Skill Scan Goggles (5e Equipment)

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Wondrous item, Artifact (requires attunement)

While wearing this one long crystal lenses goggle, you can learn skills and feats of other creatures.
Scan. While wearing this goggles, you may use an action to study a creature within 60 feet of you as an action. You gain information about all skills or feats to look out for from the creature.

Save. The goggles can save three skills or feats at once. The skill or feat can't be racial or biological.

Learn. While wearing this goggles, you can gain one of the skills or feats which you had scanned and saved during a long rest. You can only learn skill or feats this way equal to the number of creature's Wisdom Modifer x 2 (Minimum of 1). After the creature gain a trait this way, the creature's Wisdom decrease by 1.

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