Special Beam Cannon (3.5e Spell)

He kept his fingers pressed together, energy building until he could hold it no more. He snapped his hand out and drilled a hole through 120 ft. of matter, neither man nor rock surviving.

Special Beam Cannon
Level: Ki Master 3
Components: V, S
Casting time: 3 rounds
Range: 120 ft.
Area: 120 ft. line
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: No

It takes a great deal of preparation to prepare, but the Special Beam cannon is a very powerful low level spell. It deals 2d6 typeless magic damage per caster level (max 40d6), and gives no spell resistance.

It is unique in that before damage is rolled, make an attack roll against any caught in the attack. On a natural 20, roll again as if confirming a critical. If this unique critical hit is made, the laser has drilled through a vital, killing the target. Treat as vorpal. Creatures immune to vorpal are also immune to Special Beam Cannon's killing blow.

The spell is at its best when used for surprise, for it makes an excellent sniping tool.

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