Sage Powers (4e Power List)

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Sage Spells

These are the spells that can be taken by the Sage.

Level 1 At-Will Attack

Soul Arrow Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
You hurl an arrow of bright blue energy at your foe
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane, Soul, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One Creature
Attack: Wisdom Vs. Will
Hit: 1d8+ Wisdom modifier soul damage.
Damage increases to 2d8 at 21st level.

Fiery Surge Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
You send a surging blast of flame at your target
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane, Fire, Implement
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One to Three Creatures
Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d4+ Wisdom modifier fire damage, and up to two adjacent creatures take damage equal to your Charisma Modifier.
Damage increases to 2d4 at 21st level.

Minor Bead Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
A small sphere of congealed abyssal energy is hurled towards your foe
4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane, Necrotic
4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
Target: One Creature
Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6+ Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Damage increases to 2d6 at 21st level.

Level 1 Encounter Attack

    Pillar of Flame Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
    You seed a piece of your soul into the nearby ground, causing a pillar of flame to erupt from it
    4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Fire, Implement, Zone
    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 5
    Target: One Creature
    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
    Hit: 1d12+ Wisdom modifier fire damage, and a Pillar of Flame is created at the target location. The Pillar of Flame deals fire damage equal to your Charisma modifier to any creature occupying that zone for two rounds.
    Sustain 4e Sustain Action Type::Minor: The zone persists.

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    Dark Orb Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
    A solid black mass of abyssal power is thrown at an enemy, hurling it to the ground
    4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Necrotic, Implement
    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
    Target: One Creature
    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
    Hit: 1d10+ Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and the target is knocked prone.
    Special: This power can be used twice per encounter.

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    Level 1 Daily Attack

      Shifting Lights Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
      Light Around you shifts upon itself in impossible ways, blinding your foes and concealing you or a nearby ally
      4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Soul, Implement
      4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 5
      Target: All Enemies in Burst, You or one ally in Burst
      Attack: Wisdom Vs. Will
      Hit: 1d6+ Wisdom modifier soul damage, and the target is blinded (save ends)
      Miss: The concealment effect persists.
      Effect: You or one ally in the burst have total concealment until the end of the target's next turn.

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      Soul Ray Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 1
      A spear of blue energy blasts through the foes in front of you.
      4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Soul, Implement
      4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
      Target: One to Four Creatures
      Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
      Hit: 1d10+ Wisdom modifier soul damage
      Miss: Half damage

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          Cast Light Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 2
          You call into existence a bright and encompassing light.
          4e Power Usage::At-Will  Arcane
          4e Power Action Type::Standard Action 20 Squares
          Target: You or one ally
          Effect: The target emits a bright light that lasts 5 rounds, and has a range of 10 squares around the target. You may put out the light as a minor action.
          Sustain 4e Sustain Action Type::Minor: The light persists.
          Special: This spell does not count as a light cantrip.

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              Lesser Flash Sweat Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 2
              You begin to sweat profusely, and the liquid congeals and forms a membrane, surrounding your body in a fireproof shield
              4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Fire
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Personal
              Effect: You gain resist Fire 5+ Charisma modifier until the end of the turn.

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              Level 3 Encounter Attack

              Incinerate Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 3
              You bury a piece of your soul into your enemy, burning them from the inside.
              4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Fire
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 5
              Target: One Creature
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
              Hit: 1d4+ Wisdom modifier fire damage, and the target takes ongoing fire damage equal to your charisma modifier (save ends).

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              Abyssal Maw Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 3
              An exhalation of dark magic becomes a maw, ready to maim and hungry for blood
              4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Necrotic
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Blast 3
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
              Hit: 2d6+ Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the turn.

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              Soul Darts Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 3
              From each hand bolts of your own spirit hurl at your foes, detaching pieces of theirs.
              4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Soul, Implement
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
              Target: One or two Creatures
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
              Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier soul damage, and the target is stunned until the end of your next turn.

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              Level 5 Daily Attack

              Fire Orb Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 5
              An explosive orb of flame comprised of your fiery spirit is called into existence and hurled.
              4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Fire, Implement
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Area Burst 2 within 10 squares
              Target: Each enemy in burst
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
              Hit: 2d10+ Wisdom modifier fire damage, and targets take additional fire damage equal to your charisma modifier.
              Miss: Half damage.

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              Abyssal Shard Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 5
              An explosive but dormant piece of dark magic is embedded into your foe, which then explodes, raining shadow on the battlefield.
              4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Necrotic, Implement
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
              Primary Target: One Creature
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Will
              Hit: You daze the target. (save ends)
              Secondary Target: Each creature in burst
              Secondary Attack: Intelligence Vs. Will.
              Hit: 1d8+ Intelligence modifier necrotic damage.
              Effect: The primary target takes Wisdom+Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. Make a secondary attack that is an area burst 1 centered on the primary target.

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              Homing Soul Arrow Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 5
              You send out and ostracize a piece of your soul. The piece, longing for reunion with the spirit, hurls itself at your target, ignoring whatever efforts that target made to hide itself.
              4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Soul, Implement
              4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
              Target: One Creature
              Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex, This attack ignores all forms of concealment..
              Hit: 1d12+ Wisdom modifier soul damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
              Miss: Half damage.

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              Level 6 Utility


                Hidden Body Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 6
                Your spirit envelopes your skin, obfuscating the light around you.
                4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Illusion
                4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Personal
                Effect: You gain minor concealment until the end of your next turn. You do not break concealment by attacking or moving.
                Sustain 4e Sustain Action Type::Minor: Your concealment persists.

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                Iron Flesh Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 6
                The Spirit turns the body to Iron, weighing you down but providing excellent defense.
                4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane
                4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Personal
                Effect: You are slowed and gain a bonus to Fortitude and AC and a penalty to Reflex equal to your wisdom modifier+charisma modifier. You may end this effect as a minor action.

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                    Antimagic Field Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 6
                    Ravenous crackling bolts of your soul surround you, consuming any attempt at major magic.
                    4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Zone
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Personal
                    Effect: An Antimagic Field zone five squares by five squares is created. It centers on and moves with you. Anyone in the zone (yourself included) cannot use encounter or daily powers with the Arcane, Divine, Primal, or Psionic keywords without making a saving throw enhanced by their wisdom modifier, which is opposed by your own d20 wisdom roll. If the saving throw roll is lower, the power fails and is not used, if your roll is lower, the power resolves as normal. The zone can be ended as a minor action.

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                    Level 7 Encounter Attack

                    Crystal Soul Arrow Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 7
                    You send hardened pieces of your soul, condensed into sharp blue crystal, at your enemy.
                    4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Soul, Implement
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 20
                    Target: One Creature
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
                    Hit: 3d6+ Wisdom modifier soul damage, and the target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

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                    Bead Storm Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 7
                    Spheres of dark energy are sent in a swarm, surrounding your targets and buffeting them.
                    4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Necrotic, Implement
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Area Burst 1 within 10 squares
                    Target: Each creature in burst
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
                    Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier necrotic damage, and the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to your intelligence modifier until the end of your next turn.

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                    Whirlwind Combustion Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 7
                    You surround yourself with a maelstrom of flame carried by immense winds.
                    4e Power Usage::Encounter  Arcane, Fire, Implement
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Close Burst 2
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
                    Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom and charisma modifier fire damage, and you knock the target prone.

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                    Level 9 Daily Attack

                    Chaos Flames Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 9
                    You set aflame a piece of raw soul, hurl it at an enemy, and watch as the intense flames melt that enemy into slag.
                    4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Fire, Implement
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Area Burst 1 within 5 squares
                    Target: Each creature in burst
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Fortitude
                    Hit: 2d4+ Wisdom modifier fire damage. If the target moves before the end of your next turn, it takes ongoing fire damage equal to your charisma modifier.

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                    Soul Spear Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 9
                    A terrifying lance of blue lightning runs through your enemies like skewered meat.
                    4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Soul, Implement
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 15
                    Target: One or two Creatures
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Reflex
                    Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence modifier soul damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
                    Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

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                    Pursuer Sage 4e Power Type::Attack 9
                    You ostracize and corrupt a piece of your soul and send it out. The soul congeals into an Abyssal pursuer, an orb of darkness that constantly looks for other souls to join.
                    4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Necrotic, Implement, Conjuration
                    4e Power Action Type::Standard Action Ranged 10
                    Target: One creature within 5 squares of the pursuer
                    Attack: Wisdom Vs. Will
                    Hit: 1d6+ Wisdom and intelligence modifier necrotic damage.
                    Effect: You conjure an abyssal pursuer in an unoccupied square within range, and it attacks. As a move action, you can move the pursuer to a new target within range. The pursuer lasts until the end of your next turn.
                    Sustain 4e Sustain Action Type::Minor: When you sustain the Pursuer, it attacks again.

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                    Level 10 Utility


                      Soul Rift Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 10
                      You open a rift in the souls of two like minded people, allowing others to cross distances between them.
                      4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane, Teleportation
                      4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Ranged 15
                      Target: Two allies within range
                      Effect: You create a soul rift between the two target players that lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature except those two players that becomes adjacent to one of the target allies can move to the other target ally as if it were adjacent to that square. A creature cannot pass through the rift if all adjacent squares are occupied by other creatures.
                      Sustain 4e Sustain Action Type::Minor: The rift persists.

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                      Demonskin Sage 4e Power Type::Utility 10
                      You corrupt with abyssal power your own soul or that of another, causing drastic changes to the body it inhabits.
                      4e Power Usage::Daily  Arcane
                      4e Power Action Type::Minor Action Ranged 10
                      Target: You or one creature
                      Effect: Against a particular damage type chosen by you, the target gains resistance equal to your level + your Wisdom modifier until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. Choose the damage type from the following list: acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, soul, or thunder.

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                      Level 29 Daily Attack

                      All These lists are organized alphabetically

                      gollark: They should be held to high standards, considering their position.
                      gollark: It means to make local.
                      gollark: Assuming these "military police" had higher standards than regular police now, would that still be the case if you scaled that system up to match all the ones they're replacing?
                      gollark: Members of parliament?
                      gollark: Whatever the cause actually is, I'm not sure there really is a hugely consistent one.
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