Shield of Returning (5e Equipment)

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Armor(shield), uncommon, rare, very rare, legendary (requires attunement)

A Shield of Returning is simply a shield that returns when thrown, originally created by a (literally) mad wizard when his hired guard kept throwing their shields into battle, and not retrieving them afterwards.

Each attack from the shield takes one attack action, but returns to you at the end of your attack phase. If you have less possible attacks than the shield can be used, the attacks are not used until you reach the appropriate level. Each shield has a throw range of 15 feet.


When thrown at an enemy, make an attack roll. The shield then attacks the target dealing 1d6 piercing, taking one attack action, and returns to you at the end of your attack action, lowering your AC if you are subject to a reaction attack. You may attack more if you have multi attack, but only with a different weapon. Can also be used as a melee weapon.


+1 to attack, damage, and AC when in hand.

A circular shield that can hit two targets (but not the same one twice in a row), dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit. If you only attack less creatures than it can attack, it returns to you at the end of your attack phase, requiring you to use a different weapon if you want to attack again.

Very Rare

+2 to attack, damage, and AC when in hand.

A circular shield that is sharpened on the edges. It can attack three total enemies and deals 1d8 slashing damage (cannot attack a target twice in a row). If you attack less creatures than it can attack, it returns to you at the end of your attack phase, requiring you to use a different weapon if you want to attack again.


+3 to attack, damage, and AC when in hand.

A circular shield that has sharpened and serrated edge, and can hit up to four targets (can attack a target more than once in a row). On a hit the shield deals 2d6 slashing damage, and as a bonus action, can be set spinning, allowing it to do an extra d6 of damage and lasts for one minute, after which the ability can't be used till next dawn. (while in this state, ones roll to attack result in a normal attack, but upon returning, the shield removes your arm at the elbow). If you attack less creatures than it can attack, it returns to you at the end of your attack phase, requiring you to use a different weapon if you want to attack again.

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