Space-Time Knight (5e Class)

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Space-Time Knight

The controllers of space-time tissue. They have been blessed by some entity capable of performing their deeds and now possess one of the most dangerous types of spells. They have the ability to cast lots of spells before they get tired. His magic is designed to gain control of the battlefield, trying to prevent his enemies from reaching him. Although they have little HP, but they can be considered tough characters because of their great abjuration. In addition, your eyes are your source of power, each representing the control over a property, that is, one represents time and the other the space. They are born with a mark, a symbol in their eyes instead of the pupil, being things like the drawing of a clock for example.

Creating a Space-Time Knight


Think if your character always knew he had this power, and if so, how he used or avoided using it. If not, think about how such power was hidden from your character and how he reacted when he discovered it. Also think about how people reacted to his different power and eyes.

Quick Build

You can make a Space-Time Wizard quickly by following these suggestions. First, intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by wisdom. Second, choose the Sage background.

Class Features

As a Space-Time Knight you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Space-Time Knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Space-Time Knight level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: Simple, and Martial
Tools: Medicine Kit and alchemy kit
Saving Throws: Intelligence and Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Medicine, Acrobatics, and Investigation


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Longsword or (b) Any Martial weapon
  • Medicine Kit and alchemy kit

Table: The Space-Time Knight

Reality Pulse DamageEnergy PointsFeatures
1st+22d68Might of the Eyes, Space Deflection, Reality Pulse
2nd+22d612Reality Repulsion, Meditation, Intellectual Combat
3rd+23d618Time Delay, Chosen Eye Path
4th+23d624Ability Score Improvement, Might of the Eyes improvement, Destiny Control, Space-Time Distortion
5th+33d628Extra Attack
6th+34d634Little Catastrophe, Ability Score Increase
7th+34d640Chosen Eye Feature
8th+34d646Ability Score Improvement, Might of the Eyes improvement
9th+45d660Absorption Time Shield
10th+45d666Extra Attack(2)
11th+45d676Planar Access
12th+46d680Ability Score Improvement, Might of the Eyes improvement
14th+56d686Chosen Eye Feature
15th+57d696Extra Attack(3)
16th+57d6100Ability Score Improvement, Might of the Eyes improvement
17th+67d6110Too Catastrophic
18th+68d6116Reality Warp
19th+68d6126Ability Score Improvement
20th+68d6140Might of the Eyes improvement, Chosen Eye Feature

Ability DC

Abilities save DC: 8 + your proficiency bonus + your intelligence modifier

Might of the Eyes

Your eyes protect your mind, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and resistance to psychic damage.

Also, you're not dead nor alive, you recover any part of your body witch you lost and any scar disappears when you finish a long rest. You have a timeless body, you do not age from the age of 20. In addition, you can not be blinded and you can see through magical darkness.

The eyes witch have been given to you provide power.

Starting at 1st level, You can see in dim light and dark within 150ft as it was bright light. Also you increase your intelligence by 1. In addition, you have a timeless body. Also you can see everything with details up to a distance of 1 mile, and you have advantage on all checks witch is related to your eyes. You can also see through surfaces up to 5ft thick, you can only see through two obstacles and you can choose what you see and what you do not see

Starting at 4th level, your power grows, so, you increase your intelligence by 2. Your maximum value for this scores is now 22.

Starting at 6th level, Your skills improve. Also you increase your intelligence by 2, your maximum for this score is 24.

Starting at 10th level you have an extremely powerful mind, you can now talk to anyone you see using your mind. Also your intelligence increases by 2, also, now your maximum for this score is now 26.

Starting at 12th level you have trained your mind and eyes, your intelligence increases by 2, also, now your maximum for this score is 28.

Starting at 16th level, you have full control of your powers and mind, your intelligence increases by 2, also, now your maximum for this score is 30.

Space Deflection

Starting at 1st level, a reality control shield appears around you, attacks that were supposed to hit, mysteriously do not hit, or it's just as if they were attacking in the wrong place, but you actually changed reality, to force those events, then your Ability to control reality becomes your greatest defense. Now your AC is equal to 10+ your intelligence modifier+ your Wisdom modifier+ your Dexterity modifier.

Reality Pulse

Starting at 1st level. As an attack action, you can manipulate reality to generate a pulse on your enemy, an air sphere explodes on your enemy. You do it with a movement of hands or just with your mind and make a range attack: creature must make a saving throw equaling your 8 + intelligence modifier + your proficiency. That pulse deals 2d6 +intelligence modifier of force damage on the target witch must be within 120ft. The damage grows as you reach new levels, as you can see in the Space-time Wizard table. The creature must be successful on a strength saving throw or will be pushed up to 15ft.

Intellectual Combat

Starting at 2nd level, you use a form of combat that is based on your mind making intellectual combat choices before an attack. You can use your intelligence modifier in place of strength score for attacks with 3 weapons of your choice.

Reality Repulsion

Using an action or a reaction, you can make a invisible explosion with a little explosion sound around you within a radius of 15ft, all the creatures must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or will be pushed up to 30ft, to one direction according to the angle relative to you and dealing the same damage of the Reality pulse, you also can use this ability as a cone of 15ft. In a successful saving throw the creature still is pushed up to 15ft. You can use this three times before longrest.

Starting at 5th level you can pull instead of pushing with this ability.

Starting at 10th level, the limit increases from 3 to 5, and 7 at 12th level.


Starting at 2nd level, once a day, you can recover half of your Energy Points after a short rest.

Time Delay

Starting at 3rd level,you manipulate the time itself, you see everything slower you gain advantage on your initiative.

Chosen Eye Path

Starting at 3th level, you choose witch eye path you will focus on your training and witch you will use more. Look later the Eyes Paths witch you can choose.

Ability Score Increase

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Destiny Control

Starting at 4th level, your eyes can control destiny itself, after finishing a long rest, roll 3d20, you can substitute any d20 roll wich you can see the situation for any of the results obtained. You roll the dices again after another long rest, replacing the results obtained in the previous long rest. You force reality to change, the moment you desire, the world unfolds to the new destiny. Starting at 5th level, you have 4d20.

Space-Time Distortion

Starting at 4th level. With an action and spending 1 energy points, you can activate this feature on any creature that you can see, the creature must be succeed on a constitution saving throw or a dark sphere will appear around it, causing disadvantage in all attack rolls made by the creature till your next turn.

Little Catastrophe

Starting at 6th level, you spend 5 Energy points, you can make a tiny catastrophic sphere, a black sphere appears in a place of your choice within a radius of a sphere of 30ft so, within a radius of 30ft of the sphere, all creatures (except you), objects and some buildings (the DM chooses witch are the buildings that will be or not pulled) must be successful on a constitution saving throw or will be pulled to the sphere and take 11d6 + your intelligence modifier x 2, of force damage to everything and everyone (except yourself), on a successful save the creature will take half of the damage and will be moved half of the distance. You can use it once a long rest. The number of usages of this ability is shared with the other "catastrophe" abilities, being a unique number of uses.

Absorption Time Shield

Starting at 9th level, with a free action once a round, you create a sphere of distorted time around you, witch will decrease damage of all attacks for 1 round, roll your magnetic pulse damage, you decrease the damage by the result. You can use it a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier before doing a long rest.

Planar Access

Starting at 11 level, you can preform a ritual that allows you to travel to one of the echoes of the Material plane. That ritual requires 10 minutes and you need to spend 6 energy points at the end of it. After that, you and up to four volunteer creatures who are holding hands in a circle, are sent to Fae or to the Umbra, you choose. You and your companions appear in the same place or in a vacant space nearer to where you were in the Material Plane, but in the parallel plane chosen, and remain in that plane for up to 1 hour. after the time runs out, or when you use an action to end it, you are immediately sent to the Material Plan in a vortex that leaves everyone stunned until the end of next turn of each. For more 6 energy points, you remain for another 1 hour in the chosen parallel plane. After you use this feature, you must complete a long rest to use it again. Arriving on the 14th level, you can use this feature twice before doing a long rest.


Starting at 13th level, you spend 7 Energy points, you can make a small catastrophic sphere, a black sphere appears in a place of your choice within 60ft. Within a radius of 90ft of the sphere, all creatures (except you), objects and some buildings (the DM chooses witch are the buildings that will be or not pulled) must be successful on a constitution saving throw or will be pulled to the sphere and take 19d6 + your intelligence modifier x 2, of force damage to everything and everyone (except yourself), on a successful save the creature will take half of the damage and will be moved half of the distance. You can use it once before doing a long rest. The number of usages of this ability is shared with the other "catastrophe" abilities, being a unique number of uses.

Too Catastrophic

Starting at 17th level, you spend 13 Energy points, you can make a medium catastrophic sphere, a black sphere appears in a place of your choice within 180ft. Within a radius of 180ft of the sphere, all creatures (except you), objects and some buildings (the DM chooses witch are the buildings that will be or not pulled) must be successful on a constitution saving throw or will be pulled to the sphere and take 26d6+ your intelligence modifier x 2 of force damage to everything and everyone (except yourself), on a successful one the creature will take half of the damage and will be moved the half of the distance. You can use it once a long rest. The number of usages of this ability is shared with the other "catastrophic" abilities, being a unique number of uses.

Reality Warp

Starting at 18th level. As an action on your turn you can teleport to an unoccupied space you can see within 60ft. This does not provoke attacks of opportunities.

Planetary Catastrophic Annihilation

Starting at 20th level, you spend 20 Energy points, you can make a large catastrophic sphere, a black sphere appears in a place of your choice within 360ft. All creatures within a radius of 900ft of the sphere (except you), objects and buildings must be successful on a constitution saving throw or will be pulled to the sphere and take 32d6 + your intelligence modifier x 2 of force damage to everything and everyone. On a successful save the creature will take half damage and moved half of the distance. You can use it once a long rest. The number of usages of this ability is shared with the other "catastrophic" abilities, being a unique number of uses.

Eye of the Time

You have chosen the eye which controls time

Back to the past

Starting at 3rd level, you spend 4 energy points, so you can roll again any roll of attack, check or saving throw, you can use it twice before doing a short rest. You can recover this feature a maximum of time equal to 4x before doing a long rest.

Broken Time

Starting at 7th level, you spend 5 energy points, so you can back in the time to the life you had in the begin of 1 turn at 2 turns in the past. You can use this feature once before doing a short rest. You can recover this feature a maximum of time equal to 4x before doing a long rest.

Time is Growing

Starting at 14th level. You spend 6 energy points and roll a d20, if it results a 15 or more, you will have 2 turns in a row (you so when you roll the initiative). You can use it twice before doing a long rest.

Another Time Line

Starting at 20th level, you control time itself, with an action and bonus action, when you use this ability, all the world goes back in the time 2 days (Everything goes back in the time, except you and another creature witch you choose can keep the memories) doing so causes you to gain 2 levels of exhaustion.

Eye of the Space

You have chosen the eye which controls the space.

Control Wave of Destruction

Starting at 3rd level, with a bonus action, all creatures automatically fail on their Reality repulsion or impulse saving throw, you can use it a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier before doing a long rest.

Evasive Teleportation

Starting at 7th level, you can spend 4 energy points and use a reaction to teleport within a radius of 30ft. You can use it a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier. You teleport instantly. Also, you can use magnetic impulsion as a reaction once before doing a short rest.

Damage of the space

Starting at 14th level, all damage from your class abilities deal pure damage instead of force damage.

Sphere of Truth

This is the destruction and distortion itself, all the damage kinds in one ability so this ability ignores any resistances or immunizes. At 20th level over the course of 2 turns you can create a big black sphere in the sky. On the first turn everything, and everyone except you must be successful on a constitution saving throw or take 5d10 pure damage, this sphere will be 200ft in the sky. On the second turn the sphere falls to the ground, everything, and everyone except you within a radius of 600ft must be successful on a dexterity saving throw, on a failed one, takes 34d6 of pure damage, a creature who succeeds takes half damage.


You can multiclass with this class by having a 13 or higher in Intelligence and a 13 or higher in Wisdom.

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gollark: It wouldn't be.
gollark: Give me 0.8 kiloseconds.
gollark: As a test.
gollark: I'll sign up for an account and configure it myself maybe?
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