Spellweaver (5e Class)

This content deviates from 5th Edition standards. Its use could dramatically alter campaigns, take extreme care.
Caution - Here there be monsters!
This content intends to provide a different experience, or goes beyond the scope of the anticipated subjects and situations, than the 5th Edition rules were intended to handle. Some portions of the content below may not be what you expect from traditional game content. When implementing this content, DMs and Players should read over all the information carefully, and consider the following specific notes of interest:
Warning! This class uses spellcasting which does not follow the usual conventions. Please read through the entire page and check with your DM before using this in your campaign.
Warning! This class has access to spell lists of other core classes which may effectively replace those classes in some situations. If this bothers you/your DM/the rest of your party, please do not use it.


A grizzled man sits calmly by the fire and moves his fingers slowly, grasping at the air, then braiding it in his hands. With a word, he lets go and fire engulfs the four goblins that were rushing toward him. Their war cries turn to anguish. With a dismissive gesture, lightning lances toward them, and they fall limp around him.


Spellweavers are able to reach into the æther and weave magics using nothing but their own willpower. Though physically exhausting, it is more versatile than nearly any other form of magic.

Creating a Spellweaver

Quick Build

You can make a spellweaver quickly by following these suggestions. First, your first score should be Charisma, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the sage background. Third, choose a simple weapon, a focus that a spellweaver of your tradition can store energy in, an explorer's pack, and an artisan tool set that you are proficient in.

Class Features

As a Spellweaver you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per Spellweaver level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + Constitution modifier per Spellweaver level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: simple weapons
Tools: one set of artisan tools
Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Animal Handling, Deception, History, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • a simple melee weapon
  • (a) a simple weapon or (b) a spell focus
  • (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a dungeoneer's pack
  • one artisan tool set

Table: The Spellweaver

EnergySpell ThresholdMaterial Replaced Per 1 EnergyFeatures
1st+231100 for 1 energyEnergy, Weaver Tradition, Spellweaving
2nd+261150 for 1 energyEnergy Exchange
3rd+292200 for 1 energyWeaver Tradition Feature
4th+2122250 for 1 energyAbility Score Improvement
5th+3153300 for 1 energyPracticed Caster (Lesser)
6th+3183350 for 1 energyLasting Imprint
7th+3214400 for 1 energyWeaver Tradition Feature
8th+3244450 for 1 energyAbility Score Improvement
9th+4275500 for 1 energyLife Tap
10th+4305550 for 1 energyWeaver Tradition Feature
11th+4336600 for 1 energyPracticed Caster
12th+4366650 for 1 energyAbility Score Improvement
13th+5397700 for 1 energyWeaver Tradition Feature
14th+5427750 for 1 energyLife Tap (Greater)
15th+5458800 for 1 energyWeaver Tradition Feature
16th+5488850 for 1 energyAbility Score Improvement
17th+6519900 for 1 energyPracticed Caster (Greater)
18th+6549950 for 1 energyThe Weave
19th+65791000 for 1 energyAbility Score Improvement
20th+6609All for 1 energyTrue Weaver


You have an amount of energy based on your spellweaver level with which to cast spells, as shown on the spellweaver table.

You regain all expended energy when you complete a long rest.

Weaver Tradition

At 1st level, you choose your weaver tradition, granting you access to the entire spell list of one class. Your spellcasting ability for all of your Spellweaver spells is Charisma. Your chosen tradition also grants additional traits and features based on your spellweaver level.


You can use your energy to cast spells.

In order to cast a spell, you expend energy equal to it's level. Cantrips do not cost energy.

Your spell threshold is noted in the spellweaver table. This is the highest level of spell you can cast at a given Character level. You may use more energy than your threshold to cast a spell, but you may not cast the spell at a higher level than your threshold.

You normally use only verbal and somatic components to cast spells. When casting a spell which requires an item of a specific gold value, you may spend energy to temporarily create the required focus. The gold value of material you can create this way for each energy spent, is shown on the Spellweaver table.

Spellcasting Ability

Charisma is your spellcasting ability Spell save dc= 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. Spell Attack modifier= your proficiency bonus + your charisma modifier.

Energy Exchange

Beginning at 2nd level, you may use an action to spend a number of hit dice less than or equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You gain energy equal to the total rolled, up to your maximum energy.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Practiced Caster

Once you reach 5th level, any time you cast a spell at 2nd level or higher you may spend 1 energy to cast one of your spellweaver cantrips with a casting time of one action or less as a bonus action.

Once you reach 11th level, any time you cast a spell at 2nd level or higher you may cast one of your spellweaver cantrips with a casting time of one action or less as a bonus action.

Once you reach 17th level, any time you cast a spell at 2nd level or higher you may spend 1 energy to cast one of your 1st level spellweaver spells with a casting time of one action or less as a bonus action.

Lasting Imprint

Beginning at 6th level, you may spend energy equal to the level of a spell squared (minimum of 2), in order to cast it and grant a limited permanence. If you do so, the spell drains energy from you each day at dawn equal to it's normal casting cost (minimum of 1) until it is dispelled, dismissed, or you do not have the energy to maintain it. If you are maintaining a spell but don't have enough energy to maintain it at dawn, you spend all of your energy, losing an equal number of hit points, and you stop maintaining all spells. Any creature effected by an imprinted spell may make an appropriate saving throw to end the spell's effects at each interval of its original duration. For spells with no saving throw, your DM may choose one, or not.

Limitations and notes are as follows:
  • A spell must have a duration greater than instantaneous to become permanent.
  • You may only maintain spells that are BELOW your threshold.
  • You may still only have a single concentration spell active at once.
  • If you stop maintaining a spell, it is dispelled/dismissed immediately.

Life Tap

You draw power from your own essence in order to regain lost energy.

Once you reach 9th level, you may use a bonus action and gain a point of exhaustion in order to regain energy equal to twice your spell threshold, up to your energy maximum.

Once you reach 15th level, the energy regained is three times your spell threshold, up to your energy maximum.

The Weave

The method you use to form your spells allows you to form them differently, making them harder to resist.

Once you reach 18th level, the DC for your spellweaver spells = 10 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus.

True Weaver

Upon reaching 20th level, you can summon matter and form it as it suits you.

Each time you cast a spell, you may spend 1 energy to dispense with all material components.

Spellwaver Traditions


You have felt the pull of the dream, and have begun weaving it, beginning to understand.

Beginning at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Nature checks. You know all of the spells on the druid spell list.


Beginning at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action or a reaction to enter the dream. While in the dream you have resistance to acid, poison and psychic damage, and gain true sight. You may remain in the dream for a number of rounds equal to or less than your proficiency modifier. If you attack or cast a spell which targets someone other than yourself, the effect ends. You must finish a long rest before you may use this again.

Beginning at 13th level, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this again.

Touch the Dream

Upon reaching 7th level, you learn how to store latent energy in objects that were once alive. Just by touching an object, you know if it has energy stored and how much.

During a rest, you may spend any amount of energy to store that energy in a once-living object. As long as you are holding it, you may spend energy from it as though from yourself. You can't fill any object with more energy than your current energy maximum.

You must attune to an object that is made of once-living material in order to store or use energy from it.

Restless Night

Once you reach 10th level, you may add bonus healing or damage equal to your Charisma modifier to any spell of 1st level or higher.

Night Terror

Once you reach 15th level, each time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to spend energy up to or equal to your Charisma modifier, adding a bonus damage die of the same size the spell uses for each energy spent.

When you gain this Ability, you choose acid, poison or psychic damage. Damage dice granted by night terror always deal damage of the chosen type.


You have glimpsed the source of life itself, and can grasp power from it, shaping it to your will.

Beginning at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Religion checks and light armor. You know all of the spells on the cleric spell list, and gain bonus energy equal to your spellweaver level.


Beginning at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action or a reaction to call on divine energy to bless you. While blessed, you have resistance to radiant and necrotic damage. If you cast a spell that doesn't heal, the blessing ends. Otherwise, the blessing lasts for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier. While blessed, your next attack has advantage. After one blessed attack, the blessing fades. You must finish a long rest before you may use this again.

Beginning at 13th level, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this again.

Helping Hand

Upon reaching 7th level, you learn how to store latent energy in metals. Just by touching an object, you know if it has energy stored and how much.

During a rest, you may spend any amount of energy to store that energy in a metal object. As long as you are holding it, you may spend energy from it as though from yourself. You can't fill any object with more energy than your current energy maximum.

You must attune to an object that is made of metal in order to store or use energy from it.

Weaver of Souls

Once you reach 10th level, you may add bonus healing equal to twice your Charisma modifier to any spell of 1st level or higher.

Wrath of The Gods

Once you reach 15th level, each time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to spend energy up to or equal to your Charisma modifier, adding a bonus damage die of the same size the spell uses for each energy spent.

When you gain this Ability, you choose radiant or necrotic damage. Damage dice granted by wrath of the gods always deal damage of the chosen type.


Reaching into the void, you have learned to manipulate the elements themselves.

Beginning at 1st level, you gain proficiency with Arcana checks. You know all of the spells on the sorcerer spell list.


Beginning at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action or a reaction in order to call the void to shield you. While shielded, you have resistance to fire, cold, lightning, and thunder damage. You remain shielded for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier after which the shield dissipates. If you attack or cast a spell which targets someone other than yourself, the shield ends. If dealt any amount of force damage while shielded, you may choose to negate the damage, expending the shield. You must finish a long rest before you may use this again.

Beginning at 13th level, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this again.


Upon reaching 7th level, you learn how to store latent energy in gemstones. Just by touching an object, you know if it has energy stored and how much.

During a rest, you may spend any amount of energy to store that energy in a gemstone. As long as you are holding it, you may spend energy from it as though from yourself. You can't fill any object with more energy than your current energy maximum.

You must attune to a gemstone in order to store or use energy from it.

Sow Chaos

Once you reach 10th level, you may add a bonus damage die of the same size and damage type that the spell uses, to any spell of 1st level or higher.

Energy Admixture

Once you reach 15th level, each time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to spend energy up to or equal to your Charisma modifier, adding a bonus damage die of the same size the spell uses for each energy spent.

When you gain this Ability, you choose an elemental damage type from fire, cold, lightning, and thunder. Damage dice granted by energy admixture always deal damage of the chosen type.


You understand the depths of lore and stories and draw your power from them.

Beginning at 1st level, you gain proficiency with History checks. You know all of the spells on the bard spell list.

Entrancing Story

Beginning at 3rd level, you may use a bonus action or a reaction to start a song. Until the song ends, if a creature were to attack you, it must make a wisdom saving throw against your spell casting DC. If that creature fails, it must attack another creature this turn. If it succeeds, the creature becomes immune to this ability for the next 24 hours. The song last for a number of rounds equal to your proficiency modifier after which it ends. You must finish a long rest before you may use this again.

Beginning at 13th level, you must complete a short or long rest before you can use this again.

Songs of Lore

Upon reaching 7th level, you learn how to store latent energy in musical instruments. Just by touching an object, you know if it has energy stored and how much.

During a rest, you may spend any amount of energy to store that energy in a musical instrument. As long as you are holding it, you may spend energy from it as though from yourself. You can't fill any object with more energy than your current energy maximum.

You must attune to a musical instrument in order to store or use energy from it.

Word's Potential

Once you reach 10th level, you have a number of bonus spells equal to your Charisma modifier, chosen from any spell list.

Epic Tale

Once you reach 15th level, each time you cast a spell of 1st level or higher, you may choose to spend energy up to or equal to your Charisma modifier, adding a bonus damage die of the same size the spell uses for each energy spent.

When you gain this Ability, you choose force or psychic damage. Damage dice granted by epic tale always deal damage of the chosen type.


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the spellweaver class, you must meet these prerequisites: Charisma 13

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the spellweaver class, you gain the following proficiencies:none

Spellcasting. When you multiclass and have one or more levels as a spellweaver and another spellcasting class, you lose all spells per day. If a class does not prepare spells, you know all spells from it's spell list. If a class does prepare spells, your method for storing spells and the number of spells known remains unchanged. Your energy total is equal to the number indicated for your character level on the spellweaver table + each of your spellcasting modifiers. All of your spells cost energy equal to their level and your spell threshold applies to spells from any class.

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Built for use with the Voidhaven campaign setting.
gollark: Yes, just take it on a laptop or something.
gollark: The entire content of reddit?
gollark: Randomized controlled trials?
gollark: I didn't, no.
gollark: It wasn't that. It was some weird historical factors, and it being easy to write compilers for, and being tied to Unix.
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