Savant of Magic Unbound (3.5e Prestige Class)

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Savant of Magic Unbound

Wizard, sorcerer, cleric, deity... At first glance they all seem unique, their powers mutually exclusive. But tell me, what is it that really sets them apart, hmm? Look a little deeper and you'll find that maybe they aren't so different after all. A wizard might manipulate magic through arduous study, a sorcerer through inborn talent, a cleric through powers granted by his deity, and a deity by sheer force of presence alone, but at their core they are all granted their abilities by their affinity for the manipulation of power, of energy, of Magic. Once you have isolated this one central vein running through all beings of power, you can strip away your own limitations and predispositions and learn the true power of Magic Unbound.
—Thoriun Whitespire, Savant of Magic Unbound

In the long and arduous study of magic, there are some individuals who come to question the various rules and limitations imposed on them through the many lessons and demonstrations they have to endure. Many times these individuals will merely allow themselves to chafe, never really pursuing their wishes to perhaps be a little freer to operate as they please. But then there are those who possess the drive and intellect necessary to pursue and understand Magic at its basest elements, who dare to defy conventional knowledge and blaze their own path, discovering the potential of magic for themselves, and who have come to understand that the lines drawn in the sand by other practitioners are just that: mere lines, there to be stepped over by those with the courage and ingenuity to do so.

These are the patrons of what has come to be known as the Philosophy of Magic Unbound. It is not a school or a craft, but an idea that has been independently reinvented a thousand times over by those who feel the call of what is known as True Magic, the one source of all extranatural phenomena.

Becoming a Savant of Magic Unbound

To qualify to become an Savant of Magic Unbound, a character must fulfill all of the following criteria.


  • Wizard. Only those trained in the art of Wizardry are versatile enough to branch out into Magic Unbound.


  • Any Chaotic. Only those with Chaotic alignments truly posses the natural inborn talent at working outside the lines necessary to overcome the boundaries and limitations of traditional magic.


  • Knowledge (arcana) 12,
  • Spellcraft 12


  • Eschew Materials. Learning to cast spells without the "necessary" components is vital to any who wish to manipulate True Magic, unbound. Indeed, this is often the first step on the foray into the Philosophy for many a spellcaster, as they may soon begin asking themselves, "What other rules can I break...?"
  • Any two Metamagic feats. Metamagic is another area where potential Savants encounter and familiarize themselves with the malleability of magic. It is here that many Savants have honed their skills and understanding of the manipulation of magic and were inspired to carry things further and beyond the bounds of traditional magic.


  • Savants must have no school specializations or spell focuses, as further restricting oneself as a spellcaster is entirely contrary to the Philosophy of Magic Unbound.

Table: The Savant of Magic Unbound
Hit Die: d4
Level Base
Attack Bonus
Special Spells per Day/Spells Known
1st +0 +0 +0 +2 True Magic Pool, Adaptable Magic, Metamagic Feat +1 level of existing spellcaster class
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Universal Aptitude +1 level of existing spellcaster class
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Metamagic Feat +1 level of existing spellcaster class
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Spellbound Intuition +1 level of existing spellcaster class
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Bonus Spell, Metamagic Feat +1 level of existing spellcaster class
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Scrollworker +1 level of existing spellcaster class
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Metamagic Feat +1 level of existing spellcaster class
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Magic Manipulation +1 level of existing spellcaster class
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Bonus Spell, Metamagic Feat +1 level of existing spellcaster class
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 Magic Unleashed +1 level of existing spellcaster class

Class Skills (Int modifier + Wis modifier + Cha modifier per level)
The Savant of Magic Unbound may tag any four skills that suit his interest, as long as they are dictated by either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
This demonstrates the Savant's varied and adaptable nature and the inevitably scattered and eclectic interests that result.

Class Features:

The following are Class Features gained by a Savant of Magic Unbound.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Savants of Magic Unbound gain no new proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells per Day: When a new Savant of Magic Unbound level is gained, the Savant learns new spells from his spellcasting class(es) as if he had also gained a level in one of his or her previous spellcasting classes. He also gains additional spells per day and unlocks the ability to cast higher level spells in the same manner. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained, such as bonus feats, abilities, etc. If a character had more than one spellcasting class before becoming a Savant of Magic Unbound, he must decide which class he adds the new level to in order to determine spells per day.

Bonus Spells: At fifth and ninth level, the Savant of Magic Unbound is able to tap into secrets usually available only to other classes. He may learn one extra spell from any spell list whenever a Bonus Spell is granted.

True Magic Pool: The True Magic Pool is the keystone of the Savant of Magic Unbound. Tapping in to a personal font of pure magical energy is what separates Savants of Magic Unbound from others who follow the Philosophy, what makes a Savant a Savant. It a reserve of pure, neutral magical energy that the Savant may use to fuel his Adaptable Magic. Whenever the Savant of Magic Unbound prepares his spells for the day, he gains True Magic Points equal to his Intelligence modifier + Wisdom modifier + Charisma modifier, and loses any points that he has not spent at the end of the day.

  • Spell Sacrifice: The Savant forgoes preparing certain spells, storing the energy he would have spent in his True Magic Pool to gain one True Magic Point per level of the spells sacrificed. He may only sacrifice a number of spells equal to his Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier (whichever is higher).
  • Strokes of Genius: A Stroke of Genius is awarded whenever the Savant thinks outside of the proverbial box and uses magic in a clever or unconventional manner, demonstrating his ingenious nature. Examples of this would include using a spell to circumvent a skill check that the DM has called for, using a noncombative/utility spell to deal damage and/or kill an enemy, or using a spell to manipulate outside occurrences or NPCs without directly affecting them via mind-effects, etc. Do note that not always will the given circumstances be counted as Strokes of Genius. For example, casting Fly to avoid making a climb check would not count as a Stroke of Genius, but blasting a hole in a wall to avoid traps or obstacles when the DM has carefully prepared the obvious pathway would. In the end, it is up to the DM to award a Stroke of Genius (though a Savant may claim a Stroke of Genius for review by the DM), and the DM may, of course, award a Stroke of Genius for any act that he deems worthy outside of the ones mentioned. Strokes of Genius add to the number of points added to the Savant's True Magic Pool each day when he prepares his spells. This does add the potential for a Savant to have a very deep True Magic Pool at later levels, however an intelligent Savant is a powerful Savant, so this is to be expected.

Universal Aptitude: The Savant has come to understand Magic as simply.... Magic. Whether granted by a deity or one's own ability, the Savant understands these forms of Magic by the universal force behind it: Magic. As such, the Savant has the ability to learn and cast any spells from any spell list of any class, albeit with +1 to the spell's level if it is not from a class which he has taken prior to becoming a Savant. However, the Savant may not gain spells as the result of a level up from the spell list of a class which he has not taken levels in; in that circumstance he is limited to the spell lists which he is given access to by his previous class(es) and those spell lists only. He may, however, learn any spell from a spellbook or tome in which the spell in question has been recorded. He may also be taught a spell by any willing spellcaster over the course of one hour per level of the spell being learned, where it is assumed that the teaching spellcaster demonstrates and recharges the spell numerous times while the Savant observes and perfects his own magical paraphrasing of the spell.

Adaptable Magic: Learning to adapt and mold their magic as they wish is one of the first benefits that new Savants of Magic Unbound gain. It allows the Savant a variety of spontaneous and adaptive abilities which few, if any, other classes can match.

  • Spell Shaping: The Savant may spontaneously apply any metamagic feat that he knows to a spell he is casting at the cost of one True Magic Point per spell level increased by the metamagic feat. Applying a metamagic feat is considered a free action, and the Savant may apply multiple metamagic feats to a single spell if he wishes.
  • Adaptive Casting: Adaptive Casting allows the Savant to cast any spell that he knows without preparing it before hand at the cost of one True Magic Point per level of the spell, plus one additional True Magic Point. Spells cast this way are considered a full round action.
  • Pure Magic: The pure nature of the Savant's True Magic Pool allows him to expend magical energy where other sacrifices might be called for during spellcasting. Rather than paying the XP cost of a spell, the Savant may instead pay 1 True Magic Point per every 100 XP called for by the spell.

Spellbound Intuition: Whenever a spell is cast or a magical effect activated in the vicinity of a Savant of Magic Unbound, the Savant may attempt to observe and memorize the spell and its effects. If in combat, using this ability counts as the standard action of the caster's next turn, and if the ability is successful, the Savant is held spellbound as he gains a sudden understanding of the workings of the spell, and may not take any actions, including free actions, on his next turn.

  • Intuiting a spell: In order to determine the success or failure of Spellbound Intuition, roll a d20 and add 1/2 the Savant's caster level rounded down and the Savant's Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma modifiers. The DC to learn a spell is 20, + the spell's level, +2 if there are hostile enemies in melee range of the Savant, +3 if the Savant does not witness the spell being cast, -2 if outside of combat, and -4 if the Savant is affected by the spell. If the effect is from a trap or other triggered effect, the Savant must make a successful reflex check of 14 or greater before being able to use Spellbound Intuition, unless the Savant states before hand that he is intentionally triggering the effect so that he may learn of it. In addition, the Savant may spend True Magic Points from his Pool to increase his Spellbound Intuition check, gaining +2 for every point that he spends.
  • Learning the intuited spell: If the check is a success, the Savant must then record his findings and further memorize the spell, resting for 5 minutes times the level of the spell he is trying to learn. If this is done within the next hour, then the spell is automatically learned. However, any length of time beyond the first hour, the Savant must make a Spellcraft check with a DC of 20 +2 for every hour since the spell was witnessed. The Savant may only remember one spell at a time in this manner, however if an opportunity to intuit a more desirable spell presents itself before the Savant is able to record his current findings, he may forget them and learn of a the spell in their place.

Scrollworker: For potential Savants, scrolls are something of a godsend. For experienced Savants, they are an old and trusted ally. Though most people are aware of the diversity of magic, it is through scrolls where mages first feel the tingling warmth of ability. It is through scrolls that spellcasters get their first taste of the potential of Magic Unbound.

  • Craft Scroll: The Savant of Magic Unbound is so familiar with the workings of scrolls that he is able to create them with little to no cost in comparison to other spellcasters. The Savant may expend two True Magic Points to empower his writings with magic for the duration of his scroll crafting session. He may then create any number of scrolls of any spells that he knows, expending only the media he uses (charcoal, parchment, ink, etc.), as long as their combined spell levels are equal to or less than his Int modifier + Wisdom modifier + Charisma modifier.
  • Learn Scroll: Where most spellcasters would have to purchase expensive inscription kits to copy scrolls into their spellbooks, the Savant is experienced enough with scrolls to realize that this is not wholly necessary, and is able to learn spells from scrolls without an inscription kit and its inherent cost.

Magic Manipulation: A set of metamagic feats particular to the Savant of Magic Unbound.

  • (+3) Intensify Spell: Funnels more magical energy into a spell than necessary, destabilizing and expanding its usual boundaries. This turns an on-target spell into an Area of Effect whose radius is equal to the (spell level x 5) feet, turns rays and beams into cones which cover the base spell range in distance and expand to the highest casting attribute's modifier (Int, Wis, or Cha) x 5 feet at its greatest diameter, turns cones into radial spells, affecting anything within the spell's range in any direction around the caster, and turns a projectile spell into an engulfing beam that passes through and/or around enemies in its path, dealing damage, before exploding on the intended target creature or area; if the spell already has an area of effect, then the area is doubled. If it does not, then add the (spell level x 5) feet to its area of effect.
  • (+2) Piercing Spell: Projectiles created by spells, such as lightning bolts and scorching rays, do not stop at their target, but rather deal damage and continue traveling, either to a point where the Savant wishes it to stop or the spell reaches its maximum range, dealing damage to anything it passes through.
  • (+2) Project Spell: The Savant projects the initiating point of his spell, (1/2 caster level x 5) feet away, casting and directing the spell as if he had been standing in that spot to begin with, allowing rays and bolts to be directed around cover or friendlies, and touch attacks to be delivered at range.

Magic Unleashed: After many long days, weeks, and months, the Savant of Magic Unbound truly comes to understand what it means to control Magic, unbound, without unnecessary limitations. He gains one bonus spell per day of every level, learns any spells from any spell list with the combined spell levels of his caster level, and when a magic related effect calls for an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier, instead use all three together.

Ex-Savant of Magic Unbound

Playing a Savant of Magic Unbound




Savant of Magic Unbound in the World

NPC Reactions:

Savant of Magic Unbound Lore

Characters with ranks in can research to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs.


Savant of Magic Unbound in the Game


Sample Encounter:

EL whatever:

This class in summation.

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gollark: You said 5 earlier, not 3.
gollark: So just hijack that satellite and replace its firmware with a Befunge interpreter.
gollark: They're running a competition to get people to hack a satellite.
gollark: You need to program it so it's actually aligned with your values.
gollark: Restrictions don't work if you have a remotely effective self-modifying AI.
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