Soul Knight (3.5e Prestige Class)
Soul Knight
An unarmed, unarmored figure approaches through the windswept alley. You think him a bit simple as he continues to approach you, "he must be mad this man, walking this part of the city unarmed.." you think; and as that thought runs through your mind the figure is suddenly enveloped in a icy blue light that covers his body whole, in his left hand a sheet of light seems to function like a shield and in his right, a fixed ray of light looks like a weapon of some sorts..
This prestige class is designed to offer Soul Knives the ability to become melee fighting specialists with reputations close to paladins, in society's that have a lot of psionics these warriors are the pinicle of mental and physical dedication.
- hit dice: d6
- Alignment: Any
- Base Attack Bonus: +5
- Feats: All Armor Proficiencies, Shield Proficiency, Mind Shield
- Skills: Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Psionics) 8 ranks
- Special: Mind Blade Class Feature, Shape Mind Blade Class Feature
Level | Base Attack Bonus |
Fort Save |
Ref Save |
Will Save |
Special |
1st | +1 | +2 | +0 | +2 | Soulknife Abilities, Mind Armor (light) |
2nd | +2 | +3 | +0 | +3 | Mind Armor/Shield +1, Bonus Feat, Mind Armor/Shield Enhancement +1, Improved Shape Mind Blade, Quicken Equipment |
3rd | +3 | +3 | +1 | +3 | Evasion, Psi-enhanced Senses |
4th | +4 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Mind Armor/Shield +2, Mind Armor/Shield Enhancement +2, Bonus Feat |
5th | +5 | +4 | +1 | +4 | Mind Armor (medium), Sword and Shield |
6th | +6 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Mind Armor/Shield +3, Mind Armor Enhancement/Shield +3, Bonus Feat |
7th | +7 | +5 | +2 | +5 | Improved Evasion, Psi-enhanced Body |
8th | +8 | +6 | +2 | +6 | Mind Armor/Shield +4, Mind Armor/Shield Enhancement +4, Bonus Feat |
9th | +9 | +6 | +3 | +6 | Mind Armor (heavy), Bonus Feat, Psi-enhanced mind |
10th | +10 | +7 | +3 | +7 | Mind Armor/Shield +5, Mind Armor/Shield Enhancement +5, Soul Champion, Bonus Feat |
Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level) |
Class Features
All the following are class features of the Soul Knight:
Soulknife Abilities: A Soul Knight may add his class levels to his soulknife levels to determine his enhancement bonus and his levels for his weapon ability enhancements with the addition of his improvements increasing every two, instead of every four levels. For example a 5 level Soul Knife, 2 level Soul Knight has a +2 mindblade with a +1 weapon enhancement.
Bonus Feat: Every two levels the Soul Knight recieves a Bonus Feat, it can be a Feat of the list of the Fighter Feats.
Mind Armor (light): At first level Soul Knight gains the ability to create an armor formed of the same energy as his/her mindblade, this armor grants the character an +3 armor bonus to AC without a maximum dexterity or armor penalty. A soulknife’s mind armor and shield improves as the character gains higher levels. At 2nd level and every two levels thereafter, the mind armor and shield gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus on Armor Class and (+2 at 4th level, +3 at 6th level, +4 at 8th level, and +5 at 10th level).
The armor can be broken (it has hardness 20 and 20 hit points); however, a soulknight can simply create another on his next move action.
Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain his mind armor by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife maintains his mind armor for a number of rounds equal to his class level before he needs to check again. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind armor vanishes. As a move action on his turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize his mind armor while he remains within the psionics negating effect.
Mind Armor/Shield Enhancement: At 2th level, a soulknife gains the ability to enhance his mind armor and shield. He can add any one of the armor/shield special abilities on the table below that has an enhancement bonus value of +1.
At every two levels beyond 2th (4th, 6th, 8th and 10th), the value of the enhancement a Soul Knight can add to his armor and shield improves to +2, +3, +4,and +5 respectively. A Soul Knight can choose any armor or shield special abilities and the enhancement bonus received by the Soul Knight's level is separate for the mind shield and the mind armor. For instance a 5th level Soul Knight can have a +2 bonus on his/her shield and a +2 bonus on his/her armor.
The armor and shield ability or abilities remain the same every time the soulknife materializes his mind armor and/or shield (unless he decides to reassign its abilities; see below). The ability or abilities apply to any form the mind armor takes.
A Soul Knight can reassign the ability or abilities he has added to his mind armor or shield. To do so, he must first spend 8 hours in concentration. After that period, the mind armor or mind shield materializes with the new ability or abilities selected by the Soul Knight.
Level | Enhancement Level |
Armor Enhancements |
Shield Enhancements | ||
2nd | +1 | Fortification, (light), Slick, Shadow, Silent moves | Arrow catching, Bashing, Blinding, Fortification, (light) | ||
4th | +2 | Spell resistance (13), Slick, improved, Shadow, improved, Silent moves, improved, Acid resistance, Cold resistance, Electricity resistance, Fire resistance, Sonic resistance | Arrow deflection, Animated, Spell resistance (13), Acid resistance, Cold resistance, Electricity resistance, Fire resistance, Sonic resistance | ||
6th | +3 | Ghost touch, Invulnerability, Fortification, moderate, Spell resistance (15), Slick, greater, Shadow, greater, Silent moves, greater, Acid resistance, improved, Cold resistance, improved, Electricity resistance, improved, Fire resistance, improved, Sonic resistance, improved | Ghost touch, Fortification, moderate, Spell resistance (15), Acid resistance, improved, Cold resistance, improved, Electricity resistance, improved, Fire resistance, improved, Sonic resistance, improved | ||
8th | +4 | Spell resistance (17), Etherealness | Spell resistance (17) | ||
Quicken equipment: At 2th level the Soul Knight's ability to call on his mind blade, mind shield and mind armor are greatly quickened. The Soul Knight may now call on his blade, armor and shield (or any combination of these) and change the shape of his blade as an immediate action. so for example a Soul Knight could go from having no armor but a shield and a blade replicating a heavy mace to an armor and a blade replicating a greatsword immediately. Evasion: At 3th level the Soul Knight gains Evasion as described in the Players Handbook. Psi-enhanced Senses: At 3th level the Soul Knight gains a better understanding of his pisonic powers, so that they begin to influence his senses. As a result the Soul Knight gets a +5 bonus on Spot, Listen and Search checks. This bonus improves by another +5 at 7th, and another +5 at 9th level. Mind Armor (medium): At 5th level the Soul Knight's mind armor improves, the armor bonus to AC becomes +5 and it's hardness and hitpoint increase to 30 and 30 respectively. Sword and Shield: At 5th level the Soul Knight gains his/her shield bonus even when fighting with two weapons. Imrpoved Evasion: At 7th level the Soul Knight gains Imroved Evasion as described in the Players Handbook. Psi-enhanced Body: At 7th level the Soul Knight's understanding of his powers grows to dimensions that influence his body. As a result his physical abilities get a +2 cumulative enhancement bonus. This bonus improves by another +4 at 9th level. Mind Armor (heavy): At 9th level the Soul Knight's mind armor improves again, giving a +10 armor bonus to AC, with a hardness of 50 and 50 hitpoints. Psi-enhanced Mind: At 9th level the Soul Knight's understanding of his psionic powers are at their peak. He becomes practically one with his powers. As such he get´s a +4 cumulative enhancement bonus to his mind abilities. In addition even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field) the Soul Knight retains his abilities without having to roll any save. Soul Champion: At 10th level the Soul Knight becomes a force of destruction to be reckoned with, as an immediate action thrice per day for 5 rounds/Soul Knight level she gains a +5 bonus on saves, damage reduction 10/- and a fly speed of 60ft. (perfect). In addition, as a Soul CHampion, the Soul Knight is able to use the Soul Knife Abilities Bladewind, Knife to the Soul and Multiple throw as described in the Expanded Psionics Handbook. Armor Special Ability Fortification, light +1 Slick +1 Shadow +1 Silent moves +1 Spell resistance (13) +2 Slick, improved +2 Shadow, improved +2 Silent moves, improved +2 Acid resistance +2 Cold resistance +2 Electricity resistance +2 Fire resistance +2 Sonic resistance +2 Ghost touch +3 Invulnerability +3 Fortification, moderate +3 Spell resistance (15) +3 Slick, greater +3 Shadow, greater +3 Silent moves, greater +3 Acid resistance, improved +3 Cold resistance, improved +3 Electricity resistance, improved +3 Fire resistance, improved +3 Sonic resistance, improved +3 Spell resistance (17) +4 Etherealness +4 Shield Special Ability Arrow catching +1 Bashing +1 Blinding +1 Fortification, light +1 Arrow deflection +2 Animated +2 Spell resistance (13) +2 Acid resistance +2 Cold resistance +2 Electricity resistance +2 Fire resistance +2 Sonic resistance +2 Ghost touch +3 Fortification, moderate +3 Spell resistance (15) +3 Acid resistance, improved +3 Cold resistance, improved +3 Electricity resistance, improved +3 Fire resistance, improved +3 Sonic resistance, improved +3 Spell resistance (17) +4
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