Samurai (4e Class)


Class Traits
Role: Defender. Like any defender, you are extremely durable. However, you have the advantage of being incredibly precise with your weapon strikes and the ability to deftly move around the battlefield to gain footing on your foes.
Power Source: Martial. Always seeking to obtain greater strength and skill, Samurais are martial perfectionists. Your motivation as a Samurai is pure and simple, to seek out Powerful opponents and destroy them, thereby proving you strength.
Key Abilities: Strength, Constitution, Wisdom
Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather, hide, chainmail, scale, plate; light shield, heavy shield
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Military Melee, Simple Ranged, Martial
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +1 Will
Hit Points at 1st Level: 15 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 6
Healing Surges per Day: 10 + Constitution modifier
Trained Skills: Endurance.  From the class skills list below, choose 4 more trained skills at 1st level.
Class Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Deception, Investigation, Stealth
Build Options: Metal Samurai, Wind Samurai, Elemental Samurai
Class Features: Metal Bushido or Wind Bushido, Iai Strike, Two-Handed Specialist, Unbeatable Precision.

Samurai are disciples of the Ancient art of warfare and combat, who have dedicated their life to seeking out honorable warriors to test their mettle against. Always seeking to obtain greater strength and skill, Samurais are martial perfectionists. Your motivation as a Samurai is pure and simple, to seek out Powerful opponents and destroy them, thereby proving you strength.

Samurai Overview

Characteristics: Like any defender, you are extremely durable. However, you have the advantage of being incredibly precise with your weapon strikes and the ability to deftly move around the battlefield to gain footing on your foes.
Religion: Samurai's are not not known for their Peity, the worship honor and loyalty above all.
Races: humans, minotaurs and dragonborn have strong traditions in the way of the Samurai. However, the Samurai way is not bound to any particular race.

Creating a Samurai

Samurai's rely on their Strength most of all, and use Constitution and Wisdom as secondary attributes. Samurai have three builds,Elemental Samurai, Metal Samurai and Wind Samurai.

Metal Samurai

You emphasize defense above all, guarding your allies and distracting your foes. You do not deal as much damage as the Wind Samurai but are better at dealing with a wider variety of situations. The Metal Samurai uses Strength as their primary attribute followed by Constitution.

Suggested Feat: Toughness
Suggested Skills: Heal, Diplomacy, Insight
Suggested At-Will Powers: Blunt-side Slash, Invigorating Lunge
Suggested Encounter Power: Battering Ram
Suggested Daily Power: Fortification Jutsu
Metal Samurai Features:
Wind Samurai

Like a gust of wind, You fling yourself around the battlefield, cutting through everything in your path. You believe the best way to protect your allies is by destroying your foes with brutal force. The Wind Samurai uses Strength as their primary attribute followed by Wisdom.

Suggested Feat: Sharpened Steel
Suggested Skills: History, Perception, Intimidate
Suggested At-Will Powers: Spinning Assault, Dragon Strike
Suggested Encounter Power: Final Cut
Suggested Daily Power: Whirlwind Jutsu
Wind Samurai Features:
Elemental Samurai

Honed in battle and cursed with the fury of the elementals. You have mastered the use of these chaotic magics to further enhance you killing abilities. Elemental Samurai use Strength as their primary attribute followed by Wisdom, which they cast their magics with.

Suggested Feats: Sharpened Steel, Toughness
Suggested Skills: History, Perception, Intimidate, Arcana, Nature, Athletics
Samurai Class Features

You have the two powers attained through your chosen Samurai Path. In addition, you have the following class features.

Two-handed Specialist:you gain a +1 attack bonus when using two-handed weapons or striking with two hands.
Unbeatable Precision: when you are bloodied, your attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20.

Samurai Powers

A complete list of Samurai Powers can be found here.

Samurai Feats

A complete list of Samurai Feats can be found here.

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gollark: ←TL;DR: scratch bad.
gollark: CF? Coefficient fluctuation?
gollark: I figure I could replace the RPNCalcs with it, as well as the beep generator and SVG image generator ideas.
gollark: That was mine.
gollark: Using a Lisp-like language for this for no good reason?
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