heavy armor.

Long Travels

Starting at 6th level, your travels have caused you to adapt to the rough obstacles you face. Rough terrain no longer impedes your movement. When you complete a short rest, the amount of health you recover from hit die are doubled and remove 1 level of exhaustion. Furthermore, you can now use your bonus action to dash or disengage.

Weave Bending Attacks

Starting at 7th level, your stands punches and kicks become so fast they warp the weave of magic around them. Stand's unarmed attacks count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Stand Proud

Beginning at 9th level, you learn to harness your stands life energy to heal grievous wounds and continue fighting. If you drop to 0 hit points, you instead drop back to 1 hit point, you gain temporary hit points equal to your proficiency + your strength mod + your charisma mod. You regain this ability on a short or long rest.


Beginning at 11th level your stand becomes adept at protecting it's user. As an action, you bring your stand in front of you, your stand attempts to deflect all attacks coming at you until you disengage block. Any attacks targeted towards you now targets your stand, block gives your stand 4 additional AC and -10 to damage received as well as advantage on all strength, dexterity and constitution saving throws. Block stops you from taking any actions other than disengaging block, to disengage block takes a bonus action on ones turn, when block is disengaged all effects from block are immediately dispelled.

Improved Counter-Measure

Beginning at 13th level, you and your stand become better at countering enemy attempts on your life. Counter-measures can now be used while your stand is within 10ft of the user, if a counter-measure is used while the stand is out, the stand does not automatically unsummon. Your stand moves to your space when counter-measure is used with your stand out.


At 17th level, you can exploit a creature's momentary distraction when it is hit by an attack. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you or your stand is hit by an attack made by a creature other than you, you can use your reaction to make an attack by you or your stand.

Stand Master

At 20th level, you've mastered how to use your stand and your life energy is overflowing. Your Strength and Charisma scores increase by 4. Your maximum for those scores is now 24.

Diver Down

Diver down is a ghost like stand, hiding itself within objects and people waiting for the right moment to strike it's prey or protect it's target. Diver Down is a teal color and is wearing what appears to be a diving suit with oxygen tanks.

DISCLAIMER: This subclass is very dm based and has many abilities of which the dm chooses how it afflicts creatures, consult your dm before using this subclass.

Strength of The Suit

Your stand comes with unnatural strength, your stand's unarmed damage is 1d4, it increases to 1d6 at level 4, 1d8 at level 12, and 1d10 at level 16. Your stand's natural suit gives it bonus resistance against cold and fire. Your stand can be no more than 10 feet away from the user, if it is, it is teleported within 10 feet of the user. Your stand is humanoid.

Diver Down!

At level 4, your stand unlocks it's main ability, diving. Your stand is able to phase itself through all creatures and non-magical objects, hiding itself in those creatures or objects, this is called diving. When your stand dives, it completely conceals itself inside an object, this means it is not visible whatsoever and can not be afflicted with any effects or damage, nor can it be detected by any means other than magic. Diving in or out takes half of the stands total movement and cannot be done while your stand is wielding an object. Diver Down can no longer be unsummoned but instead is dived in the users body when inactive or forced to unsummon. While Diver Down is dived into something you are able to do a multitude of actions.

Diving inside a creature grants you these options

- Combat: Your stand can make attacks from the creature it's dived in, such attacks can be directed towards the creature it's coming from. Once it's attack is finished it stays dived in.

- Deconstruction: Your stand is able to deconstruct a creatures bones and muscles, snapping or displacing them inside their body. Deconstruction effects vary, some examples of effects are listed below. The dm holds discretion over if you can break a creatures bones and what the effects are. A creature can make a constitution saving throw of your proficiency + your strength mod + your charisma mod. Deconstruction takes a bonus action.

- Deconstruction effects and examples: Deconstruction can have a multitude of effects, your arm being broken can impose a subtraction to damage equal to your unarmed damage and a break in your hand can impose disadvantage on attacks. Such breaks can be healed with a spell equal to or higher than lesser restoration, but the spell has to be focused on the injury meaning it heals only one at a time.

- Mending: You are able to call upon your stand to mend debuffs and injuries. As a bonus action, your stand gains the ability to heal the creature it's in for hit points equal to your 5 + your proficiency + your charisma mod. Or, instead of healing a creature, you can cure one of the following conditions on a creature: Charmed, Frightened, Petrified, or Poisoned.

- Protection: You can call upon your stand to protect the creature they dove in. You can take your bonus action to make your stand protect all damage the creature takes, causing diver down to take the damage instead. If the creature takes damage without protection activated, your stand can protect 1 attack as a reaction. Your stand automatically leaves protection on the start of your next turn.

Diving inside an object gives you these options

- Combat: Your stand can make attacks from an object. Once it's attack is finished it stays dived in.

- Manipulation: As a bonus action, your stand can use an object it's carrying or dived in that is no larger than 5ft, and create an object out of it's components. Performance and accuracy of such manipulation can be determined by a Charisma (Performance) roll. Example: Turning a metal cane into a sword, turning a log into a wooden sculpture.

- Mending: As a bonus action, your stand can mend an object as if it was using the Mending spell, the maximum feet this action can mend an object is 5 feet.

- Protection: You can call upon your stand to protect the object they dove in. You can take your bonus action to make your stand protect all damage the object takes, causing diver down to take the damage instead. If the object takes damage without protection activated, your stand can protect 1 attack as a reaction. Your stand automatically disengages protection on the start of your next turn.

Phase Placing

Beginning at 8th level, your stand is able to dive with objects in hand. Your stand may forego diving and place an object inside a creature/ take an object from inside a creature instead. Diver Down chooses if objects that are put inside a creature act as if they are dived in or not, if not, they act normally, this means sharp objects inside a creature can cut the creature.

Store Attacks

Starting at 12th level, Diver Down becomes able to store it's attacks inside of objects. Whenever Diver Down makes an unarmed attack on a creatures or object and successfully hits, it may choose to store it's attack within said creature. Stored attacks are not noticeable and are merely energy mimicking Diver Down's attack, the creature or object afflicted by the stored attack still takes the attacks initial damage and is unaware of the stored attack. Stored attacks can be released as a bonus action, when it is released it mimics Diver Downs unarmed attack within 5ft of the object or creature it was stored in, once it is released it is no longer stored. Diver Down can have three attacks stored total, and must release one of the three if it wishes to store another.

Example: Diver Down attacks a book, another creature sees the book and goes to pick it up before Diver Down releases the attack and the creature is attack by the stored attack, the attack rolls to hit with all of Diver Downs modifiers and hit's, dealing Diver Downs unarmed attack damage + Strength mod.

Super Suit

Beginning at 18th level, Diver Down's armor is a veteran of combat. Diver Down is proficient in all saving throws, has a maximum range of 20 feet, and is immune to cold, and fire damage, as well as one of bludgeoning, piercing or slashing.


At 20th level, your stand has mastered it's intent while diving. Choose one of these intents, you can switch them out on a short rest.

Your stand cannot be detected, even with magic. When it attacks a creature from a creature or object it is currently dived in, the creature it attacked must make a constitution saving throw dc21, or be blinded for 30 seconds. Surprise attacks now deal critical damage.
Creatures afflicted by your deconstruction ability are vulnerable to Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing for the duration the deconstruction afflicts them.
Your stand now deals max damage on it's damage rolls while dived into an object or creature.
Creatures afflicted by mending are now healed for 15 health and mending can now fix 20 feet of an object.
When you activate protection it no longer automatically stops but instead takes a free action to disengage, it also halves all damage taken.


What happens when one's childhood is ended prematurely and plagued with the realities of a grim world? A colony stand is formed from such soul crushing experience. Metallica is a stand visible only when the user bleeds, they resemble gray fries writhing inside of the users blood with sorrowful stitched up faces.

Broken Spirit

Metallica is a colony stand. It cannot take damage nor deal direct damage. They hide within clusters of blood cells, yet writhe out in pain when removed out of their body. The stand can weakly control it's own users iron which resides in it's blood, the user can carry more iron in their blood than usual. Because of this self control, the user is given an unarmored defense of 10 + Strength mod + Charisma mod. Depending on where you shift the iron in your blood, you can either have an extra attack, or resistance to all non-magical damage, you can choose one now, and switch between them using your action. Unarmed damage is also increased to 1d4. Using an ability that requires a summoned stand or using counter-measures will instead be preformed by the user.

Creeping Death

Beginning at 4th level, Metallica unlocks it's main ability, iron manipulation. Metallica is able to manipulate iron within a 15 feet radius around their user, with their control of iron they gain a multitude of benefits and actions:

Blood Molding
Because of the iron in blood, Metallica can use it's Ironsmith ability on blood only if that blood is visible. Metallica's Ironsmith ability on creatures with magical blood has a 50% chance of enchanting the object made using Ironsmith. The enchantment's rarity differs based on how magical the creatures blood was. Ex: Common enchantment for Half-Elf commoner, Uncommon enchantment for Elf level 5 fighter. For easier approximations, each Creature has 1 pound of iron in their blood unless said otherwise by the dm.
Iron Grip
The user has iron imbued in their grip, gaining advantage on grappling creatures, creatures have disadvantage on escaping the grapple.
Metallica can use it's action to mold up to 3 pounds of iron, transforming it into any object that has been within range of Metallica for at least five minutes. This may include but is not limited to: Quills, daggers, lock picks, charms, rings, and knuckle-dusters. The amount of iron that can be molded increases to 6 pounds at level 8, 10 pounds at level 12, and 15 pounds at level 16.
Iron Storage
Your blood is able to carry a large amount of iron due to your stands unique ability. You can carry up to the equivalent of a 5 pounds of iron within your blood, this increases your weight per pound, but this does not affect your physical capabilities and does not change your appearance. Draining 2 pounds of iron costs your stands action. Metallica can form this iron into objects using Ironsmith.
Magnetic Field
Metallica can freely move 3 pounds of iron within it's range. Moving the iron costs an action and keeping it above ground imposes concentration and costs a bonus action each turn to continue to keep it off the ground. The amount of iron that can be moved increases to 6 pounds at level 8, 10 pounds at level 12, and 15 pounds at level 16.


Starting at 8th level, Metallica has learned to weaken it's pray by slowly suffocating them. Using your action, you can cause Metallica to actively sap out in the blood out of creatures equal to your charisma mod and of it's choice within range. You must spend your bonus action every 6 seconds to continue the drainage. Creatures afflicted by Hypoxemia must make a Constitution saving throw of 8 + your strength mod + your charisma mod at the beginning of their turn or gain 1 exhaustion. Each turn after they are no longer afflicted by Hypoxemia, they remove 1 exhaustion caused by Hypoxemia to a maximum of 3. Exhaustion obtained via Hypoxemia is removed on long rest. Ex: 5 exhaustion, 10 turns pass unafflicted by Hypoxemia, 2 exhaustion is lowest possible from 5 exhaustion.


Beginning at 8th level, you've learned to use the iron polluting the atmosphere to camouflage. With your action, you may choose a 5 foot long 15 foot tall area to Camouflage that area. As soon as one enters this area they are granted invisibility, but only in that area; this causes them to appear as if they vanished in thin air. Returning each area back to normal requires an action if in combat. You can have up to five camouflaged areas at a time, they return to normal after combat or after a short or long rest.

Once per short or long rest, you may activate camouflage against you skin, making you completely invisible for your charisma mod in minutes. This ability requires concentration.


Beginning at 12th level, Metallica has learned it's way into other's bodies. Whenever a creature is physically damaged within 5 feet of Metallica's user, the user can use their reaction to infuse Metallica into their body. While Metallica is in a creatures body, it acts as a curse that lasts 1 minute. Metallica deals 1d6 damage at the start of each of the creatures turns, gives the creature disadvantage on saving throws, removes temporary hit points, and gives the creatures disadvantage on all saving throws.

Light Frame

Starting at 12th level, you gain an extra attack. This does stack with Metallica's extra attack given when you give up resistance to physical damage.

Colossal Polarity

Starting at 18th level, Metallica's range of metal manipulation is bolstered from a 15 foot radius to 30 foot radius.

Iron Man

Beginning at 20th level, you've learned to imbue Metallica into an iron body, creating an ally golem. This iron golem can be created with an hour ritual, with a cup of your blood and 15 pounds of iron. Once created the iron Golem acts as a pet with a main directive given by you using speech. You can heal the golem for 10 health for every 1 pound of iron you fuse into it's wounds. You can have up to 2 golems summoned at a time.

Purple Haze

Anger, hatred, near psychopathy, all are traits of this maniacal stand which is hard to control. It attacks without warning, and can go ballistic, hurting it's teammates and even the user. But with such ferocity comes great power, this power dwells within Purple Haze's capsules, located on the knuckles of it's fists. A virus, able to start melting the flesh of it's hapless victims until they finally die of exhaustion or sheer agony. Purple Haze is checkered in purple and white around it's flesh along with 8 purple capsules on it's knuckles and a purple visor protecting it's head.

Strike like an explosion...

Your stand comes with unnatural strength, your stand's unarmed damage is 1d4, it increases to 2d4 at level 4, 3d4 at level 12, and 4d4 at level 16. Your stand can be no more than 15 feet away from the user, if it is, it is teleported within 15 feet of the user. Your stand is humanoid.

Haze Virus

Starting at 4th level, your stand has learned to control it's ferocious virus.

Your stand has a capsule count of 8, one for each knuckle. Capsules act as ammo and can be replenished using the saliva Purple Haze drools. You must make a wisdom (medicine) check of 30 - your stand user level. Succeeding on this check grants your stand 1 capsule, failing afflicts you with the Haze Virus. You regain all lost capsules on a long rest.
Haze Virus
Your stand secretes a virus from it's mouth. This same virus is used inside it's capsules in a gaseous form; it's a virus capable of melting all of a creatures flesh off of it's muscles. When your stand makes an attack it can choose to release one of it's capsules, the capsule released creates a purple gas that spreads in a 10 foot radius circle. Creatures that touch this gas must make a constitution saving throw of 10 + your proficiency + your charisma mod, or take 4d6

...depart like a storm

Beginning at 12th level, when you use your bonus action to control your stand, your stand is given an extra attack.

Star Platinum

Star Platinum is a brute of nature, focusing on power and precision to eliminate its foes. Star Platinum is a humanoid stand wearing a loincloth of it's users main color and bearing decorative shoulder pads, it's skin tone being mostly purple.

Strength of The Stars

Your stand comes with unnatural strength, your stand's unarmed damage is 1d6, it increases to 1d8 at level 4, 1d10 at level 6, 2d6 at level 12 and 3d6 at level 16. Your stand can be no more than 15 feet away from the user, if it is further, it is teleported within 10 feet of the user. Your stand is humanoid.

Star Finger

Starting at 4th level, your stand can focus it's energy into a long ranged attack. When your stand takes the attack action, it can now choose to extend its middle and index finger to puncture a target, dealing it's unarmed attack damage in piercing damage with a range of 15 feet.

Your stand may also use their attack action to extend and swipe their finger, attacking in a 15 ft cone. Creatures in this cone must make a dex save of 10 + your proficiency + your charisma mod. If a creatures fails the save they take your unarmed damage + charisma mod. This attack counts as unarmed.


Starting at 8th level, you have learned to channel your fighting spirit into a rallying shout. As an action, you let out a thunderous roar of "Oraaa", dealing 1d4 to creatures within 5 feet, and all creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you and gain your charisma mod in temporary hit points.

Yare Yare

Beginning at 12th level, when you use your bonus action to control your stand, your stand is given two attack actions.

Star Platinum: Za Warudo

Beginning at 18th level, your stand has unlocked it's secret ability, time stop. As a reaction, you may stop time and move up to 10 feet as well as take an attack action. If a creature is hit by your attack they must make a strength saving throw of 10 + your strength mod + your charisma mod or be stunned until the beginning of their next turn. While time is stopped all creatures are considered blinded, incapacitated, paralyzed, and restrained. When creatures takes damage within time stop, or is pushed by any means, the effects of said things are not applied until after time stop ends. If an object is shot or thrown, it moves 5 feet before being suspended in the air, moving with its force after time stop has ended. Time stop ends at the end of your turn within time stop, all effects applied by time stop are removed and time resumes as normal. Star Platinum: Za Warudo has a 30 second cooldown, if it is used again before a minute has gone by from the last time it was used, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion and will reset the clock for the minute you must wait before you can use it again without gaining exhaustion.

Self Preservation

Beginning at 20th level, your stand is used to protecting you even without your awareness. You have advantage on death saving throws and when you get up you get your proficiency + your strength mod + your charisma mod in hit points.

The World

The World, a stand meant to control the battlefield by scaring and confusing the enemy, while also protecting it's user via stopping time. The most notable person to use The World is Dio, a half psychotic half vampiric stand user who only wanted what's best for the world, his ultimate rule.

Strength of The World

Your stand comes with unnatural strength, your stand's unarmed damage is 2d4, it increases to 2d6 at level 4, 2d8 at level 6, 2d10 at level 12 and 2d20 at level 16. Your stand can be no more than 10 feet away from the user, if it is further, it is teleported back within 10 feet of the user. Your stand is a medium sized humanoid.

Za Warudo

Beginning at 4th level, your stand has unlocked it's main ability, time stop. You spend your turn taking a pose which imposes the incapacitated condition, until the start of your next turn if you take over 15 damage your pose is broken and you cannot take it again until your next turn. If you keep your pose until the start of your next turn then you break it and time is stopped for 1 rounds, while time is stopped all creatures are considered blinded, paralyzed, and restrained. When creatures takes damage within time stop, or is pushed by any means, the effects of said things are not applied until after time stop ends. If an object is shot or thrown, it moves 5 feet before being suspended in the air, moving with its force after time stop has ended. Time stop ends at the end of your rounds within time stop, all effects applied by time stop are removed and time resumes as normal. Starting at level 18, you can stop time for 2 rounds instead of 1. Za Warudo has a 30 second cooldown, if it is used again before a minute has gone by from the last time it was used, you will gain 1 level of exhaustion and will reset the clock for the minute you must wait before you can use it again without gaining exhaustion.

Are You Trying to Shoot Me?

Starting at 8th level, you have slowly begun to hone your stand, as to protect yourself from harm, and even from other stand users. Whenever an attack that you are aware of hits you, you may use your reaction to make the target reroll and impose disadvantage. If the target misses, the effects of your timestop ability occur, and you gain a movement and bonus action. Afterwards, time immediately resumes, and the target is treated as having followed through with their missed attack, but accounting for all the choices you make in the stopped time. You may only perform this reaction a number of times equal to your charisma modifier a day, and can only regain these charges on a long rest. In addition, you may activate this ability when a similar ability that can halt time has been activated, so long as you are conscious, and aware of the person causing the effect at that time. If you do so, you may see during the duration of the ability, and be able to treat one rounds out of the duration as if you were unaffected. At 18th level the duration increases to two rounds.

Hinjaku Hinjaku

Beginning at 12th level, when you use your bonus action to control your stand, your stand is given two attack actions.

7 Page Muda

Starting at 18th level, The world can unleash a powerful fist fury on anyone standing too close. Roll a 1d10 to see how many times a creature is hit. Afterwards, roll a Xd8 damage where X is the number you rolled on the d10. The attack range is 5 ft. You may use this feature four times pr. day.


Beginning at 20th level, you can focus most of your energy into a devastating blow. When your stand hits a creature with an unarmed strike, your stand attempts to force the life of a creature out of it's body, killing it instantly. The creature hit with this attack must make a constitution saving throw of your proficiency + your strength mod + your charisma mod, if the creature fails the saving throw your stand drives their fist through their chest, killing the enemy creature instantly. If the creature succeeds the saving throw, they instead take 20d6 bludgeoning and 20d6 necrotic. After using this you gain 1 levels of exhaustion and cannot use Shinei! again until you finish a long rest.


Multiclassing as a Stand User takes a strain on the users body. You must have a Constitution score of at least 15.

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gollark: Wait, are you using (n)curses directly in python? Avoid if possible for sanity.
gollark: Well, some silly people claim potatOS is malware, and I made a really bad remote access thingy once.
gollark: I only write malware ironically, and it's not very dangerous.
gollark: <@!356107472269869058> Writing malware is bees.
gollark: Shut what down?
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